Professional Assessment re Russia’s DeNazification Operation in Ukraine

As promised, I am not inventing anything more about the special operation in Ukraine, giving the floor to professionals. The source is unknown to me; it came via WhatsApp. It is published without notes and without editing, only some places highlighted by me.
Subjective opinion. (Let’s try to make sense of the situation without hysteria and insults.)
It’s hard for everyone. Our guys are dying. Citizens of Ukraine are dying. But the hardest part is for the military, acting both in reserve, both Russian and Ukrainian, who have gone through “hot” conflicts. I’m grinding my teeth from impotence, I’m not personally sure — could I have carried out the Commander-in-Chief’s order had I been in the ranks today.
To minimize civilian casualties is understandable, we are one people. And how to try not to cause critical damage to the Armed Forces of Ukraine [APU] — I have little idea within the tactics of my own unit.
I categorically object to the publication of the number of combat losses until the operation has entered its final phase. This is a gift for someone else’s information war, a trump card in the hands of the enemy, the dispersal of false information among outright alarmists inside the country: “they all lie, hide, underestimate”, “no war”, “mothers, don’t let your sons”, “how I want peace”, “how much more blood can be shed”…
You can and should. Soldiers and heroes are dying — who came to the army not to polish paving stones with their shoe soles, but to defend the Motherland, even at the cost of his own life. This was a mistake of the General Staff, the people should clearly understand the objectives of the operation, its necessity, the inevitability of victims. Not the current price.
It sounds cruel, but such is the harsh military reality. We will wipe our own and women’s tears after the Victory, we will bow to every widow, mother, bride, sister for the feat of their men.
The first stage of the operation…
We underestimated the enemy’s power of informational, ideological, psychological resistance, they were waiting for us. Literally on the very first day, with one click of American bloody fingers, they deprived us of the support of the civilian population and those AFU units ready to become neutral. Millions of dollars, thousands of IT guys, global media corporations cut Ukraine off from any objective information, it stank in our country.
And our main losses were in the first three days. Now they will be rapidly reduced. Peacekeeping and humanitarian operations, like the Crimean one— are no longer carried out by the Russian army. The fighters received other orders, got involved, got angry, regrouped, any hopes for active support from the civilian population and those parts of the AFU who had changed their mind were dispelled.
There were few flowers and bread loaves to be seen, the people have been crushed by propaganda and lies, intimidated into insanity by the Nazis. Another important point was missed in the calculations — almost 600 thousand Ukrainians have passed through the ATO zone in the Donbas since 2014, today they have replenished the territorial defense everywhere, many have something to fear. Especially in the wake of fakes about executions without trial by the ATO.
Can you imagine what, during a year of service there, the Nazis stuffed into their heads – gave them the opportunity to shoot at the settlements of “quilted jackets and colorados” with impunity, to mock the civilian population there. So, the calculation for the help of locals and APU was inaccurate, the cancer in Ukrainian society is simply monstrous. But… we will cure it.
If we explain our tactics of the first days… this is a creatively reworked “reconnaissance by combat” of the Great Patriotic War. Only with a deep and rapid penetration into the Nazi-occupied territory. We provoked the activity of the enemy with tactical groups, deliberately drawing out parts of the APU and the National Guard from their locations. With a small number withstanding the terrible counterattacks of tanks and armored vehicles, of a superior in number motorized infantry.
Sometimes it was impossible to suppress the “Grads”, artillery and mortars hidden in residential neighborhoods that were nailing you. Urban areas could not be cleaned methodically in combat formations, causing supporting fire, attack helicopters, sappers, flamethrowers, tanks to carry machine-gun emplacements in houses and social infrastructure facilities.
This is a war unfamiliar to us veterans…
Especially when the sky is under your full control, airfields are packed with attack aircraft and bombers, operational and tactical missile systems are in service, there is a lot of heavy artillery. Now it has become clear even to civilians: the correct name for what is happening truly is “a special military operation for denazification.” And the demilitarization of Nezalezhnaya was completed by the end of the third day.
The APU, as a single, manageable and effective structure, has ceased to exist. Today, there are dozens of groups of different numbers isolated from each other, hiding in cities and towns. No centralized supply, no air support, no approach of reinforcements. They are not able to act within the framework of any plans of the Ukrainian General Staff. Just crowds of armed men with orders to stand to the death.
