Info. about the Corona situation in Norway-Nordre Follo County.

NORWAY Monday 13. December  21.50 LST

Stricter national measures to limit the contagion

The Norwegian government introduces the new national contagion measures in order not to overburden the health and care and protect critical community features.

Infection in the Uk increases, and we've now got new knowledge about omikron flavor and how quickly it can spread. We are in a more serious situation. The government are therefore more stringent measures to maintain control of the pandemic, says prime minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

The big challenge is that omikron is more contagious. The result is that more people will be infected. More of these will become seriously ill, even if virusvarianten would prove to have lower risk for severe disease. Hospitals, nursing homes, primary care physicians and emergency rooms are experiencing increasing strain as a result of ill patients, increased sickness absence among health staff and less access to temporary workers from abroad.


Norwegian institute of public health (FHI) will send out additional vaksinedoser before christmas so that municipalities may have the opportunity to vaccinate anyone over the age of 45 years where it has gone to 4.5 months between the second dose and oppfriskningsdose. By the middle of January, all over the age of 45 years have been offered a oppfriskningsdose.

New measures

The government tightens at events and nightlife for adults, the arts community and in organized leisure activities. There are also skjenkestopp.

– We do this because it is the situations that are associated with a high contamination risk to health and many of which can be transmitted in a short time, " says health and care services ms. Ingvild Kjerkol.

All primary and secondary schools and kindergartens shall be conducted at the yellow level from no later than Thursday, 16. December. Upper secondary schools and adult education shall have the red level. Schools and kindergartens have to make sure to have the readiness for rapid transition to the red level.

Universities, colleges, and vocational schools need to facilitate digital learning.

The introduced common rules for the isolation and smittekarantene regardless of virusvariant.

It will also extend the use of surgical masks and stronger guidelines for the use of the home office.

Unvaccinated and people in the b vaccination programs should deprive yourself

– We also come with a clear recommendation that the unvaccinated should find shelter. Those who are admitted to the hospital because of covid-19 is mainly unvaccinated between 40 and 60 years, in addition to older fullvaksinerte that has not yet been oppfriskningsdose. The proportion of unvaccinated hospitalized is very high compared with the proportion of the population that is vaccinated, emphasizes Kjerkol.

Also, people in the b vaccination programs should find shelter.

Effective Wednesday, 15. December

The forskriftsfestede the measures will take effect from the night of Wednesday, 15. December. These measures apply until further notice in four weeks, but it can not be ruled out that they will last longer or that there is a need for further innstramninger.

This is the national measures

Advice and recommendationsDistance and social contact

  • Everyone should keep 1 metre distance from other than household members and the corresponding close.
  • Recommendation 1 meter distance does not apply to spare time for children in kindergarten and barneskolealder.
  • There are also exceptions for the adults who work with services for children and young people and vulnerable groups.
  • Individuals at risk for serious sykdomsforløp and unvaccinated should find shelter.
  • One should not have more than 10 guests at home out of your own household. You can have up to 20 guests a time during the christmas and nyttårshøytiden, but it should be a metre distance between guests. All need to think through how many close contacts one has, in the aggregate.
  • Children in nurseries and primary schools can have visits from their own cohort/class/department, even if it exceeds the recommended number of guests.
  • Reduce the number of close contacts, but don't isolate yourself.
  • Matches other outdoor when it is possible.Organized leisure activities

Children and young

  • Children and young people in kindergarten or primary school age can have organized leisure activities, such as football practice, or korpsøvelse, but it is recommended limitations on how many can be with. If the activity takes place indoors, it should be a maximum of 20 pieces, unless all participants are from the same cohort in the school or kindergarten.
  • Children and young people of kindergarten or primary school age can train or practice together, but we do not recommend having cups, matches or tournaments where children from different places gather.
  • An exception is made for outdoor sports events for children and young people of kindergarten or primary school age. They can be carried out if the children can always keep a distance of one meter, and if it is possible to follow the other rules on number that apply to all events.
  • Children and young people who have finished upper secondary school should also keep the meter in their free time. This means, for example, that they should not play football or handball, where it is difficult to keep the meter.

Grown ups

  • We recommend postponing or canceling the implementation of events associated with organized sports and leisure activities across different groups, both outside and inside.
  • We recommend postponing or canceling organized sports and leisure activities for adults that take place indoors.
  • Adults can exercise or have other organized leisure activities outdoors, but it is recommended to be a maximum of 20 people and keep the meter.

For all

  • We encourage everyone to get out into the fresh air. But it is important to keep a good distance from each other, even when you are out.
  • Wardrobes can be kept open if it is possible to organize the use so that congestion and close contact between people can be avoided. If open wardrobes lead to congestion, it is recommended to keep the wardrobes closed for ordinary use, but still so that toilets and washbasin facilities are available if this is not found elsewhere on the premises.
  • See the government's press release on top sports: The government is facilitating the maintenance of top sports activity .

Schools, kindergartens and SFO

  • A national yellow level is being introduced in kindergartens and primary and lower secondary schools. Local regulations on red action level take precedence over nationally determined yellow level.
  • A national red level is being introduced in upper secondary schools and for adult education.
  • Primary schools and kindergartens must ensure that they are prepared for a rapid transition to the red level.
  • Requirements for universities, colleges and vocational colleges to facilitate digital teaching, skills training and exams as far as possible.
  • Meetings can be arranged for children in kindergarten or primary school with whole classes / departments / groups with the required number of adults present.
  • See the government's press release on measures in schools / kindergartens: Third dose for employees and increased level of measures in kindergartens and schools .
  • See the government's press release on higher education: Continued mainly digital teaching at vocational schools, universities and colleges .

Working life

  • Everyone who can have a home office must have a home office.
  • Home offices and face masks do not apply to services where this prevents employees from performing necessary and statutory tasks in meetings with vulnerable groups and children and young people.
  • Recommendation of 1 meter distance.
  • Recommendation for face masks if it is not possible to keep distance, unless physical barriers such as the use of partitions or the like have been used.
  • Orders to wear face masks apply in some audience-oriented parts of working life.
  • Good ventilation / ventilation is recommended in situations where you stay in the same room over time with people who are not household members and similarly close.

Regulatory measures Events and gatherings

It is recommended to reduce the number of close contacts. More time should be spent at home. This means that you must also limit the number of visits, social gatherings and events you attend.

It is recommended to avoid using public transport to get to the event.

For events, these rules apply:

  • A maximum of 20 people indoors at a private gathering in a public place, in borrowed or rented premises.
  • Memorial services for funerals and bisettelser can have a maximum of 50 people indoors and outdoors. The funeral is considered as a public event, see below.
  • A maximum of 20 people on the public indoor events without fixed tilviste seats and 50 individuals through the use of such seats.
  • The promoter will ensure that all who are present at indoor events to be able to keep at least 1 meter distance to others who are not in the same household or are similarly close. There are exceptions for many groups, bl.a. for practitioners of cultural and sports events, participants in the individual course and those who are in the same cohort in kindergarten or elementary school.
  • At the indoor event where everyone in the crowd sitting on the fixed tilviste place, it is sufficient distance if the organizer to facilitate that your audience has at least one empty seat between them on the same row of seats from the they arrive at the event. People from the same household can sit closer to each other after arrival.
  • On an outdoor public event: Up to 100 people without a fixed, tilviste place and up to 200 x 3 with fixed, tilviste place.
  • Organizers will provide an overview of where some audience or guest sitting at public events where everyone in the crowd sitting on the firm, tilviste seats.
  • Pouring stop on events with pouring license, inside and out.
  • Face mask påbys also indoor events.
  • By kirkevandring in christian denominations, new participants are released into continuous when someone goes out. The corresponding exception will be granted for major holidays of other faiths if smittesituasjonen makes it necessary with still strict measures.Food and beverage outlets
  • Mandating that go to make sure everyone can keep a 1 meter distance from other than household members and the corresponding close. It should be at least 1 metre distance between the seating at the guests ' arrival, however, that the persons in the same household or similar close can sit closer to each other.
  • Sideboard stop, inside and out.
  • Food and beverage outlets shall not carry out activities that naturally means less distance between guests than 1 meter. This will typically be dancing.
  • Food and beverage outlets with skjenkebevilling to have seats for all the guests, but it is not a requirement at the cultural events on the go.
  • Go to record contact information of the guests who agree to it.
  • If you are going to not have dining for indoor private gathering with more than 20 people inside and 50 outside. The rules for private gatherings does not apply to on-site dining. Go to safeguard the smittevernet.Smittevernfaglig proper operation
  • Mandatory smittevernfaglig the proper operation of kindergartens, schools and other training and utdanningsvirksomhet.
  • Amusement park playland, the amusement arcades and the like shall remain closed.
  • Swimming pools, water parks, spas and hotellbasseng, and gyms can only be held open for:
  • the individual training. By training with a high intensity it is important to keep 2 metres distance.
  • school swimming, swimming lessons, swimming training and competitive swimming with the organizer.
  • rehabilitation and opptrening offered individually or in small groups with the organizer.
  • another individual treatment as it can be ordered in time to the and where the bathroom is a part of the treatment.
  • The following businesses will be operated smittevernfaglig securely to be able to stay open: Libraries, museums, bingo halls, swimming pools, water parks, spas, hotellbasseng, gyms, malls, shops, trade fairs, temporary markets and the like.
  • This includes the requirement to ensure that it is possible to keep at least 1 meter distance to the persons who are not in the same household or equivalent close, and that the business has prepared procedures for good hygiene, good sanitation and ventilation.
  • With the exception of the library, museums, shops and malls to companies register contact information to the guests who agree to it.
  • Bransjeveiledere should be reintroduced for bl.a. gyms and swimming pools. In practice, this means that there are more stringent requirements to the plot.Face mask
  • Mandating the use of a face mask when it is not possible to keep at least 1 meter distance in shops, shopping centres, restaurants, public transport, taxi and indoor stasjonsområder. The injunction also applies to the employees unless it is taken in the use of physical barriers.
  • Munnbindpåbud also applies in hairdressers, estheticians, and other one-to-one businesses.
  • Munnbindpåbud also applies at the indoor event, in the library and in the museum.
  • Munnbindpåbudet do not apply while you are sitting at a table on disability (current) or consume food or drink sitting.
  • There is already a national recommendation to wear a face mask where there is a lot of people and difficult to keep your distance, for example when you want to retrieve your jacket for an event at the same time with many other or on the way out of a football stadium.Home office
  • Mandating that employers ensure that employees work from home, if this is practicable and do not preclude important and necessary activities in the workplace, among other activities in order to safeguard children and vulnerable groups.Quarantine
  • Common rules for isolation and quarantine regardless of virusvariant. Karanteneplikt for the household members and the corresponding close with the opportunity to test out after 7 days. Other close contacts can test out after 3 days, but still can be fritidskarantene to the negative test after 7 days.

See the government's press release: Clearer test-prioritization and stricter karanteneregler.

See covid-19-regulations for more details about rules and edicts.

Friday 10. December kl. 18.35

High in the yellow level

Kommuneoverlegen received yesterday evening message about the suspected case of omikron at the person in the aged 16-19 years in the municipality. It is therefore decided that the schools will be operated on the yellow level after trafikklysmodellen from Monday, 13. December.

- Omikronsmitten infects faster than deltavarianten and we assume that there are more cases in this age group that we don't yet have an overview of. Youth travel criss-crossing between skolegrenser and district boundaries, and we must expect widespread infection among youth in this group going forward, " says Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

The infection more places than we get discovered

Kommuneoverlegen make an ongoing assessment of whether the yellow level also in kindergarten and primary school is proportionate.

- We are now in a situation where we with high probability has omikronsmitte more locations than what we have proven. We have no longer the capacity to report on the outbreak, and called, therefore, now only outbreaks in vulnerable groups.

Only sms to the infected under the age of 15

- Smittesporerne our focus is now on follow-up of adults infected because it is they who are most at risk for severe disease. Parents / carers of children under 15 years who tests positive for Covid-19 will only get a sms from the community about what they should do, and must notify the private kindergarten/school, says kommuneoverlegen.

Please note what makes you to close

- It is now important that all are aware of what it means to be a close encounter. If the municipality should be able to reclaim the records must all residents to limit the number of close contacts significantly.

She also encourages everyone to be aware of the symptoms, stay at home by illness, and test themselves by nyoppståtte respiratory symptoms.

Read more at FHI pages: close contacts.  

Thursday 9. December kl. 13.00

Municipal superiority risk assessment per 8 December 2021

New risk report from kommuneoverlegen is published on the website: nordrefollo.municipality.en / koronavirus / risk risk report .

The municipal supervisor's assessment of the infection situation as of 8 December:

Municipal superior considering the infection situation in Nordre Follo municipality out of scenario 2.

From today on, 9. December, it introduced a number of new national advice and rules.

In addition to the national council and the rules, has the municipality adopted the following measures:

  • Monday 6. December it was introduced regularly testing for all students in the 5. to 10. step.
  • Health workers use protective equipment in close contact with the patients.

More information about smittesituasjonen in the municipality and kommuneoverlegens reviews are in risikorapporten dated 8. December 2021.

Thursday 9. December kl. 09.35

First confirmed omikron-the case of Nordre Follo

We have confirmed the first case of omikron variant of Covid-19 in Nordre Follo kommune. We must expect more cases forward when omikron is expected to be the dominant Covid-19 virus.

The 1. December came the news that the first case with the omikron was confirmed in Norway. Since it has been revealed more and more cases and outbreaks of omikron. As of today, it is according to FHI 33 confirmed cases and 182 suspected cases with the omikron in Norway.

It is proven omikron in most of the nation's counties.

FHI considers it very likely that the omikron will be dominant in Norway in the course of a short time, and no later than January 2022.

On the evening of December 8, Nordre Follo also received the first confirmed case of omicron. The infection is related to travel abroad outside Europe, and the person who is infected tested positive on 3 December 2021. The infection detection team is now working to map and follow up close contacts.

Suspicion of outbreak

There is also a suspicion of an outbreak with omikron related to a private company located in Nordre Follo municipality. The infection is traced to a stay at Norefjell ski and spa. The omicron of the infected in this company has not yet been confirmed, but it is very likely. There are currently 9 infected in the outbreak, none of the infected live in Nordre Follo. The infection tracking team is in communication with the company and the home municipality of the infected.

Must assume that omikron will dominate

In addition to the above, we have several infected where we suspect omicron, we are waiting for a confirming sequencing response. We expect a rapidly increasing number of omicron cases, and that the variant will also be dominant in Nordre Follo in a short time.

Tuesday, December 7 at 20.30

New national infection control measures to maintain control

The government has decided to introduce a number of national infection control measures to reduce the burden on the health and care service, and to delay and limit the spread of omikron.

The measures are based on advice from the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the National Institute of Public Health

- We would very much like to be done with the pandemic. Now the situation is still so serious that we must take new measures to maintain control. Therefore, it will be a different Christmas holiday this year as well. The danger of an overloaded health service and the spread of the more contagious omicron virus necessitate new, strict measures to reduce social contact in society, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

The Prime Minister says the vaccines will gradually make us more immune.

- The hope is therefore precisely in the vaccine. To those of you who have not been vaccinated: Do so. To those of you who are offered a refresher dose: Accept, says the Prime Minister.

The health service can be congested

There is great and increasing pressure on the municipal health service and the hospitals. Further spread of infection and increase in hospitalizations will reduce the capacity to treat both covid-19 patients and other patients.

- The measures introduced will slow down the spread of omicrons. We do not know now whether the omikron variant will increase admissions further. But the measures will give us time to gain more knowledge about the omicron variant's infectivity and severity, and to vaccinate more people, says Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol.

Pouring stop

The government is reintroducing the meter, including in restaurants.

- It is important that everyone thinks about how many close contacts they have. If you have many, you should reduce the number. We know that a lot of the infection happens at people's homes, so we encourage people to have a maximum of 10 guests at home, says Støre.

The government is reintroducing the rule that restaurants with a liquor license must have seating for everyone. Alcohol can only be served at the tables, and there is a bar stop at 2400.

The government also introduces mandatory bandages when it is not possible to keep at least 1 meter away in a number of places, including shops, restaurants and public transport. It will also be the duty of the employer to arrange for a home office where possible.

Leisure activities

Kjerkol emphasizes that good opportunities for active leisure have great significance for our physical and mental health - also because it provides the opportunity to be with friends.

- Organized cultural and sports facilities are important for children and young people. It also has great value for adults. Although the development of infection requires that we reduce the group sizes for adults over the age of 20, we do not introduce a 1-meter requirement where it is not possible to carry out the activity from a distance. We also do not recommend group size for children and young people under the age of 20 when they train and participate in sports, cultural and leisure activities. They can still train together as they have done, Kjerkol points out.

- It is important that we still have social contact, but that we reduce the number of close contacts. We will not isolate ourselves unless we have been diagnosed with an infection. And when possible, we should meet others outdoors, says the Minister of Health and Care Services.

These are the national measures

All new national injunctions and recommendations take effect at midnight on Thursday 9 December. They last for four weeks - but will be reconsidered after two weeks.

Advice and recommendations

Distance and social contact

  • Everyone should keep a distance of 1 meter to other than household members and similarly close.
  • The recommendation does not apply to children in kindergartens and primary schools. There are also exceptions for adults who work with services for children and young people and vulnerable groups.
  • You should not have more than 10 guests at home in addition to your own household. You can have up to 20 guests once during the Christmas and New Year holidays, but there should be a meter distance between the guests. Everyone must think through how many close contacts they have seen in total.
  • Children in kindergartens and primary schools may have visits from their own cohort / class / department even if it exceeds the recommended number of guests.
  • Reduce the number of close contacts, but do not isolate yourself.
  • Meet others outdoors whenever possible.

Organized leisure activities

  • Leisure activities should be carried out outdoors as far as possible, and changing rooms should be kept closed.
  • For organized leisure activities indoors, it is recommended that adults over the age of 20 are in groups of up to 20 people. Furthermore, it is recommended that adults indoors keep a distance where it is possible to exercise the activity, and that you keep a distance of 2 meters during high-intensity training.
  • No specific recommendation is given about distance and number when children and young people under the age of 20 train and participate in sports, cultural and leisure activities.
  • Top sports can be carried out as normal.

Schools, kindergartens and SFO

  • Regular testing in schools with high infection pressure.
  • If necessary, the municipalities will again use the traffic light model in schools and kindergartens. The starting point is the green level, unless otherwise decided locally.
  • Meetings can be arranged for children in kindergarten or primary school with whole classes / departments / groups with the required number of adults present.
  • Universities, colleges and vocational colleges should as soon as practically introduce teaching in smaller groups and more digital teaching. Students who are dependent on conducting experiments in laboratories or skills training should be given priority for physical education.
  • Universities, colleges and vocational colleges should facilitate exams and compulsory courses, either digital or physical, where good infection control is practically possible. The same applies to other educational institutions for adults.

See the government's press release: The government reintroduces the traffic light model in schools and kindergartens, 7 December 2021 .

Working life

  • Recommendation of 1 meter distance and increased use of home office.
  • Recommendation for face masks if it is not possible to keep distance, unless physical barriers such as the use of partitions or the like have been used.
  • Home offices and face masks do not apply to services where this prevents employees from performing necessary and statutory tasks in meetings with vulnerable groups and children and young people.


  • Good ventilation / ventilation is recommended in situations where you stay in the same room over time with people who are not household members and similarly close.

Regulated measures

Events and gatherings

  • A maximum of 20 people at a private gathering in a public place, in borrowed or rented premises
  • Memorial services after funerals and burials can have a maximum of 50 people. The funeral itself is considered a public event with fixed seating, see below.
  • 3 x cohorts of 200 people with 2 meters distance between the cohorts all the time at public events with fixed allocated seats.
  • A maximum of 50 people at public events without fixed allocated seats.
  • At indoor events, an organizer shall be appointed who shall have an overview of who is present and the implementation shall be professionally sound.
  • Pouring stop at 24:00 at events with a pouring license.
  • The organizer shall ensure that everyone who is present at indoor events shall be able to keep at least 1 meter distance to others who are not in the same household or are similarly close. Exceptions are made for several groups, e.g. for athletes at cultural and sports events, participants in certain courses and those who are in the same cohort in kindergarten or primary school.
  • At events where everyone in the audience sits in fixed allotted seats, there is a sufficient distance if the organizer facilitates that the audience has at least one vacant seat between them on the same row of seats from the time they arrive at the event. People from the same household can sit closer to each other after arrival.


