Coca-Cola - What is its secret ingredient?
Copied and Translated by Human Synthesis from The Conscious treatment group - 04 Feb. 2023
In 2006, for the first time in the world, legal proceedings against Coca-Cola regarding the composition of the drink were started in Turkey. The label usually says that Coca-Cola contains sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine, caramel, carbon dioxide, and some "extract".
This excerpt just raised suspicion. Coca-Cola's concern was forced to reveal the secret of what they actually make cola from. It was a liquid extracted from the cochineal insect. Grasshopper is an insect that lives in the Canary Islands and Mexico. The insect sucks into the plant, drinks its juice from it, and never moves from its place. Special fields are prepared for this insect. The villagers collect insects ...
From the females and eggs of these insects, a pigment called carmine is formed, it colors Coca-Cola brown. Dried cutworms look like raisins, but are actually insects! Now we know what the word "boil" means in a drink. What is behind "Cola" to do this you need to tell the story of an employee who worked in the Coca-Cola factory for 23 years. The raw material for cola is sweet roots, many animals are fed with these roots. mammals, including mice.
Big cola companies harvest these roots by the ton with excavators. When you harvest many tonnes, the roots are unable to pull out the mice. Therefore, the roots are crushed together with what was between the roots. Only after this, are remnants of wool, paws, etc. pulled from such a mass! Because the drink has a darker shade, it is not noticed that it also contains blood and juice from the mouse's stomach. Of course, the giants - cola companies - try to neutralize the harmful substances with chemicals.
In 23 years, the employee who told the story has never had a glass of Coke. means in a drink. What is behind "Cola" to do this you need to tell the story of an employee who worked in the Coca-Cola factory for 23 years. The raw material for cola is sweet roots, many animals are fed with these roots. mammals, including mice. Big cola companies harvest these roots by the ton with excavators. When you harvest many tonnes, the roots are unable to pull out the mice. Therefore, the roots are crushed together with what was between the roots.
Only after this, are remnants of wool, paws, etc. they are pulled from such a mass! Because the drink has a darker shade, it is not noticed that it also contains blood and juice from the mouse's stomach. Of course, the giants - cola companies - try to neutralize the harmful substances with chemicals. In 23 years, the employee who told the story has never had a glass of Coke. means in a drink. What is behind "Cola" to do this you need to tell the story of an employee who worked in the Coca-Cola factory for 23 years.
The raw material for cola is sweet roots, many animals are fed with these roots. mammals, including mice. Big cola companies harvest these roots by the ton with excavators. When you harvest many tonnes, the roots are unable to pull out the mice. Therefore, the roots are crushed together with what was between the roots. Only after this, remnants of wool, paws, etc. are pulled from such a mass! Because the drink has a darker shade, it is not noticed that it also contains blood and juice from the mouse's stomach.
Of course, the giants - cola companies - try to neutralize the harmful substances with chemicals. In 23 years, the employee who told the story has never had a glass of Coke. to do this you need to tell the story of an employee who worked in the Coca-Cola factory for 23 years. The raw material for cola is sweet roots, many animals are fed with these roots. mammals, including mice. Big cola companies harvest these roots by the ton with excavators. When you harvest many tonnes, the roots are unable to pull out the mice. Therefore, the roots are crushed together with what was between the roots.
Only after this, are remnants of wool, paws, etc. they are pulled from such a mass! Because the drink has a darker shade, it is not noticed that it also contains blood and juice from the mouse's stomach. Of course, the giants - cola companies - try to neutralize the harmful substances with chemicals. In 23 years, the employee who told the story has never had a glass of Coke. to do this you need to tell the story of an employee who worked in the Coca-Cola factory for 23 years. The raw material for cola is sweet roots, many animals are fed with these roots. mammals, including mice.
Big cola companies harvest these roots by the ton with excavators. When you harvest many tonnes, the roots are unable to pull out the mice. Therefore, the roots are crushed together with what was between the roots. Only after this, are remnants of wool, paws, etc. they are pulled from such a mass! Because the drink has a darker shade, it is not noticed that it also contains blood and juice from the mouse's stomach. Of course, the giants - cola companies - try to neutralize the harmful substances with chemicals.
