Did the historic solar minimum cause the Covid-19 pandemic?
By Aeon, March 7 2020
I hope the translated is understandable, however I wanted to know your opinion on the matter. Is the Covid Pandemic 19 caused by the increase in cosmic rays? According to some past studies, yes.
Christopher S.
Location: USA
Posted March 8 (edited)
My understanding is, no. Cosmic rays do not influence the spread and failure to contain a virus on Earth. Human beings have agency, and that agency is a tool to be used in order to protect itself. A lack of agency and failure to create countermeasures in order to completely contain a type of flu virus is what causes a pandemic.
Note: "Agency" as used here is a personal attribute, not referring to any governmental body or organization.
Location: Nashville, TN
Posted March 8
On 3/8/2020 at 4:49 AM, Christopher S. said:
My understanding is, no. Cosmic rays do not influence the spread and failure to contain a virus on Earth. Human beings have agency, and that agency is a tool to be used in order to protect itself. A lack of agency and failure to create countermeasures in order to completely contain a type of flu virus is what causes a pandemic.
Note: "Agency" as used here is a personal attribute, not referring to any governmental body or organization.
Hi again Christopher. Can you please show links from credible sites that cosmic rays or secondary cosmic rays do NOT play any role or trigger a deactivation for dormant viruses? I think it will help or at least point to the site where you get your updated information as science is always learning and changing. From what I have researched it’s well known that radiation can and does induce mutations.
Doing a quick google search I notice many agreeing with the OP.
The Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting states climate change manifestations do present itself in many ways and disease outbreak is one of them. “Once the cosmic ray intensity increases locally it has the potential to mutate the skin cells of the human being to make it vulnerable for the H1N1 viral infection”. This paper was published in 2014. Physicsworld.com has one from April, 2018 leading header states, “Cosmic Rays linked to increase mortality”.
From Phys.org in March of 2019 the leading header states “Dormant viruses activate during spaceflight”.
A paper published in 2011 from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health leads with “Effect of Solar Particle Event Radiation on Gastrointestinal Tract Bacterial Translocation and Immune Activation”.
Google Scholar has papers on this subject as well. One is from Flu.org. “Searching of Main Cause Leading to Severe Influenza A Virus, Mutations and Consequently to Influenza Pandemics/Epidemics.”
Location: Nashville, TN
Posted March 8
On 3/7/2020 at 8:40 PM, Aeon said:
I hope that translated is understandable, however I wanted to know your opinion on the matter.
Is the Covid Pandemic 19 caused by the increase in cosmic rays? According to some past studies, yes.
There is so much information regarding this topic and I’m so glad to see someone else interested in how cosmic rays and radiation play a major role for all life on Earth. Climate change really should be environmental change. Even E-Rad takes into account flights which are now considered just as dangerous to pilots as working in a nuclear plant. To think it cannot change or alter our cells is imo naive. Seems like common sense when understanding the incoming particles from the sun and cosmos. It’s a known fact pandemics can be traced back to a time when the solar cycle is weak or in a grand minimum for a length of time.
Posted March 8
I agree with you.
The fact is that we know very little about cosmic rays, what we do know, however, is sufficient to say that they have a strong influence both on the Earth's atmosphere and in biological exposure.
We know that the pilots of planes and also the astronauts (much less) are the ones who risk the most, I wonder how it will affect in the next decades when solar activity will drop further.
Stephen Roy
Posted March 8
During the Wolf Minimum in the C14th, records show there was a world wide Panzootic and a decimation of domestic, cattle sheep and oxen from China to Iceland. Prolonged heavy rainfall in Europe 1314 - 1317 added to human suffering as it contributed to the failure of agriculture and led to widespread famine. As I posted in an earlier thread Solar activity appears to be closely aligned with radio carbon measurements. 1314- 1317 also appears to be right in the middle of the Wolf Minimum. I'm not a scientist so don't have the skills to correlate or analyse the data further. However, I can offer these two observation:
Half of the very substantial herd of the Pigs in China have had to be culled over the past few months because of disease.
Rainfall across the UK has been extremely heavy for the past 7 or 8 months. The Association representing Farmers in the UK have recently voiced concerns that if this deluge continues it will affect spring planting and the subsequent harvest later in the year. If the heavy rainfall continues we may be in a similar position to that experienced in 1314-1317?
