Brexit bombshell: Why Tony Blair is behind Supreme Court ruling on Parliament shutdown
DAILY EXPRESS - By MARTINA BET PUBLISHED: 05:03, Fri, Sep 13, 2019 |
TONY BLAIR is responsible for the location of the explosive Supreme Court battle Boris Johnson is going to fight on Tuesday over the highly controversial prorogation of Parliament, unearthed reports reveal.

PM Tony Blair created The Supreme Court.
As Mr Johnson and his key advisor Dominic Cummings prepare for the legal battle, the reason this ruling will be made at the Supreme Court can be revealed – and it is all because of Tony Blair.
The former Labour Prime Minister controversially swept aside 1,400 years of history by setting up a new US-style Supreme Court in place of the Law Lords in 2005.

The Law Lords were judges appointed under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876 to the House of Lords in order to exercise its judicial functions, which included acting as the highest court of appeal.
The House of Lords lost its judicial functions upon the establishment of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom in October 2009, when Constitutional Reform Act 2005, introduced by Mr Blair, came into force.

The former Prime Minister was one of 301 British names and featured alongside Sir Richard Branson, Sir Mick Jagger, Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson. Epstein was found dead in his cell in a Manhattan jail where he was being held without bail awaiting trial for allegedly abusing dozens of underage girls as young as 14 in New York and Florida.
Tony Blair in US paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘little black book’

TONY Blair was listed in Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘little black contacts book’ alongside a series of Britain’s richest and most powerful people, it has been claimed today.
Some of the 500 or so public comments during the hearing:
Amy Cullis · 6:32 Blooming heck can’t stop watching that lad now squinting 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pat A Marshall · 11:12 This is an utter waste of time and money that could be better spent ..We 17.4 million people voted to leave the EU ....where is Democracy..?
Lilian Lee · 12:37 They are all BORED TO TEARS !!! PLAYING WITH THEIR PHONES !!!! """ wander why' ??????? Only miller taking notes !!!! She is writing her resignation out !!!
Shane Farrow · 1:10:37 They are getting fed up with this guy, he must be panicking. 😂 😂
Tracey House · 37:42 You’ve had 3 years to scrutinise enough time and is all it’s been is deadlocked so 5 days is nothing
Michelle Leek · 20:23 If boris was so in the wrong surerly the queen would not of gave her authorisation to prerogue
Gemma Kirkpatrick · 36:19 Because they are blocking the vote of 17.4 million people 🤬
Kris Conner · 1:11:45 This is all leading up to a thanks for coming, but please jog on. 😭
Roy Speakman · 28:36 Surely "Prorogation " is legitimate in the context of Parliament being used for a illegitimate purpose ? ( To prevent implementation of a democratic outcome ? )
Mark Brown · 42:15 We’re is miller from how dare she even get involved in our nation
Alistair Kirk
Alistair Kirk · 27:56 Bloody remoaners, since when do losers dictate our future 🤬
Martin Davies · 1:03:34 It is called a perogative power,, seems to me that the Prime Minister can make the decison to prorogue Parliament without judges encroaching onto political matters.
Peter Hammond · 37:21 i voted leave ,and resent being classed as thick and stupid by these people ,we should be able to take them to court for defamation of character
John Keetley · 1:05:00 This is pro remain arguments which don't stack up. Indeed John major is shown to be a hippocrate at best & sore losers that surround them. We back Boris.
Heather Phillips · 28:51 If they would spend as much time seeking to getting us out as the people voted for instead of all this, we might be able to get on and sort ourselves out as a country 😡
Kelly Morris Balgonie · 52:56 I worry about our military and secret services being handed over to the EU and the waters in May's deal.
Laura Mackay · 16:52 How long was the prorogue.. 5 days.. All this for 5 days.. What a complete waste of time.
Tore Christiansen · 0:00 That dirty pedophilia protector Tony Blair concocted this court as a future guard againt people wishing to leave the EU. Don't know how he has the gall to show his face. :( Read for yourself:
Tore Christiansen · 14:48 The Supreme Court was created by former PM Tony Blair to squash any opposition to the EU membership, so guess what the outcome will be??

Revisert av VIL KENTON Oppdatert 10. mai 2018
Hva er visdom av folkemengder Visdom av folkemengder er ideen om
at store grupper av mennesker er kollektivt smartere enn til og med
individuelle eksperter når det gjelder problemløsning,
beslutningstaking, innovasjon og spådommer.
Visdomskonseptet ble populært av James Surowiecki i 2004-boken The Wisdom of Crowds, som viser hvor store grupper har gjort overlegne beslutninger i popkultur, psykologi, biologi, atferdsøkonomi og andre felt. Ideen om folkemengdenes visdom kan spores tilbake til Aristoteles teori om kollektiv dom som presenteres i hans arbeid Politikk.
I følge Aristoteles om Politikk
I et demokrati kan alle spørsmål som angår samkvem mellom mennesker avgjøres av flertallet, og dette medfører at demokrati er uforenlig både med sosialismen og med kapitalismen. Under sosialismen kan f.eks. eiendomsretten ikke innføres, og under kapitalismen kan ikke eiendomsretten krenkes – uansett hva flertallet måtte ønske. Demokrati som styreform henger derfor intimt sammen med velferdsstaten som samfunnssystem.
Det var innlysende for Aristoteles at det er samfunnet som kommer først, at individet er hjelpeløst uten et velfungerende samfunn. Likevel, eller nettopp derfor, er lesningen av Aristoteles Poltikk et fundamental grep for å forstå dagens og tidligere tiders politiske virkeligheter.
For, sier Aristoteles, mennesket er på sitt beste som samfunnsvesen og på sitt verste som individ løsrevet fra allmenne forpliktelser. Når mennesket fristiller seg fra sine samfunnsforpliktelser er det intet levende vesen som overgår mennesket i grådighet, vellystighet og grusomhet.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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