Patents for remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide for IOT access.

Human Synthesis - 26 October 2021
Pfizer US Patent US 11.107.588 B2 - Approved 31st Aug. 2021.
he Pfizer patent application approved, August 31st 2021 is the very first patient that shows up in all of over 18500 for the purpose of remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide who will be or are now connected to the 'internet of things' by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide.
Gal Ehrlich et al. Patent no. US 11107588
date of patent Aug 31, 2021
System and methods for anonymously selecting subjects for treatment against an infectious disease caused by a pathogen. The system comprises a plurality of electronic devices comprising instructions to generate an ID and, when in proximity of another such electronic device, one or both electronic devices transmit/receive the ID to/from the other electronic device.
Then, a score is generated based on a plurality of such received IDs. Additionally, based on information received from a server, relevant treatment instructions are displayed to the subjects based on the received information and the score.
The server comprises instructions for sending to the plurality of electronic devices the information to be displayed with the relevant treatment instructions, additionally, the server and/or the electronic devices comprise instructions to generate a prediction of the likelihood of a subject transmitting the pathogen, based on the score of the subject.
All four Covid "vaccines" contain relatively high levels of graphene oxide but both the Pfizer and Moderna liposome capsids are 100% graphene oxide (after extracting the mRNA). Graphene oxide is cytotoxic, genotoxic, and magneticotoxic.
Patent #WO2020060606 is described as a “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.” Microsoft has partnered with VeriChip manufacturer Digital Angel Corporation since 2008.
Bill Gates had his patent approved 3 Aug 2020 for a cryptocurrency system communicating with some of the vaccine contents, creating an invisible new money system. It can measure all of your body activities, including the activity of the brain, it also knows your location via the GPS system.
"Last year Microsoft joined ID2020, a global Alliance whose goal is to create universal digital identities for everyone ... Participation in the modern economy, the ability to buy and sell, attain employment, healthcare, social services and more are virtually impossible without a digital identity. In May of 2016, at the United Nations Headquarters in NY, ID2020, an alliance of governments, non-profits, academia, over 150 private sector companies and 11 United Nations agencies collaborated on how to provide a unique digital identity to everyone on the planet ... According to the Alliance's Governance material 'by 2030 it aims to have facilitated the scaling of a safe, verifiable, persistent digital identity system, consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals agreed upon by the United Nations." (source)
Rumble — EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD! The inoculation being referred to as 'COVID Vaccines' is a poisonous death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots.
Copy & Paste the link above for Yandex translation to Norwegian.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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