Although not a published peer review paper an MA Dissertation by Timothy P Newfield: "A cattle panzootic in early fourteenth-century Europe" (available as a PDF download) makes for interesting reading.
Posted March 8 (edited)
Between 2019 and 2020 there was actually also a very serious serious worsening of epidemics such as measles (world level), ebola (Africa), dengue fever (Asia and Latin America), African swine fever (worldwide epidemic on pigs), as well as Covid19. In addition to this, a similar but worse phenomenon than the English one with rains and floods like that of 1315 (almost) caused one of the worst agricultural disasters of American history, breaking a historical record of over a century of rainfall. Your hypothesis about the "Wolf effect" would make sense, but a similar event in the United Kingdom also happened in 2013/2014. I will take a look at the document you mentioned, it does not matter if it is not subject to peer review, it is always valid and written by a competent person.
Christopher S.
Location: USA
Posted March 9
Please refrain from strawmanning my comments, Jenn. As I said, the failure to contain a virus outbreak, AKA a pandemic, is not influenced by cosmic rays. The virus manifesting itself is a completely separate point which I have not spoken to. Whether or not someone washes their hands or covers their mouth when they cough isn't something we can blame on radiation.
Posted March 9
On 3/9/2020 at 8:08 AM, Christopher S. said:
Please refrain from strawmanning my comments, Jenn. As I said, the failure to contain a virus outbreak, AKA a pandemic, is not influenced by cosmic rays. The virus manifesting itself is a completely separate point which I have not spoken to. Whether or not someone washes their hands or covers their mouth when they cough isn't something we can blame on radiation.
Your reasoning is correct. However, the appearance or mutation of a viral strain into a new type against which there are no immune defenses tends to favor the spread of that type of infection. The ability to contain it depends on human competence, this is important. The real problem would instead be if its spread was favored by atmospheric currents such as the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, which also affected isolated communities in the far north.
Location: USA
Posted March 10
In regards to “failure to contain” - I agree with @ChristopherS in that cosmic rays wouldn’t play a part In the R naught value. But I suppose there is potential for them to have been involved with the original manifestation/mutation (or ongoing mutations for that matter).
I think another, and potentially much greater, factor to consider is the ozone level. It is widely cited that an active sun with high levels of flaring can lower ozone levels. Ozone filters out most of the UV reaching earth - so at this minimum with higher levels of ozone - less UV is reaching the earth. I.e low solar activity = more ozone. UV is very effective at killing viruses etc - so less of it (due to higher O3) means viruses have a higher R value as they can live longer.. So maybe the two CR+O3 play some type of combined role in all of this.
Posted March 15
On 3/10/2020 at 2:31 AM, cosnow said:
As for the "non-containment", I agree with @ChristopherS as cosmic rays would not have played a role in the R value of anything. But I suppose there is the potential to have been involved with the original manifestation / mutation (or ongoing mutations for that matter).
I think another factor, and potentially a lot bigger, to consider is the ozone level. It is widely cited that an active sun with high flaring levels can lower ozone levels. Ozone filters most of the Earth which reaches UV rays, so at this minimum with higher ozone levels, less UV rays reach Earth. That is, low solar activity = more ozone.
UV is very effective in killing viruses, etc. So less (because of the higher O3) means that viruses have a higher R value because they can live longer.
So maybe the two CR + O3's play some kind of combined role in all of this.
It's a very interesting thesis, and it could even be complementary to that of cosmic rays, but there is a problem:
some pandemics, such as the Spanish flu (1918), have coincided with stages of maximum solar activity. Nonetheless, these stages occurred in a period of low activity cycles.
Location: Earth
Posted March 17
Sunspots are enourmous producers of ultraviolet light, uv light is a great sanitizer, less sunspots equals less uv light therefore less sanitation and more germs and viruses. Less sunpots occour during a period of a weakened solar magnetic field and also reduced solar wind which is what pushes cosmic radiation away from earth, therefore during solar minimum more cosmic radiation. Cosmic radiation has a large influence on cloud formation , it creates free radicals that act as condensation nuclie, therefore more clouds during solar minimum, therefore less ultraviolet radiation penetrating to the surface of the earth. I would say that our current grand solar minimum is having an effect on disease here on earth.
Location: Italy
Posted March 17 (edited)
Cosmic rays degradation in our magnetosphere can improve mutation in DNA and RNA for several reason causing different kind of mutation. In the last solar Minimum Flu was really strong but it should be a coincidence. For sure, during a solar minimum we are less protected by The Sun, our Star.
