Anders Brunstad - Conversation Starter · October 18 at 7:04 PM
(English below)
"Snart står heile C02 paradigmet for fall, Erna! "
Valentine Zharkowa, Henrik Svensmark, Pierse Corbyn og sjølvaste NASA veit no, og har utført vitenskapleg arbeid med sterke og pt haldbare hypotesar om at menneskers utslipp av C02 på ca 4% av total mengde C02 ikkje kan være årsak til den globale oppvarminga etter 1850..
Derimot så er hypotesen om at solens store variasjonar på megnetfelt lest som soldpottar svært sterke.
Auka styrke av solens magnetfelt gjev lågare kosmisk stråling og mindre skyer og høgare temperatur. Og vice versa.
Svake magnetfelt gjev samstundes meir ustabile jettstraumar med sterke effektar på sterkt uvær med stormar og reduserte avlingar
Slik det var i Maunder minimum frå 1645 til 1715, med svært alvorlege fylgjer.
Slikt klima skal i fylgje Zharkowa, Svendsmark, Corbyn og NASAs klima ekspertar no være sannsynleg i perioden 2020-2050, jfr vedlagte «paper» som sjølvaste NATURE nå har publisert fra verdens fremste solforskar, fra Ukrainskfødde Valentine Zharkowa.
Saksa frå egen kommentar på norsk samt frå vedlagte artikkel.
«Though to her credit, at least the 0.5C (0.9F) warming per century is driven by the sun, and not you, not CO2.»
Global oppvarming er nok et faktum, etter den Lille istida og solens forrige dvaleperiode, også kalt Mauder minimum, som var fra 1645 til 1715, og heilt fram til 1850.
Takk og lov for at sola har vært meir aktiv i snart 200 år, og bidratt til ikke bare et litt varmere klima, slik at vi klarer oss med «stadig mindre klær».
Takk også for at det varmere klimaet med ca 1 grad varmere global gjennomsnitt temperatur har medført at våre gigantiske hav, som også har blitt ca 1 grad varmere, altså etter den svært lange kuldeperioden fra 1350 til 1850,
Har sluppet ut en masse C02 fra sine enorme C02 magasin, som er 50 ganger større enn atmosfæras svært begrensa C02 magasin,
altså just slik Henrys lov om likevekts-tilstanden om gass i luft og i hav definerer at de fysiske og kjemiske lovene sier at det skal være,
Slik at total mengde C02 i lufta har auka fra ca 280 parts per million, i 1880,
Til ca 415 parts per millon nå.
Dvs en total mengde C02 på ca 0.0415%.
Hvor menneskers totale andel av dette, jfr karbon isotopsanalyser er på beskjedne 4%.
Dvs nesten null og nix.
MEN; at økningen i C02, som altså skyldes at solen har hatt en mye meir aktiv periode de siste 200 åra enn de foregående 200 / 500 åra,
Altså igjen at denne økningen av C02 fra et svært lavt nivå på ca 280 ppm til ca 415 ppm er svært bra for fotosyntesen, som har økt klodens plante og matvareproduksjon pr år med ca 40%.
Da dette kommer svært godt med for en voksende populasjon av mennesker som har økt fra under 1 mrd til ca 8 mrd
C02 er livets gass og økt C02 gjør at alt vokser mye bedre.
Men hva vil kunne skje om det er riktig at solen nå i en periode fra nå og de neste 50 år går inn i en ny dvalestand slik solforsker Valentin Zarkowa predikerer i sine «soldynamo modeller», som viser at alle de fire gigantiske dynamoene på sola nå blir vesentlig svekka?
Hva skjer med C02 hvis den globale havtemperaturen synker med 1-2 grader? Som følge av en langt svakere sol?
Økt C02 er ikke et problem og en fare.
Fallende temperatur og C02 derimot, med et svært svakt magnetfelt fra sola, kan føre til en kombinasjon av uvær og uår for verdens matvaresituasjon, av bibliske proporsjoner.
Da bør man snarest forske på hvordan klimaet og avlingene var i perioden fra 1645 til 1715, når det var så kaldt at Thamsen og Østetsjøen frøs mange ganger, og det var somre med minusgrader om natta heilt ned til middelhavet.

Professor Valentina Zharkova’s recent paper ‘Oscillations of the Baseline of Solar Magnetic Field and Solar Irradiance on a Millennial Timescale’ has been accepted for publishing in Nature. It confirms a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) from 2020 to 2055, as all four magnetic fields of the sun go out of phase, while also suggesting centuries of natural warming post-Minima.
Zharkova’s team’s expanded ‘double dynamo’ calculations match-up almost perfectly with the timelines of past Grand Minimas: the Maunder Minimum (1645–1715), Wolf minimum (1300–1350), Oort minimum (1000–1050), Homer minimum (800–900 BC); as well as with the past Grand Maximas: the Medieval Warm Period (900–1200), the Roman Warm Period (400–150 BC), and so on…
Coming as somewhat of a surprise however, Zharkova’s full and expanded analysis reveals the sun, following its next GSM cycle (2020-2055), will actually enter a 300+ year spell of increased-activity warming the earth at a rate of 0.5C (0.9F) per century, running until the next GSM cycle (2370-2415).
Succeeding that cooling period (2415-onward), the world, according to Zharkova, will continue on with its warming trend, again at an average of 0.5C (0.9F) per century, until the year 2600 when the sun will flip to a prolonged cooling phase running for the next 1000 years (and likely propelling Earth into the next ice age).