  • Order that the restaurant shall ensure that everyone can keep a distance of 1 meter to other than household members and similarly close. There must be at least 1 meter distance between the seats on the arrival of guests, however so that people in the same household or similarly close can sit closer to each other.
  • Restaurants with a liquor license must have seating for all guests, but it is not a requirement for cultural events at the restaurant.
  • Alcohol can only be served at the tables.
  • Pouring stop at 24.00.
  • The restaurant must register contact information for guests who consent to it.

Infection control responsible operation

  • Mandate for infection control proper operation for kindergartens, schools and other education and training activities. The municipalities will again use the traffic light model. The level of action is green unless otherwise decided locally. It may be relevant to put all kindergartens and schools in the country at a yellow level again.
  • The following businesses must be run in a professionally sound manner in order to be open: Libraries, amusement parks, swimming pools, water parks, spa facilities, hotel pools, gyms, bingo halls, gaming halls, shopping centers, shops, trade fairs, temporary markets and the like.
  • This entails requirements to ensure that it is possible to keep at least 1 meter away from people who are not in the same household or similarly close, and that the company has developed routines for good hygiene, good cleaning and ventilation.
  • With the exception of libraries, shops and shopping centers, companies must register contact information for those guests who agree to it.
  • Industry supervisors should be reintroduced for e.g. gyms and swimming pools.


  • Mandatory for the use of face masks when it is not possible to keep at least 1 meter away in shops, malls, restaurants, public transport, taxis and indoor station areas. The order also applies to employees unless physical barriers have been used.
    Mouthpiece orders also apply to hairdressers, dermatologists and other one-on-one businesses.
  • There is already a national recommendation to wear a face mask where there are a lot of people and it is difficult to keep your distance, for example when you are going to pick up your jacket after an event at the same time as many others or on your way out of a football stadium.

Home office

  • An order that the employer shall facilitate home offices where possible without compromising services that require a presence that is important and necessary for the business, for example to take care of children and vulnerable groups.


  • The quarantine obligation for close contacts with a confirmed infection where there is a suspicion of omicron, is extended to also apply to other close contacts, not just household members and similarly close ones.

See the government's press releases:

The government with several financial compensation measures

The government is proposing further financial compensation measures to mitigate the consequences of the infection control measures that are now being introduced. The proposals include reopening the compensation scheme for the business community for the rest of the year and extending the support measures for public transport and flights until March.

See the government's press release: The government with several financial compensation measures, 7 December 2021 .

Doubles the quota with care allowance

The government proposes to double the number of days you can be home with sick children also in 2022.

See the government's press release: Double the quota with care allowance in 2022, 7 December 2021 .

Monday, December 6 at 16.05

Somewhat reduced services due to high sickness absence

Like other municipalities in the country, Nordre Follo municipality is also affected by high sickness absence due to Covid-19 and that one should stay at home due to illness and newly developed airway symptoms.

Sick leave and consequences of infection control councils and rules are reflected in all companies. This is something we were prepared for and must expect to have to deal with throughout the winter, says municipal director Øyvind Henriksen.

Some companies have challenges with having enough staff to run certain services. This has so far affected kindergartens and schools, home care and services at the health station.

- We will ensure soundness in our services, and with the situation we are in now - like many municipalities throughout the country, where it is not possible to find substitutes, we will for short periods have to reduce the offer for some services, says Henriksen.

He emphasizes that there are services that can be reduced without affecting life and health.

- Today, for example, one of our after-school programs (SFO) has had to ask parents who have the opportunity to pick up their children, due to staffing challenges due to. disease, says Henriksen.

He makes no secret of the fact that this is something we will probably have to expect more from in the future.

- Nobody knows exactly what this winter will be like, but we are prepared for it to be characterized by high sickness absence, he says.

- Nevertheless, in the situation we are in now, with increasing infection pressure, uncertainty associated with the Omikron virus and that one should stay at home with newly developed airway symptoms, it will still be difficult to obtain sufficient substitutes, says Henriksen.

- All corona-related expenses are covered, so that we reduce in some services is to ensure soundness. No services are taken down to save money, emphasizes Øyvind Henriksen.

Thursday, December 2 at 17.10

New measures in Nordre Follo municipality

The government is introducing regional measures in Oslo and several municipalities in Viken and Innlandet to delay and limit the spread of the new omikron virus variant.

- Our goal is to maintain control of the pandemic. We must protect the capacity of the health service in municipalities that may now be affected by outbreaks of infection with the omicron variant. It is important that we quickly limit contact and mobility in these areas. At the same time, we do not want to impose unnecessary restrictions on people's lives. But the government will take stricter measures if necessary, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

A major outbreak of infection has been confirmed in Oslo with the omikron variant in connection with a Christmas table, in which people from Oslo and municipalities around the capital participated. In addition, infection of the omikron variant has been confirmed in Øygarden and among some travelers to Norway from southern Africa.

Spreads quickly

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health believes that the extensive outbreak associated with the event both shows that omicron has a great potential for spread, and that it is possible that the vaccine effect may be low when it comes to the spread of infection. It has so far not been concluded whether the omicron variant leads to more serious disease. The vaccines probably provide protection against serious illness, but the degree of protection is uncertain.

- We need more knowledge. With the regional measures, we will delay the spread of the omicron variant in Norway until more elderly people have been vaccinated and until we have gained more knowledge. In addition, we have an increasing spread of infection in the country in general, especially in Oslo and Viken, and these measures will also limit the general spread of infection, says Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol.

Introduces regional measures

The regional measures are introduced in municipalities that are affected by ongoing outbreaks of the omikron variant and where there is also a large burden on specialist health services. Municipalities that belong to the admission area to Akershus University Hospital are included. Several of these municipalities are part of the same living and working region, where there is great mobility.

The following regional initiatives introduced with the regulations in Nordre Follo and other selected municipalities:

  • Mandating the use of a face mask and where it is not possible to keep at least one metre distance of shops, shopping centres, restaurants, public transport, indoor stasjonsområder and taxi. The obligation to wear a face mask does not apply to children under 12 years of age, or for those who for medical or other reasons can't use a face mask. It is also recommended to wear a face mask where there is a lot of people and difficult to keep your distance, for example when you want to retrieve your jacket for an event at the same time with many other or are on the way out of a football stadium.
  • Mandating that the workplaces where work from home is possible without going beyond the important and necessary services, to ensure that employees work from home all or part of the week. For example, it can be done so that the employees work from home half of the time.
  • Antallsbegrensninger for private events, indoor up to 100 people in a public place or in rented/borrowed premises.
  • The duty of the food and beverage outlets and organizers to register guests to be able to notify guests by smitteeksponering.
  • Claims about the table service of alcoholic beverages for food and beverage options and events that have skjenkebevilling
  • The requirement that all the guests have seats in the restaurants that have skjenkebevilling
  • Antallsbegrensninger for indoor events without fixed tilviste place with up to 600 (in cohorts of 200).

The following municipalities are covered by the regulation on the regional measures:

  • Oslo
  • Asker
  • Bærum
  • Crane
  • Kongsvinger
  • Nord-Odal
  • Sør-Odal
  • Eidskog
  • Hurdal
  • Nannestad
  • Woolen things
  • Gjerdrum
  • Because
  • Lørenskog
  • Lillestrøm
  • The railing
  • Aurskog-Høland
  • Enebakk
  • Nordre Follo
  • Hill
  • Nesodden
  • Frogn

The regional measures will take effect from midnight on the night of Friday, 3. December 2021. Measures goods in the first place in the 14 days.

See the government press release: the Government introduces several regional smitteverntiltak in several municipalities, 02.12.2021.

In addition, the introduced several national measures

The government introduces in addition, several national measures to delay the spread of omikron-variant. It is recommended among other things, to keep the distance and to avoid håndhilsing and pinching.

See the government's press release: the Government introduces the new national measures, 02.12.21.

All who come to Norway do the test after the arrival

The government introduces more stringent requirements on the border, to slow and limit the spread of the new virusvarianten omikron. From midnight, the night of Friday, 3. December, make all who come to Norway in the initially test out regardless of the vaksinasjonsstatus.

See the government's press release: All who come to Norway do the test after the arrival, 02.12.2021.

Koronaordninger for culture, volunteering and sports extended

The government continues koronastøtteordningene until the summer of 2022.

See the government's press release: Koronaordninger for culture, volunteering and sports extended, 02.12.2021.

Happy with the new measures - glad that the children and young people protected

- It is sad that we are in a serious situation where it is necessary to introduce several measures. When the situation is as it is, are we happy with that comes the joint regional measures. We are a joint live and arbeidsregion, where Oslo is important – and it is therefore appropriate and of the equal and proportionate measure, which comes at the same time. This will make it easy for all those who traveled on the criss-cross to relate to them. So I am particularly glad that the children and young people protected, " says Hanne Opdan, mayor Nordre Follo.

- Follow directions and take the vaccine if you can

It is supported by municipal consultant Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

- We experience to have used all the tools we have in the toolbox alone as a municipality, and is satisfied that it is going regional initiatives from national sources, " says Myhrvold.

- These measures to be done to slow the spread of Omicron, to give us time to get more knowledge about the new virus. We understand that people are tired, but encourage everyone to find motivation and strength to insert themselves into the current rules and recommendations and follow them to the best of my ability, " she adds.

- I also encourage everyone to download smittestopp app, so that we hopefully can take this in use in our smittesporing. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the vaccine effect against Omicron, so I encourage anyone who can to take the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine. It is the best product we have in the fight against koronaviruset, end Myhrvold.

Thursday 2. December kl. 11.00

Regular testing at 5.-10. step

Nordre Follo kommune has lately had a lot of infection among children and young people. The municipality introduces, therefore, a scheme of self-test at home until christmas.

- We have a high smittepress in Nordre Follo kommune, and much of the infection occurs in children and adolescents in school age. Monday 6. December we introduce, therefore, regular testing of students from 5. to 10. steps in consultation with the FHI, says konst. kommuneoverlege Monica Biermann.

Want to limit the outbreak
- the Goal of regular testing is to detect and limit the outbreak early. Students will be given hurtigtester so that they can test themselves at home. Participation in regular testing is voluntary, but we encourage greatly to participate when the high attendance is essential to get the good effect of the measure, " says Biermann.

Students test themselves at home
, the Students take the self-test at home two times a week. The school will send with students tests home and make sure that they know how to perform the test. We will in the first place have this scheme in two weeks, ie. and with 20. December 2021.

Regular testing replaces the "test for the quarantine" and it is not necessary to smittesporing of the schools who participate in regular testing.

Tuesday 30. november kl. 18.25

No additional action is local, want regional coordination

The municipality's leadership has had a meeting in the afternoon 30. november. Kommuneoverlegen does not give advice to introduce additional measures locally in Nordre Follo than what we have today.

The government has asked municipalities with increasing infection to coordinate themselves regionally when considering to introduce any local measures.

- We support and believe that Statsforvalter here has an important coordinating role, " says ass. kommuneoverlege Monica Viksaas Biermann.

- If we are to adopt measures must be regional measures. Even more action than we have in Nordre Follo now will not be enough alone because we have a relatively similar smittesituasjon with citizens who sokner to the same lokalsykehus; akershus university Hospital, " says Biermann.

The mayor of the Nordre Follo, Hanne Opdan, is in contact with the mayors of the other Follo-municipalities, for a common dialogue with Statforvalteren of regional measures.

- There are a challenging situation. We have used the tools, the municipality has, and calls for proportionate regional measures. Our citizens travels across between our municipalities and to Oslo. Measures need to hit all at the same time and be like, so they'll be easy to relate to, " says Opdan.

Tuesday 30. november kl. 15.45

Two deaths as a result of Covid-19

Kommuneoverlegen was today notified that two citizens in Nordre Follo has passed away as a result of Covid-19. Both deaths occurred in the Hospital 28. november. The deceased is an adult with underlying disease, and an older person with underlying disease. -My warmest thoughts go to the relatives, " says the mayor Jody Opdan. Monday 29. november saw the municipality, the highest number of infected on a day throughout the pandemic, with 75 infected. Total of 22 people from Nordre Follo kommune has died as a result of Covid-19.

Tuesday, November 30 at 14.00

The government introduces new national measures to control the pandemic

- The pandemic is not over, but it is in a new phase. We must learn to live with the infection. Because we have vaccines, we can now tolerate more infections in society. On the one hand, we must avoid overcrowded hospitals and the health service being overloaded. On the other hand, people should be allowed to live as normally as possible. We must always find the right balance in the measures, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

New national measures

The government is now introducing two new rules:

  • If you live with someone who is infected, you must stay at home in quarantine until you have the answer to a negative test. This applies to adults, whether they have been vaccinated or unvaccinated. To avoid quarantine, vaccinated people must be retested no later than after seven days. unvaccinated people must be tested daily for seven days with a rapid test or every other day with a PCR test. For children, this is not a duty, but a recommendation.
  • If you are infected with covid-19, you must be isolated for five days. This applies regardless of whether you have been vaccinated or not. Until today, the requirement has been 2 days for those vaccinated without symptoms. In addition, you must have been fever-free for 24 hours before leaving isolation.

The measures apply from 1 December 2021.

The government also makes some new recommendations:

  • A national recommendation is introduced to use face masks in contact with the health and care service.
  • The government is introducing a national recommendation to use face masks on public transport, in taxis, in shops and in shopping centers where it is not possible to keep your distance.
  • In addition, the government continues the recommendation to regularly test schoolchildren in areas with increasing spread of infection and high workload in the health and care service
  • The government requests that municipalities with increasing infection and high workload in the health service consider increased use of home offices.

The recommendations apply from and including 30 November 2021.

This is in addition to the measures that the government introduced on Monday 29 November to slow down the spread of the omicron variant .

The government also asks municipalities with increasing infection and increasing strain on the health and care service to assess the need for their own and stricter measures.

Easily accessible vaccine offer

The government asks the municipalities to set the pace of vaccination.

The government has asked the municipalities to offer a refreshment dose to everyone who is 45 years and older when those over 65 have been offered. Everyone who works in the health and care service will also be offered a refresher dose.

Nordre Follo municipality is well under way with planning how this will be implemented. Everyone over the age of 65, people with immune deficiencies and health professionals will have been offered a refresher dose before Christmas.

See the Government's press release «The Government introduces new national measures», 30.11.2021

The municipality's management has a meeting this afternoon, 30 November, and will provide an update on what happens next for Nordre Follo after this.

Wednesday 24 November at 15.30

The municipal supervisor's risk assessment as of 24 November 2021

A new risk report from the municipal chief physician has been published on the website: .

The municipal chief physician's assessment of the infection situation as of 24 November: The
municipal chief physician assesses the infection situation in Nordre Follo municipality on the basis of scenario 2.

This week, the municipality introduced 43 measures in accordance with the "Handbook for detection, assessment and handling of Covid-19 outbreaks in the municipality". These measures are continued. This applies:

  • Strengthen communication about basic infection control measures to residents and municipal employees.
  • Communicate the importance of vaccination and that the risk for unvaccinated adults and the elderly is increasing.
  • The use of face masks is introduced for all employees in the nursing and care services when employees are in close contact with patients and users.
  • Schools with major outbreaks conduct regular testing at relevant stages.

On Friday 5 November, following recommendations from the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Health, further advice was given to residents of Nordre Follo:

  • Stay home if you are sick with new-onset respiratory symptoms - and take a coronal test.
  • Keep a distance from others where possible in the public space, preferably one meter.
  • Consider using a face mask if it is not possible to keep a distance of at least one meter indoors in the public space.
  • Consider using a home office whenever possible.
  • Reduce the number of close contacts.

More information about the infection situation in the municipality and the municipal chief physician's assessments can be found in the risk report dated 24 November 2021 .

Wednesday 24. november kl. 11.55

Høyås living and rehabilitation center

It is reported that 6 infected with a link to one department. Current smitteverntiltak is inserted into the included isolation of the infected, the use of smittevernutstyr, testing of users and employees, as well as increased cleaning.

Bøleråsen school

A total of 11 infected in the outbreak, as well as several individual infections in the school that are not linked to the current outbreak. Temporary regular testing to be extended from one to two classes at 7. step.

Vassbonn school

It is reported that 4 infected with relation to one class of 5. step, as well as several individual infections in the school that are not linked to the current outbreak. Temporary regular testing is conducted in the particular class of 5. step.

Wednesday 17. november kl. 9.55

Municipal Supervisor's risk assessment as of 17 November 2021

New risk report from kommuneoverlegen is published on the website: nordrefollo.municipality.en / koronavirus / risk risk report .

The municipal supervisor's assessment of the infection situation as of 17 November: The
municipal supervisor assesses the infection situation in Nordre Follo municipality out of scenario 2.

The municipality introduced in week 43 measures according to the "Handbook for the detection, assessment and handling of the Covid-19 outbreak in the municipality". These measures will be continued. This applies to:

  • Enhance communication about the basic smitteverntiltak to residents and municipal employees.
  • Communicate the importance of vaccination and the risk for unvaccinated adults and the elderly is increasing.
  • It introduced the use of surgical masks for all employees in the nursing and care services when the staff is in close contact with the patients and users.
  • Schools with larger outbreaks conducting regular testing on the current step.

Friday 5. november was a recommendation from the Norwegian institute of public health and the ministry of Health provided additional advice to residents in Nordre Follo:

  • Stay home if you are sick with nyoppståtte respiratory symptoms and take koronatest.
  • Keep a safe distance to others where it is possible in public space, like a meter.
  • Consider the use of a face mask if it is not possible to keep at least a metre distance indoors in the public space.
  • Consider the use of the home office when it is possible.
  • Reduce the number of close contacts.

More information about smittesituasjonen in the municipality and kommuneoverlegens reviews are in risikorapporten dated 17. november 2021.

Tuesday 16. november kl. 16.05

Bøleråsen school

It is reported smitteutbrudd by Bøleråsen school. There are currently 7 infections associated with 4. and 7. step. One class at 7. steps conducting temporary regular testing.

Tuesday 16. november kl. 14.35

Østli schoolA total of 13 infected in the outbreak that is linked to 5. and 7. step. We are temporarily regularly testing at 5. and 7. step.

Finstadtunet nursing homeThe outbreak, which is previously notified by the nursing home, is about to cease. A total of 18 infected in the outbreak. 8 of those infected are in the category of patient/relatives. 10 of those infected are employees.

Greverud nursing homeThe onset in relation to the Greverud nursing homes are considered to be over.

12. november kl. 13.00

The government introduces a national measures

  • New rules for the testing of the unvaccinated.
  • Will offer the third dose to all over 18 years of age.
  • To facilitate more use of koronasertifikat.

More and more of korona is located in the hospital and the health care system around the country are under pressure. The government introduces, therefore, some additional national measures to bring down the infection, but says it is the municipalities that best know the situation locally and may adopt measures, where necessary.

Read more about the government's press conference

9. november kl. 18.10

Smitteutbrudd in municipal agencies

The infection increases in Nordre Follo. We start, therefore, up to sign running about smitteutbrudd in municipal government, not just weekly through kommuneoverlegens risikorapport.

The reason for this is that we want to increase awareness about the infectious disease in the population, and because we have major outbreaks in institutions that create information needs.

In schools and kindergartens will be notified of the outbreak where it is made for special measures, such as regular testing. In unvaccinated children are expected to infection and they are in small degree seriously ill, but it has significance for the infection further into the community.

By outbreaks in vaccinated and or vulnerable groups such as nursing homes, reported that when smittesituasjonen include at least three or more infected persons.

Finstadtunet nursing homes: a Total of 17 infected with relation to the nursing home, of which 9 of those infected are in the category of patient/next of kin, and 8 employees. In accordance with FHI their recommendations are appropriate smitteverntiltak initiated.

Greverud nursing homes: a Total of 3 infected with relation to the nursing home. In accordance with FHI their recommendations are appropriate smitteverntiltak initiated.

Greverud school: Large outbreaks with a total of 70 infected associated, of which the vast majority are unvaccinated children. Regular testing of the current step has been completed, and the outbreak is now considered to be about to speak of.

14. October at. 12.30

New risk report from kommuneoverlegen is published on the website: nordrefollo.municipality.en / koronavirus / risk risk report .

Kommuneoverlegens assessment of smittesituasjonen per 13. October:
Kommuneoverlegen considering smittesituasjonen in Nordre Follo kommune out from the scenario 1. In this situation, it is according to the "Handbook for the detection, assessment and handling of the covid-19 outbreak in the municipality of" not appropriate to take further action.

