This video from Dr. Roberto Zeballos is true, but the opinion about the origin of the coronavirus has not been backed by science

Translated from Portuguese by Yandex 30 July 2021
The video was actually recorded by Roberto Zeballos. "When you talk about a treatment for covid-19, and the doctor says to the other, the professional, the coronavirus "came out of a laboratory in Wuhan", but there is no evidence of this, and in a study published in the Nature Medicine rejects the hypothesis
The Design Proves That May 05, 20201
The audio is in circulation on WhatsApp, brings to the claims of dubious told by an immunologist, Roberto Zeballos, and is sent to another doctor, Luca Barbieri, on the origin of the new coronavirus. A discussion of the possibilities for the treatment of covid-19 — the disease caused by the virus — it was recorded on Wednesday, April 29, e viralizou by the application. The Proof has confirmed the authenticity of the material to the two sources.
At the beginning of the recording, Zeballos, says that the new coronavirus "came out of a lab at the side of xi'an," and that the government of China would conceal the information. According to him, a researcher at the chinese would be using the virus for studies of inflammation in the lungs when the "accident" that he could've been the start of the pandemic. The statement, however, it does not have scientific support.
The information. said during a conversation with two of the doctors have been disposed of in a study published in the Nature Medicine. Photo: Reproduction
A study published by the medical journal, Nature Medicineon march 17, it was concluded that there have been" for the virus, SARS-CoV-2 that causes covid-19, "it is not a construction of a laboratory, or by a virus that deliberately tampered with". According to the researchers, the genetic make-up of the new coronavirus indicate that it is the result of natural selection, which took place in an animal or a person.
In an interview with the Proof, Roberto Zeballos said that the video is a "personal opinion" and that the setting is "irrelevant" because they can't prove it to you. It is justified on the content of their statements up-to-date virologista French-Luc Montaigner, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008, and we believe that it is "too much of a coincidence," the location of the laboratory of xi'an is next to the epicenter of the pandemic.
For that, we checked this out?
Prove it she has received many requests from the readers for the audio in the last few days, which indicates a strong circulation of the materials in the Chat.
He drew attention to the supposed author of the audio, it was the doctor, Roberto Zeballos, whose interview with the Network's Record on the treatment of covid-19, with corticoids and antibiotics that has been twisted in a story that he claimed to have found a "cure for the officer of the disease in the course of the month of April.
In addition, posts that are false about the origin of the new coronavirus is widespread in the social network, following clashes between the political leaders of the world and the theories, a result that would have "made" for the virus, and for reasons of economics. Such statements violate the relationship between Brazil and China is the main trading partner of brazil. The Proof has already made a further consideration on the matter.
A proven, the Project Proves that it refers to actual facts, the events have been confirmed, the location proved or the content of the original and published without any editing. The tag has been selected on the basis of the final judgment. That is misleading you, to prove it, that is a content, which is intertwined with or without the deliberate intention of causing damage. Â How do we actually find?
The copyright for the audio introduces himself as "dr. Zeballos". The news came in contact with the doctor, Roberto Zeballos, who had been a source to check recent, and it has confirmed to be the author. He went on to explain the background of the recording, which he answered questions about the content, and have confirmed the name of the recipient.
Based on the content, audio, illustrated searched for the name of the recipient, Luca Barbieri, Linkedln, and found the profile of a cardiovascular surgeon with a practice in St. Paul. He had been contacted by the e-mail address, and message, as well as a desk in the clinic, and he confirmed receipt of the recording in the last few weeks.
In the end, Proves that it took place in the transcript of the audio, and it has been found, the statements, on the basis of news, research, and the findings of earlier on, it seems, is the origin of the new coronavirus. Â What it's like to work! Â Author of the video circulating on WhatsApp the doctor at Roberto Zeballos, who works in a doctor's office, in St. Paul's, and in the hospital Vila Nova-Star, at the Syrian-Lebanese, and Albert Einstein. Recently, Zeballos, has given an interview to the Network, Record, claiming to have obtained the results of clinical trials of the animators for the treatment of patients with covid-19.
A copy of the video viralizou on social media and it was rolled up for a profile on Facebook, a description for the fake of what would have been found a 'cure' official' for the disease, and one that has demonstrated when, in April.
According to the report of the Zeballos, which was confirmed by the Proof with the other party in the conversation and the audio are in circulation has been referred to a surgeon cardiologist (heart doctor) Lucas Barbieri, for the hand of a patient with the common day on the 29th of April. Barbieri, works in the institutions, Beneficencia Portuguesa de Sap Paulo, HCOR, Hospital Alemao Oswaldo Cruz Hospital Santa Catarina (ACSC).
Zeballos, stated that it was the intention to share it with your colleagues ' experiences, that they would be successful in the treatment of the patient, while waiting for the completion of the study, which should be just in the month of June. According to him, the idea was, "if they would like to include in the protocol that we're doing." Barbieri said that the contact between health-care professionals that are common to this pandemic is primarily due to the fact that covid-19 is a new challenge and it increases every day. It does not, however, directly in the care of patients with this disease.
