Markus,sosionom beretter om psykiatrier-politiskdrap. "Psykiatri er politisk"/amp


###Markus,sosionom beretter om psykiatrier-politiskdrap. "Psykiatri er politisk" (English translation at the bottom)

Dette er skrevet av en sosionom og hjelpepleier, en mann som har arbeidet mange år på sykehus, på sykehjem og som også har värt sosialabeider på gatenivå i over 15 år. Har også arbeidet mange år i psykiatrien.

Hva jeg ikke visste da jeg arbeidet med psykiatriske pasienter, var at Norge, i likhet med mange andre land, har benyttet seg av veldig umenneskelige og uetiske metoder for å passivisere mennesker. Teknologien omkring dette er etterhvert veldig gammel, den ble til lenge för krigen. Under krigen, var Tyskland den sterkeste representanten for utbyggingen av et “overvåkingssystem”, som de kalte det, men allerede da, visste de at denne teknologien kunne benyttes til å manipulere mennesker, og også “forandre” menneskers adferd.

Etter krigen ble dette den store “eksportvare” innenfor de hemmelige tjenestene, og Norge var et land som knyttet sterke kontakter med Amerika og CIA, både offentlig, og også i hemmelighet på flere plan, blant annet Arbeiderpartiet fikk “usunne kontakter” som medförte en klappjakt på kommunister. Dette var også tilknyttet det som kalles NATOs hemmelige här. eller Gladio, som det også kalles.

Sagt veldig kort, kan man si at MI6 (britisk etterretning) og CIA og NATO, trente opp mennesker i flere land i Europa, som skulle brukes mot kommunister, dette kalte de Gladio-härer. Sannheten er vel at de har blitt benyttet til å utöve politisk kontroll og hvor mange mennesker som er blitt “tatt vekk fra gata” er det vel ingen som har fullstendig oversikt over.

Gladio, ble avslört i Italia i 1990, og to italienske generaler vitnet om at det fantes en hemmelig Gladio-här også i Norge. og mange andre land i Europa. Belgia foretok en parlament-undersökelse og etterforskning, og også der kom det fram opplysninger om at Norge har en aktiv Gladio-styrke som ikke er styrt fra det norske Storting.

Norge foretok en granskning av de hemmelige tjenestene i 1994, den såkalte Lund-kommisjonen, uten at de fant ut noe särlig. Tron Gerhardsen, som er nevö av tidligere Statsminister Einar Gerhardsen, og sönn av broren til statsministeren, Rolf Gerhardsen, mannen som ledet Arbeiderpartiets hemmelige etterretningstjeneste, stod fram i dagbladet 19 november 09 i forbindelse med lanseringen av sin nye bok : “Einar og Haakon, Rolf og jeg”. Her fortalte Tron Gerhardsen at Haakon Lie löy til Lund-kommisjonen, og Jens Chr,Hauge löy til Lund-kommisjonen, og ogsä faren hans, Rolf, og han selv, löy til Lund-kommisjonen.

Så bildet om at Norge har gransket de hemmelige tjenestene uten å finne noe särlig galt, blir helt latterlig. Hele Lund-kommisjonen med dertil hörende Lund-rapport, er bare falske glansbilder, laget for at folk skal tro at Norge er et land som respekterer menneskerettighetene.

Bare et lite kort avsnitt om hva det handler om :

Frimurerne, eller Freemasons, som det heter på engelsk, er de som styrer verden. Britisk Freemasons har värt de mektigste, og Amerikansk og Engelsk Freemasons har samarbeidet lenge. Det var de britiske Freemasons som skapte både kommunismen og nazismen. Splitt og hersk. Franske Freemasons var den sterkeste motpolen til den engelske/amerikanske-Freemasons, men etter 1984 har de samarbeidet omkring det som kalles “New World Order”.

De mektigste i Norge er med i Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger eller Council of Foreign Relations, navnene blir ikke tatt med i denne omgang. Men Arbeiderpartiet og også Fremskrittspartiet er representert, og de to partiene er også “de to motpolene” i Norge. Da Arbeiderpartiet begynte å tape stemmer til venstresiden på slutten av 60-tallet, fant de ut at det må startes ett nytt parti for å demme opp. Så kom Fremskrittspartiet til verden i begynnelsen av 1970-årene som svar på det. Skremmende hvor mange mennesker som stemmer på Fremskrittspartiet, som jo er veldig langt ut til höyre, der nazistene hörer til.

