INAUGURATION DAY 2025 Everything changes in less than one month.
By State of the Nation - December 21, 2024
A day that will live in infamy for the treasonous, seditious,and traitor-infested communist-run Democrat Party…but only if Team Trump truly drains the swamp. : It ought to be obvious that we are currently experiencing the CALM BEFORE THE STORM.
And, that because the Democrats have been so quiet since Election Day, you know they are busily preparing for their pre-Inauguration Day power grab. That prep began in earnest with this major move:
The Most Brazenly Unlawful POTUS Pardon In American History
However, HUNTERgate is the least of their problems since this nonstop Democrat crime wave actually began with the unconstitutional installation of Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama as a POTUS Pretender on January 20, 2009.
Scientific Evidence: Obama Birth Certificate Copy Proven Fake And Forged
Incidentally, that little data point alone makes every presidential action throughout the entire illegitimate two terms of Obama completely NULL AND VOID. Especially in view of the absolute necessity for the Democrats to cover up the countless Obama-Biden crimes sprees does Inauguration Day 2025 then become the most consequential in U.S. history.
Obama-Biden Era Darkest Period In U.S. History
But not only that, the Democrat party also has to continuously cover up the most transparently stolen POTUS election—EVER! Because not only did POTUS Imposter Joe Biden not receive those 81 million plus votes, all of the high-integrity statistical analysis and scientific evaluation of the volumes of screaming ballot evidence point to the great likelihood that Trump won with that amount. Heck, JOE BIDEN WAS DISQUALIFIED FROM EVEN RUNNING FOR POTUS.
Actually, the funniest and coolest thing to comes out of Trump’s 2024 landslide victory is that it removed any and all doubt about the various and sundry ways by which the DEMs outright stole 2020. In other words, the 2020 numbers simply don’t add up for Biden up … and the numbers don’t lie like the ballot counters do every four freakin’ years.
Which has now proven that Team Biden outright stole 2020 election from Trump.
Which brings US back to the exceedingly thorny and precarious state of affairs that the Democrat Party will be facing on Monday, Jan 20, 2025, from 12:00 PM onward. In point of fact, the very worst of those brazen and shameless traitors know that they are staring at a fate that is nothing less than a public hanging.
However, that just and fair outcome is wholly dependent on President Trump establishing the rule of law across the land. It’s not yet clear if Team Trump really understands the constitutional necessity and moral imperative to mete out the most severe justice in every single case of proven treason and/or sedition that warrants it. Because these Democrat cowards only understand one thing—brute force and raw power.
What’s the crucial point here?
We’re talking about a complete and permanent dissolution of the Democrat Party in view of the multifarious criminal conspiracies of sedition and treason committed against the POTUS and the American Republic, respectively.
So, the Democrat Party is toast. Their little communist party is history … as in forever terminated as a political party in these once United States of America. Those self-indicted flagrant traitors and nakedly subversive bolsheviks have screwed the pooch so many times they’re outta here. It just hasn’t happened yet. That’s Trump’s job. And he has no choice this time around but to follow through on draining the swamp inside the Beltway for good … … … because his own life and family’s future greatly depends on it.
Therefore, the NWO globalist-overseen Democrats know they will have only one more chance to strike, and strike so hard that their seemingly inevitable fate can be somehow averted.
Which really means that the Democrats’ (and RINOs’) only way out of their ugly treasonous communist mess is to launch their long planned and highly organized:
Now read the following post to further understand why the Democrats MUST prevent President-elect Trump from ever occupying the Oval Office again.
State of the Nation - December 23, 2024
President Harris, COG and the VERY Deep State
By Rich Scheck - Cathedral City, CA - December 21, 2024
My intuition tells me that Donald Trump will not be taking the oath of office on January 20, 2025.
I believe the overwhelming evidence of massive corruption that has already been revealed pertaining to the Biden Crime Family and many others in the DC Swamp will lead to Joe resigning to allow Kamala Harris to be the first woman president.
That maneuver will soon be followed by the evocation of emergency powers based on the UFO/Drone Flap currently swirling across the US and abroad relying on the powers of the Continuity of Government provisions similar to what they did during the Covid-19 Plandemic to impose draconian measures on our citizenry.
The VERY Deep State has made it abundantly clear that it is unwilling to let go of its domination of global events by continuing the senseless war in Ukraine and allowing the Greater Israel Project to gain momentum as we just saw in Syria along with other features of their lust for power.
The public execution of the Russian general tasked with revealing the bio-lab scandal and other perfidious enterprises such as child trafficking was a big clue that these folks will not go quietly into the night despite what the American people have decided through the electoral process.
That combined with the Hunter Biden fiasco, the weaponization of government report, the latest J6 revelations and the prospect of Patel, Musk, RFK, Jr. and Gabbard leading the charge to expose the worst aspects of our broken political system are forcing desperate actions that might even end in nuclear war. (Can you say the Samson Option?)
Trump’s campaign pledges to end both conflicts in one day cannot be allowed to happen even if my speculative musing about Harris and the COG proves inaccurate.
The VERY Deep State, probably motivated by religious prophecies, is showing us that they will stop at nothing to sustain their power even if that entails casting an even darker shadow over our freedoms than what has already happened since the advent of Pax Americana after WW2.
Trump’s ostensible White Hat hero image is also tarnished by virtue of his dependence on cash from the Adelsons, his close ties to Bibi and the ostensible control of his policies by the Schneerson-inspired Chabad Elite.
It is a bleak situation worthy of what Rudolph Steiner predicted over a hundred years ago with his vision of Ahriman creating a dystopian Eighth Sphere Dystopia that resembles the emerging WEF, Hunger Games scenario of Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence.
I pray my intuition is wrong and that a more positive future lies over the horizon as the Cosmic Reset and fight for the future continues.
White House Emergency? Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Abruptly Cancel Christmas Plans
N. B.: This is a draft speculative musing. Feedback welcome.
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