“Israel: Jewish Settler Colony in the Levant: A Prognosis”

By VT - Kevin Barrett, Senior Editor - 26, 2024

If Israel attacks (Lebanon) it’s real war. I mean real war. Now there are, if you want to call them, serious skirmishes, but it’s not a real war like they’re doing on Gaza. If they do (start) a real war, then it may be considered that from a religious standpoint that Hezbollah can enter into a full war.”

Fadi Lama breaks it down (video)

Fadi Lama returns to this show with a slideshow based on his article “Israel: The Jewish Settler Colony in the Levant: A Prognosis.” Since our last interview, Israel has edged closer to the full-scale attack on Lebanonthat could be the Zionist Entity’s undoing. As Fadi told me:

Fadi Lama is the author of Why the West Can’t Win: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World.


Let’s look at the quick achievements (of the Axis of Resistance). Liberation of Lebanon from Israeli occupation, defeating US occupation forces in Iraq, defeating the colonial war on Iraq and Syria versus these head choppers and the Kurdish proxies, defeating the colonial war on Yemen via Saudi and UAE proxies, developing a formidable resistance, Hezbollah, and developing a formidable Palestinian resistance.

Can you imagine? A strong army, with all these F-16s, all this bombing, and they cannot subdue a popular resistance in Gaza’s 141 square miles.

The current status: We have persistence of the genocide, the racist supremacist ideology. And this, of course, is essentially rallying people in the Muslim Ummah against this genocide. The Ummah is being revived. Okay, a very weak revival, but it’s being revived.

A more powerful revival is in the Levant, because they are acting as one. The resistance in Lebanon, the resistance in Iraq, Syria as a logistics base, and the resistance in Palestine, and expanding to Southwest Asia with Iran and Yemen’s Ansarullah.

And this flips the demography. (There are 7 million Jews vs. 7 million Palestinians in historic Palestine, which is just one province of the Levant, itself a province of the Muslim Ummah. The Levant includes not only 7 million Palestinians but also 22.13 Syrians, 5.5 Lebanese, 11.3 million Jordanians, and most of the 85 million Turks and 111 million Egyptians, as well as some residents of Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

The even larger Ummah includes about two billion people. So 7 million “Israeli” Jews are fighting the 200 million Muslims and Christians of the Levant, and behind it the two billion strong Muslim Ummah -KB)

And keep in mind, you need to have a criminal ideology to commit genocide and colonialism. But this supremacist ideology also can blind you. And now it’s like a double-edged sword. It’s leading to fatal strategic decisions. The military differential has flipped. Israel is following the American model. They are still fighting World War II. And as you can see, they failed in Gaza. They failed in opening sea lanes (in Yemen).

A lot of people focus on Israel’s nuclear capability. But Alistair Crook is the best Western reference on the situation in the region, and for several years, he has been saying repeatedly, forget the nuclear bomb. The Axis of Resistance has made a ring of missiles which can destroy by convention means the state of Israel. And he specifically says that while all eyes were focused on the big one, the nuclear bomb, this ring of missiles was slowly, slowly being developed, which he calls the red pill option.

So military supremacy in Southwest Asia is with the Resistance Axis.

There seems to be escalation on the front between the occupied Palestine and Lebanon right now, and we have a new extremist war cabinet in power in Israel that wants to fight Lebanon again to try to avenge 2006. You’re saying that the Axis of Resistance has military superiority. Do you believe that this war will expand, and where will it go?

You can approach it from any angle, and the truth is always the same. What has changed in the military material and the operational doctrine of the Israeli army between the 2006 war and the war on Gaza? Nothing! F-16s, bombing to smithereens, killing civilians, okay? Nothing has changed. They go back to the same (failed) war doctrine.

If you look at Hezbollah between 2006 and today, nothing has remained the same. Everything has changed. Material has changed, operational doctrine has changed, war experience has changed. The war that they waged against the NATO head-choppers in Iraq and Syria covered hundreds of thousands square kilometers of land.

These were big wars, these were major wars. And also in the eastern mountains of Lebanon. This was a very big war. They had the training there.

Hezbollah today is incomparable with Israel today.

So, Israel was defeated in 2006. What about now? Everybody with a little brain can see it. Why can’t they (the Zionists)? They can’t see it—or some of them can’t see it. A lot of people in their own military are telling them this is a suicide mission. But the crazies, specifically Smorich and Ben-Gvir…This is where I said this (genocidal) ideology is a double-edged sword. It blinds you from reality, so you take strategically catastrophic decisions.

Returning to the point which you raised: It’s no longer about the settlers within this map (of the arbitrarily designated segment of the Levant) that was called Palestine by the British. No, it is the whole Levant that is rising, along with the Ummah, as you mentioned, with this war on Gaza.

So now all the pillars have been reversed. The ideology now is running counter to the interests of survival of the colony.

The military differential is totally lopsided towards the Resistance Axis.

And the demographic differential—this is important for people to know—is not about the number of Jews versus Christians and Muslims in the land called Palestine. No, it’s the number of the settler Jews, those who came from Europe and other places, versus the Levant and potentially the Ummah.

Kevin Barrett, Senior Editor

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.