Astonishing' Brussels plan for EU army signed by 'rabid federalists' exposed

Daily Express - By ALESSANDRA SCOTTO DI SANTOLO - PUBLISHED: 15:00, Fri, Oct 4, 2019 | UPDATED: 15:44, Fri, Oct 4, 2019
BREXIT PARTY MEP Jake Pugh uncovered Brussels' latest attempt at "integrating" EU member states' armed forces into a united body independent from NATO.
The Brexit Party politician claimed to have been party to a European Parliament session on Tuesday in which the future warfare policies of the bloc were discussed by 100 "rabid federalists". Ms Pugh, who uncovered the latest bid of the European Union to implement an EU army by sharing a video on his Twitter page, showed a document entitled The Future of Warfare in which pro-EU politicians are asking for "military integration" and "strategic autonomy".
He explained: “What was extraordinary was that there was about 80 or maybe 100 people there, all rabid federalists.
“The key thing that struck me was that when they were talking about the future of European defence it said two things.
“One was they were looking to develop strategic autonomy, which means that basically, they want to have their own forces because they believe they can’t rely on NATO in the future.
“And secondly - and this was the most shocking thing - they said this was about military integration not cooperation.PROMOTED STORY
READ MORE: Brexiteer warns Remainers of 'political explosion' if UK kept in EU

Brexit news: Brexit Party MEP Jake Pugh uncovers EU army latest plan (Image: TWITTER•JAKE PUGH)

Brexit news: Tory MP Steve Baker branded the document 'astonishing' (Image: BBC)
What was extraordinary was that there was about 80 o maybe 100 people there, all rabid federalists
Jake Pugh
“So the integration of the armed forces across the European Union.”
He added: “Strategically, I can get that point. But it’s absolutely clear the UK will want to have no part of that and will continue to maintain its defence through Five Eyes and NATO.
“These policies were all signed up for by Theresa May after the referendum in June 2016.
“We must retain UK armed forces independent closely aligned through NATO and Five Eyes.”
Commenting on the discovery, Tory Brexiteer Steve Baker claimed the document was “astonishing”.
He tweeted: “Important update on EU defence integration from Jake Pugh.
“It's astonishing what was signed up to. BorisJohnson will need to get us out of it.”
It comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson presented the EU with his final Brexit proposals to replace the controversial backstop protocol agreed between the Brussels bloc and Theresa May.
The plan would see Northern Ireland remaining in the EU single market - pending the Northern Ireland Assembly's approval - and out of the EU customs union.
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Forbløffende 'Brussel-plan for EU-hæren undertegnet av' rabiat føderalister 'utsatt
Daily Express - Av ALESSANDRA SCOTTO DI SANTOLO - PUBLISERT: 15:00, fre 4 okt, 2019 | OPPDATERT: 15:44, fre 4. oktober 2019
BREXIT PARTY-MEP Jake Pugh avdekket Brussel sitt siste forsøk på å "integrere" EU-medlemslandenes væpnede styrker i et samlet organ uavhengig av NATO.
Brexit-partiets politikere hevdet å ha vært parti i en sesjon i Europaparlamentet på tirsdag der den fremtidige krigføringspolitikken til blokken ble diskutert av 100 "rabiate federalister". Pugh, som avdekket EUs siste bud om å implementere en EU-hær ved å dele en video på sin Twitter-side, viste et dokument med tittelen The Future of Warfare der pro-EU-politikere ber om "militær integrasjon" og "strategisk autonomi".
Han forklarte: ”Det som var ekstraordinært var at det var rundt 80 eller kanskje 100 mennesker der, alle rabiate federalister.
”Det viktigste som slo meg var at når de snakket om fremtiden for det europeiske forsvaret, sa det to ting.
Den ene var at de var ute etter å utvikle strategisk autonomi, noe som betyr at de i utgangspunktet ønsker å ha sine egne styrker fordi de tror de ikke kan stole på NATO i fremtiden.
"Og for det andre - og dette var det mest sjokkerende - sa de at dette handlet om militær integrasjon ikke samarbeid. FREMMELDET HISTORIE
Det ekstraordinære var at det var rundt 80 o kanskje 100 mennesker der, alle rabiate føderalister
Jake Pugh "Så integreringen av de væpnede styrkene i hele EU."
Han la til: “Strategisk sett kan jeg få det poenget. Men det er helt klart at Storbritannia ikke vil ha noen del av det og vil fortsette å opprettholde sitt forsvar gjennom Five Eyes og NATO.
“Disse retningslinjene ble alle påmeldt av Theresa May etter folkeavstemningen i juni 2016.
"Vi må beholde de britiske væpnede styrker uavhengige, tett på linje med NATO og Five Eyes."
Tory Brexiteer, Steve Baker, som kommenterte funnet, hevdet at dokumentet var "forbløffende".
Han twitret: “Viktig oppdatering om EUs forsvarsintegrasjon fra Jake Pugh.
“Det er forbausende hva det ble meldt om. Boris Johnson vil trenge å få oss ut av det. ”
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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