When goodness became tyranny/amp
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**Agenda Magazine**
Last updated 02.01.18
When goodness became tyranny
by Wegard Harsvik
01 JAN 16
It's no wonder Sylvi Listhaug is raging against the "goodness adventures" when she has a leader as Ayn Rand.

These days, it's impossible not to mention that the science fiction epic Star Wars has an adventurer who is keen, interfere with the fanatic. But it's mostly harmless fun. Even when grown-ups with responsible jobs, in their spare time, they look like furry wookies from the outer space or storm troops from a galaxy far away long ago. When tens of thousands of English folks cite "Jedi Knight" as religious affiliation, it is largely spooky.
But there is science fiction that is read on a serious scale and has formed decision-makers at the highest level, in Norway and in many other countries. We are talking about the cult that has arisen around Ayn Rand and her writings. In the United States, books are read as a political manifesto, which the most extreme high-strings swear. One of her books is mentioned by the US Library of Congress "as the most influential book in the United States after the Bible". This may be because all English teachers in the United States are offered free class sets of Rand's books. [1]
Misguided is a too weak word. I mean it's simply evil.
In Norway, we now have an immigration minister and a finance minister who has Ayn Rand as a favorite writer and her book "Atlas Shrugged" as a favorite book. Sylvi Listhaug's struggle against "goodness control" only makes sense if you look at the source, such concepts and thoughts are directly emitted. The term is also apparently imported from the United States, where Ayn Rands most significant followers, like former president candidate Ron Paul, gladly talk about how bad it is to live under a tyranny of good intentions.
It's no wonder you are raging against "goodness management" when you have a leader as Ayn Rand. In the universe of the Frp heroine it is the dark side to cheer. In an interview, Rand was spoken by famous journalist Mike Wallace if it really was that she disliked altruism - acting to benefit other people and society as a whole - as a guide to life. She responded to correcting the question - "dislike is a too weak word. I mean it's simply evil. "
"Why do you make others happy," she asks, and answers herself. "You can make others happy and when they mean selfish to you." Ayn Rand collected his thoughts in "objectiveism" - an idol that sets it selfish, rational individual as the center of the world, and focuses on all forms of collectivism and altruism.
Everyone who loves science fiction knows that there are a wealth of different genres. On the one hand, you have the big adventure with spacecraft, laser guns and dark forces - imagine Star Wars. But there are also many who use science fiction to say something important and serious about human space in the world, our culture, the importance of technology and so on. Here you will find George Orwell's 1984, Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
That's why her many high-ranking liberalists become so keen missionaries for her books.
By moving societies and problems to another time or another planet, the author can make people think about new thoughts about themselves and the world they live in. Many have therefore used the genre as a platform to communicate ideas and political messages. Some even ended up building philosophical directions and religious communities. One of these was L. Ron Hubbard, who went from a considerable success as a science fiction writer to founding the Church of Scientology.
Another was Ayn Rand, who created objectivism, and has had a strong impact on the right-wing political thinking. For example, only five minutes before Siv Jensen drew Ayn Rand in his lecture in the Literature House series "Under a Higher Heaven" in 2013, where the various parties presented their ideology before the last parliamentary elections. Rand was the first person to be mentioned as inspirational source - before Thatcher, Reagan, Anders Lange - or Carl I. Hagen. The latter has also received a prize from the think tank Ayn Rand Society for his work.
Still, young liberalist minds of her thoughts are lifted.
Education Minister and Right Ideologist Torbjørn Røe Isaksen says: "I quit Ayn Rand when I was 16 years old. That's how it should be. It usually starts with Ayn Rand. I would recommend everyone to read her, be fascinated and excited. " When Christian Tybring-Gjedde is asked which book has meant most to him, the answer is "I can say like all other Frp-ere: Ayn Rands Those Moving the World".
And so, Dag Ekelberg describes it, the NHO director, former deputy head of Civita: "Just as many people are undergoing a Jens Bjørneboe period in their teens, it's not very few - especially among members
is in the Young Right and Progress Party Youth - which has a similar intense relationship with Ayn Rands books. Ayn Rand works for many as a kind of portal into the universe of liberal thinkers. "That is why her many high-ranking liberalists are becoming so keen missionaries for her books. The Norwegian version at the turn of the millennium was made possible by the fact that the Norse Securities brokerage company purchased 2000 copies of the book to give it as a gift to business associates - and to all our parliamentary representatives. And still, the young liberalist mind of her thoughts is lifted. The current leader of the Progress Party Youth has one of her books as one of three he would recommend as Christmas reading. As she used to say - egoism is a virtue!
