Second Time US Seeks to Sabotage a Russ/Ukraine Negotiated Peace


As Ukraine sinks into collapse from Russia’s invasion the US provoked, the death and destruction have made no dent in Uncle Sam’s inhumane conscience. A year ago when NATO member Turkey neared a 15-point negotiated settlement, the US and UK each sent a top official to Kyiv not to request, but demand that Ukraine President Zelensky walk away to keep fighting.

That grotesque demand led to over 100,000 unnecessary Ukraine deaths over the next year. A third of Ukraine's economy vanished. Six million left Ukraine and another six million relocated.

The US didn’t blow up a negotiated peace to inflict this carnage on Ukraine. They simply wanted, in the words of US war emissary, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, to keep the war going to “weaken Russia”. That was an abomination that should shame every peace-loving American.

Today begins US sabotage 2.0 of a new Russo-Ukraine peace proposal. Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Moscow to meet with Russian President Putin and virtually with Ukraine President Zelensky to possibly negotiate peace. War-weary Zelensky expressed openness to Xi’s 12-point peace proposal.

President Biden should be thrilled that peace in the war may be at hand. Instead, he’s apoplectic. His national security spokesman John Kirby offered,

“We don’t support calls for a ceasefire right now. We certainly don’t support calls for a ceasefire that would be called for by the PRC in a meeting in Moscow that would simply benefit Russia.”

Once again it’s not about ending a war destroying Ukraine as a functioning state. And God forbid peace to be brokered by our other arch-enemy China in America’s 21st century Cold War that could quickly go nuclear.

Outside of the US and Australia, the rest of the world is cheering on China’s peace efforts. Even European NATO countries are likely though silently on board. They’re not thrilled about the US blowing up the Nord Steam pipeline and tripling their energy costs to degrade Russia.

By preventing a March 2022 peace agreement, the US blew a chance for an agreement that would have reverted to the pre-invasion territorial lines. An easily prevented year of war means any new peace agreement will likely see the annexation of the Donbas provinces and the Ukrainian oblasts of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.

Once again the US has overplayed its hand, ensuring, if we don’t stumble into nuclear war, the utter ruin of Ukraine and the demise of US unipolar dominance.

Copyright © Walt Zlotow, Heartland Progressive, 2023

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