In 23 years, the employee who told the story has never had a glass of Coke. many animals are fed on these roots. mammals, including mice. Big cola companies harvest these roots by the ton with excavators. When you harvest many tonnes, the roots are unable to pull out the mice. Therefore, the roots are crushed together with what was between the roots. Only after this, are remnants of wool, paws, etc. pulled from such a mass! Because the drink has a darker shade, it is not noticed that it also contains blood and juice from the mouse's stomach.
Of course, the giants - cola companies - try to neutralize the harmful substances with chemicals. In 23 years, the employee who told the story has never had a glass of Coke. many animals are fed on these roots. mammals, including mice. Big cola companies harvest these roots by the ton with excavators. When you harvest many tonnes, the roots are unable to pull out the mice. Therefore, the roots are crushed together with what was between the roots. Only after this, are remnants of wool, paws, etc. are pulled from such a mass!
Because the drink has a darker shade, it is not noticed that it also contains blood and juice from the mouse's stomach. Of course, the giants - cola companies - try to neutralize the harmful substances with chemicals. In 23 years, the employee who told the story has never had a glass of Coke. Therefore, the roots are crushed together with what was between the roots. Only after this, are remnants of wool, paws, etc. they are pulled from such a mass! Because the drink has a darker shade, it is not noticed that it also contains blood and juice from the mouse's stomach.
Of course, the giants - cola companies - try to neutralize the harmful substances with chemicals. In 23 years, the employee who told the story has never had a glass of Coke. Therefore, the roots are crushed together with what was between the roots. Only after this, are remnants of wool, paws, etc. they are pulled from such a mass! Because the drink has a darker shade, it is not noticed that it also contains blood and juice from the mouse's stomach. Of course, the giants - cola companies - try to neutralize the harmful substances with chemicals. In 23 years, the employee who told the story has never had a glass of Coke.
Let us continue to judge ourselves.
Scientists in Washington have broken down the ingredients that are one of Coca-Cola's ingredients. It turned out that caramel is not melted sugar, but a chemical mixture of sugar, ammonia, and sulfur received at high pressure and temperature. It can cause lung, liver, thyroid cancer, and leukemia It turned out that there is a spirit in the gas: this is the basis of this very secret supplement "7 x". A few drops of aromatic oils, coriander, and cinnamon are added to the alcohol. And beat the insect leak - thanks to carmine, it did not pass certification at all, therefore, cola is not produced in some countries.
How does the body react to cocaine?
Coca-Cola under the microscope: facts that will put an end to the question, to drink or not to drink:
After 10 minutes. 10 teaspoons of sugar will "hit" our system (this is a recommended daily norm). We don't feel it because phosphoric acid inhibits the action of sugar.
After 20 minutes inside. There will be a spike in insulin in the blood. The liver turns all sugar into fat.
After 40 minutes inside. The caffeine intake is complete. The mucous membrane will expand. Blood pressure rises because the liver produces more sugar in the blood. Adenosine receptors are blocked, thus preventing drowsiness.
After 45 minutes inside. Your body increases the production of dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure center in the brain. The same applies to heroin.
One hour later. Phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium, and zinc in the intestines, and increases combustion. Increases calcium excretion through urine.
More than an hour. The urinary tract is involved. Calcium, magnesium, and zinc found in bones are excreted, as are sodium, electrolytes, and water.
More than an hour and a half. We become sensitive or apathetic. All Coca-Cola water is excreted through urine.
The icing on the cake and the answer to drink or not.
The active ingredient in Coca-Cola is orthophosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8 To transport Coca-Cola concentrate, the truck must be equipped with special containers designed for highly corrosive materials. Detailed composition of the announced decaffeinated Coca-Cola Light product: Aqua-carbonated, E150d, E952, E950, E951, E338, E330, Aromas
The topic has been copied from the Conscious treatment group.
What Does Cocaine Do to Your Brain?
By The Recovery Village | Editor Erica Weiman - April 26, 2022
Cocaine has both short-term and long-term effects on the brain, including paranoia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and more.
