Radical Socialist Brazilian President Lula Announces “ALL” Citizens Must Be Vaxxed to Receive Government Benefits

By Gateway Pundit - Jim Hoft - February 13, 2023

Brazil’s socialist President Lula da Silva met with Joe Biden Friday at the White House. Brazil’s far-left leader discussed the economy, “democracy” and renewable energy with Biden.

Lula da Silva has resumed his radical program of controlling citizens’ guns in Brazil. This is something his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro fought against. Recently, Lula ordered his Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, to force firearm owners to re-register their equipment so that the state can know how many guns each citizen owns.

Although guns are already registered in the state, Lula wants to have a direct way to control all citizens who own guns.

Gun registration is the first step to government confiscation.

The gun control strategy resembles the Democratic Party’s plans to try to repeal gun rights in the Second Amendment.

House Republicans brought forth legislation ten days ago condemning socialism and violent socialist dictators.

Democrats didn’t know what to do.

328 House members approved the legislation – INCLUDING ALL REPUBLICANS and Nancy Pelosi and Hakeem Jeffries.
86 Democrats openly opposed the legislation. Those were the honest Democrats.

In 2022 the Biden regime and Deep State worked to overthrow popular populist President Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and make way for the communist Lula to return to the office.

They started their preparations in 2021 when Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan warned Brazil’s President Bolsonaro not to mess with voting machines in the upcoming election.

There is no paper trail in Brazil’s elections, only voting machines. Jair Bolsonaro saw millions of supporters come out to his rallies. Lula, the communist felon, could not match Bolsonaro’s popularity. But in a twist of fate, Lula won on election day. Amazing! Where have we seen this before?

Following the suspicious election MILLIONS of Bolsonaro supporters protested in the streets of every major city for months. The international media ignored these protests for some reason. Lula was then inaugurated in January after the military failed to protect the country from the communist threat.

In January thousands of Bolsonaro supporters stormed government buildings in Brazilia. Several violent protesters were later identified as paid activists.

Over a thousand protesters were locked up in an arena following the protests without trial. Just like we do in America under Joe Biden!

Upon returning to Brazil, Lula da Silva announced that only vaccinated families could receive government benefits. That included all of their children.

Credit @Geopolitics_Emp

— (@Risemelbourne) February 13, 2023

As the rest of the world pulls away from the experimental and dangerous COVID vaccines, Lula is forcing them on his people. Just like a good tyrant.

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.