The main groups “North” and “East” were beheaded and deprived of command — these are 22 brigades, which had been entrusted with the honorable duty to drown Donbass in blood at the beginning of March. We beat them to it by a week or two, starting our own special operation. Now 150 thousand people (together with national soldiers) are marinated in “cauldrons”, cut off from each other. For a second — this was done by smaller Russian forces… and in five days.
There is no organized resistance in other operational areas. Separate parts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), national battalions, sabotage groups. Everyone acts at their discretion, with varying degrees of activity. There is no way to move in columns, regroup, replenish ammunition, fuel, equipment even in local warehouses, everything is systematically destroyed by high-precision weapons and aircraft.
In a week or two, 80% of the AFU will turn into detachments completely devoid of ammunition, fuel, medicines, and food. Mentally and physically exhausted, without a unified command, goals and objectives. For the army, this is a terrible thing – despondency and decay. Especially for the Ukrainian, which is held by fear, propped up by Bandera detachments. Servicemen fear for the fate of their families in the rear.
The second stage of the operation…
Recognizably, the Syrian scenario. A neutral or terrorist-fearing population, among which it is almost impossible to identify militants. The Russian Army does not take such settlements – it surrounds cities with Bandera national battalions. Soon we will observe buses and “export tours” in the direction of the Western region. As soon as they are “ripe” without any support and help from outside.
In other places, cities are taken into semi-encirclement, thereby inviting the defenders to leave the territory on their own. No organized military columns, heavy equipment – all these goods are being destroyed. Individually, expensive. Yes, there is a danger of the appearance of a large number of sabotage groups, however, strategically three main tasks of the special operation are being solved: minimizing losses among the civilian population and infrastructure, our units and the army of Ukraine.
For the Russian and Ukrainian military to be cutting each other up with rapture is much too a luxurious gift for Washington and the Euro-Reich. The Bandera’s “partisan detachments” will get on your nerves, but the idea of the command is not bad. They will become legitimate prey for counter-terror detachments, military police and Ramzan Kadyrov’s men from the National Guard. Who do not take terrorist prisoners, they wipe them out… wherever they may find them. Denazification in the literal sense of the word.
An even sadder fate awaits the numerous mercenaries of the EuroReich, from which they form not military units (no time), but sabotage and tactical groups. Our General Staff has already stated that it does not consider them combatants with all the ensuing consequences, no conventions on prisoners of war apply here. I am sure that a special, cruel and purposeful hunt will be conducted for these “soldiers of fortune”. Poor devils…
The third stage of the operation
I will not tell you in detail how and where the fighting unfolds, there is enough information from professional experts in the public domain. But everything is happening strictly according to plans, we have not even started transferring reserves, and they are standing in columns in the border areas. Losses are not just tolerable (from a military statistical point of view) — insignificant. Not a single unit has been allocated for re-formation or rest, which means it is fully combat-ready.
Look at the map, estimate the distances, marches, constant clashes, regrouping, maneuvering for tens of kilometers, and remember – our guys are opposed by the third largest army in Europe and extremely motivated Nazi formations. We need to tighten up the rear, rest elementary, maintain equipment, perform a bunch of previously unforeseen actions.
There is no need to pressure anyone, to demand more decisive actions – Flags of Victory over Mariupol, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkov, Odessa, and even more so, useless Kiev with its three million panicked, propaganda-pumped citizens. The objectives of the operation are strategy and tactics – in this completely new page in the art of war, haste is unacceptable.
My classmate at the Academy asked yesterday in a personal post:
- Why is military aid to Ukraine not destroyed right at the arrival airport?
- Why is it even possible for NATO transporters to visit the airspace of Ukraine?
- Do you have a feeling that our diplomats are beginning to drain the efforts of the army? … All sorts of bad thoughts are wandering around in my head.
According to point number three. There will be no drain, all the goals of the special operation will be fulfilled. This is categorically repeated every day by the hardened Lavrov, and Putin announced yesterday. The French “peacemaker” Macron is all washed up with his mediation. And Medinsky in Belovezhskaya Pushcha is subtly mocking the metrosexuals from the Ukrainian delegation. There’s no one there to talk to.
