Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Canceled for Questioning Trust

The New American - by Annalisa Pesek February 12, 2021
First they came for Trump … and we didn’t speak out because he was the president of the United States. Now they’ve come for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., accused of “repeatedly undercutting trust in vaccines and spreading conspiracy theories about [Microsoft’s] Bill Gates.” As the list of “canceled” American voices grows within the conservative elite, we, among the least of these, must resist the temptation to remain silent.
On February 9, Kennedy saw his Instagram account go dark, owing to allegations that he was spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines. In a statement released on February 11, he maintained that he “unequivocally rejects those characterizations as false and misleading.”
Firing back at Facebook officials who allege he shared “debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines,” the lifelong Democrat, environmental and medical freedom advocate, and founder of the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense (CHD) posted a declaration on the CHD website that reads, in part: “Every statement I put on Instagram was sourced from a government database, from peer-reviewed publications and from carefully confirmed news stories. None of my posts were false…. This kind of censorship is counterproductive if our objective is a safe and effective vaccine supply.”Video Player00:0001:27
Kennedy joins other prominent figures who have been de-platformed this week, including actress Gina Carano, as Big Tech censorship goes into overdrive to silence those who do not share their views and those who dare to exercise their First Amendment–protected right to spark conversation and debate to uncover the truth.
“We ought to be reading the science and debating the science,” said Kennedy at a recent public event, repeating his belief that the media is not doing enough to scrutinize the vaccines, which he considers “a mass population scientific experiment.”
The 67-year-old is the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy and son of former U.S. Attorney General, U.S. Senator, and presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy. For decades, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a staunch defender of child health and vaccine safety. When his Instagram account was deleted, he was preparing to launch the webinar COVID Vaccine on Trial, If You Only Knew. Father of seven, Kennedy argues that the American people should be informed that the “COVID-19 vaccines use novel technology never before used in a human population.”
While not an anti-vaxxer, Kennedy has argued aggressively for deeper investigations into the adverse effects of vaccines and vaccine ingredients. He also has endured shaming public ridicule from members of his own family over his strong convictions that the medical community must address the problems surrounding the wealth of vaccines deemed necessary in America today.
In an interview with Politico, several of Kennedy’s siblings and close relatives have maintained that he “has been ‘tragically wrong’ in his years-long crusade against vaccines, a crusade that seems especially irresponsible now as the country suffers through its worst measles outbreak since 1994.”
However, Kennedy continues to advocate for America’s children, who he says have never been more plagued with illness, and they continue to suffer.
Steadfast in his campaign to report the facts around deaths and illness occurring in the wake of massive vaccination programs, Kennedy has decried the profits of Big Pharma and the increase of vaccine dosages administered over the past generation. Currently, “children receive 72 doses of 16 vaccines; a generation ago, that number was much smaller,” asserts Kennedy. His research finds “more than 54 percent of American children today suffer from one or more chronic illnesses.” He further links the recent doubling of diagnoses of autism, ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), asthma, and allergies to both environmental toxins and vaccine ingredients, dating back to the release of the DTP vaccine and other immunizations in the 1980s and 1990s.
Shockingly, the medical community has remained largely silent on these issues seemingly because they fear the financial loss that would accompany exposure. Now that the fascists of social media have come for Trump and Kennedy Jr., if Americans remain silent, no doubt the totalitarian regime will come for us and our children. The first step we can take is to speak up and support campaigns such as Kennedy’s, where freedom of expression is exercised as a cornerstone of liberty.
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WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehaviour acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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