Synthetic viruses may afford devastating weapons of ruthless warfare.

SCIENCE NEWS LETTER for July 13, 1950
From Now On: Viruses
Colds and influenza may succumb to science in the future. Synthetic viruses may afford devastating weapons of ruthless warfare.
Sixteenth in a series of glances forward in science. * THE causes of influenza, infantile paralysis, the common cold and a number of other common OM uncommon human diseases are viruses. These organisms, the tiniest of the disease troublemakers, are the least conquered as a general group. It used to be said that the viruses were invisible MO that they could be recognized only by their evil deeds and their ability to pass through small spaces that would stop a bacterium. That is no longer true, for the electron microscope has allowed us to "see" a variety of shapes MN forms that are evidently organisms that cause these diseases. While some d the newer disease-treating drugs, such as aureomycin, seem to be effective against some of the virus-caused ills, such as viral pneumonia and parrot fever, the viruses that cause flu, polio Sid colds, to pick the most prominent, have not yet been conquered chemically.
Much research is being done on the viruses, but the blind alleys are many the difficulties are complex. Much Of the exploratory work that has been done on plant viruses, which may keep our immunity to influenza so high that another world epidemic will be avoided. In the virus situation, the cold war between the East Hid the West would not seem too important. Smallpox is caused by a virus, but since it is prevented by vaccination there is less incentive to work on it. Among other virus diseases are mumps in humans Mid Newcastle disease 4 fowls. A virus is, 4 course, a parasite, just as are bigger germs. It has to multiply in the cells at the body it invades, it must travel from one sick person to another MS it must be able to persist in its invasion it the host. Epidemic inilticnt.1 is perhaps the most dangerous of the \trust's, although the com-mon cold would surpass it in the lost time and human misery that it causes.
The great pandemic of influenza of 1918-19 has not been repeated, but this may happen in the future. 1)r. C. H. Andrewes, the British virus authority. Yet Dr. Andrewes suggests that if political troubles cause a further division it the world into two separate camps, different strains of influenza might become dominant in each half. In that cave, the Soviet MK the Western viruses having no political preferences, might each seize the opportunity to conduct natural bio-logical warfare. As to the viruses in our future, we may expect A. The possible development at new chemicals that will treat or prevent some if the unconquered virus diseases, even influenza and the common cold. A new antibiotic or other chemicals may be found to tackle successfully several viruses, or specific chemicals may be produced for each disease.
B. New kinds tit synthetic viruses may be devised once scientists know enough chemically about the natural ones, and these might create dangerous disease weapons in ruthless warfare, which would be slower but perhaps more devastating than atomic bombs. C. Understanding the viruses, that are often considered to he on the borderline between the living organisms grid non-living chemicals, may throw light upon the nature of life itself. Influenza seems to be a megalomaniac virus that likes to operate on a worldwide scale. He suggests that civilization, with its air travel that mixes up all peoples and their viruses.
Science News Letter, July 13, 1950
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The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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