Review of a failed 2023

In the tapestry of time, 2023 unfolded,
A year of trials, stories untold.
Survival, a dance with losses in the night,
"to feel is to be distracted" taking flight.

A dispersion of moments, incoherent and vast,
Visiting fears and hopes, the die was cast.
Pythagoras' guidance, faults in the sand,
Yet, the sea, stubborn, wouldn't understand.

Doubts carried like waves, seeds sown in vain,
Tsunamis swept them, leaving a flooded terrain.
Now, let's scan 2023, a new beginning sought,
deceiving lives, Drummond's peristaltic thought.

A year without poetry, reality's raw embrace,
Shattering fantasies, erasing smiles with grace.
Colors and words, my creative arsenal,
A semi-surreal canvas, courage in every pixel.

Scanning life's canvas, areas unscathed,
Cleaning up, flaws erased, a path paved.
Viral relationships, mistakes in the past,
Deleted in the scan, free at last.

Starting anew, a canvas pristine,
No errors linger, no blame to glean.
Work, create, belief in self renewed,
The power of forgiveness, a virtue pursued.

Fernando's "feel yes," a distraction's embrace,
Navigating reality with poise and grace.
On my own feet, water bucket in hand,
2024 awaits, a journey unplanned.

No thirst unquenched, no burden to bear,
Bring on the year, with courage to spare.

A tapestry of dreams, woven in the night,
Stars whisper secrets, casting their light.
2024 beckons, a blank canvas unfurled,
In the symphony of time, a new chapter twirled.

Brushstrokes of hope paint the dawn,
Mistakes of the past, like shadows, withdrawn.
Forgiveness blooms, a garden serene,
In the landscape of the soul, a vibrant sheen.

Work echoes in the rhythm of the day,
Creation unfolds, words find their way.
Belief in self, a steady guide,
Through challenges faced, side by side.

Footsteps forward, on paths unknown,
In the dance of existence, seeds are sown.
The water bucket, a symbol of self-reliance,
No burden too heavy, no need for defiance.

Feelings embraced, in distractions found,
A surreal journey, on reality's ground.
Fernando's wisdom, a guiding star,
Navigating through what the moments mar.

2024, with mysteries untold,
A story waiting, a future to unfold.
Thirst for life, unquenchable and bold,
In the unwritten chapters, adventures untold.

Sunset whispers tales of the day's grace,
Moonlight weaves dreams on the canvas of space.
Challenges embraced, like winds that blow,
In the tapestry of life, a vibrant flow.

Colors blend in the palette of time,
Echoes of laughter, a melodic chime.
The heart beats to the rhythm of fate,
On the threshold of tomorrow, I stand in wait.

Through the valleys of uncertainty, I'll roam,
A nomad in existence, finding my home.
Stars may fall, and storms may brew,
Yet, in resilience, strength will renew.

Lessons learned, etched in the soul,
A story unfolding, making me whole.
For in every trial and every delight,
Lies the essence of this wondrous flight.

As the clock ticks, and the pages turn,
In the Book of Life, the chapters churn.
2024, an unwritten verse,
A canvas waiting for a story to immerse.

So, bring on the moments, both bitter and sweet,
In the symphony of life, find your heartbeat.
For the journey continues, an ever-changing lore,
May 2024 unfold, like never before.

By Ana Maria Badaro

Human Synthesis - 02 Jan. 2024