10 min read

NASA Debunks Man Made CO2 Global Warming Scam

CO2 Keeps the Earth Cool! EU Forced to Downgrade Its Climate Hysteria. How Climate Lies Are Made

Posted on May 17, 2018 by Anders  (First published on 30 May 2013)

There is indeed a sort of paradigm shift. While a few years ago, climate policy was the issue which characterized EU energy policy to 90%, today other priorities have made their way to the forefront. This is because people have understood that there is no peak oil, that we have enough oil and gas for a long-term period. There have been new shale gas findings, new oil reservoirs with tight oil.

Watch this video from NASA:

Secondly, we have the economic and financial crisis, and people had suddenly other priorities than climate change – like having  jobs, economic competitiveness, and affordable energy prices. Friedbert Pflüger is director of the European Center for Energy and Resource Security at King’s College, London. Throughout his political career he served as Parliamentary Secretary of State in the first Merkel government (2005-2006) and was a member of the German Bundestag 1990-2006.

The global warming scam was disproved already in 2009 – when the Mann “hockey stick” was shown to be a fabricated fraud, the CO2 increasing from a pre-industrial 0.027% to now 0.037% (lately 0.04% over Hawaii)  while there is no temperature rise since 1995 acc. to the main fraudster of the Climategate scandal. Prof. Phil Jones, when corrected (right -black line) for Briffa´s fraud with the Jamal  tree ring temperature proxies. But for political reasons this nonsense goes on and on.

Time and again, this blog has repudiated and refuted the man made global warming scam as merely NWO policy to steal our money via “green taxes” and “Climate Exchanges“. This  NWO fraud and here and here and here here and hereand here and here and here has yet another purpose: one world government. It is a religion, and here. It is a Communist Leninist ideology. Rajendra Pachauri, the IPCC chief, openly admits that the “climate problem” is just politically commissioned work.

But the climate fraud is also a huge source of revenue for the bankers at our cost.  Most powers have given up to pursue this phantasm – except the EU! The hypocrisy is clearly visible here and here. And the Communist Agenda 21 builds its sustainability one world dictatorship on  intimidating the world´s peoples with Climate disaster. The center of this One world would be a Climate Court of Justice with the authority to decide on all environmental issues (incl. economy and all imaginable governance competences). This Agenda 21 is now being implemented

A mad warmist, Prof. Richard Parncutt, even suggested death punishment as appropriate for global warming deniers. Others have called us warming deniers “Climate hooligans with  antediluvian views !!”

But the following makes a saint of the CO2 Devil

NASA March 22, 2012:  NASA-funded researchers say the solar storms of March 8th through 10th “were the biggest dose of heat we’ve received from a solar storm since 2005,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA Langley Research Center.

Mlynczak is the associate principal investigator for the SABER instrument on board NASA’s TIMED satellite. SABER monitors infrared emissions from Earth’s upper atmosphere, in particular from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO.

“Carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are natural thermostats,” explains James Russell of Hampton University, SABER’s principal investigator.  “When the upper atmosphere (or ‘thermosphere’) heats up, these molecules try as hard as they can to shed that heat back into space.”

That’s what happened on March 8th when a coronal mass ejection propelled in our direction by an X5-class solar flare hit Earth’s magnetic field.
The thermosphere lit up like a Christmas tree,” says Russell.

For the three day period, March 8th through 10th, the thermosphere absorbed 26 billion kWh of energy.  Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95% of that total back into space.

NASA proves the Earth is getting greener

The geomagnetic storm dumped enough energy into the atmosphere to power every home in New York for two years.

During the heating impulse, the thermosphere puffed up like a marshmallow held over a campfire.”  The storm is over now, but Russell and Mlynczak expect more to come.  “We’re just emerging from a deep solar minimum,” says Russell.  “The solar cycle is gaining strength with a maximum expected in 2013.” “The data we’re collecting are unprecedented.”

Comment: This compelling new NASA data is a huge embarrassment for NASA’s chief climatologist, Dr. James Hansen (proven fraudster who is paid by Al Gore and Rothschild agent George Soros) and his team over at NASA’s GISS.” (H. Schreuder and J. O’Sullivan for PSI)

Just after the release of the  new SABER study Dr. James Hansen conveniently retired from his career as a climatologist at NASA.”

