ChatGPT: how to apply artificial intelligence in marketing?

Written by Locaweb team - February 24, 2023

ChatGPT was launched in November 2022 and within 2 months it reached 5 million users. The technology developed by OpenAI, a company founded with the participation of Elon Musk, received an investment of US$ 10 billion from Microsoft and is being integrated into the company's tools. The chatbot, for example, is boosting searches performed by Bing for a select group of users for now.

ChatGPT quickly reached 5 million users and received billionaire investment from Microsoft

Despite the recent wave of interest, the use of machines to reproduce the human ability to think and act dates back to the 1950s. Since then, supercomputers capable of beating a chess champion, identifying diseases through images and even predicting the occurrence of fires in the Amazon.

However, what sets ChatGPT apart from previous artificial intelligence (AI) is its simplicity of use and easy access. The technology is available free of charge to anyone with internet access, which has provided a variety of uses, from advocacy to programming and digital marketing.

What is ChatGPT?

(Source: ChatGPT/Playback)

ChatGPT is an advanced language processing artificial intelligence based on Generative Pre-trained Transformer technology. The tool was designed to generate natural texts with human-like handwriting.

The technology is trained with millions of text examples, allowing it to answer questions, generate original content, and translate, among other language-related tasks. ChatGPT is a specific application of this model that allows real-time interaction with users in a conversational interface.

The tool is distinguished by its ability to understand complex contexts and generate readable and coherent texts. The technology is capable of performing various natural language processing tasks without additional training, which is a huge advantage compared to older models.

How does artificial intelligence work?

ChatGPT works with a neural network architecture called Transformer, which was first introduced in 2017. The model was trained with wide content available on the internet until 2021, in order to learn how to generate answers to questions based on acquired knowledge of natural language.

From a question or a context, the model uses millions of parameters to generate a coherent and natural answer in a few seconds. Technology can predict the next word in a text based on the terms that precede it. Thus, over time, the AI ​​learns to understand the context and generate coherent responses.

When the model is used in a chat application, it takes a question or sentence input and then generates a response based on the knowledge gained during training. The tool adjusts the response based on the provided context to ensure the response is as relevant to the user as possible.

Why ChatGPT can revolutionize digital marketing?

AI is becoming more and more popular in digital marketing and it can be hugely beneficial for businesses. Technology allows marketers to automate the most repetitive activities to focus on customer service, reinforcing human contact, which is irreplaceable.

ChatGPT requires little human input and produces consistent results. As a result, by implementing AI solutions in marketing strategies, businesses can operate more efficiently while optimizing products and services to meet customer needs.

With the ability to generate both human and contextual responses, AI can increase the efficiency of frequently asked questions. Because it is based on machine learning, the technology can evolve and adapt based on customer interactions, which means that personalized marketing can be continually improved.

How to use ChatGPT to leverage a business on the internet?

(Source: Pixabay/Pexels/Playback)

In addition to customer service through smarter and more realistic chatbots, ChatGPT can be used in digital marketing to identify keywords and automatically generate text content, such as copywriting, product descriptions, calls to action (CTA ), advertisements, and email marketing messages.

For this to happen efficiently, it is necessary to train the model with specific examples of desired texts and use the suggestions generated by the model to improve the content. This helps the tool to update the information and provide results with more in-depth builds.

Another important tip is to order the ChatGPT accurately. Depending on the question or demand elaborated, artificial intelligence presents different results. If the text produced is not perfect, it is possible to ask the technology to rewrite the content as many times as necessary to obtain a satisfactory result.

Technology limitations

ChatGPT offers many opportunities to enhance and personalize customer interaction by providing quick and accurate answers to frequently asked questions. However, it is important to consider the limits and work to minimize them when using the model in commercial applications.

Technology does not have specific knowledge of certain subjects or situations, however, detailed the answers may seem. The technology was trained on data from the internet, which may contain incorrect, outdated, or biased information, leading to wrong or unreliable answers.

Often, artificial intelligence can produce meaningless texts, since the machine does not really understand what it is writing. In this way, the content generated by ChatGPT needs to be reviewed by professionals, as it may contain errors or not be aligned with the company's marketing strategy.

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Source: Herospark, AI-Chat-GPT, Safalta, Boss Digital, The New York Times, Jornal da USP, HFS Research, Forbes, OpenAI


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How to use ChatGPT to create content

Written by Locaweb team - April 19, 2023,

The market potential of the new version of ChatGPT-4 is enormous, but does it really dispense with creativity or human supervision? Learn how to use ChatGPT to create content without falling into pitfalls.

Released to the public in late 2022, ChatGPT has transformed the speed at which a variety of content is produced. The generational and conversational tool meets the requests of its users in the production of texts, interprets images, reads screen prints, and produces scripts, programming codes, and even photo captions.

According to estimates, ChatGPT passed through the hands of 100 million monthly users just two months after its launch – a feat never achieved at this speed in the history of apps.

Needless to say, how much this shook up Hugetech (we just coined that term). Google, Alibaba, Meta… everyone is moving to create tools capable of competing with the apple of the eye of Microsoft/ OpenAI. By the way, Microsoft has already implemented the technology in the chatbot of the Bing search engine, in addition to already using it in Cortana.