Perhaps during these periods C14 Carbon start to be in the cells in higher percentages. Topic is difficult to go on but immagine that a C element is more heavy then the other close during dna replication, the weight of DNA is different balanced causing some mistakes. Dna has several different reactions wich control replication but under this situation they could not work 100%. Ozone is maden by cosmic rays when they hit Oxygen.
Cosmic rays are really importants and their role on Biology is underestimated. Pandemic explosion maybe is not caused only by the Virus but by the death of real ancient knowledges and contamination of the air by PM2,5 and PM10. Our breathe is suffering under this smog in big cities...in fact letality of the Virus in clean areas (Portugal) is really lower then contaminated nation. Viruses control nature. We like to play the higher role in this planet but we are just one specie among billions and billions.
Everything is unbalanced, nature regulates itself.
Posted March 18
Updated link.
The old one has expired.
I agree with Michele and Sparkatronn with much of what has been said.
However, I would be curious to observe the behavior of this epidemic when the level of cosmic rays begins to drop in 2022 at the end of the minimum.
I remember that H1N1 lost about about the end of 2009 and early 2010, when the solar minimum is over.
I'd like to see if this also happens with Covid19.
We still have about 2 years to see how it evolves.
Stephen Roy
Posted March 19
Echoing what Sparkatronn has written:
"One interesting aspect of solar cycles is that the sun went through a period of near zero sunspot activity from about 1645 to 1715. This period of sunspot minimum is called the Maunder Minimum. The "Little Ice Age" occurred over parts of Earth during the Maunder Minimum. So how much does the solar output affect Earth's climate? There is debate within the scientific community how much solar activity can, or does affect Earth's climate.
There is research which shows evidence that Earth's climate is sensitive to very weak changes in the Sun's energy output over time frames of 10s and 100s of years. Times of maximum sunspot activity are associated with a very slight increase in the energy output from the sun. Ultraviolet radiation increases dramatically during high sunspot activity, which can have a large effect on the Earth's atmosphere. The converse is true during minimum sunspot activity."
Source: https://www.weather.gov/fsd/sunspots
This 'rhymes' with the events experienced in the middle of the Wolf Minimum.
Posted March 20
I don't understand why Wolf's Minimum is so important.
There are many facts that coincide with today's period, I agree with you, but there are many others that could compare the current situation with the Minimum Homeric.
I also emphasize, during a Great Minimum, or as you want to define it, ultraviolet radiation drops as the activity of sunspots, but this leads to an increase in other types of activity, such as that of gamma rays.
Location: Italy
Posted March 20 (edited)
I am thinking about something Incredible and I want to approach it in the right way. Let's taKe this as an opinion for now but I think that decreased solar electromagnetic power is touching our planet much more than we think. Coronavirus has capacity to be vehiculated by PM2.5 and PM10 pollution, maybe it is connected to it by electrostatical forces. If Sun magnetism is low on our surface the radiation could not destroy this union getting in the while a minor capacity to destroy Viruses in the air.
I want to investigate better what for now is only an opinion really Rich in scientific bases. It's a fact and for sure that the epidemic is attacking harder in Cities and areas with an higher pm 2.5 contamination index. Our Northern Italian country in the Padania valley, with its particular geography, is a place with really a Bad air during Winter. What is happened from December to magnetism of our Star keep us in a new moment because I think there are several differences with the last one.
Look by yourself how pandemia is Hitting more in polluted areas with an higher letality index.
In case what I say should be proved in fact we could be in front of the "judgment" of our Star because pollution by pm2.5 is a product of our global absence of sensibility to the problem. Each Increasing in pm2.5 concentration cause serious healthy damages. This pollution can enter directly in our pulmonary cells.
About this theory i take my time to validate, almost in theory because it is terrifying also for me.
Enjoy Pluton-Mars strict congiuntion, it is starting and in our time the two planets has never been so close in the sky. I will watch interplanetary field elettromagnetical reaction these days. Maybe someone could help me to investigate. It is one year and more that I watch data here http://sosrff.tsu.ru/ and what is happening now to ground elettromagnetical field is really strange and with no precedent.
Maybe Planets influence life on hearth much more then we had ever thought.
Location: Earth
Posted March 21
Here is an article that addresses the matter under discussion. I would recommend checking out the references at the bottom of the page as well.
