OPERATION JAB INDIA: A Slow Motion Genocide

Posted on May 3, 2021 by State of the Nation
The 2021 Covid Vaccine-Triggered Pandemic Is Ramped Up In India. New Delhi Conspires with Tel Aviv to make India the 2021 Poster Child for The Great Scamdemic
“The NWO Perpetrators of the Coronavirus Pandemic Hoax
Have Targeted India with the COVID-19 Vaccine Bioweapon
to Perpetuate the Appearance of Global Covid Outbreaks.”
— Intelligence Analyst & Former US Military Officer
The Covid Con Criminals did not even try to hide their genocidal deceit where it concerns the recent explosion of coronavirus clusters throughout India which have only occurred because the government-ordered mass Covid vaccination programs.
Their highly organized conspiracy to commit mass murder on the subcontinent of India was quite simple: Stop the use of the extremely effective treatment for COVID-19 known as Ivermectin; and start the mass Covid vaccination programs with the dangerous and deadly Covid injections.
What then transpired was perfectly predictable: the vaccinated not only came down with the Covid Multi-infection Syndrome and died en masse, those who survive became shedders and superspreaders. In so becoming, every vaxxed Indian became an immediate vector of dissemination for COVID-19 causing a literal explosion of coronavirus cases nationwide. See: VAXports & CovAIDS, Shedders & SuperSpeaders!
The following graph perfectly details this plot to:
“Make India the 2021 Poster Child for THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC“

As always, there’s much more to this international Covid criminal conspiracy than meets the eye. The following two exposés nicely flesh out the skeleton of that conspiracy:
India’s “Covid Crisis” Has Been Hijacked –
India’s Coronavirus Outbreaks Explode After Ivermectin
Discontinued and Covid Vaccines Widely Administered

See how the British MSM takes every opportunity to hype the Big Pharma-manufactured Covid crisis in India on the BBC home page.
Let’s be clear: THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC continues unabated.
Every time you think the Covid Con criminals are winding down this global pandemic hoax, they brazenly perpetrate a new COVID-19 crime spree and/or Covid vaccine crime wave.
These New World Order globalists, such as Covid fraudsters Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Rochelle P. Walensky and Tedros Adhanom are real pros where it concerns deceiving the entire world community of nations into the false belief in a worldwide coronavirus pandemic. After all, SARS-COV-2 does not even exist since it has never been isolated or proven to exist according to Koch’s postulates.
Furthermore, the same Covid hoaxsters have conned the whole world, and now especially India, into the utterly fictitious notion that that Covid vaccines actually work. Not only do these extremely toxic injections not work, even the FDA has yet to officially state that they are safe and effective on their website.
FINAL WARNING About the Extremely Dangerous and Deadly COVID-19 Vaccines Injections, Shots and Jabs
India was chosen as a massive national experiment quite purposefully due to the depopulation goals of this Plandemic. Rural India is very vulnerable to being stampeded into the pen of vaccine compliance due to widespread ignorance and societal fear that surround infectious disease epidemics. Hence, it was quite easy to corral millions of unaware and unsuspecting Indians into this genocidal experiment.
Just as Israel was used as the initial national poster child for the West in order to convince all the Western powers that the vax was okay, India is being used to convince the East that all is well with the exceedingly dangerous and deadly Covid shots.
Even though very few geopolitical analysts have pointed it out, Tel Aviv has closely aligned with New Delhi regarding a number of very important global initiatives and causes. Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and Narendra Modi have both overtly and covertly collaborated to “Make India Great Again” through unprecedented transfers of technology and massive capital investment.
The Indian Covid vaccination program was greatly facilitated through the assistance of Israel after Tel Aviv successfully vaccinated virtually the entire Israeli populace. In other words, Modi and Netanyahu have colluded throughout every aspect of OPERATION JAB INDIA.
KEY POINT: The fastidiously engineered Covid crisis in India is being used in the same way that the NWO globalist cabal used it in the USA to bring about Donald Trump’s 2020 election defeat (although he really did win by an overwhelming landslide). PM Modi is also a conservative nationalist who’s party is under enormous political pressure to get the fake pandemic under control, a political party which is now suffering major losses at at the polls. Basically, Modi has been given the ultimatum by his hidden Zionist masters: Either vaccinate every Indian and stop the Ivermectin ~ OR ~ lose the upcoming PM election. The reality is that he’s destined to lose regardless of what he does at this point. especially after Modi has refused to enforce further lockdowns.
The stark reality is that OPERATION JAB INDIA is just the next phase of a complex Zionist criminal conspiracy of bioterrorism being run by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis using both India and China as pawns on the global geopolitical chessboard to lock down planet Earth under the tyranny of a One World Government headquartered in Jerusalem and policed by a Global Security Superstate under the rubric of the rapidly emerging AI-directed COVID-1984.
State of the Nation - May 3, 2021
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WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehaviour acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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