The content that is misleading
Prior to the description of the processing, which supports, Zeballos, has given the dubious to the audio on the origin of the new coronavirus. "This virus came from there, from, China, to a lab at the side of xi'an, where there is a chasing, who carried out research on inflammation in the lungs with the virus. The coronavirus was a virus that was good, because it infectava of the animal, and she was a student," said the doctor. "She is only 200 meters away from xi'an, and then there was an accident...) Was in an accident, and went out and spread it."
However, there is no scientific support for the new coronavirus is a man-made or manufactured. On the contrary, a study published by the prestigious medical journal, Nature Medicineon march 17, examined the genome of the virus that causes covid-19, SARS-CoV-2), and concluded that "clearly there is a construction of a laboratory, or a virus that deliberately tampered with". According to the researchers, the genetic makeup of the virus, which is the seventh coronavirus to infect humans, they do enormous, in terms of evolution".
Zeballos, it also mentions in the audio of a recent statement by the virologists French-Luc Montaigner of the virus have been established in the midst of the development of a vaccine against HIV, the local version is contradicted by other experts, and it's also been criticised by the chief of the unit, virology and immunology at the Pasteur Institute in France, by Olivier Schwartz. It argues that the fact that the new coronavirus to be transmitted, in any climate, would be a sign of artificiality — and the Proof is not found or references to studies that embasem this point.
In the audio, and the doctor says it would be recommended for the treatment to a cardiologist (heart doctor) , Roberto Kalil Filho, Hospital Sirio-Libanes. "I've talked with Kalil, yesterday, and he has authorized me to say that I was who I was speaking to him, taking methylprednisolone, which has saved him." Been looking for this article, Zeballos, denied the prescription, he said that just talked with a health care provider messages, and that the treatment was determined by the doctors that were treating. The effectiveness of the medicine, it says it's their "print" and "waits for the study. In an interview with the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo published, on the loth of April, Kalil Filho declared that they had been treated with chloroquine, antibiotics, corticoids, and care, and that "it is not enough to know what he did anymore, or it has been set".
Another confusing point is the portion of the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein is quoted. Zeballos, it says the following: "(...) the one who has the least resistance, don't spend a lot of time on the tube. Young people can't cope. So much so that, in Einstein's time, we entubou more than 4o people. In the New Village, my case does not need to be intubated". The institution is asked about the number of patients treated, and the doctor explained that, in speaking of "the people", made a reference to the medical profession.
A note from the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, issued on the 4th of may, stated that the protocol is mentioned in the audio, for the treatment of patients with covid-19 "is not used because all of the guidelines adopted by Einstein, is based on scientific evidence and not on the separate experience of the doctor," and that "the professional (Zeballos) didn't take care of a significant number of patients in the hospital, as it says in the audio."
Rumors about the origin of the new coronavirus in China, they are often found in social networks. More recently, the Proof showed that the Nobel prize in Medicine and Tasuku Honjo have never said that the coronavirus is man-made , and made it clear that the story of the Italian TELEVISION on a virus created in a laboratory, the chinese have no relationship to covid-19, for example.
The fake news will also reflect criticism, and accusations of political leaders such as the president of the United States, Donald Trump. On the 1st of may, when asked by reporters if he was watching something on the left it is highly confident that it is the source of the virus, it would be the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, the Trump replied, "yes, Yes, I do I have what it takes, with no further comment. The us president also said that the World Health Organization (WHO), "you should be ashamed of yourself for acting as an agency for public affairs of China."
The suspect emerged from the disclosure notes for the diplomatic service of the United States in 2018. According to a column by journalist Josh Rogin of the Washington Post, the diplomats warned two years ago about the poor levels of security studies coronaviruses, bat-carried out at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan. Intelligence agencies, however, said on Friday (the 3oth), which agree on ", with the broad scientific consensus is that the virus of coNid-1.9 was a man-made or genetically modified organisms".
On march 18, the federal deputy Eduardo jair bolsonaro, a son o3 pm by president Jair, it has caused some tension between Brazil and China is to blame for the east asian country for the pandemic. On Twitter, the us embassy in China because of the accusations, and said that Edward was making allegations "irresponsible".
In spite of all the evidence pointing to a natural origin of the virus, scientists are still searching for the way he has come in contact for the first time, a human. Reports from health officials from the chinese, and the World Health Organization (WHO), working with the assumption that the disease has spread from the market to the fruits of the sea, in the city of Wuhan. However, a study published in The medical journal The Lancet on January 24, shows that 13 out of the 41 in the first few cases reported so far did not have a relationship with the market, and making a point. Experts are still earning out research to find out if there has been any intermediate host.
The Proof given to him by his readers, many requests for verification. The audio has been shared through WhatsApp, and it has also been found in the profiles, in Twitter account.
EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD! The inoculation being referred to as 'COVID Vaccines' is a poisonous death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots. 01 Aug 2021 - Â PDF VERSION
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