email: humansynthesis0@gmail.com

Check below the note from the National Association of Intensive Livestock (Assocon), referring to the veto of live cargo transport operations in the Port of Santos: The National Association of Intensive Livestock (Assocon), an entity that represents producers who use intensive systems of livestock production, received with great indignation the information that the Docks Company of the State of São Paulo (Codesp) suspended operations with the transportation of live cargoes in the Port of Santos.
This decision of Codesp occurred in response to the request of Deputy Federal Ricardo Izar and did not contemplate the due technical consultation to the livestock sector. Brazil is a major producer and exporter of animal protein and because of this, it follows strict protocols from importing countries. These protocols include issues related to animal welfare in production, transport and slaughter. Brazil also produces numerous works on animal welfare.
Here we mention the developments by the Group of Studies and Research in Ethnology and Animal Ecology (ETCO), by professor and researcher Mateus José Rodrigues Paranhos da Costa, Faculty of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences (FCAV) at UNESP, Jaboticabal campus. It is important to emphasize that the private initiative also has a constant relationship with the Permanent Technical Committee of Animal Welfare, in the Ministry of Agriculture (Map). One of the works developed between this Commission and members of the productive sector were Resolution 675, dated 06/21/2017, which provides for transportation of animals of production or economic interest, sport, leisure or exhibition.
**Even at the cattle farms, things are not ´TUDO BEM´ , so WAKE UP!!**As you can see, the productive sector is extremely concerned with animal welfare and follows all the technical guidelines to promote the necessary freedoms for the animals of production. We also emphasize that Brazil is a signatory to the OIE - International Organization of Animal Health and, therefore, it applies the recommendations of this organization on the subject of animal welfare.
In addition to the points previously mentioned, according to data from the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services, Brazil has been growing in the export market of live cattle. In the accumulated of 2017, 306,500 head were exported, up 35.3% over 2016. In 2016 Brazil exported US $ 163.90 million and in 2017 (until November) US $ 209.4 million in live cattle.
The Ports of the State of São Paulo are extremely important for the disposal of this production. The entity requests the Governor of the State of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, through a letter that the forthcoming shipments of live loads, considering compliance with the rigid protocols related to animal welfare and the current national and international sanitary rules, will normally follow, either in the Port of Santos or through the Port of São Sebastião. Assocon - National Association of Intensive Livestock
Draft Law n. / 2018 by Mr Ricardo Tripoli, prohibiting export of live cattle
See here photos, recorded by veterinarian Magda Regina, from inside the ship Nada
WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >
The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehaviour acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.
Although ASSOCON may be satisfied with the many animal protection societies which exist in Brazil, they are obviously not doing their job for one reason and another, judged by onboard visits of veterinarians, with photos as proof, as well as a 6 page interpellation from Ricardo Tripoli to the federal court in Brasilia.
What these cattle magnates seem to have forgotten is that they have a great RESPONSIBILITY for the humane birth and upbringing of their cattle, even for those they sell off to other dealers. You cannot wash your hands of further responsibilities for your cattle as soon as the sales contract has been signed.
Minerva Foods, as the main offender against existing laws, is therefore not the only culprit in this cruel idea of exporting live animals. ALL the breeders, having anything to do with Minerva Foods and it´s management, are also guilty of this travesty against animals and Brazilian law.
The export of live animals only represents around 2% of the total beef export from Brazil, BUT, the rage of the people and dismay of importers in many countries, may create a reverse sales effect on the total beef exports from Brazil, which can be more serious.
Why did Mr Fernando Galletti de Queiro not wonder WHY there was no competition in the market for LIVE exports? It was obviously against the law of the land and he must have realized it would cause an uproar among decent people when they found out the cruelty involved following Mr Quiero´s "Profit at the point of a knife" ideology.
MANY decent, law-abiding farmers, as well as the many politicians who also seems to be involved, may live to regret their acceptance of Mr Queiro´s great business ambitions at the expense of innocent, one-year-old cattle being sacrificed on the altar of greed and quick profit.
For over a month now, the biggest cattle tragedy ever has been playing out without a world in the newspapers, or on Brazilian TV channels.
After two decades, a millionnaire Brazilian Fazenda-owner decides to fill the demand of the overseas Muslim market with exported live beef, destined for a horrific ´Halal` slaughter ritual. This, in spite of existing Brazilian laws, made for the protection of all farmed animals.
At the moment of writing, around 67.000 young bulls, mostly under one year old have been cruelly transported by lorries over bumpy country roads over 500 km to the ports of Santos and Sao Sebastiao for loading on-board old, converted ships for an arduous 2 week sea-journey to Turkey where un-civilized ´Halal´slaughter ceremonies will take place in front of crowds of local Muslims.
Interpellations have been submitted to the government in Brasilia by several animal protection societies and many public demonstrations have taken place in the ports. Owing to the pungent odour of tons of faeces and urine spreading throughout the town, heavy fines have been submitted to the exporting company, Minerva Foods.
A further 3 ships, each with a capacity of 5-6.000 bull calves are presently at anchor near Sao Sebastiao, awaiting permission to send a further 16.000 bull calves to a nightmare destiny.
Both President Temer and several of his ministers have large economic interests in the cattle trade so a just decision from the law court will be hard to find. Allowing the ´cattle-barrons´ to continue their unlawful trade would add further un-lawfulness to the years of on-going legal cleaning up of ´Lava Jato´.
This will not improve increased business investments in Brazil, or indeed the huge export of frozen beef.
All articles contained in HUMAN-SYNTHESIS are freely available and collected from the Internet. The interpretation of the contents is left to the readers and do not necessarily represent the views of the Administrator.