Elon Musk recommends Jim Caviezel’s movie on child trafficking be streamed on Twitter

By Life Site News - Stephen Kokx - Fri Jun 16, 2023 - 11:31 am

Twitter owner Elon Musk has encouraged Angel Studios to stream Sound of Freedom, its upcoming movie about child trafficking starring Jim Caviezel, on the platform.

'Sound of Freedom,' to be released on July 4, is based on the life of Tim Ballard, a former CIA agent who founded Operation Underground Railroad in 2013 to root out trafficking efforts across the world.

“I recommend putting it on this platform for free for a brief period or just asking people to subscribe to support (we would not keep any funds),” Musk tweeted Tuesday night.

Freedom will be released across the U.S. on July 4. Produced by Catholic human rights activist Eduardo Verástegui, it is based on the life of Tim Ballard, a former CIA agent who founded Operation Underground Railroad in 2013 to root out trafficking efforts across the world.

During an interview with Steve Bannon last month, Caviezel cryptically remarked that the film essentially depicts real-life events. “Epstein Island isn’t the only island out there where they have … children,” he said.

‘Sound of Freedom’ producer tells Steve Bannon he put his life on ‘pause’ to help end child trafficking

Ballard, a Mormon, demanded Caviezel play him in the film, frustrating executives at Fox Studios. Disney eventually bought Fox, and the movie – which completed shooting more than three years ago – was dropped. Angel Studios acquired the rights and will release it in 1,200 theaters nationwide, with hopes that it will soon be screened in Canada and elsewhere.

PETITION CONGRESS: Stop the grooming & sexualization of children in schools  Show Petition Text7257 has signed the petition. Let's get to 7500!

Angel Studios is seeking to sell 2 million tickets as a symbolic gesture to the 2 million children who are reportedly kidnapped and trafficked every year. Approximately 350,000 tickets have been sold to date. Purchase tickets for yourself or others via their “Pay it Forward” option here.

To learn about how you can fight human trafficking, visit Operation Underground Railroad’s website by clicking here.

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