More information about smittesituasjonen in the municipality and kommuneoverlegens reviews are in risikorapporten dated 13. October 2021.

8. October at. 16.40

It is reported that a Covid-19 related deaths associated with Nordre Follo at the Hospital. The death occurred yesterday, 7. October. It revolves around an older fullvaksinert person with an underlying condition which gave an increased risk for serious progression by Covid-19.

- My warmest thoughts to the families, " says mayor Jody Opdan.

1. October at. 10: 30 am

The municipality's local koronaforskrift which included exemption from smittekarantene for persons over the age of 18, adopted on formannskapets meet the 26. august of this year, was abolished in formannskapsmøtet 30. september 2021.

See case 91/21 in the political meeting calendar.

30. september kl. 14.10

New risk report from kommuneoverlegen is published on the website: nordrefollo.municipality.en / koronavirus / risk risk report .

In keeping with both the strategy and the goal for the handling of Covid-19-pandemic in Norway is changed, the assessment and reporting in kommuneoverlegens risikorapport also changed. The assessment of the risk and the evaluation of the action now takes the starting point in the three scenarios, which vurderingspunktene for the action goes on impact and burden of health services.

Kommuneoverlegens assessment of smittesituasjonen per 29. september:
Kommuneoverlegen considering smittesituasjonen in Nordre Follo kommune out from the scenario 1. In this situation, it is according to the "Handbook for the detection, assessment and handling of the covid-19 outbreak in the municipality of" not appropriate to take further action.

More information about smittesituasjonen in the municipality and kommuneoverlegens reviews are in risikorapporten dated 29. september 2021.

27. september kl. 16.00

In connection with the transition to a normal everyday life with increased preparedness, we change routines for reporting cases of infection in the municipality's businesses.

From now on, the municipal chief physician's weekly risk report will report on the infection situation in the municipality. See the municipal chief physician's risk report .

24. september kl. 14.00

Norway moves to a normal everyday life with increased preparedness The Government has decided that Norway will move to a normal everyday life with increased preparedness on Saturday 25 September at 16.00. Read more at

23. september kl. 16.00

Update outbreaks in schools

The number in isolation is people who are in isolation as of today, and not the total number of people infected in the outbreaks.

Roald Amundsen upper secondary school: 24 in isolation. Testing of students is carried out regularly three times a week, and VG1 is set to yellow level according to the traffic light model.

Ski high school: 52 in isolation. Students are regularly tested three times a week.

Drømmorp upper secondary school: 9 in isolation.

Total in isolation at upper secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 85

Ski junior high school: 38 in isolation. Students are regularly tested twice a week.

Haugjordet ungdomsskole: 17 in isolation

Ingieråsen ungdomsskole: 1 in isolation

Siggerud ungdomsskole: 2 insulation

Total in isolation at secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 58

Vevelstadåsen primary school: 11 in isolation

Finstad primary school: 8 in isolation

Hebekk primary school: 7 in isolation

Langhus primary school: 1 in isolation

Bøleråsen primary school: 1 in isolation

Vassbonn primary school: 10 in isolation

Østli primary school: 1 in isolation

Total in isolation at primary schools in Nordre Follo: 39

Vevelstadåsen kindergarten: 1 in isolation

Hebekk kindergarten: 1 in isolation

Total in isolation in kindergartens in Nordre Follo: 2

23. september kl. 11.40

The municipality's test station moves to Langhus

As of Friday 1 October, testing for coronavirus will take place in Langhuset at Langhus.

The municipality has long worked to gather the entire infection control team. With the new test station, infection tracking and testing will be gathered in one place.

We are moving this from two to one test station. The new test station is located in the middle of the municipality.

Lene Svendsen, department manager for the infection control team, emphasizes that gathering two test stations into one will not go beyond the offer.

- There is a lot of cooperation between teststasjonen and smittesporerne, and we look forward, therefore, to be able to gather all under the same roof. We will still have that goal that most people will get the time of day or no later than the day after they order, " says Svendsen.

The test station in Kolbotn is open until Friday, September 24. The test station in Verkstedveien in Skiing is open until Thursday, 30 September.

Read the whole thing.

22. september kl. 16.55

Update smitteutbrudd in schools

The number in isolation is people sitting in isolation, as of today, and not the total number of people infected in the outbreak.

Roald Amundsen high school: 33 in isolation. It carried out regular testing of students three times per week, and the VG1 is set to yellow level after trafikklysmodellen.

Ski high school: 52 in isolation. It carried out regular testing of students three times per week.

Drømtorp high school: 6 in isolation.

In total in the isolation of secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 91

Ski school: 40 in isolation. It carried out regular testing of students two times per week.

Haugjordet middle school: 12 in isolation

Ingieråsen middle school: 1 in isolation

Siggerud middle school: 1 isolation

In total in the insulation of the secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 54

Vevelstadåsen elementary school: 7 in isolation

Finstad elementary school: 6 in isolation

Hebekk elementary school: 5 in isolation

Long house elementary school: 1 in isolation

Bøleråsen elementary school: 1 in isolation

Vassbonn elementary school: 6 in isolation

Østli elementary school: 1 in isolation

Total in isolation at primary schools in Nordre Follo: 27

21. september kl. 18.15

Update smitteutbrudd in schools

The number in isolation is people sitting in isolation, as of today, and not the total number of people infected in the outbreak.

Roald Amundsen high school: 35 in isolation. It carried out regular testing of students three times per week, and the VG1 is set to yellow level after trafikklysmodellen.

Ski high school: 50 in isolation. It carried out regular testing of students three times per week.

Drømtorp high school: 7 in isolation.

In total in the isolation of secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 92

Ski school: 38 in isolation. It carried out regular testing of students two times per week.

Haugjordet middle school: 12 in isolation

Siggerud middle school : 1 isolation

In total in the insulation of the secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 51

Vevelstadåsen elementary school: 6 in isolation

Finstad elementary school: 5 in isolation

Hebekk elementary school: 5 in isolation

Bøleråsen elementary school : 1 in isolation

Vassbonn elementary school: 4 in isolation

Total in isolation at primary schools in Nordre Follo: 21

20. september kl. 18.00

Update smitteutbrudd in schools

The number in isolation is people sitting in isolation, as of today, and not the total number of people infected in the outbreak.

Roald Amundsen high school: 28 in isolation. It carried out regular testing of students three times per week, and the VG1 is set to yellow level after trafikklysmodellen.

Ski high school: 53 in isolation. It carried out regular testing of students three times per week.

Drømtorp high school: 6 in isolation.

Ski school: 26 in isolation.

17. september kl. 16.00

Update smitteutbrudd in schools

The number in isolation is people sitting in isolation, as of today, and not the total number of people infected in the outbreak.

Roald Amundsen high school: 29 in isolation, no new infected is registered in the onset in the day. It carried out regular testing of students three times per week, and the VG1 is set to yellow level after trafikklysmodellen.

Ski high school: 32 in isolation. It carried out regular testing of students, from Monday 20.9. increased testing from two to three times per week.

Drømtorp high school: 8 in isolation.

Ski school: 20 in isolation.

17. september kl. 14.45

Change the requirements for quarantine and smittesporing

The government has decided to introduce revised down FEED in the municipalities from 27. september. It means that fewer need to go into quarantine, and that the municipalities in the lesser degree to operate with smittesporing.

FEED stands for testing, isolation, smittesporing and quarantine and has been a crucial measures to keep control of the pandemic.

The government held today press conference where they informed about smittesituasjonen in Norway, changes in testing and quarantine, and preparing to go over to "a normal life with increased readiness".

– More and more is fullvaksinert and the infection appears to be levelling out. It will still be the need for testing, isolation, smittesporing and quarantined for a while. We are therefore revised down FEED in the municipalities from 27. september, says the health and care services ms. Bent High.

Decreased FEED involves increased use of the monitor self-test, that the fewer the need to go into quarantine, and that the municipalities in the lesser degree to operate with smittesporing, they should now drive targeted smittesporing to only the most smitteutsatte.

Read more on the government's website

More responsibility to the individual

Monica Biermann says Nordre Follo kommune is well prepared for the government of the day announced.

- The population must reach a greater extent, to monitor their own symptoms and test themselves. Everyone must have a low threshold to stay at home by nyoppståtte symptoms. And we should be a low threshold to test us. If you get a positive test, it is important that you know what you should do. You need to isolate yourself, notify your nearest, notify smittesporingsteamet and order the pcr test on testasjonen to the municipality.

Biermann believes the changes are adapted to the situation we are now in.

We see that very few are seriously ill, even if smittetallene is high. It is mainly due to the fact that many are vaccinated, we have very high vaksinasjonsgrad in Nordre Follo, 92 per cent of those over the age of 18 has received 1 dose and 85 per cent have received two doses. There is a good deal higher than the average in Norway. We encourage those who have not yet taken the vaccine, to call vaksinekontoret on 94012310 when we have good capacity.

16. september kl. 18.30

Update on the ongoing smittesituasjoner in schools in the municipality

The stated figures are valid, the number of students who are in isolation in the day, not the total number of infected since the start of the school year.

Current numbers are higher than what was reported yesterday, but this is due to something etterregistrering. There has been no real increase in smitteutbruddet.

The infection control team experiences that the infection does not occur to a small extent in schools, but in social contexts outside school hours. Several of the schools have infected at many stages, but where the route of infection enters the school comes from different angles.

Roald Amundsen upper secondary school: 32 in isolation. Testing of students is carried out regularly three times a week, and VG1 is set to yellow level according to the traffic light model. Due to the ongoing outbreak, it was decided to offer the 1st dose of coronary vaccine to students born in 2004 and 2005 at school on Wednesday 15.9.

Ski high school : 20 in isolation.

Drømmorp upper secondary school : 7 in isolation.

Total in isolation at upper secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 59

Ski junior high school : 19 in isolation.

Haugjordet ungdomsskole : 4 in isolation.

Fløysbonn ungdomsskole : 6 in isolation. All students are tested twice a week.

Ingieråsen ungdomsskole : 1 in isolation.

Hellerasten ungdomsskole : 1 in isolation.

Total in isolation at secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 31

Østli primary school : 4 in isolation.

Total in isolation at primary schools in Nordre Follo: 4

15. september kl. 18.30

Update on ongoing infection situations in schools in the municipality

The figures given apply to the number of students who are in isolation today, not the total number of infected since the start of school.

The infection control team experiences that the infection does not occur to a small extent in schools, but in social contexts outside school hours. Several of the schools have infected at many stages, but where the route of infection enters the school comes from different angles.

Roald Amundsen upper secondary school
16 in isolation. Testing of students is carried out regularly three times a week, and VG1 is set to yellow level according to the traffic light model. Due to the ongoing outbreak, it has been decided that the first dose of coronary vaccine for students born in 2004 and 2005 will be offered at the school on Wednesday 15 September.

Ski high school
12 in isolation

Drømmorp upper secondary school
9 in isolation

- Total in isolation at upper secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 37

Ski junior high school
15 in isolation

Haugjordet ungdomsskole
4 in isolation

Fløysbonn ungdomsskole
6 in isolation. All students are tested twice a week.

Ingieråsen ungdomsskole
1 in isolation

Hellerasten ungdomsskole
2 in isolation

- Total in isolation at secondary schools in Nordre Follo: 28

Østli primary school
4 in isolation

- Total in isolation in primary schools in Nordre Follo: 4

15. september kl. 10.05

Ahus has reported a Covid-19 related death associated with Nordre Follo. This is an elderly fully vaccinated person.

A total of 19 people have had Covid-19 related deaths in Nordre Follo municipality.

- My warmest thoughts to the relatives, says mayor Hanne Opdan.

10. september kl. 19.43

Status of outbreaks at Roald Amundsen upper secondary school, Fløysbonn school and Østli school

The infection control team experiences that the infection does not occur to a small extent in schools, but in social contexts outside school hours. Several of the schools have infected at many stages, but where the route of infection enters the school comes from different angles.

Roald Amundsen High School

A total of around 40 cases of infection, mainly associated with VG1. Testing of students is carried out regularly three times a week, and VG1 is set to yellow level according to the traffic light model.

Due to the ongoing outbreak, it has been decided that the first dose of coronary vaccine for students born in 2004 and 2005 will be offered at the school on Wednesday 15 September.

Fløysbonn school

A total of 15 cases of infection associated with the 8th, 9th and 10th stages. Mass testing of all students at the school has today been carried out, and from next week, regular testing will be introduced twice a week.

Eastern school

A total of 6 infected at 7th stage. In addition, some other cases of infection that are not related to the cases in the 7th step.

8. september kl. 12.21

Outbreak of infection at four schools

Sofiemyr School

5 cases of infection have been reported in connection with the 7th and 5th stages.

Tårnåsen school

7 cases have been reported in connection with the 5th, 6th and 7th steps.

Eastern school

4 cases have been reported associated with the 7th step.

Fløysbonn school

A total of 15 cases have been reported, mainly related to the 8th step. Steps 9 and 10 have isolated cases.

Only reports outbreaks on our website

We now only report outbreaks in municipal institutions that have more than three cases of infection externally. Affected companies have direct contact with the infection tracing team.

Refers to the municipal chief physician's message at the press conference on 7 September:

"The pandemic is now in a new phase and we need to change our view of Covid-19. We must to a greater extent accept and live with infection in society. We will not be able to eradicate the virus, it will be in society for a long time. Those who have not been vaccinated must expect to be infected at some point. Once the at-risk groups have been vaccinated, the number of infections is no longer governing. The decisive factor is the number of people who become seriously ill and are admitted to hospital. "

Read the case from the press conference.

May experience delays

Due to great pressure on infection tracking and the municipal chief physician function, there may be some delay in reporting externally on the municipality's website. Management of the outbreak and direct dialogue with and information to those affected are prioritized.

Press conference: - New phase in the pandemic

Mayor Hanne Opdan and municipal chief physician Kerstin Johnsen Myhrvold held a press conference on Tuesday morning about the infection situation, testing, infection detection and vaccination of children and young people.

The mayor emphasized that information is important now that there is a lot of new to relate to. She reminded to continue to follow the rules of infection control and stay home in case of illness.

Municipal chief physician Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold said that we see increasing infection in Nordre Follo, in the same way as other municipalities throughout the country.

– This is expected. Especially among young people, which has many social arenas. We have the infection at several schools and the outbreak at the three high schools in the municipality. Myhrvold emphasized that we are in a new phase of the pandemic now because so many adults and vulnerable is vaccinated. It means that those groups that have risk of disease and death, is now protected.

– We need a greater extent, accept to live with the infection in the community. Smittetallene is not governing now, but how many are hospitalized, who are few, " said Myhrvold.

Read the full story and see the press conference.

6. september kl. 19.25

Press conference about Covid-19 on Tuesday 7. september

Increasing infection and several changes in the management of korona provides many questions. The mayor and the kommuneoverlegen invite you to a press conference at Nordre Follo city hall at 12: 00 on Tuesday 7. september.

The theme of the press conference will be the status of the smittesituasjon, changes in testregime, smitesporing and the quarantine and vaccination of children and young people. The press conference will be held at Nordre Follo city hall and will be streamed directly to the TV. Follow the broadcast here.

Mayor Jody Opdan and municipal chief physician Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold participate.

6. september kl. 19.10

The outbreak of Covid – 19 at the three high schools

It is reported outbreaks at all three high schools in the municipality.

Roald Amundsen high school

It is reported that 30 infected by the school. Most associated with 1. step. Step by kommuneoverlegen set to yellow level after trafikklysmodellen from the and with 6. september and until further notice.

Ski high school

It is reported that 10 infections in relation to the school.

Drømmorp high school

It is reported that 6 infections in relation to the school.

It is from the and with today introduced regularly testing at the schools two times per week. Testing replaces smittesporing and testregime for close contacts at the schools.

3. september kl. 14.00

New in kindergarten and school

There are several changes related to the korona, and children and youth. It leads to many questions. It is today sent out a letter to all parents / carers about what is new.

Read more under Applicable: a Lot of new and a lot of questions about the Korona

2. september kl. 12.30

Will offer the vaccine to children and young people born 2006-2009

The government has decided that the children and young people born in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 will be offered vaccine against Covid-19. The age group will in the first place offered one vaksinedose, in line with recommendations from the ministry of Health.

Nordre Follo kommune will follow up with the government's decision. We will come with more information about how this will be carried out.
Note that the 12-15-year-olds not to be registered in the helseboka. Guardians will get closer to the information and vaccination happens, of course, only after the consent from the parents. We plan that the actual vaccination rates will happen in the schools.

We ask that you do not call vaksinekontoret about this, we will come with more information about the practical implementation as soon as it is resolved.

It is the parents who take the final decision on vaccination of their children.

Read more on the government's website:

1. september

Smittesituasjonen in the municipality

- We are currently at risk level 3, that is to say increasing the spread. At level 3 it is opened for the assessment of the yellow level in kindergarten and school, but the green level is still the general rule.

- We are now working actively with the adjusted FEED (testing, isolation, smittesporing, quarantine) and seems to have more tools in the toolbox to handle the situation before we might see us have to go to the yellow level, as a rule, in the municipality.

We come in a greater extent, to rely on the monitor self-test in the time ahead, as frequent and extensive testing gives us a good overview of smittesituasjonen, states kommuneoverlege Kerstin Johnsen Myhrvold.

Kommuneoverlegen published today its risk assessment. The municipal council was in the evening informed about the situation. Read risikorapporter.

The infection with Covid-19 rises in Nordre Follo in line with smitteøkningen in the surrounding municipalities and in the rest of the country. Seen this way is not the situation to Nordre Follo kommune much different than it is nationally. The municipality has a tradition of following the central helsemyndigheters advice and guidelines. We do still.

The prime minister holds press conference tomorrow, Thursday 2. september kl. 12, in order to inform about smittesituasjonen, especially among children and young people.

August 31 at 16.30

Deaths on Greverud nursing home

There are now a total of five infected in the outbreak. All those infected are fullvaksinerte. A resident who was infected with Covid-19 have passed away. – My warmest sympathy goes to the families, " states mayor Jody Opdan.

Smitteutbrudd in schools

Finstad school: It is proven to together seven infections associated with 6. step.

Ski school: There are a further five people infected in the outbreak, which now counts a total of nine infections. Those infected are associated with 8., 9. and 10. step.

Roald Amundsen high school: It is proven four infections.

August 26 at 19.23

Test in place of quarantine for pupils and students over 18 years of age

Pupils and students in the upper secondary school, university, college or other training and utdanningsvirksomheter in Nordre Follo kommune must no longer in quarantine if they have been in close contact with a koronasmittet person. Instead it shall be carried out testing. This does not apply if you are living together with the infected or are the equivalent of the close contact.

The presidency passed this through a local Covid-19-regulation in their meeting 26. august 2021.

§ 1 Exemption from the smittekarantene for persons over 18 years of age

Smittekarantene does not apply to pupils and students over 18 years of age in the high school/university/college/training - and utdanningsvirksomheter in Nordre Follo kommune who are not household members, or the equivalent of close contacts of the infected person, if they are conducting testing in accordance with guidelines from the municipality. If testing is not possible, the complete redemption is carried out. Covid-19-regulations § 5 seventh paragraph, first paragraph, and section 7, second paragraph, shall apply correspondingly.

The regulations come into force from 27. august, 2021.

August 24 at 21.05

Outbreak of infection

Greverud nursing homes: There are three infected in the outbreak, all fullvaksinerte. It is inserted into the appropriate smitteverntiltak as the use of smittevernutstyr among employees, increased focus on cleaning, and testing of residents and employees.

The department is temporarily closed for visits until the situation is under control, the assessment of temporary besøksstans is made for forsvarlighetskravet in health and in that instant be. Any exceptions to besøksstans be done when special circumstances dictate it.

Drømtorp high school: 3 infections associated with one step.

Vassbonn school: 3 infections associated with 1. step.

Ski school: 4 infected linked to 8. and 9. step.

Students under 18 years of age, which is defined as close contacts, carry testregime instead of quarantine.

August 20 at 19.20

New infections

Villenga kindergarten: one smittetilfelle, children and adults in one department is defined as close contacts. Children should take testregime instead of quarantine.

Skoghus kindergarten: one smittetilfelle, children and adults in one department is defined as close contacts. Children should take testregime instead of quarantine.