MK-Ultra var et “adferdsmanipulerings-program” fra CIA som ble benyttet etter krigen mot nordmenn som på en eller annen måte hadde arbeidet for tyskerene. Dette var fordi CIA og Norge mente at tyskerene allerede hadde brukt denne hemmelige teknologien på alle som var tilknyttet det tredje riket. Så alle som ble satt i fengsel etter krigen ble eksperimentert på i dette MK-Ultra-programmet, og også ca 5000 tyskertöser. Dette fortsatte i andre- og tredje generasjon, og nå er det fjerde generasjon av de som först ble eksperimentert på som er under oppfölging.

Dette er genetiske prosjekter, og målet var å skape “Hitlers superbabies”, og det har faktisk blitt gjort. Nå har denne forskningen gått videre til å lage “cyborger”, dvs.halvt menneske, halvt maskin, og denne forskningen er big “business service”, og omfatter alle typer av automatiserte mennesker, der resultatene av denne forskningen blir “höstet” og benyttet i nye og kraftigere utgaver som implanteres i nye mennesker. Målet nå er å ha utstyr som kan kontrollere og manipulere adferden til alle menneske-typer, så det höstes litt her og litt der for å få ett komplett input.

ALFA, eller ALPHA, er et ord som Ronald Bye hadde hört i forbindelse med "den hemmelige etterretnings-tjenesten i Norge. Han trodde det var navnet på den hemmelige gruppen. Sannheten omkring ALPHA må ikke komme ut, fordi denne gruppen er “vokterene” av energier som noen mennesker naturlig har, andre naturlig tilegner seg, og igjen andre mennesker får som en fölge av bruk og eller misbruk av stoffer som klassifiseres som narkotika.

Det er også kjent at CIA og andre “Agencies” er nettopp de som importerer narkotika og får den distribuert. Norge er veldig interressant i så måte, siden de prismessig kan få mye for narkotikaen i Norge. Såkalte “safe-houses” har tradisjonelt blitt benyttet til salg av narkotika, og også som et senter for å få knyttet brukerene og misbrukerene opp i den såkalte Matrixen.

Dette igjen er knyttet opp mot at mennesker er åndelige vesener med et fantastisk potensiale. Men det er farlig hvis menneskene får vite noe om dette. Derfor er det opprettet “ALPHA-team” i de fleste vestlige land som har som oppgave å tilknytte disse menneskene som har hatt “målbare utslag” av bevisstheten.
Sagt på en annen måte, har det alltid värt mennesker på jorden som har “kontakt med Gud”, på en eller annen måte, enten de er synske, kan helbrede, eller driver med “kanalisering” av en eller annen art osv.osv.

Disse menneskene får ikke lengre holde på uten at de blir tilknyttet “Matrixen”, og grunnen for å knytte dem opp med elektronikk er for det förste å ha kontroll over dem, og for det andre å misbruke dem “les : höste dem”. NATO sies å ha sitt eget “Delphi-board”, mennesker som har synske evner som kan forutsi fremtid, og også reise i fortid. Det sies at dette utmerket godt kan gjöres med en person uten at denne personen forstår noenting, en av metodene er å gjöre dette mens personen sover, og “slette minnene om dette” idet de våkner, eller för de våkner. Mennesker er altså fantastiske vesner, og de som kommer “litt for närme Gud”, slik at de kan utföre det som vi kaller for mirakler, blir utsatt for et angrep av en teknologi som har blitt forsökt holdt hemmelig. Resultatet blir det som vi kaller psykiatriske symptomer

A "Manchurian Candidate"

The Horror and Devastation of Mind Control and Preprogramming is indeed a Reality. A Reality that has been used for Espionage, Assassinations and Mercenary work for many Centuries. These Technologies have been used on the Orion Star System for many Billions of Years and it is being used here on Earth in Deep Military Underground Bases for the Purpose of Infiltration and Subversion of Nations and their People.

Many times the Host or Victim of Mind Control Programming doesn't know what he or she is doing because the Marching Orders given to the Victim/Host doesn't realize that they are Pawns for a Larger Political Game, many times the Victim/Host does not realize the Plan/Agenda until he or she is triggered by something like a Game of Solitaire or a Phone call or even Watching the News on TV.

