GLOBAL TERROR STRATEGY FROM 007 NATO & “14 EYES”. Laboratory Pandemic, Gas Crisis, Kyiv Bombings for World War III

By Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio - 8 October 2022

If the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin weren't a true Christian believer and didn't care about the people of Ukraine who are victims of a deadly coup by NATO countries since 2014, by now the Donbas issue would have already been resolved with destruction total of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, and Odesa.

Volodymyr Zelensky, the puppet of the Atlantic Alliance built right from the Servant of People fiction to be the president of Ukraine in place of the too-nationalist Peter Poroshenko, who really thought of his country even though he was in dialogue with the West, would have already been kicked out of his same population, because recognized as a mad dictator with suicidal vocations like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, or would be forced to surrender like the Japanese emperor Hirohito after the American atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Unfortunately, or fortunately for Christian humanity trying to resist the mainstream of the New World Order created by the Masonic-Zionist West, the Tsar of Moscow is an excellent military geopolitical strategist but not the ferocious bloodthirsty tyrant that the European and American media they try to paint, arousing the disgust of a very large segment of the population who no longer believe in the lies of NATO for some time.


For this reason, the Ukrainian puppet created by Soros & Co, also thanks to the fake human rights NGOs that have even earned the Nobel Peace Prize, can carry on a war with a Nazi-jihadist stamp because it is based on the action of fighters and mercenaries exalted by terrorist ideologies such as those of the Azov Battalion, heirs of the Ukrainian Nazis who exterminated 1.6 million Russian Jews during the Second World War to please the Third Reich, or like those of the Sheik Mansur Battalion, trained by the Islamic State who according to many international analysts is an invention of Anglo-Saxon Five-Eyes intelligence led by the American CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and British MI6 counterintelligence.


The military secret services of the NATO countries are the main suspects of a terror strategy which, after having been tested in various countries of the world for decades, has become global with some acts aimed at the outbreak of a Third World War in Europe to allow the Dollar and the British Pound to remain the most powerful currencies in the world, thus concealing the imposture of banking lordship in which financial systems doped for the benefits of very few have taken the place of productive ones, which have always been capable of creating, for many, work, well-being, and democratic freedoms.


In order to conspire this insane and suicidal plan, born of demonic souls who want to replace the Human Being created in the likeness of God with Artificial Intelligence ready to open the jaws of the transhumanist hell projected towards Nazi eugenics, it became necessary a multi-stage process that has undergone a hypersonic acceleration from 2020 onwards through three tools functional to the strategy of psycho-social terrorism:

  • the nightmare of the pandemic, unleashed by a SARS-Cov-2 built-in military laboratories of Anglo-Saxon intelligence but detonated in the hands of naive Chinese accomplices
  • speculation on energy resources, implemented by the war in Ukraine which has been fomented by all political and military means by NATO and the Arms Lobby
  • and finally, the terrorist attacks which are undermining the security of Russia but also of Europe



The crescendo of serious events of extreme geopolitical importance, such as last night's sabotage of the Kerch bridge, is making it more difficult for the writer to develop some investigations of historical revisionism of which we have already collected very extensive documentation: the one on the links between Freemasonry West, Zionism, and the Muslim Brotherhood but above all the one on the connections between the excellent crimes of the Italian statesman Aldo Moro, and of the Kennedy brothers JFK and RFK, respectively president and US attorney general, behind whom there is always the diabolical paw of Anglo-Saxon intelligence in cahoots with organized crime, as revealed by a magistrate of the highest virtue and accuracy.

I am referring to the honorary president of the Cassation and Italian senator Ferdinando Imposimato, who passed away in 2018, who bequeathed us the "summa" of all his direct judicial investigations, as an investigating judge, and his indirect investigations on OSINT sources (Open source intelligence) in the book "The 55 who changed Italy" on which, as soon as possible, we will publish a journalistic report.


In 2011, he publicly announced that he would be reporting the United States government to the International Criminal Court because, in his opinion, they knew about the impending attacks of September 11, 2001 but would do nothing to stop them. A thesis highlighted by Gospa News in the investigation into the obstacles posed by the CIA to the investigations of the New York anti-terrorism director of the FBI John O'Neill.


«He also stated – writes Wikipedia in a nutshell – that members of the Bilderberg group would have been the instigators of the massacres committed during the strategy of tension in Italy, using neo-fascist subjects, some Freemasons, and the agents of the Gladio Organization as mediators and material executors; he also maintains that the attacks in which Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino died were carried out because they had "discovered who was maneuvering the contracts for large infrastructures", therefore politicians colluding with an organized crime would have charged the mafia assassins with the two attacks (Capaci massacre and via D'Amelio ) and other bombs of 1992-1993 ».