The Daily Mail 13 Oct. 2012 shows the Met Offices own figures (left).

Here (graph right), are the natural temperatures through the latest 2000 years. Since 1880 global temperature has risen just 0. 75 centigrade s – on our way out of the little ice age from 1500–1860 AD.

How a  climate lie arises

W. Jasper , new American 21 May 2013:

President Barack Obama tweeted last Thursday, May 16: “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: climate change is real, man-made and dangerous.”

“Quantifying the consensus on anthropological global warming in the scientific literature” by non-scientist John Cook was published in Environmental Research Letters. Many of the headlines pointing to this study in newspapers, television news broadcasts, and Internet websites led with the same  97 percent claim, same as President Obama.

Even the highly questionable Cook study doesn’t actually claim, as President Obama does, that “97%  of scientists agree.”  Only 65 (!) i.e. 1/2% of abstracts in Cook Study of 12,000 previewed articles strongly endorse man made global warming!

One of the issues that has dogged many of the leading purveyors of AGW alarmism in recent years is the accusation that they have refused to publish their research data and methods. This has embarrassed and outraged even many of the alarmists’ supporters.

But what the original Press Release by The IOP Institute of Physics 13 may 2013 say?

From the 11 994 papers, 32.6 per cent endorsed AGW, 66.4 per cent stated no position on AGW, 0.7 per cent rejected AGW and in 0.3 per cent of papers, the authors said the cause of global warming was uncertain.are we causing global warming? We found over 4000 studies written by 10 000 scientists that stated a position on this, and 97 per cent said that recent warming is mostly man made.”The IOP has 50.000 members and is London based.


This question is biased – and does not state, by what criteria these articles were “found”. The 4000 articles nicely correspond to the 32.6% of the 11.994 above articles stating that there is man made global warming to some extent!!

The IOP press release clearly shows that the US pres. either cannot calculate or that he purposely twists the figures. For they clearly show that 67.4 %  of the papers do not advocate man made global warming! This is how climate lies are made.

NWO climatologist-ideologists time and again base their statements on lies and  junk “science” – while totally disregarding the findings of respected and serious scientists who deny the man made climate ideology. Now, Pres. Obama is staking on oil fracking – and attracts big German corporations to the USA to an extent, that Germany will certainly be forced to give up her mendacious “totally green” energy policy.

The climatologists are in trouble. They know people have found out about their fraud – and are now trying to make it more edible to the public on behalf of their masters, the NWO banksters, and their wallets:


The Daily Mail 26 May 2013 Prof  Myles Allen is presented as an expert respected by the green fanatics themselves – but he still wants our money for his masters – now in a different way.

His idea of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) is old – and profitable for the NWO banksters while their  Climate Exchanges are very bad business!  (1 CO2 permit fell to a record low of 2.81 euros in Jan 2013). CCS requires up to 40% more energy  (and CO2-production per se) and is very costly.

Prof Allen admits that his group of scientists now just foresee a rise in global temp of 1-2 degree C instead of 1-2.5 degree C (by  2100 AD.?) 90 per cent of the (CO2) measures adopted in Britain and elsewhere since the 1997 Kyoto agreement to cut global emissions are a waste of time and money – including wind farms in Scotland, carbon taxes and Byzantine carbon trading systems.

I think we are doomed if we persist in our current approach to climate policy.
We may burn through the vast quantity of carbon contained in the planet’s fossil fuels a little slower. But it won’t make any difference if we burn it in the end. If you suppose that the annual UN climate talks will save us, forget it.  We may have cut the CO2 actually emitted here, but our reliance on imports means the total emissions attributable to British economic activity have increased by 19 per cent since 1992.

If you’re using fossil carbon to drive a car or fly a plane, you just have to pay someone else to bury CO2 for you. Of course, there will be a cost, passed on to the long-suffering consumer.

A carbon tax will not stop fossil fuel carbon being burnt. There are 4 trillion tonnes of fossil carbon underground. We have only used 1/2 a trillion tonnes. It is perfectly possible to burn fossil carbon and not release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere: you have to filter it out of the flue gases, pressurize it, and re-inject, or ‘sequester’, it back underground. Frankly, I’d rather pay an engineer in Poland to actually dispose of carbon dioxide than some Brussels eco-yuppie to trade it around.