Look at the brave Commander-in-Chief Ze, how he looks. Complete disintegration of the personality under the influence of drugs. The Americans will not allow him to negotiate and his own Nazis will kill him. The task is different – to completely destroy the country, drown it in chaos, so there will be nothing left over for anyone.
The special operation does not stop, there will be no more delays. Every day of delay categorically harms us, unplanned diplomatic, political, economic and military problems appear. Only speed and onslaught, until in the West they begin to assess the situation with a cool head.
About flying transporters with NATO symbols delivering weapons. This is impossible, the sky over the Nezalezhnaya and the south of Russia is closed for flights. They will make ground deliveries from Poland. And we will not destroy such convoys with “humanitarian aid”. Why, you ask? Better ask another question — who exactly is in power in Ukraine?
Outright Nazis. They took millions of civilians hostage in cities without humanitarian corridors, drove terrified people into basements and subway stations. Poisoning people with lies about “Russian atrocities”, mass shootings, executions, violence, carpet bombing. They place civilians with machine guns near strategic command and control facilities. As in Kiev at the SBU building, closely adjacent to the St Sofia Cathedral.
Zelensky’s curators and Bandera battalions are staging a humanitarian catastrophe, leaving the towns and villages of Donbass and blowing up everything: bridges, substations, pumping stations. Remember the liberation of Ukraine and 1945, the agony of the Third Reich. The quote of the demoniac, issued in the orders on the destruction of the entire infrastructure of Germany: “if the war is lost, it absolutely does not matter that the people will die.”
It is useful to know history in order to predict the behavior of the Nazis. Such is the ideology, social norms of life, worldview.
So, military columns will not be destroyed for three reasons. Firstly, these are trophies. Secondly, weapons will not get to the combat-ready units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the national battalions of the South-East — the addressees are sitting in “cauldrons”. Thirdly, everything will be transported by ordinary civilian trucks, the rear transport of the AFU units is together with its parts, or destroyed in fleets.
Calculate and hit container trucks? Yes, you can. Just keep in mind — all the roads to the border checkpoints with “kind-hearted Europe” are clogged with columns of cars of fleeing Ukrainians for hundreds of kilometers. The traffic there is terrible. There are women and children in the cars. And Poland and Hungary did not move the inspection points into the depths of their territories, did not increase the checkpoint capacity with additional personnel.
That is, Ukrainian border guards with their “colleagues” keep people waiting for days to cross the border. Continue to describe the scenario that Kiev and Washington are counting on? Or can you figure out for yourself what kind of TV picture the whole “civilized world” expects? They dream that bloodthirsty Russians will start bombing civilian cars… or the railway.
But it is hard to believe in such scenarios, it is clear to everyone – Ukraine is completely lost, no amount of weapons will help it anymore. But some parts will definitely be delivered to Lvov, mercenaries and ideological Banderites will receive them. And then in groups proceed to commit sabotage, intimidate local administrations across the country, try to disrupt our communications and supply lines.
But this is another special operation, a police one. One that Ukrainians themselves are able to carry out with minimal Russian help, as they get over their shock. This is their land, they live here. Announce a reward of five thousand dollars for an anonymous denunciation — in a day all saboteurs and partisans will end. This is the kind of country it is.
But we’ll make it sooner…
I want to reassure you, for the twelfth day our guys are operating in a different operational and tactical reality, losses will rapidly decrease. If earlier there was a strict order not to cause even hypothetical harm to civilians, civilian objects… today it has been modified. In one sentence: “not to the detriment of the personnel of the units.” As a military man, I am completely satisfied: now the humanitarian sensitivities are over – real work will go on.
Fired at a column – in response will follow the entire military-technical menu. Such orders only work that way. Will the civilian population suffer? Yes, some losses are inevitable, but not through our fault. We do not storm cities according to Regulations, but bypass or surgically act with special forces, as in Kharkov. With the use of previously completely unknown tactics of urban combat by night maneuver groups. Let’s talk about this separately.
Let the Ukrainians pickle themselves in the cities, digesting the Banderites who have settled in and the “territorial battalions” fooled by Nazi propaganda. Who can no longer cope with looters there, never mind the “reflection of aggression”. This is not our problem now, no matter how cruel the words may sound.