For those who don't have a good memory, Operation Gladio, called Stay Behind, was the secret plan of an emergency military force in an anti-Russian key created by Anglo-Saxon intelligence in Italy; where the American and British 007s control the political plots since the Allied Landing in Sicily in 1943 favored by an agreement with the mafia and Lucky Luciano, released from prison precisely for the services rendered to the USA and sent back to the Bel Paese with a license to commit a crime…


This is why the theories of the late judge Imposimato are not only based on the procedural evidence he found in decades of investigation but also on historical findings already revealed by a colleague of his who was a victim of the mafia: the judge Rocco Chinnci murdered by Cosa Nostra in Palermo on 29 July 1983 in the same year in which the Camorra killed the trade unionist Franco Imposimato, brother of the magistrate Ferdinando.

“There is a common thread that binds all great crimes. A single political project… ” was the memorable quote by Chinnici who, like the writer and historian Leonardo Sciascia, believed the mafia to be an association born in Sicily after the Expedition of the Thousand, financed by British Freemasonry.


In just over ten lines we have condensed some of the most disturbing crimes in the history of Italy which have been the subject of repeated investigations with cover-ups and red herrings, as in the case of the Via D'Amelio massacre in which Judge Borsellino died with the agents of his escort or in that of Via Fani when a massacre was carried out to kidnap the statesman Moro in an operation desired and covered by the "Deep State" as also sanctioned by the last Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry.


Often referred to as "the aircraft carrier of the Mediterranean Sea", Italy, with hundreds of NATO bases rigorously controlled above all by the USA which also host multiple ready-to-use nuclear missiles, was perhaps the primary stage for this bloody historical tangle of interests between politics, Freemasonry, secret services and the mafia that in the distant 1955, in a book, the Canadian Navy Commodore William Guy Carr had already called the "New World Order".


We have already highlighted in the story of Albert Pike, a southern general believed to be one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan but who became famous as "the pope of US Freemasonry", the interconnections between North America, Italy, and the United Kingdom.

In the seven investigations of the Lobby Armi cycle, we have seen the simultaneous rooting and development of these ties which now flow in the sordid beds of the money fumes of mostly Zionist investment funds (BlackRock, Elliott, etc.).


Without dwelling further on the attacks of 11 September 2001, which subsequently also cost the life of the Arab journalist of the Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi due to the too much information in his possession on the role of the Saudis in the massacre, I would like to point out how that event changed the history of humanity, not so much for the direct geopolitical consequences such as the war in Afghanistan and the "fake" fight against Al Qaeda to which the United States-allied Saudi Kingdom sent terrorist workers, but for the anthropological perception of global terror that took root in the soul of every western citizen of average culture.


It was at that moment that the so-called Deep State faced the world as the New World Order in an intelligence intrigue that started from the CIA and the Saudis reached up to Mossad, the fierce and very powerful Israeli counterintelligence.

Even if a starter of this conspiracy had already been glimpsed in the birth of the Caliphate of Europe for the use of Qaedist terrorists in Bosnia under the command of generals then promoted in the NATO international establishment despite very serious war crimes.


It was at that moment that the strategies of tension carried out with national geopolitical ends became a strategy of global terror that has taken root in human consciousness through the pandemic caused by a SARS-Cov-2 built in a laboratory for multiple purposes:

  • depopulation
  • financial speculation of the Big Economy on vaccines
  • implementation of a massive social dictatorship with the excuse of a health emergency
  • increase in the geopolitical power of the Anglo-Saxon Five Eyres intelligence countries (USUKA agreement between the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand) and NATO
  • experimentation of new social and neurocerebral control techniques through artificial intelligence, microchips, and the alleged use of graphene in anti-Covid gene serums.


To all those who, like my colleague Giuseppe Cruciani during my interviews on the satirical radio program La Zanzara, objected with the phrase "if they had done all this they would really be criminals" I limited myself to remind them that they are the same "very refined minds" cited by Judge Giovanni Falcone who have built plots with impunity over the centuries capable of killing Lincoln, the Kennedys, Moro, Falcone himself, Borsellino and of weaving a conspiratorial plot capable of uniting the interests of the CIA, the Zionists of the Mossad and the Islamic jihadists of Al Qaeda.

In this regard, it is important to recall one of the revelations of the IT analyst Edward Snowden, a collaborator of a consultant company of the National Security Agency who denounced multiple crimes of American intelligence and was welcomed as a political refugee in Russia, where he recently obtained citizenship.

West Anglo-Saxon Five-Eyes Intelligence Bloc Expanded to 14 Members According to Edward Snowden

According to Snowden, the Five-Eyes block had second and third-level intelligence-sharing layers: Nine Eyes and 14 Eyes. Nine Eyes adds Denmark, France, Norway, and the Netherlands to the original five, while 14 Eyes includes Nine Eyes plus Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, and Spain.

It is an aggregation of foreign counterintelligence which in fact corresponds to that of the most influential countries of the Atlantic Alliance, with the addition of the Anglo-Saxon nations of the Pacific and Sweden, waiting to join it.


Precisely in the context of NATO concealments in the shadow of the intelligence of the 14 Eyes block, one of the most serious tragedies in Italian aviation history took place with the crash of the DC-9 Itavia on June 27, 1980, due to a missile of still unknown origin after 40 years.

