By Unz Review - 07 July 2024.

Pro-Israel Sentiment in the Media Is More a Function of US Establishment and Ruling Class Values Than Jewish Control

Jews don’t own the media. 25-30 years ago you could say that, but it’s not true anymore.

I did a deep analysis of the US media recently looking for the extent of Jewish ownership and came away a bit chagrined as the default hypothesis was one of Jewish ownership. Turns out they definitely own a substantial portion of it but not the whole thing by any means.

These media companies are all massive corporations now, and after merger after merger, they are made up of many businesses that do all sorts of things. They’re about as ideological as any other corporation.

However, they represent the views of what I call the Establishment and the ruling class in America. Now the US Establishment and ruling class happens to be considerably Jewish, but certainly most members of these groups are Gentiles.

My analysis found that a typical huge media corporation nowadays might have at its top two executives one Jew and one Gentile. Having half the top positions is control? Forget it. We may as well say that Gentiles control that corporation.

To give you an example, CNN has had serious problems with pro-Israel censorship coming down from the highest level. Turns out it was all emanating from a Gentile executive, a British expat.

In 2009 as head of a British media outlet, he had come under substantial Israeli influence and had become a strong Israel supporter. There was no further word about how that went down. So as you can see here the pro-Israel slant of the network was coming from a Gentile.

There has also been controversy at the Canadian Broadcasting Network regarding pro-Israel bias including firings of dissident journalists. One of the fired directors laid out how it all went down. Turns out there was no Jewish ownership at the top of the CBC, but upper management was heavily Jewish.

At the end of the day it was hard to pin the pro-Israel bias on anything other than institutional pro-Israel sentiment from the Canadian ruling class and Establishment.

Of course The New York Times is owned by Jews, but that tends to be more of an exception among US papers.

Nevertheless, most media corporations are stacked top to bottom with Jews to the extent that there are so many of them that Jews may have effective control over the outlet on issue of Israel.

The thing is that the Gentiles in the ruling class don’t act much different from the Jews. They tend to have the same values, one of which is strong support for Israel.

I’ve been tracking newspapers and newsmagazines that went from Jewish to Gentile ownership and little to nothing changed, even in the coverage of Israel. One example was the Chicago Tribune. The other was the Washington Post.

Under half-Jew Katherine Graham it had been very pro-Israel but after Catholic Jeff Bezos bought it out, nothing much changed. That’s when I started thinking there was more to this than just Jewish ownership and control. Granted that’s certainly a factor but it’s not the whole story by any means.

So the media’s pro-Israel bias is at least in part due to the feelings of US Establishment and elite itself and only secondarily about Jewish control.

These organizations are also afraid of being labeled antisemitic and are probably also afraid of the legendary Jewish Advertiser Boycott which has been destroying many smaller newspapers in the US for a very long time now.

The Dearborn Independent – A Look at an Anti-Jewish US Newspaper

If they can’t take you out that way, US Jews might try to murder you. They tried to murder Henry Ford by driving his car off the road into a ditch in the 1930’s. Soon after he folded the Dearborn Independent.

I’ve read Ford’s book and articles in the DI, and a lot of things he and his paper said were just flat out true. I had a hard time understanding what the big fuss was about.

Jews back then were extremely clannish and engaged in major discimination against non-Jews.

In the DI, US Jews often came across as utterly cynical and having no real values whatsoever other than money and pure self-interest divorced from any hard morality. Everything was contingent.

The DI heavily covered the Jewish Warburg bankersduring World War 1. It was very hard to follow as their behavior was so cynical, convoluted, and well, conspiratorial. The machinations of the Warburgs during this period came across as disgusting.

They didn’t seem to have any values at all other than sheer pecuniary interest, which itself changed with the breeze. They would fund one side in the war and then stop funding them and fund the other side. Often they seemed to be funding both sides at once. None of it made much sense.

I left thinking that these Warburgs were lousy people. The tone of the articles was cynical and awestruck at the jaded, corrupted, naked self-interest and moral nullity displayed by powerful Jews at the time.

The International Jew, an Unjustly Maligned Humanist Work

In his book The International Jew, printed in 1920, Ford pointed out that US Jews acted very bad back then, much worse than they do now. I read the book and felt it was unjustly maligned. As noted, Jewish behavior was awful in those days, and it only made sense to call it out.

The tone in the book was not so much hateful as exasperated. The tone of anguished exasperation starts on page one and continues through the last sentences.

Ford came out strongly against pogroms, saying he could not support the taking of a single Jewish life. He described pogroms as sickening. At the end of the book, Ford seemed near the end of his rope:

“Jews! Stop being Jews and start being humans! Please join us as we work together to build a better America.”

Although antisemites would say that Ford was claiming that Jews weren’t humans, I actually think he had a progressive mindset and was calling on Jews to be American humanists or patriots instead of being narrow Jewish tribalists with a clear case of dual loyalty. It seems he was arguing more for Jewish assimilation than anything else.

It was also a plaintive call for US Jews to stop their ethnic warfare against Gentiles and join the US Gentiles as American patriots in building a better country.

During the period Ford wrote about, Jews made runs on several industries in the US by working as a tribe and forming monopolies like they’ve always done.

Back then, most Gentiles were somewhat antisemitic, but this was a good thing because if they weren’t, we would have lost even more of our industries to US Jews.