The final turning point will come after the cleansing of Kharkov, blocking or taking Odessa. All the heroic self-defense forces of other settlements will dissolve by themselves, obvious signs of a humanitarian catastrophe are already visible in the surrounded cities. The fog, when it is completely fake, subsides most quickly in the dark, invigorating coolness and on an empty stomach.
The population is not morally ready to stand to the last. Ukrainian social networks are already full of messages from places where local administrations remained after the arrival of the Russian Army, food is being delivered smoothly, street lighting is on, local police control the streets. With each new day, the fake hysteria will subside, the thought will come to the drugged heads: what next?
Will the encircled Banderites begin to commit atrocities in their impotent anger? Well, Ukrainians should also carry this cross on their own. Of course, we will try to do everything to rescue children and the elderly. But Putin will not allow to bear sensitive losses, this is not that war.
It was not us who raised the fiend of hell, nurtured it, allowed it to seize power and hostages in the person of an entire nation. It was not us, who armed them and sent them to kill Donbass, taught them to hate Russians. Criminal indifference and complicity is also a punishable act. Not by us, by life itself.”
I agree that in some places it is very cynical, but this is only from the point of view of a civilian. In any military action –that is a different reality…
Alexander Dubrovsky
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Israel’s Bennett Verified and Stunned by Ukrainian neo-Nazis
The state-organized presence of neo-Nazis within the Ukrainian army is not anecdotal, even if it is not possible to quantify it in a certain way. On the other hand, it is easy to count their victims. In general indifference, they have killed 14,000 Ukrainians in eight years.
This situation is one of the causes of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. Israel is confronted for the first time with what it could never have imagined: the support of its US protector to its historical enemy, Nazism.
Israel faces an unexpected problem in the Ukrainian crisis: is it true, as Moscow claims, that the country is in the hands of a “gang of neo-Nazis” financed by Ukrainian and American Jews? If so, it is a moral duty for Tel Aviv to clarify its position on Jews supporting Nazis, regardless of any position on the Ukrainian crisis.

The question is all the crueler because the few American Jews who support or instrumentalize Ukrainian Nazi groups are a tiny group of a few hundred people, the Straussians, who are now in power in President Joe Biden’s immediate circle.
In February 2014, the “Revolution of Dignity,” also known as “EuroMaidan,” was a regime change sponsored by Straussian Victoria Nuland, assistant to Secretaries of State Hilary Clinton and John Kerry. In this context, a group of hooligan supporters of the Kharkiv soccer club, “Sect 82”, occupied the premises of the oblast governorate and beat up the employees of the former regime.
Become Minister of Interior, Arsen Avakov, who had been governor of Kharkiv during the former regime and one of the organizers of Euro 2012, authorized the formation of a paramilitary force of 12,000 men, around the hooligans of the “Sect 82” to defend the “revolution”. On May 5, 2014, the “Azov Battalion” or “Eastern Corps” was officially formed under the command of Andriy Biletsky.
The latter, known as the “White Führer”, is a theoretician of Nazism. He had been the leader of the “Patriots of Ukraine”, a neo-Nazi grouping that supported a Greater Ukraine and was violently anti-communist.
Andriy Biletsky and Dmitro Yarosh founded together with the “Right Sector” which played the main role on Maidan Square in 2014. This openly anti-Semitic, homophobic structure was financed by the godfather of the Ukrainian mafia, the Jewish billionaire Ihor Kolomoysky.
Internationally, the “Right Sector” is violently opposed to the European Union and intends instead to form an alliance of Central European and Baltic states, the Intermarium. This is also the project of the Straussians who, since the 1992 Wolfowitz report, consider the European Union to be a more dangerous rival for the United States than Russia. You remember the intercepted telephone conversation between Ms. Nuland and the US ambassador, in which she exclaimed-. : “fuck the European Union” (sic).
Dmitro Yarosh is an agent of NATO’s stay-behind networks who organized an anti-Russian congress in Ternopol in 2007 with the Emir Doku Umarov, under the watchful eye of Victoria Nuland, who was the US ambassador to NATO at the time.