A more serious cover-up of the truth can only be boasted by the national security of the United Kingdom which has forbidden the UN Commission to access the British MI6 files relating to the alleged attack in which the United Nations secretary Dag Hammarskjold lost his life together with the other diplomats and to the crew in the distant 18 September 1961.



Up until yesterday, the conflict in Ukraine was a "local" issue although it had already gone beyond the borders of the disputed Donbas from which the annexation to Russia of the four new Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia began.

After the attack on the Kerch bridge, one of the symbolic infrastructures of Crimea's entry into the Russian Federation after the 2014 referendum following the NATO coup in Kyiv, the military confrontation between Moscow and Kyiv has become an international war in all respects.


But Youjun, a senior expert at the Sino-Russian Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Research Center at Heilongjiang University in Harbin, China, agrees that the attack on the bridge is likely to escalate the crisis.

“Over the past six months, the emphasis has been on observable combat operations. In the future, the situation will most likely be more of a war with an emphasis on things like logistics, infrastructure, and so on. This has already manifested itself in the explosions against the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines and [now] the Crimean bridge. Of course, attacks on train stations, bus stations, railways, and roads are possible in the future. There is a war going on to destroy the enemy and the target is not just destroying his physical fighting power,” Ma fears, Sputnik News reported.


And we can expect an energetic response from the Kremlin. Partly already arrived today with the appointment of "General Armageddon" as the new commander of all Russian troops in Ukraine.

On the other hand, "the reaction of the Kyiv regime to the destruction of civilian infrastructure testifies to its terrorist nature", wrote the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, as reported by Russia Today.

Ukrainian officials stopped short of claiming responsibility for the blast, but an aid to President Vladimir Zelensky, Mikhail Podoliak, warned on Twitter earlier that what happened to the bridge, dubbed the Kerch Bridge, was "just the beginning".


From the point of view of military strategy, the sabotage is easily attributable to President Volodymyr Zelensky for the ruthlessness with which he previously allowed the Ukrainian security service SBU to kill a peace negotiator of his same delegation.

But also for the pride with which he supported the actions of the neo-Nazis of the Azov Battalion and the serenity with which he recruited ISIS fighters to join Sheik Mansour's jihadist terrorists, whose paramilitaries obtained Ukrainian citizenship right from their first employment in the Donbas at the beginning of the civil war.


The war waged by the Kyiv regime and legitimized by NATO, which continues to supply weapons by enriching the same corporations that finance and pilot it, has not been a partisan defensive action for 8 years but a sort of "extremist holy war" which has led the Ukrainian National Guard to kill the reporter Andrea Rocchelli, and a Russian colleague of his, with grenades after a "target shooting" on the trench where they had sought protection.



Zelensky's latest strategy is to have ratified an all-out conflict with Russia by declaring no peace possible, even going so far as to condemn Elon Musk for having offered to broker a truce and including Pink Floyd Roger musician in the list of people to kill Water for his statements in which he highlighted the responsibilities of the West in the war in Ukraine.


While in the field the Ukrainian Army, despite the heavy armaments obtained from the USA and Italy, manages to conquer some small cities with difficulty, also due to a logistical retreat of the Russian troops, in recent weeks there has been an escalation of attacks which they produce to the military advantage of the Kyiv regime but appear to be aimed only at provoking a forceful Russian reaction with the use of tactical nuclear weapons.


First, there was the explosion of the car in which Darya Dugina, daughter of the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, was traveling, then the sabotage on the Nord Stream aimed at cutting off the main line of Russian gas supplies to Germany and Northern Europe.

These are evident strategies of global terror typical of the history of Anglo-Saxon-oriented NATO military intelligence.


These dangerous terrorist acts also appear functional to legitimize others in the European Union for "false-flag" operations, in order to accuse Russia itself of attacks in the European Union, such as the strange sabotage that paralyzed this network …

“Deutsche Bahn, Germany's national railway company, said an act of 'sabotage' affected its radio communications network on Saturday morning. The accident halted rail traffic in the northern part of the country and halted trains to and from Denmark and the Netherlands,” wrote Russia Today.


Unfortunately, too many Italian and European citizens, drugged by the Covid nightmare and dependence on vaccines to work and live freely, anguished by the specter of gas price increases that are destined to raid the financial resources of small savers and throw the less well-off into the street, they don't realize at all that the pandemic, the energy crisis, the conflict in Ukraine are just the different pieces of a mosaic that reveals the total will of the New World Order to trigger the Third World War in Europe.

As already anticipated by the Chief of Staff of the British Army.


As has happened many other times in history when the United Kingdom, as in the Great War desired by the Anglo-Italian Freemasons, used the Old Continent as a theater of military clashes in order to continue to enrich its archipelago.

Whether and when it comes to thermonuclear conflict depends only on Putin's patience and strategic skill. The US has already stockpiled a massive stockpile of atomic radiation drugs…

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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