For instance, Jews made a run on the New York Stock Exchange. A Gentile would sell his seat to anyone, but a Jew would only sell to another Jew.

Jews were slowly taking over the stock exchange in this way. After a while, the Gentiles caught wind of it and decided to stop the plot. The conspiracy was stopped when antisemitic Gentiles got together and agreed that they would not sell seats to Jews anymore.

Jews Don’t Run the Banks Anymore

Jews made a huge run on finance banking and we able to take over much of the industry before an antisemitic counterattack was organized. Jews retain a central position in US finance banking to this very day.

Jews also made a run on commercial banking in the US and tried to take over that industry. This time, Gentiles caught wind of it much sooner having been burned in the finance banking takeover. Once again, antisemitic Gentiles refused to sell any banks to Jews, and that put a stop to that. The Jews didn’t get very far in their plot to take over commercial banking and to this day, it’s a WASP enterprise.

Whenever you hear antisemites talk about Jewish control of the banks, it’s not true. Jews did have major control over European banks before World War 2, but a thing called the Holocaust happened, and that put a stop to that. I suppose it’s an ill wind that blows no good.

Even antisemite David Duke has long stated that Jews never ran the US banking system.

I did a deep dive into the world banking system a while back, and most of banking companies are just huge corporations and in fact many are headquartered in Asia.

Quite a few others are out of Europe, especially the UK and Germany.

The Jews have never run the banks of the city of London, a WASP affair from Day One. See Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley for more on that. He puts WASP banks in the city of London as a better example of world controllers than anything anyone else can come up with.

The German banks are now all run by Gentiles. After World War 2, their management was full of former Nazis. Not exactly being run by Jews, you see?

The Only Defense Against Jewish Ethnic Warfare is Mass Gentile Antisemitism

As you can see above, when Jews are waging ethnic warfare against non-Jews, the only way to stop them is to be at least somewhat antisemitic. Anything less than that and they will bulldoze over you and gain a huge share of your industries.

I did an interview with Kevin MacDonald some years ago over the phone and I posed this question directly to him, pointing out that when Jews wage ethnic warfare in country, the only way to stop is mass antisemitism among the Gentiles who the Jews are waging war on.

He heartily agreed with my statement. I also noted that in that sense, Jewish ethnic warfare not only created but mandated the very antisemitism that Jews claim to hate so much, and he was much in agreement with that too.

How Many Antisemites are Judedophiles in Disguise?

MacDonald was an interesting person. I found him to be extremely charming. Like a lot of very smart people, he didn’t seem to suffer fools well, but I can relate. I was searching for antisemitism in my interview but I couldn’t see much.

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If anything, he seemed to be absolutely fascinated by Jews, and he seemed to get a joyful and intrigued charge out of talking about them. I actually pegged him as another one of those antisemites who are really Judeophiles in disguise.

Or perhaps it is better to square the circle and say that they are both antisemites and Judeophiles at the same time. That may seem an odd thing to say, but that describes quite a few Jews themselves.

I’ve more and more come to believe that a lot of antisemites are thse sort of interveted Judeophiles. After all, the only people who think Jews run the world are Jews and antisemites, so they have a lot in common. The rest of us sane people know better.

Of course no Jew has ever noted this, which leads me to a new theory of mine, which is that the last person who should be defining antisemitism is a Jew. They have too much skin in the game, so they can’t be objective. Who can be objective about themselves anyway?

I hate to delve into biography but I’ve been called antisemite ever since I started writing on the web. Later I ended up having the longest relationship of my life with a Jewish woman. One day she said:

Admit it, Bob! You’ve always wanted to be a Jew!

I knew she was right. Even in my bad phase it was true. I was even thinking of coverting to Judaism at one point but the relationship ended.

After I interviewed him, MacDonald started to get more hostile towards Jews in print as they turned on him more and more. It makes sense. You hit a man enough times, and he might just start hitting back.

The History of Jewish Takeover of the US Media and Entertainment Industry

During the period covered by The International Jew, US Jews took over US newspapers and later newsmagazines and radio and TV news stations. The motivation at least in the early days was fear of antisemites gaining control over the media and using it against the Jews.

A lot of Jews’ “nefarious” behavior seems to be simply driven by paranoia and a fear of antisemites. The behavior tries to make it less likely for antisemites to gain control over society.

Around the same time The International Jew was written, Jews gained control over Hollywood. Five Jews from a 50 square mile radius in Galicia bought up the main studios. They still have a strong influence to this day.

Whether this was an actual conspiracy to take over Hollywood is unknown, but according to David Duke, Jews were supposedly worried about racists in Hollywood gaining the upper hand. He said the popularity of Birth of a Nation in particular alarmed them.

25-30 years ago, 69% of the media elite were Jewish. Now the figure for top positions in both the media and Hollywood is down to 41%, and Hollywood’s a lot more Jewish than the media, so you can see how Jewish media control has declined pretty drastically since the mid 1990’s.

Jewish power in Hollywood has also waned, and others have gained a lot of power there, particularly Italian-Americans. However, Hollywood is still very Jewish.

Nevertheless there have long been very credible reports of Jewish studio executives discriminating against non-Jews in hiring, promotion, and deciding which scripts to film. As of 15-20 years ago, this was still a serious problem.

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