Rand wrote wonderful literature to present his ideas. Her books have been characterized as entering into a roleplay for business journalists - with fewer astronauts, orcs and hobbits than usual in such books, but with the more heroic engineers. She uses the figures in the books to promote philosophical ideas of a loose mega-capitalism, and that the moral right is acting out of self-interest. As she used to say - selfishness is a virtue! [2] In "Those Who Move the World" - which has so impressed many of those who today rule our country - it is a question of the vanity of geniuses who are hindered of society's heavy collectivism. In the book, she tells the story of a future where they put down their work and disappear.
Only a mysterious message is left - "Who is John Galt?". On selections under the auspices of the American Tea Party activists, posters often bear this question. Magazine_mandag_hvit 3I Rand's novels, it's easy to understand who is good and who is evil. All the bad guys - the sneakers - are lubricated, sweaty and with hair clips on their way creeping upwards, as well as double-sided and relaxed muscles. Her well-mannered heroes, on the other hand, are possessed by strong hooks, quirky features with eyes like pale blue ice and ash-blonde hair. She also makes it easy for the reader, because all characters are consistently drawn in black and white. Either executed good capitalists who always have the right, or their counterpart, the degenerated slack fishes that always fail.
Thus, it is easy to understand when the author's voice preaches the happy gospel. She was strongly opposed to all trade unions. In a part of the novel, the unlikely beautiful Dagny Taggart director of a dirt railway company - a person describing a factory managed jointly by those who work there. Revenues are shared equally, meetings are the governing body and the workers have regard for each other as a supporting principle. This triggers Dagny's fierce rage - she stands still and trembles literally from anger. In the book, it's called "Dagny heard a cold voice in his mind: remember this. It is not often encountering pure evil - look at it, remember it. One day you should call it by its correct name. "
Rand perceived any expression of social commitment as a step towards the Soviet communism she had travelled from. The way the state had taken away from his father's farm, made her a passionate defender of property rights. The fact that there were communities with more sympathetic and successful versions of public involvement - such as the Nordic social democracies - was far from her. She already believed in 1959 that the western countries are "on the way to a disaster, until, or if not all of these welfare states are reversed and rejected. It is precisely because of these ideas that the world is on its way to disaster. Because we are now heading for complete collectivism, or socialism, where everyone is slaves. "All forms of the union were strongly opposed. Heroes have little to spare for all attempts to regulate their business.
When Dagny Taggart - the visionary railway queen - meets in red light on her way, she orders the train crew to thunder. The track is made of an ingenious alloy, made by another of the ingenious heroes, of course. That the metal has not been tested, she does not care. She rubs and threatens politicians and security authorities and thunders through densely populated areas. She feels that this will go well - and it will hold. No tools are too powerful at Ayn Rand. One of the most important elements of "The Moving World" is about fighting a law called Equalization of Opportunity Bill, The major monopoly companies are required to split into several parts, as both oil and telecom companies have become in the United States earlier.
This evil estimate of monopoly capitalism is planned by the book's villains using scary methods such as elections, reconciliation and democracy. It is adopted by a majority in Congress, without Rand suggesting that it takes place in a way other than ordinary manner. But since it will force billionaires to break up their companies i.e, it can be nothing but socialist envy which is the driving force. One of Rand's heroes, on the other hand, Dagny Taggart's forefather Nathaniel Taggart, stopped his lawsuit by killing a politician and threw another from the third floor because he was offered a loan. In the universe of the book, this is noble and heroic. The oil baron Ellis Wyatt - another hero - was subjected to regulations around her oil fields. He responded by blasting them into the air on pure deeds-such as Saddam Hussein did in the first Gulf War. In the real world, this caused a thick layer of black poisonous smoke to be choking over the Middle East and poisoned air, land and water for weeks and months.
But no means are too powerful at Ayn Rand when to hit a society that has committed the great sin to interfere with the wealth of wealth to earn money as they want. In her world, violent jealousy is romantic and assaulted sexily. have pointed to the sex stories to explain parts of the novel's popularity. Here, Rand has also been drawn as one of the inspiration sources of nothing less than the last 50 years of S & M success '50 Shades of Gray'. Heroine Dagny's first lover - the mining Francisco d'Anconia - treats her as an asset. He drags her around the arm and does not take five pounds to catch her when she says things he does not like. The first time they lie together, he does not ask for her consent, but throws her down and does what he wants. "She knew that fear was useless, that he could do what he wanted, his decision was his."
Later Dagny has a relationship with Hank Rearden (who is married to another). The morning after their first night together, Hank makes it clear that in her eyes she is not better than a whore. As soon as they start a relationship, he demands to know how many men she has been with and who they were. When she does not answer, he tries to force it out of her with power. This is not meant to put Rands heroes in a bad light. In her world, violent jealousy is romantic and assaulted sexily. She meant that women are meant to be mocked by men - in fact, she said that "the most feminine of all is to look like you are in chains." A relationship in which the woman is dominant was "metaphysically inappropriate."