With cocaine being the second-most illegally trafficked drug across the globe, it’s important to understand how cocaine affects those who use it, including the possible dangers and effects cocaine has on the brain in both the long and short term.
How does cocaine affect the brain—does cocaine kill brain cells? Can it lead to the development of neurological disease later on in life? Thanks to multiple studies and ongoing medical research, these questions have some answers.
What Is Cocaine?
Cocaine is a potent and addictive stimulant drug derived from the coca leaf. It can be snorted, injected, or smoked to achieve a euphoric high — a result of the drug’s hyper-stimulating effect on the brain’s dopamine levels. When used repeatedly, cocaine side effects can cause severe health problems in addition to the development of physical and mental dependence.
Cocaine is commonly taken recreationally, either by snorting, smoking, or injecting it into the bloodstream. When cocaine is purchased from an unknown source, it is always possible that the drug isn’t pure cocaine—a situation that presents its own risks.
The Dangers of Mixing Cocaine with Other Drugs
There are many risks associated with cocaine use in general, but combining cocaine with other substances is especially dangerous. The risk of overdose is heightened when you take multiple substances together, and there’s also a risk of dangerous or fatal drug interactions.
Cocaine can be cut with a variety of substances, from non-drug substances like laundry detergent to drugs like fentanyl and levamisole. By cutting drugs with other substances, drug dealers can make more money by selling smaller amounts of the intended drug and larger amounts of “filler”.
For the person purchasing the drugs, the stimulatory effects of cocaine may be prolonged by a longer half-life of another substance taken at the same time.
How Does Cocaine Affect the Brain?
In order to determine how cocaine affects the brain overall, it’s important to consider both the long-term and short-term effects of this drug.
When someone uses cocaine, the brain begins releasing extra dopamine, a feel-good brain chemical responsible for the feelings of a high or euphoria. Cocaine prevents the breakdown of dopamine, leading to a buildup of large amounts of it in the brain. The sudden flood of dopamine changes how the brain and body function.
The effects of cocaine become apparent quickly once someone takes it, but these effects are short-lived. They typically end within a few minutes to an hour after the drug is taken.
In the short term, people often use cocaine for the high it produces, causing feelings of euphoria, boosts in energy and mental alertness, and sensitivity to light and sound. Irritability, paranoia, or violent behavior may also occur in the short term.
Physical Health Risks of Short-term Cocaine Use
There are other short-term health risks of using cocaine:
- Nausea
- High blood pressure
- High body temperature
- Rapid heart rate
- Seizures
- Heart attack
- Stroke
Though it is rare, sudden death can occur either when cocaine is used or shortly afterward.
Long-Term Effects of Cocaine on the Brain
Cocaine also has lasting adverse effects on the brain over the long term. Extended cocaine use can contribute to:
- Severe paranoia
- Hallucinations
- Seizures and seizure disorders
- Parkinson’s disease
- Intracerebral hemorrhage
In general, research suggests that many cognitive functions can be adversely affected by cocaine use in the long term. These functions include motor skills, decision-making skills, and memory.
Does Cocaine Kill Brain Cells?
As a person ages, their brain experiences a gradual reduction in gray matter. Over time, the loss of gray matter in the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord can lead to natural complications related to aging, such as changes in memory and cognition.
However, people with a cocaine use disorder can lose a significantly greater amount of gray matter, and at a more rapid pace, than someone with no history of a substance use disorder.
Cocaine can also cause autophagy, where brain cells die in response to the neurological stress and neurotoxicity that occur from cocaine use.
It is possible that cocaine can kill brain cells both in the short- and long-term stages of cocaine use. However, there are many other toxic effects associated with a brain on cocaine. Every time someone repeatedly exposes their brain to cocaine, there is a possibility of dangerous or even fatal side effects.
Coca-cola could be causing a diabetes epidemic in this town
In Mexico, fizzy soft drinks can be more accessible than bottled water, with a resident of San Cristóbal de las Casas, on average, drinking more than 2 liters of soft drink products a day – at a cost to their health.
By Oscar Lopez - Andrew Jacobs - 23 July 2018