It is a little confusing why Zharkova failed to mention these long spells of warming (2055-2370 and then 2415-2600) in her original ‘teaser’ presentation back in October, 2018. Whether it has been included to continue her funding and/or to see her GSM message reach a wider audience is honestly anyone’s guess.
Though to her credit, at least the 0.5C (0.9F) warming per century is driven by the sun, and not you, not CO2.
Zharkova’s work, at worst, confirms that the earth warms and cools as a part of complex natural cycles.
Our star is effectively shutting down, starting next year (2020).
The upcoming GSM is forecast (by Zharkova herself, among others) to be similar to the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) — a time when sunspots were exceedingly rare and much of the planet experienced colder than average temperatures.
We are already seeing an increase in unstable weather patterns, as the weakest solar cycle in over 100 years (SC24) continues to weaken the jet stream, reverting it’s usual zonal (tight) flow to more of a meridional (wavy) one.
Major flooding, snowstorms, anomalous cold and bursts of unseasonable heat are all contributing to one of the poorest growing years on record for the farmers around the globe.
An uptick in high-level volcanic eruptions is also associated with low solar activity. Increasing Cosmic Rays are believed to heat the muons in subsurface silica-rich magma (click here for more on that). And larger eruptions (ones that fire volcanic ash above 32,800 feet (10 km) and into the Stratosphere) have a direct cooling effect on the planet, as these ejected particulates effectively block out the sun.
An influx of Cosmic Rays (caused by a decrease in deflecting solar winds) also nucleate more clouds (Svensmark) and these play an major role in earth’s climate:
“Clouds are the Earth’s sunshade, and if cloud cover changes for any reason, you have global warming — or global cooling.” — Roy W. Spencer PhD.
Unfortunately things are only expected to get worse, until 2055 at least, with now even NASA joining in the fun with their latest SC25 forecast suggesting it’ll be the weakest cycle for the last 200 years, continuing the solar shutdown:
The agency is effectively forecasting a return to the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830) without giving mention to the brutal cold, crop loss, famine, war and powerful Volcanic eruptions associated with it.
The year 1816 went on to earn the name, “Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death“ (see the link below).
The cold times are returning.
The next Solar Cycle (25) is likely just a stop-off on our descent into the next super Grand Solar Minimum cycle.…/
image1.pngSoon the whole c02 will be falling, Erna.
Valentine Zharkowa, Henrik Svensmark, Pierce Corbyn and sjølvaste nasa veit no, and has carried out scientific work with strong and PT-maintained hypothesis that human emissions of Co2 of about 4 % of total amount of c02 can not be the cause of the global warming after Twenty-five.
However, the hypothesis that the great variations of the sun on the megnetfelt are read as soldpottar.
Increase the strength of the sun's magnetic field of the magnetic field of the sun and less clouds and higher temperature. And vice versa.
Weak Magnetic Fields Gjev more unstable jettstraumar with strong effects on strong storms with storms and reduced crops
As it was at least from 1645 to 1715, with very serious medical attention.
Such climate should be likely to be likely in the period 2020-2050 to 2020-2050, as a result of the " paper " which has now been published from 2020-2050 to 2020-2050, see the " paper " which is now published from the world's world's largest solar research, from Ukrainian-Born Valentine Zharkowa.
Share from your own comment in Norwegian as well as from the attached article.
Zharkowa published in " nature "; grand solar minimum coming; 2020-2055 ".
«Though to her credit, at least the 0.5C (0.9F) warming per century is driven by the sun, and not you, not CO2.»
Global warming is probably a fact, after the little age and the sun's last sleep period, also called the mauder minimum, which was from 1645 to 1715, and until 1850.
Thank goodness that the sun has been more active for almost 200 years, and contributed to not just a slightly warmer climate, so that we manage with "increasingly less clothes".
Thank you also for the warmer climate with about 1 degrees warmer global average temperature has caused our giant seas, which have also become about 1 degrees warmer, i.e. after the very long cold period from 1350 to 1850,
Has released a lot of c02 from its enormous carbon magazine, which is 50 times bigger than atmospheric highly limited carbon magazine,
So just as Henry's law on the equilibrium state of gas in air and in sea defines that physical and chemical laws say it should be,
So that total amount of carbon in the air has increased from about 280 parts per million, in 1880,
To about 415 parts per Dillon now.
Thats a total amount of c02 at about 0.0415 %.
Where people's total share of this, see carbon isolation analysis is at modest 4 %.
Thats almost zero and nix.
However, that the increase in c02, which is therefore due to the fact that the sun has had a much more active period over the last 200 years than the previous 200 / 500 years,
So again that this increase in c02 from a very low level of about 280 ppm to about 415 ppm is very good for synthesis, which has increased the planet's plant and food production per year by about 40 %.
As this comes very well with for a growing population of people who have increased from under 1 BN TO ABOUT 8 billion
C02 is the gas of life and increased c02 makes everything grow much better.
But what will be able to happen if it is correct that the sun now for a period from now and the next 50 years enters a new sleep stand such as solar scientist valentin zarkowa preach in his "Soldynamo models", which shows that all the four giant The Dynamite on the sun now will be substantially sweaty?
What happens to c if the global sea temperature drops by 1-2 degrees? As a result of a far weaker sun?
Increased C02 is not a problem and a danger.
However, falling temperature and carbon, however, with a very weak magnetic field from the sun, can lead to a combination of storms and storms for the world's food situation, of biblical proportions.
Then we should urgently study how the climate and crops were in the period from 1645 to 1715, when it was so cold that the port and the east sea were freezing many times, and it was summers with low degrees at night all the way down to the Mediterranean.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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