Rep. Tenney to Newsmax: Obama Really Running Govt

By Newsmax - Nicole Wells    |   Tuesday, 02 July 2024 11:49 AM

Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., told Newsmax Tuesday that "Democrats don't care" about the physical and mental condition of President Joe Biden because he's merely a figurehead. Former President Barack Obama is really running the government, she said.

"It's just like a Soviet-style Politburo," Tenney said during an appearance on Newsmax’s "Wake Up America." "Remember when the Soviet Union, they propped up [sixth USSR leader Yuri] Andropov, a decrepit, old Communist that they put there?

"He looked good to the public, and they maneuvered behind the scenes. And I suspect that's exactly what's going on.

"During the debate, when he first walked out, I said, 'Oh, God, this is a calculated pre-convention move to get Joe Biden out before.' But as it went on, he got worse."

"He actually had a couple of moments where he wasn't as disastrous. It was a nonperformance. It was just a person there who, so far as you know, [was] at least visibly alive," she continued.

"But what was really interesting was the fallout. The media, which knew better, who knew better, went on about how disastrous this was. But guess who came to the rescue and said, 'Oh, no, no,' other than Joe Biden's family?

"It was President Obama, his team. The only president in American history to stay in Washington, to go from being a community organizer to worth an estimated hundreds of millions of dollars, is in Washington, is behind the scenes, along with Susan Rice and all of his staff."

"So they're running this government really, it seems to me. I don't think there's any other conclusion you can draw based on the evidence," Tenney said.

"And here's Obama, 'No, no, no, we keep Biden in there' because it's all about power at all costs. That's why they're trying to destroy [former] President [Donald] Trump.

"So remember, even if something should happen to President Biden, they have [Vice President] Kamala Harris who will do whatever President Obama wants her to do. This is this sort of globalist, we're-going-to-run-the-entire-world situation. It doesn't matter who's in," she continued.

"Remember, they got [Democrat Sen.] John Fetterman elected in Pennsylvania when he had been suffering from a stroke and couldn't even do a debate. It's the same idea. They don't care who's in power."

"I will tell you, famously, [former House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi [D-Calif.] said, 'I can get this glass of water elected if you put a "D" behind it.' So it really doesn't matter. That's how little respect they have for their own voters," Tenney said.

Many on the left have called for Biden to drop out of the presidential race following his debate performance Thursday night against former President Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee.

Biden has said he intends to run as the Democratic Party's nominee.