En varslet katastrofe – klimaskattene som kommer

Av Jan Schibbye Hervig -17. mars 2019 | 14:59

Plenumsmøtet under FNs klimatoppmøte COP15 i København onsdag. Danmarks statsminister Lars Lökke overtar som møteleder for FNs klimatoppmøte COP15 i København onsdag. Foto: HENRIK MONTGOMERY / Scanpix

Berlingske skriver at Danmark får en sentral rolle i høstens klimatoppmøte i FNs regi når stats- og regjeringssjefer møtes i New York i september. Og Danmark er nå valgt av FN til å lede det som kalles energisporet.

FNs generalsekretær har bedt den danske regjeringen om straks å gå i gang med å lede arbeidet med omlegging av energipolitikken til grønn politikk i tiden frem til klimatoppmøtet. Det betyr i klartekst at Danmark skal utarbeide en helt ny skatte- og avgiftspolitikk som forplikter medlemslandene, selvsagt med unntak for den tredje verden.

Nyheten ble forkynt av statsminister Løkke (V) i Folketinget 12. mars. – Dette skal vi være stolte av, erklærte han. – Vanligvis er slike oppgaver kun betrodd de aller største land i verden. Men Danmark er valgt av FNs generalsekretær fordi vi har fremsynte ledere som skaper konkrete, grønne resultater, skryter en opprømt statsminister Løkke. At norgesvennen Inger Støjberg også står bak dette, lover ikke godt …

Resett får ikke millioner i pressestøtte, derfor trenger vi din hjelp. Støtt oss her.

Klimaminister Lars Christian Lilleholt (V) følger opp med å fortelle at Danmark nå skal benytte tid og energi fremover til å påvirke andre land til  å satse på den grønne omstillingen. Erna og Siv vil sikkert ikke trenge lang tid på å innordne seg den danske modellen.annonse

Les også: Klima og miljø på ville veier

Klimapolitikk er øverst på den politiske dagsorden i Danmark for tiden, og er en hovedsak i den kommende danske valgkampen (der valgdato ennå ikke er bestemt – den er det kun Løkke som avgjør).

Etter neste folketingsvalg har den danske regjeringen bebudet en ny «klimalov». Og Dansk Folkeparti, som i dag er et støtteparti for Venstre, er ifølge Berlingske med på regjeringens linje.

Det er imidlertid mye som tyder på at Dansk Folkeparti er sterkt splittet i dette spørsmålet.

Kim Christiansen, en ledende talsperson fra DF reagerer med forskrekkelse på regjeringens nye klimautspill. Han er ikke nådig når han spår at den vil smadre mange familiers dagligliv, og for distriktene vil en slik klimapolitikk være en ren katastrofekurs.

Danskene vil pålegges en ny veiavgift, hastigheten på motorveiene settes drastisk ned og høyere energiavgifter skal innføres. Regjeringen vil stanse salget av nye bensin- og dieselbiler innen 2030. I tillegg er det i gang et frontalangrep rettet mot det danske landbruket. Danmarks viktigste eksportartikkel, som allerede befinner seg i vanskeligheter.

Ifølge Kim Christiansen har regjeringen gjennom sine to år ved makten hatt som en rød ledetråd å gjøre danskenes hverdag vanskeligere for å finansiere masseinnvandringen og samtidig fremstå som klimaduks i EU og FN.

Klimapolitikken er ren ideologi, kanskje til og med nyreligiøsitet, og uansett hva Danmark velger å gjøre har det ingen effekt andre steder enn for regjeringens samvittighet, sier Mikkel Dencker i Dansk Folkeparti, som har blitt sterkt kritisert for denne uttalelsen i Dagbladet Information: Menneskeskapte klimaforandringer er et spørsmål om tro, og tro hører til i kirken.annonse

Årets viktigste klimatoppmøte skal gjennomføres for å «bekjempe klimaforandringene» med betydelige «grønne» skatter og avgifter. Vi vil høre at grønn energi er bærekraftig, men som vanlig er det en bløff, og vi vil oppleve at vår levestandard settes tilbake med flere tiår.

Les også: Historisk har varmt klima sammenfalt med oppgangstider for menneskeheten

Jan Schibbye Hervig

Jan Schibbye Hervig - Forlegger og redaktørannonse

WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >

The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.



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