There is some evidence of correlation between both maximum and minimum solar activity in that solar max produces flares and high energy particles while solar min creates conditions for cosmic rays from out side the solar system to penetrate the earth's magnetic field.
Interesting material that would require considerable research and investigation to determine if this contributed to the current situation.
Ron NL
Location: Netherlands
Posted March 22 (edited)
Im happy to have found this forum ... since this question is not enough discussed elsewhere. These are very important questions for the Covd19-outbreak, which in my opinion must be related to solar-activity.
I go for the theory " Minimal Solar-activity ... and therefore minimal UV-C radiation, so virusses are not killed " Life on earth is totally depending on the sun. The balance of radiation of different types is perfect for humans There's: Electromagnetism , Neurons , Infrared, Blue, White ... you name it ... that whole spectrum also contains UV-C (Ultraviolet)
UV-C acts as (natural) protection for us, it is also being used for many years in all kind of desinfection equipment with UVC-Lamps. In a low (minimal) solar-activity period ... i assume the UV--C level would also be minimal ... and viruses wont be killed as much. In addition current air-polution would even more filter out the UV-C radiation before it reaches our surface.
The solar-activity charts you find on the internet represent solar-activity ... not the level of UV-C that reaches the earth. allthough it seems logical that would follow the solar-activity levels ... i'd like to see this confirmed, but couldn't find such plot (UV-C vs Time) maybe theres not enough data available ... but maybe a not to long piece of time (sample) would show if it follows solar-activity.
I like to think it might be possible to predict the curve of this COVD-19 outbreak by using the UV-C curve. Once that seems to be correct ... you could then estimate (or test) how much UV-C from the sun is needed for it to start sufficient virus-killing again ... seems this virus likes outside (aerosol, airborn) , so thats were it is Maybe its sensitive to just a litlle increase in levels ... many Flu's allways start in wintertime and end before the summer obviously they act on small variations.
Theres actually 3 patterns to investigate
a) The longtime solar-cycle
b) The smaller individual (current) 11 yr period.
c) And the even smaller 1 yr period (summer to winter)
They all have influence ;... current year (2020) Winter to Summer UV-C graph would be interesting right now seems to me that that one could find clues to estimate what will happen the coming months.
The UV-C wavelength to measure would be 265 nm ... not 254 nm which is easier to manufacture desinfection-lamps for That 265 nm wavelength is called the "Germical" wavelength ... i just read that virusses have a size between 10 nm to 300 nm ... that is a big UV-band ! ...for best results better to estimate the exact wavelength that this Covid19 is most sensitive to i think that can be done by measuring its size (nm's) ... or laboratory testing with a variable wavelength UV-C source.
I might also have an explanation why outbreaks in addition also occur during maximal solar-activity. maybe this is about changes (delta) in levels or direction of the curve...not so much the level itself.
Why knowing the outcome of above is important:
Cause you could maybe predict the max and mins of this virus outbreak
Will allow us to create a better strategy to fight it ... to prepare ... make decissions and anticipate.
Create sensors that will alarm us when levels change.
I'm not seeing it discussed anywhere ... its mostly virologist that are discussing and advising right now. im not shure if they look at this aspect also ... looks like they're not, But it SHOULD be involved in strategies,
Those that advice the gov's need to know .. or at least look at it ...this is not pseudoscience !
Question: ... where to find the UV-C curve for this (11 yr) cycle ... or even better for this current year ?
I also have some ideas (suggestions) on the "unexplainable" Italy-outbreak. that is based on meteorology (weather), My idea (just a theory) would explain:
Why north of Italy.
Why so sudden (fast spreading).
Why Italy has a variation (of covid19)
Where it came from ... (very important).
Why there is no patient-zero (not needed in my theory)
Question: can i post that here also ? ... is that ok moderator ?
Location: California
Posted March 22 (edited)
Our atmosphere is comprised of living microbes. These microbes are a necessary part of building and maintaining our planetary atmosphere and play a vital role in filtering out harmful radiation. Technologies like HAARP, weather modification and chem trails, are killing these microbes. This is why the sun appears whiter than normal and is a primary cause of the holes in the atmosphere. The necessary role that these microbes play in our creational design system is what protects living things on this planet from too much incoming radiation.