Ski school: two infections, pupils and staff in one class is defined as close contacts. For the students to complete testregime instead of quarantine.

Greverud nursing home: one smittetilfelle, no persons are quarantined. It is carried out the testing of all residents in the department, also fullvaksinerte, after the guideline from FHI. Until the answers on tests taken in the day, if you want to not visit in the department. Testsvar is expected to come in the morning, Saturday.

20. august

Now everyone born in 2004 and 2005 can get vaccinated

The government has decided that everyone born in 2004 and 2005 will also be offered a vaccine against Covid-19. These must register in the health book through the municipality's website, in the same way as those over 18 years of age. See link for registration here.

The municipality will send out an invitation to everyone in this age group, who has registered, for classes in weeks 37 and 38.

If you are going on an exchange and go to school abroad, you can be offered an hour even earlier. You must then contact the vaccine centers . Note that you must have proof of school place abroad to get the vaccine earlier.

The vaccination will take place at the vaccination center on the ground floor of the Ski shopping center. There will be an interval of 8-12 weeks between dose 1 and dose 2 for this age group, according to FHI's guidelines.

August 19 at 8.00

New quarantine rules in school, SFO and kindergarten

The quarantine is now being replaced with testing for all children and young people who are exposed to infection at school, after-school care or in kindergarten.

The aim of the new quarantine rules is to ensure a more normal everyday life for the children with fewer interruptions and days of absence.

Quick test for children over and under 13 years

To be exempted from quarantine, the child must be tested twice within five days if you go to kindergarten or primary school, and three times if you go to upper secondary school or upper secondary school. Rapid tests will be used to ensure quick answers and minimal absence. The testing starts with a test at the municipality's test station.

If children are not tested, the quarantine rules apply in the same way as before and you must be home for 10 days.

The new quarantine rules apply from the start of school in the autumn of 2021.

August 13 at 10.16

Positive response to PCR test

Positive rapid test taken by a person in Trollskogen kindergarten has been confirmed with a positive PCR test, ie a person has been infected with Covid-19.

August 12 at 21.07

Positive quick test in Trollskogen kindergarten

A rapid test has detected Covid-19 infection in a person in Trollskogen kindergarten. 28 people have been quarantined. Responses to the PCR test have not yet arrived.

August 10 at 17.14

Deaths at Bjørkås nursing home

An elderly person at Bjørkås nursing home died on Monday of Covid-19. The death is related to the ongoing outbreak of infection at the nursing home where a total of six people are infected.

The deceased was not vaccinated against Covid-19. On a general basis, there are several reasons why some nursing home residents have not been vaccinated. There may be people who should not be vaccinated for health reasons, such as those who are at risk of severe allergic reactions, or people who have expected a short time to live. Vaccination is voluntary and not everyone wants the vaccine. According to central guidelines, no coercion should be used to vaccinate these people.

- I send my warmest thoughts to relatives. This is a reminder that Covid-19 is a serious disease, and that vulnerable people are particularly vulnerable, says mayor Hanne Opdan.

All affected are informed. There are now a total of 17 dead of Covid-19 in Nordre Follo municipality.

August 9 at 11.09

A new case of infection at Bjørkås nursing home

This weekend, a new case of infection was reported with Covid-19 at Bjørkås nursing home. This is the sixth case in connection with the outbreak. No more people have been quarantined as a result of this case.

July 30 at 12.30

Three new infected at Bjørkås nursing home

Three new infections with Covid-19 have been reported at Bjørkås nursing home. Two infected people have previously been reported at the nursing home. This is now defined as an outbreak. All 5 infected are affiliated with the same department. Three people have been quarantined in connection with the cases of infection. The nursing home is closed for visits until further notice, but will be opened as soon as we have a full overview of the outbreak.

July 28 at 13.50 (updated at 22.20)

Two infected at Bjørkås nursing home

Two people have been reported infected with Covid-19 associated with Bjørkås nursing home. The nursing home is closed for visits until further notice. Two people have been quarantined as a result of the cases.

An infected affiliated with Follo Medical Center

An infected Covid-19 affiliated with Follo Medical Center has been reported. No persons have been quarantined. This has no consequences for the emergency room, which is open as usual.

16. July at. 14.02

Expect that delta-variant dominate by the end of July

It is proven one new case of the Delta variant. It is known smittevei, and smittesporing has not revealed any further infection in the community in Nordre Follo. This is the eighth case detected in the municipality.

According to Folkehelseinstituttets calculations will participate variant of the koronaviruset become dominant in the Uk during July. - This is also the image we see in the Nordre Follo, says Monica Viksaas Biermann, acting kommuneoverlege. The council will therefore no longer inform you separately about the new, individual cases, only about smitteutbrudd, it will say more cases in a given area and period of time.

15. July at. 12.00

Delta case with unknown smittevei

It is notified about the further one case of Delta-variation in Nordre Follo. The case can be traced to other known cases of delta-variant, and has an unknown smittevei. Smittesporing has not revealed any further infection in the community in Nordre Follo.

This is the seventh case of the Delta-variant detected in the municipality.

14. July at. 13.37

New case of delta-variant

It is identified a new smittetilfelle with the delta variant of koronavirus. It is known smittevei, and smittesporing has not revealed any further infection in the community.

This is the sixth case, which is proven with the delta variant in Nordre Follo.

It was reported a fifth case of 12. July.

1. July at. 13.00

Smitteutbruddet among the youth

It is reported that a total of 12 infected linked to the outbreak in ungdomsmiljøet and Roald Amundsen high school. There are about 80 people in quarantine.

30. June

Smitteutbrudd among youth born in 2003

We are now experiencing an ongoing smitteutbrudd among the youth in the municipality. Many have participated in different parties, and we encourage anyone who has been to a party in the weekend 24. June – 26. June about the test itself. In addition, we encourage the same group to be especially aware of the symptoms and any test themselves again if they utivkler the least sign of disease.

28. June

Infection associated with Roald Amundsen high school

It is reported three infections associated with Roald Amundsen high school. (This was an oversight not published before 30.6.21. We apologize for this.)

26. June at. 14.40

Green tiltaksnivå in kindergartens and schools

Kindergartens, primary and secondary schools follow the green tiltaksnivå after trafikklysmodellen from 26. June, July and 27. august 2021.

With the authority of the smittevernloven §4-1, as well as the authority delegated mayor from the council in a decision of 16. June 2021, case 78/21 hit the mayor 's decision, cf. local government §6-1 fourth paragraph of point b.

14. June at. 15.35

Smittetilfelle by Skiing high school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle at Ski SCHOOL. 18 people are quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet.

7. June at. 15.02

New case of indian virusmutasjon of Covid-19

It is identified as a new smittetilfelle with the delta variant, also known as the indian variant, av koronaviruset. It is known smittevei, and smittesporing has not revealed any further infection.
This is the 4. the case, which has been proven with the delta variant in Nordre Follo.

4. June at. 21.40

The infection in check

A person with ties to the check to the south has been proven Covid-19. Only one person with ties to the check is put in quarantine as a result of this.

1. June at. 14.30

One case of indian variant

It is confirmed one case of the indian variant of a citizen in Nordre Follo kommune. The person is out of isolation and it is carried out smittesporing. No known infection on in society. The case was expected, as it is known smittevei to the person with the already confirmed the indian variant.

It is not reported any infections in the municipal agencies for the last few days.

28. with and. 15.10

Ski high school

It is reported two infections associated with Skiing high school. 8 people associated with the school is quarantined.

One case of indian variant

It is reported one more case of the indian variant of a citizen in Nordre Follo kommune. The person is out of isolation and it is carried out smittesporing. No known infection on in society. The case was expected, as it is known smittevei to the person with the already confirmed the indian variant.

25. with and. 18.30

Easing and local infection control rules in Nordre Follo

From 26. may to 10. June is the local regulations that apply. It opens among others for events and alcohol can be served alcohol at the table service of the clock 22. Kindergartens and schools will still be in the yellow level.

After many weeks of stringent and restrictive measures for Nordre Follo and other municipalities in the region, we are taken out of chapter 5C and asked to consider the need for local regulation. Smittesituasjonen in Nordre Follo makes it necessary to stricter regulation than the national covid-regulation, which is notified changed 27.may. Local regulation were decided by the presidency 25. may.

Read more in the story.

23. with and 21.52

Smittetilfelle at Ski school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle at the Ski school. A total of 28 persons quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet.

Case of infection at Drømmorp high school

It is reported one infections by Drømtorp high school. 12 people are put into quarantine as a result of smittetilfellet.

22. with and. 19.18

One case of infection Hebekk school

It is reported one smittetilfelle associated with Hebekk school. Two persons are quarantined.

Students from Nordre Follo in quarantine

19 students from Nordre Follo municipalities are put into quarantine as a result of smittetilfelle by Vestby high school.

One case of infection Eikeliveien kindergarten

It is one smittetilfelle in Eikeliveien kindergarten. 18 people associated with the nursery has been quarantined.

21. with and. 18.15

Nordre Follo on action level 5C and 25 May

The presidency in Nordre Follo decided not stricter local rules and we are now on tiltaksnivå 5 C, with associated rules and recommendations, and with 25. may.

The biggest change between tiltaksnivå 5 B and 5 C, which we are now in, is that it can be implemented events, but with strict smitteverntiltak regulated in the Covid-19 regulations. It can, for example, is now held in the collection after bisettelser/funerals and wedding receptions after the ceremony. It can also be held barnebursdag with children from the same cohort in kindergarten and primary school. It also opens for swimming and fitness centre for residents in the Nordre Follo kommune.

Children in the same cohort in kindergarten and school
Recommendations in the home is still five guests plus the protected persons. Protected persons are those who are vaccinated with the first dose for 3 to 15 weeks ago, fullvaksinerte, and those who have had Covid-19 last 6 months. The exception is barneskolekohort and barnehagekohort, even if they are several.

For the arrangement in the private direction is allowed with 10 people, indoor or 20 people outdoors in a public place. The exception is barneskolekohort and barnehagekort that can be together even if they are several, plus the necessary voksenpersoner. Note that this does not apply to other cohorts than elementary school and the kindergarten.

See the description of the 5 C on This website: Tiltaksnivå C, quite a high level.

Note that no event in 5 C is mentioned. For events, national Covid-19 regulations apply.

National reopening stage two from 27 May
The Government announced today that from 27 May they will go to stage two of the reopening plan for Norway. At the same time, the government emphasized the importance of the municipality itself introducing stricter local measures where the infection pressure is high. The infection pressure in Nordre Follo municipality is considered high. This is also one of the reasons why we have been allocated several vaccine doses in geographically skewed distribution. The presidency of Nordre Follo municipality will meet for a meeting on Tuesday 25 May at 16.00 to discuss the level of measures in the municipality from 26 May 2021.

One case of infection at Flåtestad school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the 8th grade at Flåtestad school. 23 people have been quarantined as a result of the infection.

20. mai kl. 19.25

Indian virus variant detected in Nordre Follo

One case of infection with an Indian mutated virus variant has been reported in Nordre Follo municipality. The person is out of isolation and infection detection has been carried out. No known infection further in the community.

20. mai kl. 16.30

Nordre Follo is moved to measure level 5C

The change takes effect from midnight, night to Saturday 22 May and applies until 25 May. The presidency may adopt stricter local rules if necessary. A chairmanship meeting will be held on Friday 21 May at 15.00.

Read the press release from the government.

It is very similar in the two levels, the most important differences are that:
• Fitness centers can be open to residents in the municipality.
• Swimming pools can be open to residents of the municipality.
• Events are allowed according to national rules.

- The development of infection is positive in the Viken municipalities that are covered by the regional measures. In some municipalities, however, the infection level is still so high that they continue at measure level B, while four municipalities can go down to level C. The three municipalities that leave the scheme are already in the process of coordinating local measures that will correspond to measure level C, says Minister of Health and Care Services Bent Høie in the press release.

18. mai kl. 19.40

A new case of infection in adapted homes in Lysneveien

A new case of infection has been reported in adapted homes in Lysneveien. No more people connected to the homes will be quarantined as a result of the infection. In total, there are now two infected in Lysneveien.

17. mai kl. 19.00

Ødegården kindergarten

A new case of infection has been reported at Ødegården kindergarten. No new persons have been quarantined as a result.

Adapted homes in Lysneveien

One case of infection has been reported at adapted homes in Lysneveien. Five people have been quarantined as a result.

16. mai kl. 22.00

New infections in Kolbotn school

It is reported two new infections on Kolbotn school.

  • One smittetilfelle related to 4. step. 31 people are quarantined as a result of this.
  • One smittetilfelle related to 3. step. No new is put in quarantine.

One smittetilfelle in home care

One smittetilfelle in home care and a person is put in quarantine as a result of this.

13. with and. 16.25

New case of infection Ødegården kindergarten

It is reported one new smittetilfelle in Ødegården kindergarten. There are now a total of 3 infected with connection to the nursery. The new smittetilfellet does not imply multiple are placed in quarantine, but close contacts in the nursery get two days of extended quarantine added.

Case of infection Tårnåsen school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle of 3. step at the school. This does not lead to that people at school are being put in quarantine. Updated information about infections in the local businesses.

13. with and. 12.40

New infections in Kolbotn school

It is reported that five new infections in Kolbotn school. These five were already in quarantine and no more at the school are put into quarantine as a result of this. All the cases are considered to have known smittevei.

11. with and. 20.00

New case of infection in Kolbotn school

It is confirmed one smittetilfelle associated with 2. step by Kolbotn school. 15 people are quarantined as a result of this.

It is confirmed two new infections associated with 5. step and one new person in quarantine, as a result of this.

Ødegården kindergarten

One new case, the new case does not imply multiple are placed in quarantine, or prolonged quarantine added for close contacts.

10. with and. 20.45

Case of infection Nordre Follo arts school

One smittetilfelle affiliated in Nordre Follo arts school. 6 people are quarantined.

10. may. kl. 15.30

Infections in Kolbotn school

Alerts about Covid-19 smittekjede in Kolbotn school There are now a total of eight infected with a link to:

  • 3. step 13 people are quarantined
  • 5. step, no more in quarantine there.
  • 7. step 12 people quarantined.

Smitteveiene within the school are considered to be known.

9. with and. 19.15

Infections at the following businesses:

Fløysbonn school
1 confirmed case linked to 8. steps which involve 13 in quarantine

Roald Amundsen VGS
1 smittetilfelle related to 1. steps which involve 6 in quarantine

Vestliveien kindergarten
1 smittetilfelle that means 18 in quarantine

Ødegården kindergarten
1 case involving 27 of quarantine

Tårnåsen school
1 case of infection, but no one in quarantine

Witchwood kindergarten
1 smittetilfelle involving 14 in quarantine

8. with and. 16.30

Infections in Kolbotn school

Two infections related to 5. step by Kolbotn school. 12 people are put in quarantine.

Kl. 19.30

One new smittetilfelle related to 5. step. A person in quarantine, a total of 13 people for 5. step.
One new smittetilfelle related to 3. step. No close contacts

7. with and. 19.30

Continuing regional measures in several Viken-municipalities

Extends tiltaksnivå B in Nordre Follo to Friday 21. may.

In the afternoon came the government with changes in regional initiatives in the Bay.

From the Government's press release:

In Viken county is smittenivået still high in some municipalities and there is great variability in the smittetrykket from municipality to municipality. After the recommendation from the ministry of Health, Norwegian institute of public health and statsforvalter the government has decided to maintain the regional tiltaksnivå B in nine More municipalities, amongst Nordre Follo kommune.

The ministry of health, Norwegian institute of public health, Statsforvalteren in Oslo and Viken, and the affected municipalities have had a dialogue on the matter.

–It is very varying smittetrykk in the Creek, and it is still high smittenivå in several of the municipalities. From the Monday of the regional measures closed in ten municipalities, while the other nine must continue with more stringent measures a couple of weeks, saying the health and care services ms. Bent High.

Link to the government's pressesak

7. with and. 16.00

Siggerud school

Alerts hereby on one smittetilfelle with association to 9. step on Siggerud school,
45 people at the school are put in quarantine. .

5. with and. 17.30

Schools and kindergartens in the yellow level, adult education and the highest in red

The municipal council decided today that the municipality's primary and secondary schools follow the national tiltaksnivå, ie. yellow level from 10. may and out the school year.

Yellow tiltaksnivå continued in municipal kindergartens in period 10. may - 18. June, while adult education camps for refugees follows tiltaksnivået at the nearest high school.

Stable smittesituasjon
Smittesituasjonen in the municipality is stable and to a certain extent under the control. The risk level is still 4, but decreases gradually. The municipal council adopted the additional easing for children and young people.

Primary school in Nordre Follo had a red tiltaksnivå page 15. mars, which has given good effect on the smittesituasjonen. Therefore it is possible to go over to the yellow tiltaksnivå.

At the yellow level will the schools implement leirskoler as planned.

Smittesituasjonen in kindergartens is relatively stable. It is a single infections and/or short smittekjeder towards the nursery, but the situation is handled well on the amber tiltaksnivå.

Adult education camps
The government has decided that Adult education, including training after the introduction and integreringsloven no longer shall be governed in tiltaksnivåene. The municipality shall therefore decide tiltaksnivået.

Adults in the working age constitute the largest proportion of infected in Nordre Follo kommune. According to the Supervisor about the Plot for the upper Secondary school (Udir, and FHI) thus, we essentially follow the same tiltaksnivå as the nearest secondary school.

The three upper secondary schools in Nordre Follo kommune is on the red tiltaksnivå, tentative, and 21. may. The municipal council resolved that this shall also apply for the adult education camps for refugees.

See supporting documents to the municipal assembly - case 77/21

3. with and. 17.15

Sofiemyr school

It is reported that a smittetilfelle on the 6. step of the day.
11 people are quarantined.

2. mai kl. 19.00

Fløysbonn ungdomsskole

A case of infection has been reported at the school today. Ten people have been quarantined.

Eastern school

A case of infection has been reported at the school today. 14 people have been quarantined.

2. mai kl. 12.00

Bregneveien housing association

Another three infected people have been reported to be associated with the housing association. There are a total of 12 infected in the outbreak. No new ones in quarantine.

Hareveien kindergarten

Another person has been reported in connection with previous outbreaks. Two people have had their quarantine periods extended.

Augestad kindergarten

A case of infection has been reported in the kindergarten. 29 people have been quarantined.  

30. april kl. 20.00

Continues measure level B in Nordre Follo

On Friday 30 April, the government announced changes to regional measures in Viken. Nordre Follo continues at initiative level B until Sunday 16 May.

There is a downward infection trend in Viken county, but some municipalities still have a high level of infection. Following a recommendation from the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the National Institute of Public Health and the state administrator, the government decided on changes in the level of measures for six Viken municipalities. They also decided that a number of municipalities will continue in measure level B, including Nordre Follo.

For the municipalities that will still have regional measures, the scheme applies until and including Sunday 16 May. The government will make a new assessment in a week. Read more at

30. april kl. 15.20

Bregneveien housing association

Two more infected people have been reported associated with the housing association, a total of nine infected in the outbreak. The latest cases of infection do not mean that more people are quarantined, but a few days of extended quarantine time for some of the close contacts.

Blåbærskogen housing association

Another case of infection has been reported, in total there are two infected in the housing association. The latest case of infection has meant that another person has been quarantined.

Fløysbonn school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the 10th step. 10 people associated with the school have been quarantined.

Tårnåsen school

One more case has been reported in connection with the first step. This does not mean that more people are quarantined and the quarantine period is not affected.

30. april kl. 10.10

Tårnåsen school

One case of infection associated with the 1st stage and one case of infection associated with the 3rd stage have been reported. A total of 52 people have been quarantined.

Hareveien kindergarten

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the kindergarten and 19 people have been quarantined.

Ski high school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with Ski upper secondary school and six people have been quarantined.

29. april kl. 16.40

Bregneveien housing association

An additional 5 cases of infection have been reported associated with the home. In total, there are now 7 cases of infection and 21 people in quarantine. All affected are informed.

Blåbærskogen housing association

One case of infection has been reported, and 3 people have been quarantined. All affected are informed.

27. april kl. 18.30

Finstadtunet nursing home

2 cases of infection have been reported and a total of 5 in quarantine. All affected are informed.

26. april kl. 20.40

Outbreaks in care homes

Follo care homes
Two more cases of infection have been reported. No more people have been quarantined. There are now a total of three infected at the care home, and it has been defined as an outbreak.