But once the Victim/Host is triggered he or she will carry out unspeakable acts of horror without even realizing what they did. Their Minds and even their Souls have become Slaves to their Operator and their Preprogrammed Trigger Mechanisms and Like Robots they will carry out their Political Agendas without Question.

Many of you do not realize the Horrors of Mind Control and Preprogramming and many of the Hosts/Victims don't really know either and that is the Dangerous thing because it is true they have a Core Split in their Minds, an Alter Ego if you will that only awakens when they are Triggered by their Operator or a Trigger like a Game of Cards, Watching TV or anything else for that matter.

As you watch the Many Terrorist Acts that tend to go on in the World like the Norway Terrorist attack, you can see the Individual who committed the Act looked Normal and Healthy but deep inside this Man was nothing more than a Mind Controlled Manchurian Candidate that was Preprogrammed to commence acts of Unspeakable Horror to Achieve Political Means. His Operator was clearly Illuminati.

What you folks need to watch is a Movie which was made in 1962 called " THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE ", this movie was utterly incredible because it explains the Art of Mind Control and how it works and I can assure you this is very Real and these Manchurian Candidates are out there to Serve the NWO, so they can take away more and more of your Priceless Liberties and Freedoms.

It is of utmost importance that you watch the 1962 "MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE" to understand how Mindcontrol Works. The Victims of Mind Control are often subjected to unspeakable torcher and brain manipulation techniques until their minds are wiped Clean of who they are and what they stand for, many people who go through these Seminars of Abuse, Preprogramming and Torcher often go Insane and end up in Mental Institutions, but the Ones that Survive the Evil, they are used as Fall Guys for Political Agendas.

I hope this will help you in the Understanding of Dreadful Mind Control and how it works because it's very real, be aware of the Political Machine when some Mind Controlled Victim commits an Act of Terror on free humanity and then make Manifestos for Chaos, they are clearly Two Baskets short of a Picnic and have gone over the Deep end a long time ago because of Agency Mind Control and Preprogramming, Defend your Liberties always because they are under attack.

The Media is Owned by the Zionist Illuminati and they will seize the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE acts of TERROR to blame these Acts on LIBERTY & FREE WILL.

Jaja…Jeg skal skrive mye mer om dette og om alt mulig annet relatert til psykiatri og uetisk forskning etterhvert. Daniel Ganser er en veldig bra kilde til NATO sin hemmelig här, Freemasons fins det tusenvis av böker om, en som jeg kan anbefale heter “Scarlet and the Beast”, som forteller hvordan tingene henger sammen.

10.jan.2010 kl.14:40

Psykiatrier Politisk Drap - Arkiv:

Markus, the Sociologist, reports on psychiatric political killings. "Psychiatry is Political" /

30 JANUARY 2018

Markus, the Sociologist, reports on psychiatric political killings. "Psychiatry is political"


This is written by a social worker and auxiliary assistant, a man who has worked many years in hospitals, nursing homes and who has also been socially responsible at street level for over 15 years. Has also worked many years in psychiatry.

What I did not know when working with psychiatric patients was that Norway, like many other countries, has used very inhuman and unethical methods to passivate people. The technology around this is eventually very old, it became a long time for the war. During the war, Germany was the strongest representative of the development of a "monitoring system", as they called it, but already then, they knew that this technology could be used to manipulate people and also "change" people's behaviour.

After the war, this became the major "export product" within the secret services, and Norway was a country that had strong contacts with America and the CIA, both publicly and secretly on several levels, including the Labor Party receiving "unhealthy contacts" which caused a hunting on communists. This was also associated with what is called NATO's secret here. or Gladio, as it is also called.

In short, it can be said that MI6 (British intelligence) and CIA and NATO trained people in several countries in Europe, to be used against communists, which they called Gladio heroes. The truth is that they have been used to exercise political control and how many people have been "taken away from the street" no one has a complete overview.

Gladio was revealed in Italy in 1990, and two Italian generals witnessed that there was a secret Gladio here in Norway as well. and many other countries in Europe. Belgium conducted a parliamentary investigation and investigation, and also there was information that Norway has an active Gladio force, not ruled by the Norwegian Parliament.

