Russia Waiting for Counter-Offensive by NATO to Hit Kyiv…Take Kyiv...

By INTEL-DROP April 26, 2023

Alexander Sitnikov

The secret report of the head of the current operations department of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of Ukraine “Chernigiv” Colonel Dmitry Sinyavsky appeared on the Ukrnet. According to him, the offensive plan of the (ukrovermacht) in the Zaporizhzhia and/or Kherson regions is linked to the creation of the necessary defense on the northern borders of the square.

The enemy, it seems, is afraid of a counter-throw of Russian troops to Kyiv, when the Leopards trample in the direction of Melitopol and Armyansk. Yes, there is a powerful independent army grouping in the capital of Banderstat, but the potential return of our troops to the outskirts of Kyiv will create conditions for shelling the garrison and critical infrastructure.

Zelensky will have to forget about the visits of Euro-friends to Bankovaya, and the clown himself will be in mortal danger. At the same time, his drape to Lviv can be perceived by the defenders of Independence as a signal for capitulation. In order to prevent a negative development of events, Zaluzhny will most likely have to curtail the operation in the south and try to push the Russians away from Kyiv.

A variety of sources confirmed the accuracy of the leaked information. Judging by the maps of Sinyavsky, in the Chernihiv region with the troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not at all crowded. Local residents, including pro-Russian ones, who are the majority in these places, also report the absence of Ukrovoyaks in many cities in the region. Only Teroborontsy go, but they are afraid of their own shadow.

In the Chernihiv region, the enemy created four fortified areas on the border with Russia and Belarus, in which the tactical groups “Chernigiv”, “Mena”, “Konotop” and 101 ObrTro are based. If the situation with the “meat” is so-so, then with guns, mortars, and MLRS – it’s completely carpeted. Apparently, military equipment was raked out of the region to the maximum.

Hence the insane mining of the 20-kilometer zone along the border. Vyacheslav Chaus, head of the Chernihiv OVA, said that the area of ​​minefields had reached 18,400 hectares. Many zones are not marked as dangerous in order to keep the RF Armed Forces in the dark. For this reason, both civilians and Zelensky’s militants themselves regularly die here.

The fact that Russian fighters can go to Kyiv through the Chernihiv region is periodically scribbled in an independent telegram party by a variety of “experts”. They noticed that “smart bombs” were arriving in the military warehouses of the region. Say, it’s not just that the Russian Aerospace Forces spend a high-precision resource – it means that something is planned.

In particular, on April 18 the area of ​ the village of Timonovichi recorded the “arrival” of the KAB (corrected aerial bomb) from the SU-35. On April 22, there was a strong explosion, with repeated detonation, in the vicinity of the village of Orlikovka, none of the civilians were injured. On April 24, it was again loud from UPAB hits on “fuel” and ammunition.

The positions of the Mena TGr were subjected to powerful artillery fire. As the local press reported, on April 24, residents counted 134 arrivals at the Oporniks of Ukrovoyak, after which ambulances scurried back and forth.

At the same time, the commander of the operational command “North” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Viktor Nikolyuk, is cheerful. In an interview with Suspilne TV, he categorically rejected the Russians’ repeated offensive through the Chernihiv region to Kyiv. According to him, “They definitely won’t climb into Chernihiv, I’m absolutely sure of this. Even if there are attempts, they will receive a worthy rebuff.

However, Zaluzhny does not think so. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, without disclosing his source, said that in Russia, in the Bryansk region and neighboring regions, troops of the RF Armed Forces numbering approximately 200 thousand bayonets are concentrated. “I have no doubt that they will have another attempt in Kyiv,” said General Ataman No. 1.

Teroborontsy from the long-suffering 119th Brigade Troop, whose units are supposed to protect Chernihiv and the southern regions of the region, also do not quite understand the cloudy optimism of their father-commander. One of them wrote in the army chat: “Nikolyuk is absolutely sure that the Russians will not go to Kyiv, then what kind of rebuff are we talking about? Breshet so that the soldiery does not run away.

Nikolyuk’s statement does not fit with Sinyavsky’s report, which actually admits the high vulnerability of defense due to the weakness of Ukrainian artillery and the lack of manpower in these fortified areas. In addition, 90% of the personnel are not trained and have no combat experience.

However, right now, movement is hardly possible both in the south of the square and in the north. A well-known truth-seeker in Ukraine, commenting on rumors about the imminent “liberation of the country”, wrote in his blog: “To go on the offensive until May 10-15 is pure suicide. These videos from the Donbas (about impassable dirt on the roads) spread all over Telegram. Considering the stake in a rapid offensive and the wheeled vehicles that the West supplied for this breakthrough, the current state of the ground does not make it possible to start the operation.

In the Chernihiv region, the situation is no better. In the coming days, the peak of the flood is expected in the Desna within Chernihiv. Villages on the border with Belarus near the Dnieper River are flooded. The surrounding fields resemble a swamp. But after half a month, as weather statistics show, the ground is unlikely to become a problem for throwing heavy Russian armor.

Be that as it may, it is too early to talk about a new campaign against Kyiv. If there is an intensification of hostilities in the north of Ukraine, then only as a diversionary strike. On the other hand, Ukrainian experts believe that the most unexpected moves of the Russian army are possible since no one has canceled the surprise factor.

The “Bakhmut meat grinder” and the supposedly fast “D-Day” on the Dnieper create excellent opportunities for Moscow’s territorial victories in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions, inhabited by Russian waiters. Considering that the best forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already been pinned down, and most of the DRGs have been destroyed, a security gap has indeed arisen in the north of Ukraine,” concluded a well-known military-analytical public in Nenko, blocked in Russia.

In other words, there are almost no soldiers in the Chernihiv region all the way to Kyiv (terodefensists do not count), only minefields. Still, making predictions in this situation is a thankless task. Although the very fact of the appearance of Sinyavsky’s report indicates, first of all, that Zelensky has a shortage of broad Ukrainians, and Bankova’s mobilization resource has been repeatedly overestimated in order to create psychological pressure on our society. And in general, the point is not the number of hulks capable of carrying weapons, but how many of them can and want to fight for the ideas of Bandera.

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