Bregneveien housing association
Two cases of infection have been reported, and it has been defined as an outbreak. 11 people associated with the housing association have been quarantined.

25. april kl. 17.15

Finstad school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the second stage. No persons have been quarantined.

The learning workshop sports kindergarten at Myrvoll

Another case of infection has been reported in connection with Læringsverkstedet idrettsbarnehage, which is a private kindergarten. 21 people get their quarantine extended by four days.

24. april kl. 12.00

The compensation money is distributed to local businesses

The compensation money is distributed to local businesses
This week it became clear which companies in Nordre Follo receive financial support from the municipality through the compensation scheme for local businesses.

The municipality received 95 applications, and 78 companies are awarded support. In addition, all pubs will be compensated for paid tax in 2020.

Nordre Follo municipality now pays out NOK 14.8 million to local companies. The aim of the compensation scheme is to remedy the situation for enterprises that are particularly hard hit by the infection control measures or that fall completely or partially outside other compensation schemes.

In the political decision, 50 per cent of the pot was earmarked for the bar industry, while companies in the fitness center industry were awarded 20 per cent, and other companies were awarded 30 per cent.

Read more about the distribution of funds

23. april kl. 19.00

Hellerasten school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the 10th step. 10 people associated with the school were quarantined.

Follo assisted living

It is reported that one smittetilfelle. 9 people associated with omsorgsboligene is put in quarantine.

23. april kl. 15.50

Gradual and controlled reopening – some relief measures from Monday, 26. april

The government decided on Thursday 22. april to add Nordre Follo kommune on tiltaksnivå 5B of the Covid-19 legislation. The decision is in line with recommendations from the ministry of Health and the Norwegian institute of public health. The municipality goes to level 5B without local innstramminger in the first place.

Agreed measure level 5B without local austerity measures in Nordre Follo
Nordre Follo municipality goes from measure level 5A level 5B without local austerity measures from Monday 26 April. It asked a total chairmanship in Nordre Follo behind in the day.

When we are not imposing local constraints, it is very important that all residents follow smittevernregler and recommendations to the best of my ability. We must be prepared innstramninger again if smittesituasjonen change in the negative direction.

– Smittetallene go slowly in the right direction, but we have to watch very carefully that the reopening is gradual and controlled, to avoid that we need to tighten up again. We know that many are tired and struggling in the situation with the strict measures we have had for a long time now. Tiltaksnivå 5B is also strictly, high tiltaksnivå, but necessary. We are pleased that the government now has adopted a common regional regulation for the municipalities in the region, " says mayor Jody Opdan.

Shops, malls and department stores can open
The change means that shops, malls and department stores can open from Monday, 26. april. There will also be some relief when it comes to training and cultural activities.

– This change means that the local industry is getting some highly anticipated easing. Shopping malls, boutiques and department stores can open from Monday. We are also pleased that there is some relief for children and young people when it comes to fitness and cultural activities, " says Opdan.

Dialogue with business and industry reinforced smitteverntiltak
The mayor stresses that Nordre Follo kommune follow the situation closely and will assess the reinforced smitteverntiltak among other things, in dialogue with the private sector.

– We will continue our positive dialogue with the private sector to ensure the necessary plot in the time ahead, in stores and shopping malls and department stores. We will follow closely the development, and coordinate us with our neighboring communities to the extent possible, have the common measures to reduce the mobility across municipal boundaries, " says Opdan.

Why is the red level in the schools when leisure activities for children and young people open?
The longer the pandemic lasts, the greater dilemma is the government faced when they are going astray byrdefordelingen in the community. Easing for children and young people at the same time as the red level in the schools maintained, is such a dilemma. The longer the pandemic lasts, the more shall the pro rata after smittevernloven to keep measures for children and young people closed.

– The opportunity to drive recreational activities for children and young people have very much to say for a child's mental and physical health. It is important to get to easing also for children and young people, but that one at the same time retains the limitation on the number of (near)contacts for the teachers and staff in the school.

Open leisure activities must be viewed in a holistic context and it is still the sum of the measures that have the greatest smittereduserende importance. It is the total number of close contacts who are important to look at, and then you can choose to see the school and leisure activity in the context, explains kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myrvold.

– Organised recreational activity may also be a better starting point for smittesporing than disorganized interaction between children and young people. We have, as of today, good capacity of testing and smittesporing. With such a capacity, we can quickly detect and mitigate any transmission in connection with leisure activities, " says kommuneoverlegen.

– Leisure activities are especially important for children and young people who do not enjoy school. Overall, there will be more to retrieve for the many children's physical and mental health to open for leisure activities than to just go to the yellow level in schools. However, experience shows that the infection in connection with the activities related to the socialization that collection in wardrobes, a collection of parents, group size, social gatherings in connection with the activity and voluntary work – not the actual fritidsaktiviteten, " says kommuneoverlegen.

More information
Changes in regional measures for the municipalities in the Creek

22. april kl. 20.50

Tårnåsen school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle of 3. step. No more quarantine or extended quarantine added. There are a total of 11 infected in the outbreak.

Finstad school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle 2. step. 18 people at the school are put in quarantine.

Western Greverud kindergarten

It is reported that one smittetilfelle. 3 additional people with ties to the daycare center is quarantined, and quarantine for other close contacts is extended by 2 days.

Haugjordet middle school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle of 10. step. 6 people at the school are put in quarantine.

22. april kl. 20.10

Extends the red level in schools and yellow level in kindergartens and 7. may.

The presidency passed kommuneoverlegens recommendation in an extraordinary meeting 22. april. At the same time the government has decided that Nordre Follo kommune goes from tiltaksnivå 5A to 5B on the night of Monday, 26. april.

Read the entire setting with the reasons here.

From level 5A to 5B
After recommendation from the ministry of Health, Norwegian institute of public health and statsforvalter the government has decided that Nordre Follo kommune, along with several other municipalities in the region, tiltaksnivå 5B. The measures will take effect midnight on the night of Monday, 26. april and lasts until 9. may, but the meeting is to be held with the municipality about a week to assess the situation again.

Recommend to consider local measures to limit the mobility  
For the most vulnerable municipalities that are on the tiltaksnivå B, advises the Norwegian institute of public health and the Norwegian directorate of Health municipalities to coordinate themselves in order to introduce the local mobility and kontaktreduserende measures. This comes in addition to it, located in the regional measures, and must rely on the local and regional smittesituasjonen.

Changes in regional measures for the municipalities in the Creek

Any local measures will be considered the next couple of days.

21. april kl. 18.20

Western Greverud kindergarten, department Flåtestadveien

It is reported one smittetilfelle affiliated in Western Greverud kindergarten, department Flåtestadveien. 21 people are quarantined.

Tårnåsen school

It is reported two infections associated with 3. step on Tårnåsen school. This does not lead to more people being put in quarantine or quarantine will be extended. There are a total of ten infected associated with the outbreak.

Long house school

It is reported five infections associated with 5. and 7. step on the long house school. This does not lead to more people being put in quarantine or quarantine will be extended. There are now a total of eight infected affiliated with the school and it is defined as an outbreak.

Finstad school

It is reported one smittetilfelle associated with 5. step on Finstad school. This does not lead to more people being put in quarantine or quarantine will be extended.

20. april kl. 16.20

Tårnåsen school

It is reported further one smittetilfelle associated with 3. step. This does not entail that several of the school come in quarantine, and not that the quarantine is expanded. There are now a total of eight infected by the school and it is defined as an outbreak.

The learning workshop Myrvoll Idrettsbarnehage

It is reported one smittetilfelle affiliated in the nursery, which is a private kindergarten. 38 people are quarantined.

19. april kl. 20.40

Finstad school

It is reported further one smittetilfelle associated with 5. step. This does not entail that several of the school being put in quarantine, but the grace period being extended by one day for those who have already been put in quarantine.

Tårnåsen school

It is reported two additional infections at 3. step. This means that a further three people are put in quarantine, the quarantine is expanded with two days for those who have already been put in quarantine.

Long house school

It is reported further one smittetilfelle of 5. step. This means that the further one person in the school being placed in quarantine.

18. april kl. 21.00

Bøleråsen school

It is reported one smittetilfelle associated with 7. step on Bøleråsen school. 11 people associated with the school is quarantined.

Langhus school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the 5th grade at Langhus school. 13 people associated with the school have been quarantined.

17. april kl. 18.15:

Langhus school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the 5th grade at Langhus school. 13 people have been quarantined.

Finstad school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the 5th grade at Finstad school. 18 people have been quarantined.

Tårnåsen school

Two cases of infection have been reported in connection with the third stage at Tårnåsen school. 22 people have been quarantined.

Flåtestad school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the 10th grade at Flåtestad school. 7 people have been quarantined.

Ski high school

Two cases of infection have been reported in connection with Ski high school. 69 people have been quarantined.

16. april kl. 16.30

Case of infection associated with Flåtestad school

Another case of infection has been reported associated with Flåtestad school. The case does not mean that more people at the school are quarantined, nor that the quarantine period is extended.

Case of infection associated with Tårnåsen school

Another case of infection has been reported in connection with the third stage at Tårnåsen school. The case does not mean that more people are quarantined at school, but the quarantine period is extended by one day for close contacts.

15. april kl. 20.00

Case of infection at Roald Amundsen upper secondary school

One case of infection has been reported in connection with Roald Amundsen upper secondary school. Four people connected to the school have been quarantined.

15. april kl. 13.00

Temporary adjustments in measure level A

From 16 April, students in municipalities with strict regional measures will be able to return to the reading rooms. Florists under 250 square meters are also allowed to open their doors.

Measure level A, which is the most stringent regional measure level, should normally last for two to three weeks. 20 municipalities in Viken, including Nordre Follo, must have this level of measures significantly longer. The Government therefore asked the Norwegian Directorate of Health and NIPH for temporary adjustments in measure level A.

Access to premises on campus
The Government is now allowing more people to access the premises at universities, colleges and vocational colleges if they are tested regularly. This also applies to reading rooms and libraries.

shops Flower shops under 250 square meters will also have their doors open again if the shop mainly sells flowers with a short shelf life.
The changes apply from midnight, night to 16 April.

Reviewing the intervention levels The
Norwegian Directorate of Health and the National Institute of Public Health continue to work on a comprehensive review and adjustment of all three regional intervention levels (intervention levels A, B and C).

See press release from the Ministry of Health and Care Services

14. april kl. 21.10

Two cases of infection Tårnåsen school

One case of infection has been reported with Covid-19 associated with 3rd grade and one case associated with 7th grade at Tårnåsen primary school. At the 3rd stage, 25 people with connections to the school are quarantined. At 7th grade, 13 people connected to the school have been quarantined.

One case of infection at Follo care home

One case of infection has been reported at Follo care homes. Two people have been quarantined.

Case of infection at Flåtestad ungdomsskole

One case of Covid-19 has been reported in the 10th grade at the school. Six people connected to the school have been quarantined.

One case of infection in the infection control team

One case of infection has been reported with Covid-19 associated with the municipality's infection control team. Four people have been quarantined in connection with the case of infection.

13. april kl. 19.30

Regional / local corona measures apply until 25 April

The government announced today that they will start the reopening of Norway from Friday 16 April. In Nordre Follo, measure level 5 A still applies with strict infection control measures until and including 25 April.

The seas.

12. april kl. 20.50

Infectious case of home nursing

One case of infection with Covid-19 has been reported in home nursing in the north. Three people have been quarantined in connection with the case of infection.

11. april kl. 19.00

Case of infection Vevelstadåsen school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle associated with 3. step by Vevelstadåsen elementary school. 21 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

Case of infection Østli school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle in relation to the Østli elementary school 1. step. 16 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

10. april kl. 11.30

Set action level A

Nordre Follo kommune will continue the current tiltaksnivå A to 25 april. It was decided by the Government of the day at 10: 00 after a recommendation from the statsforvalter, the ministry of Health and FHI.
Read the case here.

One case of infection Finstad school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle with Covid -19 associated with 6. step at the school. This has led to 23 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

9. april kl. 11.42

Case of infection Flåtestad school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle associated with 8. step by Flåtestad school. 26 people at the school are put in quarantine. All concerned are informed.

8. april kl. 18.45

The presidency passed still red tiltaksnivå in schools and yellow tiltaksnivå in kindergartens and 23. april. Read the news below

Continuing tiltaksnivået in schools and kindergartens

8. april kl. 12.59

Three infections Vevelstadåsen school

It is reported three cases of Covid-19 associated with Vevelstadåsen school. One case, by 3. step, one at the 5. step and one by 7. A total of 56 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

Smittetilfelle with a south african variant

It is reported one case of the south african variant of Covid-19 in a resident of Nordre Follo. The person is out of isolation. It is previously reported one case of this virusmutasjonen in Nordre Follo kommune.

5. april kl. 20.35

Three infections on the long house school

In the course of the weekend long house school received information about three new infections. These cases don't trigger quarantine for new people when they were not in school in smitteførende period.

3. april kl. 22.12

Smittetilfelle in Dalstunet kindergarten

A person has tested positive for the koronavirus in Dalstunet kindergarten. Eighteen people are quarantined.

2. april kl. 20.47

Smittetilfelle on Høyås living and rehabilitation center

A person affiliated with Høyås living and rehabilitation center has today been proven infection of koronavirus. 17 people are quarantined.

The first floor is closed for visitors.

2. april at 12.30 pm

Infection at Boots pharmacies Tårnåsen

It has been a smittetilfelle at Boots pharmacies Tårnåsen where smitteførende period is from 29. – 31. march. Kommuneoverlegen ask anyone who has visited Boots pharmacies Tårnåsen in this period to be vigilant and testing.

Infection on the long house school

It is in the day reported a new smittetilfelle at the long house school. The case is related to the SFO 1. step. 15 people are quarantined.

31. march kl. 20.55

One smittetilfelle at the long house school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle at the long house in the school with ties to the 4. step. 12 people are put in quarantine.

One case of infection on Finstadtunet nursing home

A person has tested positive for covid-19 on Finstadtunet nursing home. 7 people are as a result of this is set in the smittekarantene.
Langtidsavdelingen (sect. 2) at the nursing home is closed to visitors until t.o.m. 6 april.

One smittetilfelle in Vevelstadsaga kindergarten

It is reported that one smittetilfelle by Vevelstadsaga kindergarten. 15 people are quarantined.

Municipal acute døgnenhet (KAD) / Reception Skiing hospital

Sunday 28. march signed we about one smittetilfelle in relation to the KAD/Reception Skiing hospital. Anyone who was in close contact with the infected were tested for covid-19. We have today received answers to all the tests and all the tests turns out to be negative. Most people go out of quarantine today and we are back in normal operation again.

31. march kl. 16.30

One confirmed case of the south african variant of the koronaviruset

It is today confirmed one case of the mutated koronaviruset from South Africa at a national or resident of Nordre Follo kommune. The case is directly linked to the entry and the person staying on the suitable isolasjonssted in innreisekommunen.

- It is not reported whether any close contacts, as it is seen not to be any risk of the spread in this case, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

30. march kl. 15.00

Solborg stay - and activation center

It is reported that one smittetilfelle at Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter. 8 people with ties to a department at the nursing home is quarantined.

Haugjordet middle school

It is reported one new smittetilfelle of 10. step by Haugjordet middle school. 16 people connected to the school is quarantined.

29. march kl. 17.50

One case of infection on the Aid stock

It is reported that one smittetilfelle on hjelpemiddellageret. Three people with ties to the hjelpemiddellageret is put in quarantine.

One smittetilfelle on Haugjordet middle school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle associated with 10. step on Haugjordet middle school. 17 people connected to the school is quarantined.

28. march kl. 20.45

Vassbonn school

One confirmed smittetilfelle of 4. step. 18 students are placed in quarantine.

Still infection in the cohort of 6. step at the school. Cohort is expanded with a person and karantetiden widen.

Ski school

Still infection in the cohort of 8. step at the school. The quarantine is expanded.

Municipal acute døgnenhet (KAD) / Reception Skiing hospital

A person who has been stopped by KAD / Reception Skiing hospital have tested positive for covid-19. As a result, 10 patients and 14 staff put into quarantine. Anyone who is in close contact with the infected have been tested for covid-19. So far we have received testsvar at 9 employees, all of which have tested negative. We follow the other up continuously.

26. march kl. 18.55

Ski school

One smittetilfelle with association to 8. step on the Ski school. 53 people at the school are put in quarantine.

Vestveien kindergarten

Two new infections in the nursery. The cases does not imply several in the nursery being put in quarantine, but the quarantine has been extended with a few days.

Vevelstadåsen school

One smittetilfelle at school. Nine people with ties to the school is quarantined.

Vassbonn school

Etterrapportering of one smittetilfelle, then it is, unfortunately, not reported earlier in the week. There are a total of two infected with association to 6. step.

25. march kl. 19.25

Two infections on Tårnåsen school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle associated with 1. step, and one case associated with 4. step. A total of 45 people with ties to the school placed into quarantine.

A case of infection at Haugjordet ungdomsskole

One case of infection has been reported at Haugjordet ungdomsskole. The case does not lead to more quarantines at the school, nor extended quarantine time.

One case of infection at Ski upper secondary school

One case of infection has been reported with connection to Vg2 at Ski upper secondary school. 17 people at the school have been quarantined, in addition to the infected.

March 24 at 15.50

Infection in Vestveien kindergarten

One case of infection has been reported in connection with the kindergarten. A total of 20 people have been quarantined. Affected are informed.

Case of infection Vassbonn school

One case of infection has been reported at Vassbonn school in connection with the 6th grade. 19 people have been quarantined. Affected are informed.

March 23 at 18.00

The government will introduce stricter national measures at today's press conference

An important recommendation:

  • The one-meter now becomes the two-meter. Those that you have so far kept at least one meter away from, you must from now on keep at least two meters away from.

See the Government's new national measures

Nordre Follo has already introduced strict regional measures (Viken).

March 23 at 09.00

New case of infection at Drømmorp VGS

Drømmorp upper secondary school: One case of infection, and 19 people in quarantine.

March 23 at 11.15

Infection at the test station at Kolbotn

A case of infection has been reported associated with the test station at Kolbotn. The test station is therefore closed today. Everyone with an appointment must have received an SMS that the appointment has been canceled. We are not allowed to send out information through the health book that the class has been canceled, so those who were to test themselves must book a new class at the test in Ski.

Because the infection tracking is still ongoing, it is not yet clear how many days the test at Kolbotn must be closed. Five people at the time of the test have been quarantined at present. There is no need for special measures for those who have been and tested themselves at the test station.

We will be back with more information as soon as we receive it.

March 22 at 19.00

New infections long house nursery and Haugjordet middle school

Long house kindergarten: One smittetilfelle, and 28 in quarantine.
All those affected will be informed.

Haugjordet middle school: A new smittetilfelle affiliated with the school. Smittetilfellet is associated with a cohort that has already been put in quarantine and there is therefore no further karantener at the school. Grace period for this cohort was extended, and the information is sent to all the parents in this cohort.

22. march kl. 15.00

New case of infection Hebekkskogen kindergarten

Hebekkskogen kindergarten: One smittetilfelle, and 18 people in quarantine.

21. march kl. 19.00

New case of infection Vevelstad school

Vevelstadåsen school: One smittetilfelle, and 21 people are quarantined.

21. march kl. 13.45

New case of infection Bøleråsen school and long house school

Bøleråsen school: One smittetilfelle, this results in 26 in quarantine at the school.

Long house school: Additional 4 infections, this has not led to more in quarantine at school, or prolonged quarantine added.

19. march afternoon/evening

Smittetilfelle at the long house primary school and a Ski high school

Long house elementary school: One smittetilfelle, 3 persons are quarantined.
Ski SCHOOL: One confirmed case.

19. march kl. 17.05

New case of infection Kråkstad and Skotbu schools

It is reported one new smittetilfelle associated with 2. step. This does not lead to more in quarantine at school or prolonged quarantine added. Affected is informed.

New case of infection Sofiemyr school

It is reported one case associated with 4. step at the school. This does not lead to more in quarantine at school or prolonged quarantine added. Affected is informed.

18. march kl. 17.10

One new smittetilfelle Haugjordet middle school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle with association to 8. and 9. step. 58 persons are quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet. 85 people are in quarantine at the school in total.

Two infections at Kråkstad of Skotbu schools

It is reported two infections associated with 2. step. 27 people are quarantined as a result of smittetilfellene.