Many companies are joining ChatGPT to carry out tasks, but like that, just paying. For ordinary users, it costs US$ 20 per month, but it is still not known exactly what the investment is when it comes to large corporate projects.

What content can be generated with ChatGPT?

Even with technical issues to be reviewed and some problems that we will comment on later, the tool has already proven to be useful in many ways, especially if it is being used in a controlled environment, with revised content and being constantly trained.

In any case, the editing of the content by one person has not yet been waived. That is, one can envision a horizon for the creation of new professions in the area of ​​content produced by artificial intelligence.

But enough of the blah-blah-blah. Let's see how to use ChatGPT to create content and make a difference in your strategy:

1) Accessibility

BeMyEyes is an image-processing application to help the visually impaired. It helps with day-to-day tasks, clarifying doubts and identifying objects in general for the person. App users depended on having someone online for assistance. ChatGPT-4's image processing feature will fulfill this function within the app, 24/7. Previously, this function was performed by volunteers registered on the platform.

2) Language Apps

The company Duolingo started a partnership with OpenAI for the use of ChatGPT in conversational mode. Modality subscribers pay for the application and receive access to more complete explanations about the exercises performed by users. In addition, users will be able to practice the language with a chatbot that simulates a natural conversation. For those who want to check it out, the resources are “Explain my Answer” and “Roleplay”.

3) Service

Through an integration with the supplier's portal, the Artificial Intelligence tool can be trained to answer questions and solve consumers' problems with fluidity. The promise is that it will make processes faster and the service experience much better.

4) Marketing

The tool has the ability to create content for the company's communication area. Examples are advertisements, e-mail marketing, product descriptions for e-commerce or marketplaces, as well as scripts and other types of text.

If ChatGPT is using accurate information and in a controlled environment, communication professionals will have the responsibility of making adjustments to the language and bringing more life to the textual production. If the content is produced using the free tool, in addition to the adjustments, it will be necessary to verify the information provided, as there may be errors.

6) Programming

It is possible to "code" a multitude of programming languages ​​with OpenAI's Artificial Intelligence. It is necessary, however, that the database used by ChatGPT has been nourished with the appropriate parameters. The tool has played a very important role in optimizing code development time, consequently saving time and investments in the production of technological products.

To give you an idea, Greg Brockman, president, and co-founder of OpenAI, demonstrated how ChatGPT-4 can create an HTML page with a paper sketch as a starting point.

7) Technical texts

Through the ChatGPT API, the tool can be integrated into the companies' system and have access to the data necessary to produce technical texts with a high degree of reliability. OpenAI's AI technology was used to help write technical points in the ebook “ Real Estate Tokenization – a comprehensive guide ”.

According to Helena Margarido, COO at Kodo Assets, “using ChatGPT helped us a lot, even though we had to create the script, define topics, content and, above all, train the robot. It facilitated our work because, once the Artificial Intelligence was trained, we didn't have to make a good part of the contents from scratch”.

But the thing is not just a thousand wonders…

We need to talk. The issues of lack of ethics in the production made by ChatGPT and the low reliability of some information, according to the company, are being equalized. Version 4 comes with fewer issues in this regard than previous releases, but the issues have not yet been overcome. There is a high chance that incorrect information will pass through a more hurried and less attentive look, as it looks real – especially in the free version.

Doctor in microbiology and content producer Átila Iamarino personally performed some tests on the free tool. In one of them, he asks ChatGPT to produce a bibliography on a certain subject and the results were pretty convincing… until he checked the publications.

As the system combines results, it brought about a kind of bibliographic Frankenstein: name of one, book of another, random page.

Not here, guitar

In the United States, the largest bank in the country, JPMorgan Chase, has restricted, at least for now, the use of the tool by employees. Although they did not comment on the subject, it is assumed that the fact of dealing with sensitive and confidential data imposed more caution on the part of the institution.

Who here remembers the news about a bug in the tool that exposed parts of conversations to ChatGPT users? The company got around it, but there's no denying that it still has ground to make everything round.

The Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Policy (CAIDP) filed a document with the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for GPT-4 to be investigated, as it represents a potential risk to society. The argument is supported by the fact that GPT-4 allows the production of malware and presents, from the outset, catastrophic privacy failures.

In Europe, Italy has opened an investigation on suspicion that the app is violating privacy rules, in addition to demanding compliance with good data protection practices.

To remember

Nobody wants or should demonize the tool. It will revolutionize the way we work, some functions will be extinguished and other jobs will be created – as always happens in profound revolutions and evolutions.

The most important thing in this transition is not to be dazzled: check the information, read it critically, and observe whether the content produced is attractive or just a bunch of tired phrases. Human creativity, sensitivity, and empathy in communication are still not within the reach of Artificial Intelligence. Yet.

Although there are challenges and risks, ChatGPT-4 is an innovative tool that has not been seen for a long time. With the correct and ethical use of it, it is possible to completely change the efficiency, productivity, and quality of the content in general.