There’s something very wrong with the Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy Tag Team
By State of the Nation December 29, 2024
And how the H-1B visa criminal conspiracy is being used to greatly further white replacement.
Submitted by An Armchair Political Analyst
SOTN Exclusive
From the get-go, it was very — VERY — suspicious that Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy were suddenly and mysteriously paired together as the DOGE dynamic duo by President-elect Trump, yes?!?!?!
Well, in view of their first major move as a US Govt-sponsored crime duo, now we know why.
What Musk has already unloaded on the American people — DURING PRIME TIME — is so mind-blowing it’s difficult to even believe the poor sap said it.
However, the extremely stark reality here is that Trump has shown his hand even before he’s in the Oval Office. Wow! Just WOW!!!
Honestly, Trump’s Khazarian masters clearly don’t care that he just pissed off his entire base, and in a way that indicates he will be quickly morphed into some kind of a 21st century … … … Hitler.
There, we said it, but the American people will soon hear with their own ears that Trump’s whole agenda is about one thing, AND ONE THING ONLY—MIGA!
And, that Trump has given Musk (and Ramaswamy) such a long leash to attack his own deluded base confirms that the Patriot Movement drank the same koolaid that Jim Jones (really the C.I.A.) gave out at Jonestown.
Incidentally, the unparalleled vitriol issued forth from Musk himself belies a very nefarious hidden agenda that even ole Elon may be completely unaware of. Then there is the utterly satanic agenda of transhumanism that the Muskster is totally aware of.
Elon Musk Is A Cyborg Trojan Horse
Remember, The Powers That Be always use their BIGGEST frontmen and pitchmen, who have been secretly subjected to years of intensive MK-Ultra-level Monarch mind control programming, as well as lifelong social engineering programs, to carry out their BIGGEST schemes because they are so convincing due to their lack of conscious awareness about how they are being stealthily used. If you don’t believe this, watch the following video.
Oh, and by the way, there is no such thing as White Replacement Theory; rather, the long planned and highly organized WHITE REPLACEMENT agenda is an established and proven fact. There are now volumes of hard evidence which prove there’s a diabolical plan afoot that’s being insidiously executed by the Khazarian Cabal to completely replace the White Race—WORLDWIDE!
You had better know about: THE KALERGI PLAN
Now you know why the very fast-talking and very smooth Vivek Ramaswamy was carefully selected for his key role. Really, how does a 37-year-old kid come out of nowhere and run for POTUS … … … unless he is trained and told to run by his well-concealed masters?! See:
Khazarian Frontman Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: Destroyer of European Culture, Multiculturalism Fanatic & White Replacement Czar
But in the meantime, the Patriot Movement would be well served by deeply contemplating the following meme … before the White Race has been completely wiped off the face of the planet. Very sorry to say, but this exceedingly ugly affair with Musk/Ramaswamy has exposed Trump himself as nothing but a Khazarian puppet on a string. And, the MAGA Movement as an essentially rudderless USS Titanic just moments away from a slowly rising yet immense iceberg. YIKES!!!
KEY POINT: In our haste we neglected to address exactly who is behind and why in-your-face White Replacement has seen a dramatic uptick in its catastrophic unfoldment in all 50 states since Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama first squatted in the Oval Office while BIG MIKE occupied two bedrooms in the White House. We defer to a commenter at TBP who nicely summed it all up as follows:
An Armchair Political Analyst
State of the Nation
December 29, 2024
SOTN Editor’s Note: In light of the preceding cursory analysis, it appears that the following video has captured the Donald J. Trump that very few people will ever know.
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