Three new cases Vevelstadåsen kindergarten

It is reported that three additional infections. The cases do not lead to new close contacts in the nursery, but the quarantine for close contacts in the nursery be extended by 2 days. 22 people were previously quarantined. Affected is informed.

One new case of infection Sofiemyr school

It is reported further one smittetilfelle associated with 4. step. The case does not lead to the new close contacts at the school, and not extended quarantine added. Affected is informed.

15. march kl. 21.00

Introduces strict regional measures in the Creek from 16. march

Creek county is experiencing increasing infection with the English virusvarianten, and a high proportion of the infection could not be traced. After the recommendation from statsforvalteren, the ministry of Health and the Norwegian institute of public health, introduces the government tiltaksnivå A (especially high tiltaksnivå) in the entire Bay county and in Gran municipality in Innlandet county from midnight, the night of Tuesday, 16. march. Measures the goods to Sunday, 11. april.

Read the press release sent out at. 21.00 Monday, 15. march

15. march kl. 20.00

The municipality introduces red tiltaksnivå on secondary schools, secondary schools and primary schools

This applies from 15. march to 9. april. Yellow tiltaksnivå will be continued in the kindergartens in the same period. The measures were adopted by the presidency in Nordre Follo kommune 15. march.

Further national smitteverntiltak will come in the course of the evening.

The explosive development of the Covid-19 infection
The background for these is the explosive development of the Covid-19 infection in Oslo and Viken. In the morning there was an emergency meeting between the municipalities in our stay - and arbeidsregion, the ministry of Health and the Norwegian institute of public health. Here it was revealed that acute and very strict smitteverntiltak now is absolutely necessary to retain control of the smitteutviklingen.

Many schools affected
In Nordre Follo a significant number of schools affected by infections or minor outbreaks. Very many persons are in quarantine, which threatens the continuity of the educational process at the yellow level. We see that the children and young people together with their guardians make up the majority of those infected in week 10.

See the documents from the meeting at the presidency 15. march 2021

15. march at 12.52

Smittetilfelle in Vevelstadåsen kindergarten

It is reported one case of Covid-19 in Vevelstadåsen kindergarten. For a total of 21 people are quarantined/avklaringskarantene. The nursery has reduced opening hours due to staffing. All concerned are informed.

Two infections Skiing high school and adult education

It is reported that one smittetilfelle associated with 3. step by Skiing high school. A class is put in quarantine. It is also reported that one smittetilfelle associated with adult education. A class is put in quarantine. From before are 49 people quarantined at the school in connection with a smittetilfelle by 3. step.

14. march kl. 12.15

AstraZeneca-the cure

After have received messages on thrombosis and bleeding in younger after vaccination with AstraZeneca-vaccine.

Who should seek medical attention?

Persons who have been AstraZeneca vaccine and experience the powerful growing malaise more than three days after the vaccination and look bigger or smaller blue spots in the skin (hudblødninger) need to consult a general practitioner or hospital emergency department as soon as possible.

Individuals may report side effects via the, but are encouraged to consult with a physician or other health care professional in case of suspected serious or unexpected side effects after vaccination.

See more information on the FHI.en

14. march kl. 12.00

Smittetilfelle by Bøleråsen school
One smittetilfelle associated with 5. step and one smittetilfelle associated with 6. step. A total of 61 people with ties to the school is quarantined. Those affected will be informed.

Smittetilfelle by Bøleråsen kindergarten
One smittetilfelle, 23 people with a connection to the nursery is set in the quarantine. Those affected will be informed.

Infections at the Sofiemyr school
Two new infections associated with 4. step. This is people who are already in quarantine, and does not imply several with ties to the school is placed in quarantine, and not that the quarantine will be extended. A total of five infected with ties to the 4. step on Sofiemyr school. Those affected will be informed.

One smittetilfelle with affiliation to 5. step. A total of 27 people put in quarantine. Those affected will be informed.

Infections by the long house school
Four new infections associated with 6. step Friday. These are people who have already put in quarantine, and did not result in more connected to the school was quarantined, and neither that the quarantine will be extended. Those affected will be informed.

Four additional infections related to 6. step Saturday and one on Sunday. This implies the extension of the grace period for already karantenesatte, but no new connection to the school is placed in quarantine. Together eleven infected with association to 6. step. 55 people are in quarantine. Those affected will be informed.

Fløysbonn school
One smittetilfelle associated with 8. step. A total of 38 people put in quarantine. Those affected will be informed.

Ski school
A smittetilfelle associated with 6. step. 30 quarantined. Those affected will be informed.

The check zone in the North
Further one smittetilfelle. The person was already placed in quarantine. Those affected will be informed.

12. march kl. 19.00

Strong recommendations from kommuneoverlegen - comes empty. 5. april

The infection among children and young people is increasing and the municipal chief therefore came tonight with strong advice and recommendations for schools and leisure activities to prevent closure.

- The mutated virus dominates in our region. This is more contagious and leads to more people in a group becoming infected. In the infection tracing, we therefore now see that the group size in several contexts is too large. This means that very many people are affected and placed in quarantine and waiting quarantine. We see a clear need to reduce the size of groups among children and young people, says municipal chief physician Kerstin Johnsen Myhrvold.

She therefore comes with the following strong advice and recommendations up to and including Monday 5 April:

School and teaching

  • Red level in upper secondary school and adult education.
  • Tight yellow level in primary and lower secondary schools.
  • A class is a cohort
  • Infection control routines for employees are tightened.
  • Digital meetings and home office where possible.

Sports, culture and leisure
The following advice and recommendations apply to children and young people under the age of 20:

  • Matches, cups, corps seminars and the like are postponed until after Easter.
  • Group sizes of a maximum of ten people both indoors and outdoors.
  • The groups are kept completely separate.

March 12 at 12:30 p.m.

Case of infection at Ski ungdomsskole

One case of Covid-19 infection has been reported with a connection to the Gjedsjø department. 11 people with connections to the school have been quarantined as a result of the infection. Those affected are informed.

Case of infection at Sofiemyr school

A new case of infection has been reported in connection with the 4th grade at Sofiemyr school. The infected person has already been quarantined and does not lead to more people being quarantined. The quarantine period is not extended either. There are now a total of 3 infected with connections to the 4th stage. Those affected are informed.

Case of infection at Drømmorp upper secondary school

One case of Covid-19 infection has been reported in a person associated with stage 1. 26 people with connections to the school have been quarantined as a result of the infection. Those affected are informed.

Case of infection Ski upper secondary school

One case of infection with Covid-19 has been reported in connection with stage 3. A total of 49 people have been quarantined. Those affected are informed.

March 11 at 20.00

Pause of the AstraZeneca vaccine

The AstraZeneca vaccine is paused until the Norwegian Medicines Agency and FHI has clarified a report on side effects.

At a press conference today, the Norwegian Medicines Agency and FHI announced that the AstraZeneca vaccine will be suspended. The reason for this is a report of a death in Denmark as a result of a blood clot after vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

See the press release from FHI.

Nordre follo municipality had no planned vaccination today, but six doctors' offices have been sent doses. When the announcement of the press conference became known today, the municipal chief called the relevant doctor's offices and advised them to stop the vaccination until further notice.

- After FHI and the Norwegian Medicines Agency announced that they are stopping the AstraZeneca vaccine, we naturally follow up on this, says ass. Municipal chief physician and program manager for the vaccine program, Monica Viksaas Biermann.

Nordre Follo has received 120 vials

The municipality has received a total of 120 vials of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the period week 7 to week 10. 40 of 120 vials were delivered this week. 120 vials corresponds to 1320 doses (11 doses per vial). 51 of the 120 vials have gone to group 5, which is vaccinated by GPs (equivalent to 561 vaccine doses). 20 of the vials have not been used and the plan was to use these in the municipality's vaccination rooms on 16 March.

The Astrazeneca vaccine was recently approved for use in people over 65 years of age. GPs have largely finished vaccinating the AstraZeneca doses they received in weeks 9 and 10, but the offices that have not finished have been advised to wait for further vaccination. The vaccine will be stored at the vaccination site until further notice.

March 11 at 17.00

Case of infection at Ingieråsen school

A case of infection has been reported in connection with the 9th grade at Ingieråsen school. The case of infection means that 57 people with connections to the school are quarantined. All affected must be informed.

March 11 at 12.55

A press conference with FHI and the Norwegian Medicines Agency has been announced at 14.00 today in connection with side effects registered in other countries. Nordre Follo municipality had no planned vaccinations with AstraZeneca today, but it is planned for 16 March. We are awaiting information from FHI and the Norwegian Medicines Agency about further use of the vaccine.

March 11 at 12.05

Two cases of infection Langhus school

Two infections have been reported in connection with stage 6. 46 people with connections to the school have been quarantined.

One case of infection in home nursing

One case of infection has been reported in connection with home nursing in the north of the municipality. 11 people with connections to home nursing north have been quarantined.

An infection Sofiemyr school

A case of infection has been reported associated with stage 4 in someone who is defined as close contact. This does not mean that more people with connections to the school are quarantined, but the quarantine period is extended by a few days for people who have already been quarantined.

March 10 at 18.15

The municipal chief informed the presidency about the infection situation in the meeting on Wednesday 10 March

The government did not introduce any new measures on Tuesday 8 March. Nordre Follo municipality follows current national measures, but is ready to introduce local measures if the infection situation changes.

- We follow developments closely. If the situation worsens, we are prepared to recommend targeted local measures to help reduce infection, says municipal chief physician Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myrvold.

A new risk report will be published on the municipality's website on Thursday 11 March:

The municipal supervisor's risk report

March 9 at 16.05

Case of infection Rosenlund kindergarten

One case of infection has been reported in Rosenlund kindergarten. 36 people associated with the kindergarten have been quarantined.

Case of infection Sofiemyr school

One case of infection has been reported at Sofiemyr school. A school class in 4th grade and a school class in 7th grade (currently located at Fløysbonn school) have been quarantined.

March 6 at 13.20

One case of infection associated with Drømmorp upper secondary school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle with Covid-19 by Drømtorp high school. 33 people with ties to the school is quarantined. All concerned are informed.

5. march kl. 15.45

One case of affiliate in Sofiemyr school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle associated with 5. step on Sofiemyr school. 17 people are quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet. All concerned are informed.

3. march kl. 14.15

One case of infection associated with Tårnåsen school

A person with ties to the 4. step on Tårnåsen school is proven infected with Covid-19. 33 people associated with the school has been quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet.

English variant in samples associated with Skotbu kindergarten

It is proven English variant in samples from infected affiliated in Skotbu kindergarten. There are no new confirmed cases related to the nursery so far today, and thus, as of now 3 infected in this cluster.

2. march kl. 14.40

Two new infections associated with Skotbu kindergarten

It is reported that an additional 2 infections in Skotbu kindergarten. The new cases does not imply several with ties to the nursery being put in quarantine, but the quarantine is expanded with 2 days for a part of the nærkontaktene.

There are a total of 3 infected in Skotbu kindergarten.

27. February at. 19.30

One case of affiliate in Skotbu kindergarten

It is confirmed one smittetilfelle affiliated in Skotbu kindergarten. 20 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

19. February at. 18.30

One smittetilfelle associated with the daycare center and check

A person with ties to the Dagbo daycare center and check the south are confirmed infected with Covid-19. A total of 16 persons associated with the businesses are put into quarantine as a result of smittetilfellet.

One case of mutated virus English variant

It is currently reported one case with the English variant. Smittetilfellet is a part of a well-known smittekjede with this variant. The case with the English variant has no connection with the smittetilfellet associated with Dagbo/check.

Total 91 people in the municipality have now been proven English variant.

18. February at. 18.50

Four cases of mutated virus

It is today confirmed 4 new cases of the English variant of Nordre Follo kommune. All four of these have known smittevei to the other with the English variant. We now have a total of 90 confirmed cases with the English variant of the municipality.

17. February at. 21.30

Follow the national smitteverntiltak

National infection control rules apply in Nordre Follo municipality from 18 Feb. The municipal council decided not local infection control regulations.

They specified that the municipality follows the current national recommendations about smitteverntiltak. Individuals, businesses, clubs and associations are expected to follow national advice, guidelines, industry standards and other advisers for the plot.

The government decided on Tuesday 16. February that the enhanced measures that were introduced for the Nordre Follo and municipalities around, expires at midnight on the night of Thursday 18. feb.

Municipalities can even adopt measures, but all municipalities must follow the national guidelines. They can only adopt more stringent measures, not milder. The municipal council chose not to adopt more stringent measures.

General evaluation

The municipal council was presented kommuneoverlegens assessment of smittesituasjonen and the basis to consider that it is sufficient to follow the national smittevernregler and recommendations:

  • Smittetrykket in Nordre Follo is now lower after a period of strict smitteverntiltak and intensified investment in testing, isolation, smittesporing and quarantine (SON).
  • There are strict national entry rules.
  • In Nordre Follo we have intensified supervision, planning and supervision of smittevernet in private and municipal agencies to ensure that smitteverntiltakene is appropriate and that the observance will be the best possible.
  • Kommuneoverlegen believe that the trust and thus provides a description of the measures is maintained longer in the population if we letter of the measures when possible, and don't engage in a large extent of preventive measures (despite the fact that smittevernloven can open it).
  • We have an increasing degree of immunization coverage in the municipality, and vaccination of b vaccination programs will continuously be of importance for the risk assessment.
  • It is very important to point out that if the rules and recommendations should be sustainable needs of all the individuals, businesses, clubs and associations also follow the national advice, guidelines, industry standards and other advisers for the plot.

Sports activity for couples

The municipal council also adopted that the municipality has a positive attitude to the indoor idrettsaktivitet for parautøvere that does not belong to a group with elevated risk for complications in the event of a Covid-19 infection, resuming their activity.

See the overview of national measures here.

15. February at. 20.40

Four new cases of the mutated virus

FHI has in the course of the weekend reported two cases with the English variant of the koronaviruset with residents in Nordre Follo kommune. One case can be traced to a known smittekjede in another municipality, the second case has an unknown smittevei.

Today it is reported that a further two residents are infected with the English variant of the koronaviruset, the one of these two are together with the one infected at the weekend, the other has an unknown smittevei.

There are now a total of 86 confirmed positive cases with the English variant of koronavirus.

The infection in the long house nursery

A person is infected by the koronavirus in the long house kindergarten. It is not confirmed that this is the English variant of the koronaviruset.

A total of 18 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

12. February at. 17.15

One new case of the mutated virus

FHI has today reported a new case with the English variant of the koronaviruset. Smittekjeden can be traced to the foreign country and it has not caused further infection.

We now have a total of 82 confirmed cases, with the English variant of the inhabitants in Nordre Follo kommune. The real number is most likely something higher. At the same time, it is clear that one of the cases previously reported, turns out to belong to a different municipality. Therefore, it is still 82 confirmed cases of koronavirus of the English variant of the municipality.

The government's advice on winter holidays

The government today unveiled smittevernråd for the winter holidays. Nordre Follo kommune is on tiltaksnivå D up to and including 17. feb. It is expected that the government will come with the updated rules for our municipality within the time. It is the meeting of the municipal council 17. February and the local council will then take a position on any new national guidelines and look at the need for local adaptations.

Read the whole thing.

Supervision with shops, cafés, gyms, construction sites

After the Covid-19 regulation article 18 will the municipality oversee that businesses are complying with the regulation.

Read the case here.

10. February at. 21.00

After the municipal council on Wednesday 10. February, it was clear that Nordre Follo kommune will follow the national measures that apply to municipalities in tiltaksnivå D, without the more stringent local measures. The measures will apply from Thursday 11. feb.

Read the full story

8. February at. 19.10

Three new cases of the mutated virus

FHI announced today that it is proven English variant with a further three people who live in Nordre Follo kommune.

-None of the cases are linked to outbreaks we have had in the municipality, but two of the cases have known smittevei to the other infected, tells konst. kommuneoverlege Monica Viksaas Biermann. The last case we have not been able to track smittekjeden on.

6. February at. 14.00

Four new cases of the mutated virus

FHI announces that it is proven four cases with the English variant of the inhabitants in Nordre Follo kommune.

These cases have a known route of transmission to other infected people, but we do not find a connection between these four cases and the known outbreaks of English variant that we have had in our municipality.

The outbreaks are considered over

All outbreaks with an English variant in Nordre Follo municipality, ie the outbreaks at Langhus residential and service center, Tussestien kindergarten, Kolbotn school and Langhus health station, are now considered over.

February 5 at 15.30

False positive test at Follo emergency room

The test that was reported positive with Covid-19 at the Follo emergency room on 31 January was false positive. Two ordinary Covid tests have been taken to confirm this. It was a quick test which was false positive. The three people who were quarantined are therefore no longer in quarantine.

One mutated case detected in Nordre Follo

FHI has reported a positive response to mutated virus from the UK after sequencing of Covid-19 samples from Nordre Follo municipality. The case of infection can be linked to a known chain of infection in another municipality and is not linked to outbreaks in Nordre Follo municipality.

No mutated virus in the outbreak at Tårnåsen school

We have now received a response from FHI on analysis of 16 samples, all showing non-English variant and it is sufficient to say that the outbreak is not due to the English variant of the virus. We do not expect more analytical results in this outbreak now. The outbreak is considered to be in the process of being defined as above. Some are still in solitary confinement / quarantine. The school starts like other schools and kindergartens in the municipality at the yellow level from Monday 8 February.

Not mutated virus in the outbreak at Siggerud Gård kindergarten

20 cases of infection have been confirmed in connection with the outbreak at Siggerud Gård kindergarten. There are five analytical answers and all are non-English variant.

February 1 at 16.07

Tårnåsen school

It is as of now a total of 43 infected, where the 20 in the category of "student", a 5 in the category of "employee" and 18 in the category of "close contacts". There is here 13 analysesvar where all of these are of non-English variant (not B 1117)

Siggerud farm kindergarten

There are a total of 19 infected in the outbreak, where 8 is in the category "children in kindergarten", a 5 in the category of "employee" and 6 in the category of "close contacts". There is currently only one analysesvar, in this one the answer is not found in the English variant (B117).

31. January at. 20.45

Smittetilfelle associated with the emergency room

It is reported that one proven smittetilfelle associated with the Follo Medical center. Three people associated with the emergency room is set in the quarantine.

Hunger intensifies testing and infection detection together with the municipal superior, infection control physician and the infection detection team.

New case of infection at Østli school

It is reported further one smittetilfelle associated with 5. step on Østli school. Smittetilfellet applies to a person who has already been put in quarantine. No new people are put into quarantine as a result of this case.

31. January at. 12.30

More answers about non-English variant on the Tårnåsen school

Sunday morning, the municipality had several test results from FHI on the analysis of koronapositive samples taken in the onset of Tårnåsen school and Siggerud Farm nursery. There are 13 analysesvar in the onset of Tårnåsen school, all of the type of non-English variant. There is also one prøvesvar from the outbreak in Siggerud Farm nursery, also this non-English variant.

- It is very likely that the onset of Tårnåsen school is not caused by the English variant. We are still waiting for a part prøvesvar from Siggerud farm nursery, but currently it is therefore the finding of non-English variant also here, " says acting kommuneoverlege Monica Biermann.

31. January at. 10: 30 am

Two new cases of the English variant

Saturday night, it was from FHI reported on the discoveries of the English variant of the two samples. The one linked to the onset of the long house to live in and service center, the other is not related to the known smittekjede.

New cases associated with the Siggerud Farm kindergarten

It is confirmed seven new cases associated with the nursery, there are now a total of 14 infected in the outbreak. The new cases does not change in a quarantine of the affected. It is not known smittevei to the English variant, but samples from the outbreak is sent to the analysis by FHI.

30. January at. 20.30

Red level of the kindergartens and schools in week 5

After formannskapsmøtet Saturday night, it is clear that Nordre Follo follow smitteverntiltakene, the government has adopted. There is one exception to the national rules: kindergartens and schools in the municipality are to be operated on the red level in the coming week.

Read the full story

30. January at. 16.00

Continuing smitteverntiltak with some relief

Saturday 30. January at 10: 00, it was put forward changes in the national smitteverntiltak for the municipalities in the Eastern regions of the government, the so-called ring 1 and ring 2-the municipalities.

The following measures will apply to the ring 1-the municipalities Oslo, Nordre Follo and the Hill from the 3. and with 10. February: National smitteverntiltak of the ring 1-the municipalities.

All municipalities can impose more stringent advice and rules based on the local smittesituasjoner.

