“ISIS Fighters Recruited by US Special Service for Terrorist Attacks”. Russian Intelligence Warning

By VT - Fabio G. C. Carisio -February 14, 2023

According to what was reported by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, the USA would have recruited at least 60 jihadist fighters, Isis or Al Qaida, to prepare terrorist attacks in Russia and in the neighboring countries of the former Soviet Union.

The news is credible for various reasons. Let’s see which ones.

The accumulation in the Islamic countries of the former USSR of Islamic State guerrillas freed from Syrian or Iraqi prisons by the USA, in exchange for the gold stolen in the banks during the civil wars by the jihadists, is an alarm raised already in June 2019 by Alexander Bortnikov, director of the Russian intelligence FSB (the former KGB where Vladimir Putin also worked).

The news caused a stir but not too much since the Iraqi Hashd, the paramilitaries of the Popular Mobilization Forces, are firmly convinced that Caliph Al Baghdadi, freed from Camp Bucca where he was held by the Americans, would have created ISIS in concert with US counterintelligence of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and the Israeli one of the Mossad of which he would have been a secret agent. So much so that Russia produced evidence of the fake American attack in which Al Baghdadi was allegedly killed in October 2019…

The confirmations of this hidden collaboration between the intelligence of the USA and of other NATO countries and the commanders of the Islamic State, unbeknownst to the jihadist fighters themselves sent to be massacred against the American troops in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, have come over time from multiple factors.

Washington-run oil smuggling in the Syrian Deir Ezzor desert, in the past controlled by ISIS, with help from Turkey

The recruitment of ISIS and Al Qaeda prisoners was carried out by Ankara to create the army of mercenaries necessary for the shipment to Libya to protect the Government of Tripoli, a mission politically authorized by NATO and covered by the American lobbying company Mercury which also protects Big Pharma from lawsuits.

And finally the presence of the same jihadists in Ukraine, even before the start of the special military operation in Moscow, was denounced on February 20, 2022, by Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

It should not be forgotten that many of the Chechens of the Sheick Mansour Battalion, who earned Ukrainian citizenship by fighting in the Civil War of Donbas since 2014 alongside the Ukrainian National Guard (NGU), were trained by Isis in Syria where they were Foreign Fighters.

Finally, already, in the first months of the conflict, the news spread that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky had recruited ISIS fighters to join the neo-Nazi paramilitaries of the Azov Battalion trained by the CIA’s Special Ground Branch.

It should also be remembered that when American troops left Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban, according to well-informed intelligence sources, the territory came under the control of the CIA and the Mossad who left some 007s on the spot. And since then there have been many attacks claimed by ISIS precisely against flies of the Shiite Muslim confession, hated by the Sunni extremists of the Islamic State.

This is why the current alarm launched by TASS (below) appears more concrete than ever.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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