Yarosh gathered neo-Nazis from all over Europe and Islamists from the Middle East to wage jihad in Chechnya against Russia. Later, he was the leader of “Stepan Bandera’s Trident” (also known as “Tryzub”), a small group glorifying Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis. According to Stepan Bandera, genuine Ukrainians are of Scandinavian or proto-Germanic origin, unfortunately, they have mixed with Slavs, the Russians, whom they must fight and dominate.
At the end of 2013, Yarosh’s men and the youth of another Nazi group were trained in street fighting by Nato instructors in Poland. I was heavily criticized when I revealed this case because I had quoted a satirical newspaper as a note, however, the Polish Prosecutor General opened an investigation which, of course, never came to fruition because it would have implicated the Minister of Defense [1].
By the summer of 2014, the Azov Battalion already included all these neo-Nazi groups, but not only them. They were sent to fight the rebels in Donetsk and Lugansk, which they did with pleasure. Their pay was increased to more than twice that of regular soldiers. The Battalion took the city of Marinka from the self-proclaimed Donestk People’s Republic, where they massacred “separatists.”
In September 2014, the interim government tasked the National Guard with absorbing the Azov Battalion and removing some Nazi leaders from the outfit.
In the October 2014 elections, two former Nazi leaders of the Azov Regiment, Andriy Biletsky, and Oleh Petrenko were elected to the Rada (National Assembly). While the “white führer” sat alone, Petrenko joined the parliamentary group supporting President Petro Poroshenko. The Azov Battalion then became the Azov Regiment of the National Guard.
In March 2015, the Minister of the Interior (still Arsen Avakov) negotiated with the Pentagon for military training to be given by U.S. Special Forces to the Azov Regiment as part of Operation Fearless Guardian. But immediately Representatives John Conyers, Jr. (Democrat, Michigan) and Ted Yoho (Republican, Florida) denounced this as folly.
They argued that arming Islamists in Afghanistan had made possible the formation of al-Qaeda and the spread of terrorism. They convinced their colleagues that the United States could not train neo-Nazis without risking the consequences. The congressmen, therefore, forbade the Pentagon to pursue and arm the Azov Regiment with rocket launchers (MANPADs) during the vote on the defense budget [2]. However, the Pentagon returned to the charge and succeeded in having the amendment withdrawn. [3], prompting protests from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

During this period, Senator John McCain (Republican, Arizona), a supporter of Russia’s enemies, after having maintained links with the leaders of al-Qaeda and Daesh in Libya, Lebanon, and Syria [4], visited a unit of the Azov Regiment, Dnipro-1. He warmly congratulated these brave Nazis who defy Russia as he had once congratulated these brave jihadists.
It was at this time that the Azov Regiment recruited from abroad. They came from all over the West, including Brazil, Croatia, Spain, the United States, France, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, and Russia. However, the Minsk Agreement, which is guaranteed by Germany and France, formally forbids the Kyiv authorities to hire foreign mercenaries.
The Azov Regiment also organized youth camps for 15,000 teenagers and associations for civilians, so that the whole Regiment comprised about 10,000 men and at least twice as many “sympathizers. Andriy Biletsky could declare that the Regiment’s historic mission was to unite “the white races of the world in the last crusade for their survival…a crusade against the subhumans led by the Jews.
Two reports by Prince Zeid Raad al-Hussein, in his capacity as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, mention the war crimes committed by the Azov Regiment [5].
In 2017, an official Nato delegation, including officers from the United States and Canada, met officially with the Azov Regiment.
A huge number of media outlets have devoted reports to Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups. All of them, without exception, were horrified by the ideology and violence of the Azov Regiment. As an example, the Huffington Post warned against the complacency of Ukrainian politicians in an article titled: “Note to Ukraine: Stop whitewashing the political record” [6].
In 2018, the FBI again came into conflict with the CIA. This time it was over US neo-Nazis who had trained with the Azov Regiment and returned to perpetrate violence on US soil. The enemy from within, the Rise Above Movement (RAM), was trained by the CIA in Ukraine [7].
After the Christchurch (New Zealand) attacks, which killed 51 people and injured 49 in October 2019, 39 members of the US House of Representatives wrote to the State Department to demand that the Azov Regiment be labeled a “foreign terrorist organization” (FTO) because the New Zealand terrorist had frequented the Ukrainian organization.
