Quantum teleportation breakthrough: Next-generation internet now a step closer

QUANTUM TELEPORTATION has made a leap forward in complexity, after scientists successfully teleported three dimensional information for the first time.
By TOM FISHPUBLISHED: 10:15, Fri, Aug 23, 2019 | UPDATED: 10:52,
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A major quantum teleportation breakthrough was achieved after scientists successfully transferred the most complex data set yet. Quantum teleportation is the mysterious phenomena which sees information flung across space. The effect is distinct from the everyday understanding of teleportation, where matter is moved through space.

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Quantum teleportation is instead the transfer of information about the quantum state of a particle.
The higher the dimensions of your quantum system, the more secure you can ensure your communication is
University College London's Ciarán Lee
The news has unimaginable ramifications for how information can be organised and transmitted, and potentially paves the way for a world-wide quantum internet totally immune from hackers.
Scientists have until now only been capable of teleporting quantum bits, known as qubits.
These are the most basic piece of quantum information, where a particle can simultaneously be in two states at once.
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Quantum teleportation: Scientists have just successfully transferred the most complex data set yet (Image: Getty)

Quantum teleportation: Scientists successfully teleported three dimensional information (Image: Getty)
But scientists have now successfully teleported a qutrit, adding a whole extra dimension.
While a qubit is polarised in two ways at once, a qutrit is polarised in three dimensions.
A qubit could be zero or one, while a qutrit can be zero, one or two.
Transmitting this significantly more complicated unit presented a far greater challenge for the research team.
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The scientists can consequently teleport far more complex information.
Teleporting qutrits instead of qubits means a huge leap forward in complexity, due to the nature of the process.
The extra transferred information has the potential to power the muted quantum internet, offering instantaneous and secure communication.
Ciarán Lee, from University College London, told New Scientist: “The higher the dimensions of your quantum system, the more secure you can ensure your communication is and the more information you can encode.
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Quantum teleportation: The mysterious phenomena sees information flung across space (Image: Getty)

Quantum teleportation: The effect is distinct from the everyday understanding of teleportation (Image: Getty)
“But going from a qubit to a qutrit is especially difficult — the tricks you use for qubits have to do with a nice symmetry that qutrits don’t have.”
The researchers report that the demonstrations of their technique had a 75 percent accuracy.
Although this appears low, this is likely to improve over time and is an improvement on similar techniques that do not use quantum entanglement.
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
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