Kommuneoverlegens assessment is that the new national regulations for the measures of the ring 1-the municipalities from the 3. and with 10. February is sufficient for Nordre Follo kommune. The exception is that schools and kindergartens in Nordre Follo kommune shall have the red level.

Read the full story

29. January at. 19.50

Fløysbonn school

2 people associated with 9. steps are confirmed infected with koronavirus. 23 people with ties to the 9. step quarantined. It is not known smittevei with the English variant.

Siggerud farm kindergarten

2 new confirmed infected. A total of 7 infected in the outbreak, the new cases does not imply multiple are placed in quarantine. It is not known smittevei with the English variant.

Kolbotn school

One new smittetilfelle associated with 6. step. Total of 9 infected in the outbreak in Kolbotn school, the new smittetilfellet does not imply multiple are placed in quarantine. It is a known infection with the English variant and infection with non-English language variation in the onset.

Tårnåsen school

A total of 34 infected in the outbreak. 4 in the category of "employee", 19 in the category of "student" and 11 in the category of "close encounters". It is known infection with non-English language variation in the onset, but we are waiting on more prøvesvar, so we can not rule out the possibility that it is at the same time infection with the English variant.

29. January at. 14.00

Two new cases of the English variant

Friday, we got the answer from FHI on the sequence of the eight additional positive koronatester from Nordre Follo. Of these eight, there are proven English variation in the two samples. In total, there are registered 71 cases of the English variant of Nordre Follo.

These last two samples are taken 26. January and are linked to outbreaks in long house health clinic and Tussestien kindergarten.

There is currently no proven English variation in the samples that are taken in connection with the Tårnåsen school. Three of the samples we got the result of today, are from the outbreak at the school.

29. January at. 10.00

More infected on Tårnåsen school

On Thursday evening, it was reported that a number of new infected affiliated with Tårnåsen school. In total, there are now 29 infected with ties to the school, the vast majority are associated with 1. step.

There is a strong suspicion that this is an outbreak of the English variant. This is communicated to the FHI, and samples from the outbreak will be given priority. We hope we get a response on the samples in the course of a few days.

Smittesporingsteamet working frantically to inform and prevent further infection. We act as if it is the mutated variant, to be on the safe side. It means that:

  • The household to nærkontaktene to those infected are also quarantined.
  • We test all again in the course of the quarantine.

All the students at the school get home on Monday.

One case of infection at Hellerasten school

It is confirmed one smittetilfelle on Hellerasten school. 26 people associated with the school is quarantined to Monday 1. feb. All concerned are informed.

28. January at. 19.45

Østli school

It is reported two new infections by Østli school. No new in quarantine.

Siggerud farm kindergarten

It is reported two new infections in Siggerud farm nursery.A total of five cases. No new in quarantine.

28. January at. 19.13

Two new deaths in the municipality

It is reported that an older person at the long house stay and service center, died Wednesday night 27. January. This is the seventh death in connection with the ongoing smitteutbruddet at the long house stay - and service center.

It is also reported that an older koronasmittet resident who was hospitalized, died yesterday evening, Wednesday, 27. January.

– It is very sad to hear about the two new deaths. I want to send my deepest condolence to the next of kin, " says the mayor Jody Opdan.
– I also think of all of the other affected as provided in this demanding situation.

All concerned are informed.

In total, there are now 16 deaths in the Nordre Follo kommune in connection with Covid-19.

28. January at. 15.30

Suspect mutant virus at school

The number of confirmed cases of the mutated virus from the united Kingdom is still 69.
Mayor Jody Opdan and kommuneoverlege Kerstin Myhrvold held a press conference about koronasituasjonen Thursday afternoon.

It was confirmed 15 positive cases with the ordinary Covid-19 test in Nordre Follo kommune on Wednesday the 27th. January. Five of the cases were linked to two of our elementary schools, Tårnåsen school and Østli school.

There has been a large increase in the number of cases of infection associated with Tårnåsen school in recent days, and there are 15 infected at the school now.

Samples from this outbreak shall be prioritized at the laboratory at NIPH. We are introducing extended measures related to quarantine and testing of those affected, similar to the infection of the English variant. We suspect mutated virus at school.

No more mutated cases have been confirmed in the municipality.
- We believe that we have kept up to date in the detection of the mutated virus in time. Now we focus on the work ahead. We are extra attentive, we keep an extra good eye on all outbreaks, ask people to sit in extended quarantine and take extra tests during the quarantine period. Because we always keep in mind that it may be the mutated virus, says municipal chief physician Kerstin Myhrvold.

Read the whole case.

January 27 at 20.10

Four new infected at Tårnåsen school

Four new cases have been reported in connection with the school. Three of the cases are associated with the 1st step and were in persons who had already been quarantined. One of the cases led to another 51 people being quarantined at the school's 3rd and 5th grade. All affected are informed. The school now has 7 infected and a total of 226 people in quarantine.

New case of infection at Østli school

A new case of infection has been reported at Østli school. A class associated with 5th grade is quarantined. This is the third case at the school in total.

- There is no known connection between cases of infection at Tårnåsen school and Østli school and cases of infection with the English variant. FHI will continue to sequence positive corona samples from Nordre Follo, says ass. municipal chief physician in Nordre Follo municipality, Monica Viksaas Biermann.

26. January at. 20.30

Infections in Siggerud farm kindergarten

It is proven three cases of Covid 19 infection in Siggerud farm nursery, 45 people with ties to the nursery is set in the quarantine. All concerned are informed.

26. January at. 13.15

Four new cases of the mutated virus

We have confirmed four new cases of the mutated virus. All four of the positive cases can be linked to the outbreak at the long house stay and service center/Tussestien kindergarten.

– It is positive that the cases can be linked to already known outbreaks, " says kommuneoverlegen.

Nordre Follo kommune still waiting for around a hundred prøvesvar from FHI and kommuneoverlegen emphasizes that we need to expect more cases.

26. January at. 10.00

Mutated virus in several municipal agenciesIt is now confirmed 40 new cases of the mutated virus in samples from Nordre Follo. Smittetilfellene can also be linked to the long house health clinic and Kolbotn school. Mayor Jody Opdan and kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold told the latest news about the smittesituasjonen at a press conference on Tuesday, 26.01. kl. 10.00. Opdan told that yesterday was told that Nordre Follo has 40 new cases of the English variant of the koronaviruset. It is important to emphasize that these samples are from the people who have already been tested, sit or have sat in quarantine and smittesporing is made.

Read all the news about the mutant virus in several municipal agencies

25. January at. 19.00

Kindergartens and schools closed throughout the week

Nordre Follo kommune has a documented ongoing outbreak of the mutated English the virus and smittesituasjonen is still controversial. The presidency has therefore decided to close kindergartens and schools, and with Friday 29 January.

The municipality maintains offer to vulnerable children, and children with parents who work in the criticism functions. Students get a digital home in the days schools are closed.

Infection control measures in Nordre Follo

The local regulation about smitteverntiltak in Nordre Follo kommune is valid until Wednesday, 27. January. After this apply to the national regulation, which the government put forward 24. January. The measures of the local regulations are more stringent than the national regulation on certain points. The following outlets in Nordre Follo kommune should therefore be closed to 27. January:

  • Kiosks and shops selling health food
  • Outlets for animal feed and other nødvendighetsartikler for pets and livestock
  • Bandsjister
  • Opticians
  • Liquor store
  • Sales activities to agriculture and animal feed production
  • Storage and grossistdelen in the builder's merchants, who sell to the craftsman's business and the like
  • Shops may not be open to retrieve prepaid ordered items
  • Food and beverage outlets in hotels must also be closed.

More information

25. January at. 17.35

40 new cases of virusmutasjonenThere has been a response of 250 of our samples. In total, there are now 65 positive prøvesvar. 185 of our samples is not, therefore, infections with virusmutasjon.

25. January at. 12.00

Eight new cases of virusmutasjonen from the united Kingdom

There have been results of around 120 of the samples from Nordre Follo kommune, which was sent for analysis at the FHI. Eight of these are confirmed to be the UK variant of the virus.

Seven of the cases have a direct connection to the outbreak at the long house stay and service centre and Tussestien kindergarten. The last case of the mutated virus will require more work to track.

Kommuneoverlege Kerstin Johnsen Myhrvold expect answers to several samples in the course of Monday.

– I find it very positive that so many of the samples for analysis at FHI not the mutated virus. Every case by the UK variant is of course serious, but we could have risked that there were several cases of the UK and among these samples, " says Myhrvold.

It was previously found 17 cases of the UK-the virus, so that it is now the total is 25 confirmed cases of the UK variant of Nordre Follo kommune.

24. January at. 21.00

Tussestien kindergarten

It is currently reported that a further one smittetilfelle in Tussestien kindergarten. This led to a prolonged quarantine added for a department. All concerned are informed.

Tårnåsen school

It is also reported two infections on Tårnåsen school. 82 people associated with 1. step quarantined. All concerned are informed.

24. January at. 16.30

11 new cases of the UK variant of the virus

New results from the Norwegian institute of public health confirms the spread of the mutated virus. One case is associated with the nursery. More results are expected late Sunday evening and Monday.

Kommuneoverlege Kerstin Myhrvold briefed about the situation on a digital press conference Sunday. 16:

– We now have 74 Covid 19-infected persons related to our outbreaks that have their starting point in the long house living and rehabilitation center. These people, Nordre Follo kommune and six neighbouring communities. This is the common positive Covid 19 cases. It has to be examined whether it is a UK variant, " says Myhrvold.

– We now have 17 positive UK cases, 16 of them are associated with the long house living and rehabilitation center and one is associated with Tussestien kindergarten. We have been notified about the 11 new confirmed cases today. We expect several hundred prøvesvar in the course of Sunday night and Monday morning. We must expect that several of them being confirmed as the UK variant.

It is now confirmed that one case associated with one of the municipality's nursery is a UK-the virus. Myhrvold says they expect more of the positive cases in the nursery is a UK variant.

24. January at. 14.00

Østli school

It is confirmed one smittetilfelle associated with Østli school. 63 people associated with the school is quarantined. All concerned are informed.

24. January at. 13.00

The outbreak of british virusmutasjon – measures in Nordre Follo

It is detected an outbreak of the british virusmutasjonen in Nordre Follo. The virus has ramifications to several businesses in the municipality.

The mutated virus is more contagious than the original virus and we are now experiencing an uncontrolled proliferation. This is very serious and the municipality has introduced than a number of restrictive smitteverntiltak to get control of the situation.

23. January at. 21.30

Hareveien kindergarten

It is confirmed one smittetilfelle associated with Hareveien kindergarten. 48 people associated with the nursery has been quarantined. All concerned are informed.

Kolbotn school

It is confirmed further one smittetilfelle affiliated in Kolbotn school. No more people are quarantined as a result of the case.

Tussestien kindergarten

It is confirmed two additional cases associated with Tussestien kindergarten. No more people are quarantined as a result of the case.

23. January at. 13.30

Six people confirmed infected by the UK-variant

Mayor Jody Opdan and municipal chief physician Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold held a press conference about the infection situation in Nordre Follo Saturday. 13.

Kommuneoverlegen shared the latest news about the smitteutviklingen in the municipality.

- Smittesporingsteamet in Nordre Follo has worked on the blast throughout yesterday and today to ettergå each case of Covid-19 in Nordre Follo. We have a very competent smittesporingsteam here in the municipality. We have received good help from Folkehelseinsituttet, which is present here now. We work together to find about where it is branches of the infection.

- FHI has found out that there are 65 people that are positive that is associated with this outbreak. This is the common Covid-try. There are six cases that have been proven in the UK variant. Smittetilfellene have branches out into five municipalities in our region.

January 23 at 10.00

Introduces strict measures in ten eastern municipalities

To stop the outbreak of the English virus mutation in Nordre Follo, the government has decided to introduce very strict measures in ten eastern municipalities from Saturday 23 January at 12.00

The measures will initially apply to the municipalities of Enebakk, Frogn, Indre Østfold, Moss, Nesodden, Nordre Follo, Oslo, Vestby, Våler and Ås.

January 22 at 12.45

Mutated UK coronavirus detected in outbreaks in the municipality

It is discovered a mutated version of the korona virus in Nordre Follo kommune. The virus has ramifications to other businesses in the municipality. We take this very seriously because the mutated virus is more contagious than the original virus and we are now experiencing an uncontrolled proliferation.

After advice from FHI and other health authorities have kommuneoverlegen decided to implement restrictive measures until the situation is clarified.

The following applies from 22. January at. 13.00 to 27. January.

  • Strong recommendation to not travel out of the municipality.
  • Strong recommendation not to have a visit at home.

These businesses remain closed:

  • Kindergartens and schools. They must prepare for the start of the red level after reopening.
  • Shops except food stores, pharmacies and petrol stations.
  • Restaurants, cafes and food outlets. The exception for home delivery and takeway. The who gets the food must get it delivered to outside of the venue.
  • All public places and businesses where there is culture, entertainment or leisure activities indoors.
  • Gyms, all the indoor training also for children and young people.
  • tendørs training in groups is strongly advised.
  • Besøksstans in a nursing home and is strongly advised against visiting assisted living.

21. January at 20: 30

The presidency extends the local measures

Smittetrykket in the municipality is still high and the presidency continues, therefore, the local covid-19 regulations, adopted 26. november 2020.

21. January at. 17.18

A total of five infected affiliated with Tussestien kindergarten

15. January, it was reported that a case of Covid-19 associated with the nursery. 24 people was first put in quarantine, then expanded to include 44 people. Among these four tested positive. No more people put into quarantine as a result of the new smittetilfellene. A total of five people infected affiliated in the nursery.

Two infections in the business of mental health and substance abuse

It is proven Covid-19 infection at the two people associated with mental health services. 6 people associated with the business are put into quarantine as a result of smittetilfellene.

21. January at. 13.40

New case of infection by Kolbotn assisted living

A person affiliated with Kolbotn residential homes have tested positive for Covid-19. A total of three people are infected by omsorgsboligene. No new people are put into quarantine as a result of the new smittetilfellet not deemed to be related to the other two cases. It is normal smitteverntilpasset activity on the house and the residents and families are informed.

21. January at. 13.05

One case of mutated coronavirus in Nordre Follo municipality

The british variant of the koronaviruset is proven in Nordre Follo kommune. The mutated virus is believed to be more contagious than the original virus. The infection is found in a person, and is associated with direct entry from the united Kingdom. Common procedures, testing and quarantine is followed. A person is defined as close contact, but tested negative.

-It is not, therefore, suspect now about the further spread, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold. She adds that it is not surprising that we now see, this variant of the koronaviruset.

-It is now 7 cases of the mutated virus in Viken County. FHI writes in his last risikorapport that there is a great risk that this variant will spread to, and in Norway. The strategy is to slow this development. It is this we work with now, Johnsen says Myhrvold.

Still fully focused on the plot

She believes residents in Nordre Follo kommune not need to worry more, or do other smitteverntiltak than they already do.

-Stay home if you are sick, have a low threshold to test you, keep a good distance to others, have good hand hygiene and follow the advice of health authorities. It is the most important thing you can do as an individual, emphasizes Myhrvold.

She adds that there is no reason to do more than the rules and recommendations says, but that is the case with the mutated virus is an important reminder that we all must continue to focus on infection control.

21. January at. 11.40

Case of infection at Tårnåsen school

A person affiliated with the school are infected with Covid-19. 84 people associated with 6. step and 27 people associated with 3. step quarantined. All concerned are informed. Teaching for the rest of the students go as normal.

20. January at. 20.30

Four new infections by Kolbotn school

It is discovered 4 new infections associated with 6. step. All concerned are informed. Additional person related to this step is quarantined. A total of 60 people linked to the 6. step into quarantine.

20. January at. 14.35

New deaths at the long house stay and service centre

An older person who was infected with Covid-19 was a resident at the long house stay and service center, died late Tuesday evening 19. January.
The ongoing smitteutbruddet at the long house stay and service centre with it claimed its sixth death.

- My deepest condolence to the next of kin, " says the mayor Jody Opdan.

- The past week has been a particularly sad week, with four deaths due korona just the last four days. I also think of all of the other affected by the long house stay and service centre which stands in a demanding outbreak, says Opdan.

A total of 34 people are infected in the outbreak. 22 employees and 12 people in the category of residents and their families. Six of the infected residents died.

– We're now first and foremost on those who have lost a close as a result of Covid-19 and trying as best we can to take care of their families and each other, " says company manager Nina Kolberg Nikolaysen.

Two infections at Kolbotn assisted living

It is proven infection with two persons affiliated with Kolbotn assisted living. Three people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

19. January at. 21.45

Two infections in Kolbotn school

It is reported that one smittetilfelle 2. step. 47 people are quarantined.

It is also reported that a new case of 6. step. Further, one person is in quarantine related to this step, a total of 59 people.

One smittetilfelle on Vevelstadåsen school

It is reported that an infected person affiliated with 4. step. 24 people are quarantined.

19. January at. 18.55

One case of infection at Østli school

A person affiliated with the school are confirmed infected with Covid-19. 28 people affiliated with the 6. step quarantined. All concerned are informed.

19. January at. 14.50

Two new deaths at the long house stay and service centre

Two elderly residents at the long house stay and service center, died on Monday 18. January. Both were among the 12 infected in the category of residents/relatives in the outbreak at the long house stay and service center in Nordre Follo kommune. This is the fourth and the fifth death in the outbreak. One of the residents was admitted at the Hospital.

– My deepest condolence to the next of kin, " says the mayor Jody Opdan. This shows us again how hard this epidemic affects the most vulnerable among us, and it is the oldest of us who bear the greatest disease and dødsbyrden among us, " says the mayor.

19. January tested two additional employees positively. It means that a total of 22 employees and 12 people are infected in the local outbreak. Of the 12 infected in the category of residents/families are five residents died.

– This is a challenging situation for everyone, but we think first and foremost on those who have lost their close as a result of Covid-19. We try as best we can to take care of the families and each other, " says company manager Nina Kolberg Nikolaysen.

19. January at. 13.50

One new smittetilfelle associated with Haugjordet middle school

It is reported that a smittetilfelle associated with 9. step at the school. A total of 24 people are quarantined.

One case of infection affiliated in Bråten kindergarten

It is reported that a smittetilfelle affiliated in the nursery. A total of 36 people are quarantined.

January 18 at 21.00

One case of infection associated with Fløysbonn school

A case of infection has been reported at Fløysbonn school. 25 people have been quarantined. All affected are informed.

January 18 at 15.40

Deaths at Langhus residential and service center

An elderly resident at Langhus residential and service center who was infected with Covid-19, died on Saturday 16 January. This is the third death in connection with the outbreak at Langhus residential and service center, where a total of 32 people have been infected with Covid-19.

– It is very sad to hear that even a resident at the long house stay and service centre has passed away as a result of Covid-19. I want to send my deepest condolence to the next of kin. Sending warm thoughts to all other affected as it stands in this demanding outbreak, said mayor Jody Opdan.

A total of 20 people in the category of employees and 12 people in the category of residents and their families are infected in the outbreak.

17. January at. 15.00

One smittetilfelle associated with the long house health clinic

It is reported that a smittetilfelle at the long house health clinic. 20 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

One new smittetilfelle affiliated in Kolbotn school

It is reported that a smittetilfelle associated with 6. step. A total of 56 persons affiliated with the school are now in quarantine.

15. January at. 19.00

One smittetilfelle associated with Tussestien kindergarten

It is in the day reported a smittetilfelle associated with Tussestien kindergarten. A total of 24 people are now in quarantine, and all concerned are informed.

One new smittetilfelle associated with the long house stay and service centre

The new smittetilfellet does not imply several affiliated business being put in quarantine. There are a total of 20 employees and 12 patients who are infected.

14. January at. 11.10

One smittetilfelle in smittevernteamet

A person affiliated with smittevernteamet in Nordre Follo kommune is infected with Covid-19. Six people associated with the business are put into quarantine as a result of smittetilfellet.

13. January at. 16.10

One new smittetilfelle by Roald Amundsen high school

It is currently reported one new smittetilfelle, there are now 16 infections associated with the school. The school operated as planned on the red level.

12. January at. 19.30

Two infections by Ingieråsen school

It is in the day confirmed, two infections associated with Ingieråsen school. 21 people associated with 10. step quarantined. All concerned are informed.

Teaching at the school for the rest goes as planned on the red smittevernnivå.