In 2020, billionaire Erik Prince, the founder of the private army Blackwater, signed various contracts with Ukraine. One of these contracts gave him the authority to supervise the Azov Regiment. Prince hoped to eventually take control of the Ukrainian arms industry inherited from the Soviet Union [8].
On July 21, 2021, President Zelensky promulgated a law on “indigenous peoples”. It recognizes the enjoyment of human and civil rights and fundamental freedoms only for Ukrainians of Scandinavian or Germanic origin, but not for those of Slavic origin. This is the first racial law passed in Europe in 77 years.
At the suggestion of Victoria Nuland, on November 2, 2021, President Volodymyr Zelensky appointed Dmitro Yarosh as an advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, with the task of preparing the attack on the Donbas and Crimea. It is important to keep in mind that Yarosh is a Nazi, while Victoria Nuland and Volodymyr Zelensky are Ukrainian Jews (originally for Ms. Nuland who is now American).
In eight years, from regime change to the Russian military operation not included, neo-Nazis in Ukraine have killed at least 14,000 Ukrainians.

President Zelensky replied to his Russian counterpart who denounced a “bunch of neo-Nazis” in power in Kyiv that it was impossible because he was Jewish. As this was not enough, on the sixth day of the conflict, he accused Russia of having bombed the Babi Yar memorial where 33,000 Jews were massacred by the Nazis. Not only was he not supporting the Nazis, but the Russians were erasing their crimes.
Without waiting, the Yad Vashem Memorial, the Israeli institution that preserves the memory of the Nazi “final solution of the Jewish question”, issued an angry statement. It seemed outrageous to the Israelis that Russia would compare the Ukrainian far right with the Nazis of the Shoah and even more so that it would bomb a place of memory.
Then Israeli journalists went to the crime scene to find that it had never been bombed. The Ukrainian president had lied. Then the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Preskov, invited the Yad Vashem Memorial to send a delegation to Ukraine to see for themselves, under the protection of the Russian army, what President Putin was talking about.
A great silence followed. What if the Kremlin, like the Simon Wiesenthal Center, was telling the truth? What if the Straussian Jews in the United States, the Ukrainian Jewish leader Ihor Kolomoysky and his employee the Jewish president Volodymyr Zelensky were working with real Nazis?
Immediately, the Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, went to Moscow and received Chancellor Scholtz in Tel Aviv, then phoned the Ukrainian president, whose bad faith was evident to all. Presented as yet another attempt at peace, this trip was in fact intended only to find out whether or not the United States was relying on real Nazis. Confused by his findings, Bennett called President Putin, whom he had left the day before. He was also phoning various heads of NATO member states.
It would be desirable for Naftali Bennett to make public what he has verified, but it is unlikely. He would have to open a forgotten file, that of the relations between certain Zionists and the Nazis. Why, then, did David Ben Gurion insist that Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of revisionist Zionism, was a fascist and possibly a Nazi?
Who were the Jews who, before Adolph Hitler came to power, warmly welcomed an official delegation of the Nazi party, the NSDAP, to Palestine while it was practicing pogroms in Germany? Who negotiated the 1933 transfer agreement (the so-called “Haavara Agreement”) and maintained an office in Berlin until 1939?
How did half-Jew Vollrath von Maltzan become the purveyor of Zyklon B gas to the death camps? So many questions that historians usually leave unanswered. And today, is it true, as many witnesses claim, that Professor Leo Strauss taught his Jewish students that they had to build their own dictatorship, using the same methods as the Nazis, to protect themselves from a new Shoah?
Clearly, Naftali Bennett did not buy into the Ukraine/NATO narrative. He said that the Russian president was not theorizing a plot, was not irrational and did not suffer from mental illness.
On the contrary, when asked about the support of the Jewish state, President Zelenski replied: “I have spoken to the Prime Minister of Israel. And I tell you frankly, and this may sound a bit insulting, but I think I have to say it: our relations are not bad, not bad at all. But relationships are tested at times like these, at the most difficult times, when help and support is needed. And I don’t think he [Bennett] is wrapped up in our flag.
Israel should withdraw from the Ukrainian conflict. If he suddenly changes his mind about something else and gets into a fight with Washington, you’ll know why.
Thierry Meyssan is a political consultant, President-founder of the Réseau Voltaire (Voltaire Network).
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WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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