The more their numbers decline, the whiter the sun looks (indicating over-exposure), and the more living species it affects. With this realization, it would be wholly inaccurate to refer to the resulting damage as any kind of disease when it is actually blatant interference in the circle of life on this planet. Therefore, the sun is not the cause of the problem or the disease. It would be far more accurate to call it “a disease of ignorance,” brought to us from a group of psychopathic and out-of-control elitists living out their version of a “God Complex.” The bleaching of the world's coral reefs is a primary example of interference not from nature but from something much less benign.
The quality of our atmosphere has not changed because of natural cycles. There is nothing natural about a small handful of narcissistic and psychopathic power mongers trying to play God by weaponizing and controlling every natural system that they decode the inner workings of. It is entirely unnatural and consummately detrimental to all living things to allow this type of power to remain in the hands of "people?" who have sought to decode these life support systems, not in order, to give life, but to take it—at will.
Additionally, the larger the system that they have control over, the more people (and other life forms) are affected simultaneously. Aside from global water sources, the atmosphere of the planet is the largest overall system being controlled or “forced out of nature's control.” Therefore, anything is possible when it comes to the manipulation of life and death on a planet that is being run by Anti Terrestrial predators masquerading as her indigenous life forms.
Ron NL
Location: Netherlands
Posted Sunday at 08:59 PM (edited)
Disappointed ...that no-one replies, after one whole day
I only see "minor flares" ...where are the "big flares" ?
Not even a moderator who could keep the discussion alive ?
i don't find any other place to discuss this ...can anyone refer me to a better forum ?
Posted Sunday at 09:38 PM
On 3/22/2020 at 8:59 PM, Ron NL said:
"Disappointed ...that no-one replies, after one whole day
I only see "minor flares" ...where are the "big flares" ?
Not even a moderator who could keep the discussion alive ?
i dont find any other place to discuss this ...can anyone refer me to a better forum ?"
You need to be patient.
I honestly don't know where to find the type of chart you are looking for.
In 2018 I remember looking for it for a long time but I did not find any studies or anything that could be useful. Certainly it would be very useful, maybe someone in this forum with more data could tell us something, but I don't know.
Your reasoning is correct, because such a UV-C variation would explain not only the effect on viruses and bacteria, but also changes in the biosphere itself and something bigger ...
Posted Monday at 12:04 AM (edited)
On 3/21/2020 at 3:31 PM, Cyborg said:
Here is an article that addresses the matter under discussion. I would recommend checking out the references at the bottom of the page as well.
There is some evidence of correlation between both maximum and minimum solar activity in that solar max produces flares and high energy particles while solar min creates conditions for cosmic rays from out side the solar system to penetrate the earth's magnetic field.
Interesting material that would require considerable research and investigation to determine if this contributed to the current situation.
It is clear that the current situation had been indirectly predicted.
They have done an excellent job, given the large amount of data it is now quite evident that a connection actually exists.
I believe we should adapt to these new conditions from now and in the future.
Ron NL
Location: Netherlands
Posted Tuesday at 08:19 PM
Thank you Aeon.
The point is that we dont have time ... descisions and (possibly wrong) strategies/models are choosen now and the regular virologist ...etc ...that advise the governments ...totally ignore Solar-Activity (i know that since i follow their discussions and not even one suffest to look in to it (minimal solar-activity vs virus-outbreaks) nomatter how much their collegues previously have warned for this in serious publications it seems to be to much out of theit attention-range ...so we should bring this to their attention i;lm trying very hard but was in 1 whole week not able to talk to any keyfigure to at least bring it to their attention.
Most research has gone to MAXIMAL solar-activity which also causes epedemics and also electromagnetic problems. The lack of natural (UVC) protection at MINIMAL has with a few exceptions been ignored or even discussed.
THEREFORE WE HAVE TO BRING THIS TO THEIR ATTENTION A.S.A.P. ...since keyfigures and modelmakers obvioulsy do not known enough about it ... by observing the soon upgoing curve (very educated prediction) they could make better models and strategies.
Draw their attention to it ... and let them at least think about if they could include that knowledge. If you know any politician, scientist,press or media ...let them know ...you may refer them to me also.
Today i have started a facebookgroup about this ..please join the discussion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/147312296606308/
My personal facebookpge : https://www.facebook.com/mambito.degroot
Posted Tuesday at 09:27 PM
Thanks but I don't care.
I limit myself to discussions, opinions and exchange of data.
Political issues and their problems do not concern me and do not interest me.
The effects of Cosmic radiation in Sao Paulo
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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