Norway conducted a review of the secret services in 1994, the so-called Lund Commission, without finding anything special. Tron Gerhardsen, who is the nephew of former Prime Minister Einar Gerhardsen, and true by the brother of the prime minister, Rolf Gerhardsen, the man who led the Labor Secret Secret Intelligence Service, appeared in the newspaper 19 November 09 in connection with the launch of his new book: "Einar and Haakon, Rolf and I ". Here Tron Gerhardsen told Haakon Lie to the Lund Commission, and Jens Chr, Hauge drove to the Lund Commission, and also his father, Rolf, and himself, drove to the Lund Commission.

So the picture that Norway has examined the secret services without finding something wrong is getting ridiculous. The entire Lund Commission, with its Lund report, is only fake glossy, designed to make people believe Norway is a country that respects human rights.

Just a little short section about what it's about:

The Freemasons, as mentioned in English, are the rulers of the world. British Freemasons have been worth the most powerful, and American and English Freemasons have been working for a long time. It was the British Freemasons who created both communism and Nazism. Divide and Conquer. French Freemasons were the strongest opposition to the English / American Freemasons, but after 1984 they collaborated on what is called the "New World Order".

The most powerful in Norway is in the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger or the Council of Foreign Relations, the names are not included in this round. But the Labor Party and the Progress Party are also represented, and the two parties are also the "two opposite poles" in Norway. When the Labor Party began losing votes on the left-hand side of the late 60's, they found that a new party must be started to demolish. Then the Progress Party came to the world in the early 1970s in response to it. Scary how many people are voting in the Progress Party, which is very far out to the right, to which the Nazis belong.

MK-Ultra was a "behavioural manipulation program" from the CIA that was used after the war against Norwegians who somehow worked for the Germans. This was because the CIA and Norway believed that the Germans had already used this secret technology on all those affiliated with the Third Empire. So all those who were imprisoned after the war were experimented on in this MK-Ultra program, and also about 5,000 German Tigers. This continued in the second and third generations, and now it is the fourth generation of those who were first experimented on under the follow-up.

These are genetic projects, and the goal was to create "Hitler's super babies" and it has actually been done. Now, this research has gone on to create "cyborgs", ie half human, half-machine, and this research is big business service and includes all types of automated people, the results of this research being blir "autumn" and used in new and more powerful editions that are implanted in new people. The goal now is to have equipment that can control and manipulate the behavior of all human types, so it's autumn here and a bit there to get a complete input. ALFA, or ALPHA, is a word that Ronald Bye had heard in connection with " The secret intelligence service in Norway, believed it was the name of the secret group.

The truth about ALPHA must not come out because this group is the "guardians" of energies that some people naturally have, others naturally acquire and again other people as a result of the use and or abuse of substances classified as drugs. It is also known that CIA and other "Agencies" are just those who import drugs and distribute it. Norway is very interesting in this way, since they can be pricey get a lot of drugs in Norway. So-called "safe-houses" have traditionally been used for the sale of drugs, and also as a center for bringing users and abusers into the so-called Matrix. Again, it is linked to the fact that humans are spiritual beings with great potential. But it's dangerous if people get to know something about this. Therefore, the "ALPHA team" has been created in most Western countries, which has the task of associating those people who have had "measurable rashes" of consciousness. Put in another way, it is always worthwhile people on earth who have "contact with God", somehow, whether they are psychic, can heal, or conduct "channeling" of some kind, etc.

These people can no longer hold on without being attached to the "Matrix", and the reason for linking them with electronics is first to control them, and secondly to misuse them "read: harvest them." NATO is said to have its own "Delphi Board", people who have psychic abilities that can predict the future, and also travel in the past. It is said that this excellent good can be done to a person without this person understanding anything, one of the methods is to do this while the person is asleep and "erase the memories of this" as they wake up or wake up. People are therefore wonderful beings, and those who come "a little too near God" so that they can perform what we call for miracles are subjected to an attack by a technology that has been tried to keep secret. The result is what we call psychiatric symptoms.

Yes ... I will write much more about this and about anything else related to psychiatry and unethical research eventually. Daniel Ganser is a very good source of NATO's secret here, the Freemasons finds thousands of bites, one that I can recommend is called "Scarlet and the Beast", which tells how things are connected.

Automatic English translation by Google translate

WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >

The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehaviour acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.


Ante ikke at vi har og fremdeles driver med saa mye faenskap. Hvem eller hvad ligger bak dette? Russiske og Amerikanske etterretningstjenester? Global Elite- Illuminati??


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