Another message in the book is that there are no limits for human exploitation of natural resources. There will always be new land to conquer, trees to chop, coal to recover and so on. Environmental regulations, like security regulations, are just another way for public bureaucrats to put sticks in the wheels of active capitalists. Here we recognize the strong unwillingness of, for example, Sylvi Listhaug against accepting scientific data on man-made climate change. New technology - invented by one of the engineering heroes - allows you to extract "unlimited amounts" of oil. That there are limited amounts of nature and resources is no matter. Pollution is also no problem - on the contrary, she describes how New York is swept into "holy fire" from factory pipes and melting furnaces from the heavy industry.
The book is predictably resigned with the repentance of the people. In a special symbol song scene, Dagny and Hank are on their way through Wisconsin's rolling hills and forests. The highway they drive on is the only man-made they can see: "The sea of shrubs, heather and trees rolled slowly past, with shades of yellow and orange, with a few red spots in between, and green ponds on the surfaces, under a clear blue sky. "What I would like to see here now," said Rearden, "is an advertising poster." It is its naturalization. In the book's dystopian vision of the future, the United States has succumbed to increasing regulations and state control, which has undermined the profit motive.
When business leaders and other key people disappear one by one, society is on the brink of collapse. In the last part of the book, mysterious leader John Galt comes forward and talks about the need for a community built on individual achievements and enlightened self-interest. The speech is long, it went over 70 pages in the book's first edition, and would take many hours to perform. The book ends predictably with the people regret it. They should never have put obstacles in the way of the work of the sexy entrepreneurs. Not surprisingly, Frp has a close relationship with these environments. While Ayn Rand lived, there was a cult-like circle around her, which ironically called itself the "Kollektivet".
Many of those who were in there later became very powerful, like US long-standing central bank chief Alan Greenspan. He believed that the market would not be regulated, he brought with him, and it was a decisive factor in the collapse of the US financial institutions. It triggered the global financial crisis we are still struggling with the effects of. In the community, Rand also managed the timetable for husbands and young lovers. Several of the most influential think tanks on the right side, such as the Ayn Rand Institute and the Cato Institute, is founded by early followers of this circle. Not surprisingly, Progress Party has one close co-operation with these environments - they are "Siv's helpers" as Aftenposten calls it.
All-Conservative Republicans such as Paul Ryan, Glenn Beck and Rand Paul are keen followers. Senator Ted Cruz, currently one of the most current Republican presidential candidates, used parts of his post against Obama's health reform to just recommend Atlas Shrugged - "If you have not read it, go straight and buy a copy," he said. .The capitalists are presented as Nietzschean superheroes. In the book "Faith on the Market", Håvard Friis Nilsen argues that Ayn Rand is in many ways neo-liberalism's main ideologist. While other premier vendors like Adam Smith, Friedrich Hayek or Ludwig von Mises are used as symbols for this direction, they are probably barely read outside academia. Ayn Rand, on the other hand, is continuously read by a large audience.
The books contain all the elements at the core of neoliberalism, the opposition between the individual and the state (or generally between the individual and the community), the belief in the businessman and business as the basis, the prerequisite and the measure of all social relationships. The capitalists are presented as nonzschean superheroes - no wonder it massages the ego and becomes popular in those circuits. Ayn Rand's authorship expresses an elite liberalism adapted to a mass public, as if it were done by a Steven Spielberg or Walt Disney. Suitably, a quote from one of her novels is carved in stone in just Disneyworld. [6] Much of the right-hand practical policy, where the wealthiest will be even richer, becomes easier to understand by looking into Ayn Rand.
It is an extreme ideology that is perpetuated in her books and philosophy, a mindset that is far from our Norwegian tradition. Here we are used to looking at each other as equals, and not on a few as selected supermen and women. It is ironic that Sylvi Listhaug, who is thus responsible for teaching immigrants about Norwegian values, herself embraces attitudes that are so far from the best of the Norwegian people's care.
(All translations have been made by the author)
AMagasin_mandag 2-Sources:
[1 ] Gary Weiss «Ayn RandNation. The Hidden Struggle for America's Soul »
[2] The Virtue of Self-Interest: 1969
[3] Retrieved from Håvard Friis Nilsen (2011)," Ayn Rand ", in Nilsen & Smedshaug (red): The faith in the market, Oslo: Res Publica.
[4] Atlas shrugged, my translation, like the others from the novel.
[5] In a television interview in 1959 with Mike Wallace from CBS, rendered in Håvard Friis Nilsen (2011), "Ayn Rand", in Nilsen & Smedshaug (red): The Faith in the Market, Oslo: Res Publica.
[6] Retrieved from Håvard Friis Nilsen (2011), "Ayn Rand", in Nilsen & Smedshaug (red): The faith in the market, Oslo: Res Publica.
P.S. Apologize for the rough Google translation
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