12. January at. 16.45

One case of infection at Finstadtunet nursing home

An employee at the Finstadtunet nursing home have tested positive for the Covid-19 rapid test. The staff at the nursing home be tested weekly with hurtigtester. It should also be taken in the ordinary try.

Six people are quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet. The nursing home is temporarily closed for visitors.

One new smittetilfelle by Roald Amundsen high school

It is currently reported one new smittetilfelle, there are now 15 infections associated with the school. The school operated as planned on the red level.

12. January at. 12.55

Two deaths at the long house stay and service center

Two elderly residents at the long house stay and service center have died as a result of Covid-19.

Long house stay and the service center has an ongoing koronautbrudd, where the updated numbers of infected now is 12 in the group of residents and 17 in group employees and their families. A total of 51 people are quarantined. FHI assist the municipality in the handling of the outbreak.

The two deaths occurred 10. and 11. January. All concerned are informed.
- This was very sad to hear. I'm sending my warmest thoughts to the families who have lost a close and want to express my condolences to all affected, " says the mayor Jody Opdan.
- My thoughts go also to the staff at the long house stay and service centre, which stands in a challenging situation, " says Opdan.

10. January at. 19.30

One case of infection at Eikeliveien kindergarten

Today, there are proven one smittetilfelle associated with Eikeliveien kindergarten. 27 people are quarantined. All concerned have been notified.
The operation of the nursery for the rest goes as planned on the yellow level.

One smittetilfelle at the long house school

Today, there are proven one smittetilfelle associated with the long house school. 26 people quarantined. All concerned have been notified.
The operation of the school for the rest goes as planned on the yellow level.

10. January at. 16.00

One case of infection at Greverud school

Today, there are proven one smittetilfelle at the school. 30 people associated with 6. step quarantined. All concerned are informed and followed up by the municipality's smittesporingsteam.

Teaching at the school for the rest goes as planned on the yellow level.

9. January at. 19.45

One smittetilfelle by Haugjordet middle school

It is proven one smittetilfelle by Haugjordet middle school. 20 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed and followed up by the municipality's smittesporingsteam.

The teaching at the school for the rest goes as planned on the red level.

8. January at. 17.00

Four new infected by the long house stay and service centre

It is reported four new infections with the Covid-19 outbreak at the long house stay and service centre (LBS). There are now a total of 21 infected in the outbreak. Among these are the 10 in the category of residents/families and 11 in the category of employees.

The new smittetilfellene meant that 7 persons affiliated with omsorgsboligene on the LBS is put in quarantine. A total of 44 persons quarantined in connection with the outbreak.

– We expected that it would get more infected, and the new cases confirm that this is, unfortunately, a large and severe outbreak, " says assistant kommuneoverlege Monica Viksaas Biermann.

8. January at. 14.15

12 infections associated with Roald Amundsen school

It is confirmed that 12 people associated with 3. step on the upper secondary school is infected with Covid-19. All concerned are informed. The third step is the digital home and will have it in week 2. Otherwise operated the school on the red level according to the national smittevernregler.

7. January at. 20.15

The presidency extends the local measures

Introduces not red level in kindergartens and primary schools. Rods not fitness centers, youth centers, and swimming pools.

The presidency is treated Thursday night smitteverntiltak in Nordre Follo kommune. There are several levels of smittevernregler. The national order all in Norway follow, no matter which municipality they live in. The government reinforced the national smitteverntiltakene from 4. January 19. January and introduced new rules, including national prohibition of alcohol can be served alcohol at restaurants and events.

See the full overview of the national rules.

The presidency is decided that the regulations on the prevention of koronasmitte in Nordre Follo kommune be continued up to 22. January 2021. This means, among other things, that it is a duty of a face mask when it is not possible to keep one meter distance, in the taxi, on public transport and in public places such as shops, common areas of shopping centres, venues for activities, and the like. It is still forbidden to carry out events indoors.

See the full overview of the local rules.

7. January 2021 at. 16.05

Seven of the new infections linked to the outbreak at the long house stay and service centre

It is reported seven new infections with the Covid-19 outbreak at the long house stay and the service center (LBS). 16 new people are quarantined.

There are now a total of 17 infected in the outbreak. Among these are the 10 in the category of residents/families and 7 in the category of employees. A total of 39 people put in quarantine in connection to the outbreak.

– We expected that it would get more infected, and the seven new cases confirm that this is, unfortunately, a large and severe outbreak, " says assistant kommuneoverlege Monica Viksaas Biermann.

6. January 2021 at. 13.55

Two new infected at Langhus living and service center

Two people have tested positive for Covid-19 at Langhus living and service center (LBS). These were people who were already in quarantine, so no more are quarantined as a result of the new cases. The new cases were expected. A total of 10 people tested positive in the outbreak at LBS.

One case of infection in the water and sewage business

A person associated with the Water and Sewerage business has tested positive for Covid-19. Two people have been quarantined as a result of the infection. All affected are informed.

January 4, at 17.13

Outbreak of infection at Langhus residential and service center (LBS)

It is confirmed eight infections associated with long house stay and service centre (LBS). 23 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed. There is nothing that suggests that this is related to the smittetilfellet who was at the LBS before christmas.

It is now not allowed visitors at the long house stay - and service center.

The government has recommended that everyone avoid to have guests in the home for the next 14 days. Kommuneoverlegen encourage everyone to avoid visiting in a nursing home, assisted living, and similar in this period.

A person in the check to the north is infected

A person affiliated with the check to the north are infected with Covid-19 and two people connected to the same place are put in quarantine. All concerned are informed.

3. January 2021, Friday. 18.00

The government introduces several national smitteverntiltak

At today's press conference, Sunday 3. January introduces the government more strict national smitteverntiltak.

To maintain control on the smittespredningen and limit the new increase in the infection, implemented the enhanced national smitteverntiltak in the preliminary two weeks from 4. January.

Here you will find the government's updated smitteverntiltak

30. December, afternoon

Finstadtunet have got a new confirmed smittetilfelleThe person confirmed to be infected, was defined as a close contact of the first confirmed infected 26. December. A rapid test was taken 26. December was negative, while the sample that was taken yesterday it was positive. This triggers therefore, no new employees or residents in quarantine on the Finstadtunet, when the infected have been quarantined, and don't stay out of the nursing home.

December 30 at 12.00

New smittetilfelle by Finstadtunet nursing homeIt was reported that a smittetilfelle by Finstadtunet nursing home by the use of the rapid test 26. December. The annual test, confirm Covid-19 infection. We now have a development where a new smittetilfelle have positive covid-19 test. A department of Finstadtunet is still closed, and the department is isolated.All the staff at the nursing home in the municipality of tested routinely with rapid test every seventh day.
Seven people are in quarantine as a result of smittetilfellet. All concerned are informed.

December 26 at 21.30

Case of infection at Finstadtunet nursing home

It is reported a smittetilfelle with an employee at the Finstadtunet nursing home by the use of the rapid test. There are also the ordinary try. All the staff at the nursing home in the municipality is tested with a rapid test each 7. day.

Seven people are quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet and a department is closed for visitors. Affected is informed.

December 23 at 15.30

Nordre Follo gets 175 coronary vaccines in week 1 2021

- The plan is now ready for the nursing home, who gets the first 175 doses. Finally time for when the vaccines will be delivered to the municipality, we have not received yet. We have a good plan so that all vaksinedoser to be used, " says the presenter of vaccination and ass. kommuneoverlege in Nordre Follo, Monica Viksaas Biermann.

It is reduced to a resource group that works with the implementation of vaccination in the municipality. They work closely with FHI and Nordre Follo will get more vaccines early in the new year. How many we don't know yet, but we are planning for the massevaksinering. Residents of nursing homes and the elderly from 75 years and up will take priority first.

Read more about the vaccine here: Koronavaksine in Nordre Follo

Proven smittetilfelle by Høyås living and rehabilitation center

It is proven one smittetilfelle with Covid-19 in an employee at Høyås. 3 residents and 3 employees are quarantined. All residents in the affected department to be tested for Covid-19. All concerned are informed.

Smittetilfelle at Ski school

It is reported one smittetilfelle associated with 10. step by Ski School. Smittesporing has brought 29 people are in quarantine at the current school. He has also been on hunger in Nordre Follo in smitteførende period and two people associated with the emergency room is set in the quarantine.

23. December at 13: 00

Vaccination against Covid-19 in Nordre Follo municipality

We work with you to prepare for vaccination against Covid-19. Residents of nursing homes and persons 85 years and older will get the vaccine first. The first week in January, we get the first doses to be used in the nursing home.

Read more about here.

December 18 at 14.30

One case of infection in Skoghus kindergarten

It is proven Covid-19 infection in a person affiliated with Skoghus kindergarten. 24 people with ties to the nursery is set in the quarantine. All concerned are informed.

December 16 at 20.50

The municipal council dealt with a new case of infection control measures for Nordre Follo municipality on 16 November.

The last two months, politicians adopted a number of necessary and restrictive measures to reverse a severe smitteutvikling. Efforts have yielded results. The trend now appears to move in the right direction even if smittenivået remains high. This makes it possible for the council to ease some of the measures in the next few weeks.

See actions pertaining to 7. January.

December 16 at 12.50

Smittetilfelle at the long house stay and the service center (LBS)

An employee at the long house stay and the service center ( LBS) tested positive on Covid-19 by routine testing of employees with rapid test 15. December. We are waiting for prøvesvar from the ordinary to try. In anticipation of the test result is 7 residents and 3 employees at the affected department to quarantine, in addition to the employees with a positive prøvesvar. All next of kin are notified. The nursing home is closed for visits until finally testsvar exists. Visit to omsorgsboligene can take place as normal, but visitors are asked to show caution, go directly to the apartment to visit and not to stay in the common areas.

December 14 at 14.10

New case of infection at Hebekk school

A person related to the Hebekk school has tested positive for the koronavirus. Around 30 people belonging to 6. steps need to be at home in quarantine until Monday 21.12.20 Students who are in quarantine will get home and follow-up of the Teams. All concerned are informed.

Because of living will 6. step get home from 15. December. It may be necessary to hjemmeskole for multiple classes in the days leading up to christmas. If this is applicable, it will be given further information.
This is the third time the school experience koronasmitte and quarantine. The school also had infections in October and november 2020.

December 11 at 08.15

December 10 at 17.20

Nordre Follo gets 10,400 quick tests

It will be sent out around 1 million hurtigtester to the municipalities. Nordre Follo kommune get 10 400 hurtigtester for Covid-19, which is primarily to be used in conjunction with the nursing home. Read more.

December 9 at 16.13

New death at the Covid-19 ward at Langhus

On December 8, an elderly person who was hospitalized at the municipality's corona ward at Langhus residence and service center, where infected residents at Solborg residence and activation center are isolated, died.

This is the fourth death associated with the eruption at Solborg.

- My warmest thoughts go to the next of kin, says mayor Hanne Opdan. - This again reminds us how hard this pandemic hits so many. My thoughts also go to employees at Solborg, who experience losing more patients in a short time to Covid-19, says Opdan.

Sad days at Solborg

Acting business manager at Solborg Anne Misje, says that many are affected by another death at Solborg.

-We are all strongly affected by the situation. We have lost four of our residents to the corona. We try as best we can to take care of each other and relatives, but this is an extreme situation and we can not say anything other than that this is demanding, she says. Our sympathy and our thoughts go to everyone who has lost one of theirs to Covid-19 near Solborg, says Misje.

The seventh death in Nordre Follo by Covid-19

The death is the fourth death at the ward and among the infected residents at Solborg. This is the seventh death in Nordre Follo municipality as a result of Covid-19. Solborg residential and activation center has 25 infected people associated with the outbreak, where four residents have died. 15 of those infected in the outbreak are employees. No new cases of infection have been detected at Solborg since 1 December.

Solborg residential and activation center has opened for relatives, but with the same infection control rules as before. The Day Center is also open to users again now.

7. december kl. 15.30

Two new cases of infection associated with Kråkstad and Skotbu schools

Two new infections associated with 6th grade have been identified at Kråkstad and Skotbu schools. These were people who were already defined as close contacts and quarantined. Another 20 people have been quarantined. There are a total of 4 infected people associated with the infection chain at the school.

One case of infection in the business Cleaning

A person associated with the cleaning business in the municipality has been proven infected with Covid-19. This has led to a person associated with the same business being quarantined.

4. december kl. 13.15

New death at the Covid-19 ward at Langhus

On 3 December, an elderly person who was admitted to the municipality's corona ward at Langhus residence and service center, where infected residents at Solborg residence and activation center are isolated, died. This is the third death associated with the eruption at Solborg.

- This was very sad to hear. My warmest thoughts go to the next of kin who now have lost a close, " says the mayor Jody Opdan.

The death is the third death at the department and among those infected residents at Solborg. This is the sixth death in the Nordre Follo kommune as a result of Covid-19.

My thoughts go also to the staff at Solborg that stands in the extra tough days on the job. Know that we are thinking of you. Extend our condolences and warm thoughts to their families and affected employees, " says Opdan.

Still in control of the outbreak

Solborg stay and aktiviseringssenter have now 25 infected associated with the onset, where the three occupants are dead. 15 of those infected in the outbreak is the employees.

-It is very sad that the most vulnerable in Nordre Follo now is hit and that patients and their families experience the ultimate consequence of infection with Covid-19, says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.
Nevertheless, we are experiencing continued to have control on the onset because we have not seen further infections among residents at Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter, " she adds.

Solborg stay and aktiviseringssenter is temporarily closed for visiting and for dagpasienter.

3. December

Infection associated with Kolbotn health clinic

It is proven Covid-19 infection at two people who have been stopped by the public health centres in Kolbotn, the people were at the public health centre together. Only one person affiliated with the public health centres are put into quarantine as a result of this.

New case of infection affiliated in Kråkstad and Skotbu schools

A person affiliated with the 6. steps of Kråkstad and Skotbu schools has been shown Covid-19. Smittetilfellet have the context of the case, at 9. step notified 2. December. A further 19 people are quarantined in the day. A total of 42 people are in quarantine at the school.

December 2 at 21.05

One case of infection at Finstadtunet nursing home

It is reported that a smittetilfelle with a person with regard to Finstadtunet nursing home. Two persons are quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet of the municipality smittevernteam. The person has not had close contact with residents and none residents are defined as close contacts.

December 2 at 15.35

One case of infection at Kråkstad and Skotbu schools

A person affiliated with the 9. step by Kråkstad and Skotbu schools are confirmed infected with Covid-19. 23 people are quarantined by the municipality's smittevernteam. The school is a 1. – 10. step school.
8. to 10. step at the school is on the red level. The teaching goes on as normal for other students at the school.

December 2 at 13.45

New deaths by Covid-19 department at the long house

Early morning 2. December died an older person who was admitted at the korona department at the long house stay and service center, where the infected residents at Solborg stay and aktiviseringssenter is isolated. This is the second death associated with the outbreak at Solborg.

-My warmest thoughts go to the next of kin who now have lost a close, " says the mayor Jody Opdan. This is once again an eerie and sad reminder of how important it is to follow the smittevernregler in the community, she adds.

The mayor stresses that no one should feel guilt or shame around koronasmitte.
- Both employees and their families at our institutions make a great effort to prevent infection, " says Opdan.

The fifth death in the municipality as a result of Covid-19

The death is the second death at the department and among those infected residents at Solborg. An older inmate at Solborg died of Covid-19 on Monday 30. november. This is the fifth death in the Nordre Follo kommune as a result of Covid-19.

Experience a control on the onset

Solborg stay and aktiviseringssenter have now 25 infected associated with the outbreak, where two residents have died. 15 of those infected in the outbreak is the employees.

-It is very sad that the most vulnerable in Nordre Follo now is hit and that patients and their families experience the ultimate consequence of infection with Covid-19. Nevertheless we experience to have control on the onset because we do not now have seen further infections among residents at Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.
– We see that having a private korona department in the municipality where we can isolate and treat infected have been important, she states.

Taking care of each other

The acting company manager at Solborg Anne Misje, says it is sad days at Solborg day.

-We are all affected by the situation, at the same time that we are trying as best we can to take care of each other and their families, " she says.
Solborg stay and aktiviseringssenter is temporarily closed for visiting and for dagpasienter.

December 1 at 17.30

Solborg stay - and activation center

There are two new confirmed infections by Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter. The two smittetilfellene are employees. There are now 25 infected in the outbreak. One death.

30. november kl. 15.14

Deaths by Covid-19 department at the long house

An older person who was resident at Solborg stay and aktiviseringssenter is dead of Covid-19. The person was hospitalized by Covid-19 department at the long house stay and treatment centres, where those infected from Solborg is isolated.

- This was incredibly sad to hear and my thoughts go to the relatives, " says the mayor Jody Opdan. - It is what we have feared, that the korona to hit the elderly and vulnerable citizens of our. We are in the midst of a tragic pandemic, which has major consequences for many. Both those affected brutally by losing one of his close, and those who stands in the middle of this every day as a health care worker. It touches me really, " says Opdan.

Vulnerable sick and elderly

This is the fourth death in the Nordre Follo kommune as a result of Covid-19. Kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold explains that the municipality has not had korona-related deaths since in our.

"We know that the elderly and sick people are more vulnerable to death than others, and it was therefore unfortunately not unexpected that it could be death in connection with the onset at Solborg, Johnsen says Myhrvold.

Reminds us of why smitteverntiltakene

- In this pandemic, it is mainly the younger ones who have to bear the charges of the measures and the oldest among us, the burden of disease and demise. Situation at Solborg and this death reminds us all of why we have social closure and strict smitteverntiltakene in society, she states.

23. in relation to the Solborg

There are a total of 23 infected in the local smitteutbruddet at Solborg stay and aktiviseringssenter. Among those infected, there are 13 employees and 10 residents. All staff and residents have been tested, and we experience a control on the onset. Infected residents were quickly moved to Covid-19 department into the long house, and the infected staff are in isolation. Other personnel who have been close contacts are also in quarantine, Johnsen says Myhrvold.

The number of infected in Nordre Follo kommune total of 463 people per 29.november 2020.

30. november

New case of infection at Kolbotn school

It is confirmed a new smittetilfelle by Kolbotn school. Smittetilfellet is associated with 1. step. Students at 1. steps as well as students and staff at SFO 2. step put into quarantine. This is the total of 69 people. It is not smittetilfelle in 2. step, but 1. step 2. step OUT together. Therefore, it is decided out from a precautionary principle that is also 2. graders who were at SFO on Friday 27.11 have in quarantine. The second step at the school are taught as planned.

29. november kl. 15.00

Kolbotn school

There are 2 new confirmed infections related to 6. step. 62 people are now in quarantine. All concerned are informed.

It is hjemmeskole and teaching in Teams of 5. step on Tuesday because the school must redirect some resources.

28. november kl. 18.00

Solborg stay - and activation center

There have been several infections at Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter the last few days. There are now 23 infected in the outbreak. Among those infected, there are 13 employees and 10 residents.

– It is a serious situation. At the same time we experience to have control on the onset, because we have tested all of the employees and residents. We have moved the infected residents to Covid-19 department into the long house, and put the infected employees in isolation. We have placed the other staff who have been close contacts in quarantine, " says the on-duty kommuneoverlege Geir Jentoft Korsmo.

26. november kl. 20.00

The presidency passed in the day to continue today's smitteverntiltak to and including 16. December.

Nordre Follo municipality has introduced several necessary infection control measures as local regulations this autumn. On the basis of a comprehensive assessment, it is too early to remove the measures.

Still a lot of infection

The infection is still high and in the last week, several kindergartens, schools, activities and nursing homes have been affected. The pressure on the infection control apparatus is great and the municipality has challenges in maintaining sound services. We must also see local infection control measures in connection with the measures in the municipalities around us, especially Oslo.

Continues local regulations

The presidency therefore decided to continue the Regulations for the prevention of coronary heart disease in Nordre Follo, adopted on 19 November.

Measures in upper secondary schools

In addition, the presidency decided to maintain a red level of preparedness at the upper secondary schools until further notice and to keep Ski ungdomsskole closed until Friday 27 November.

Prohibition of visits to Solborg residential and activation center

Due to infection at Solborg residential and activation center, the Presidency also decided to close Solborg to visitors until further notice. It is emphasized that visitors to the critically ill are assessed differently, cf. HD's guidelines

25. november kl. 15.36

Solborg residential and activation center

Four new cases have been identified at Solborg residential and activation center. A total of 14 people are now infected in the outbreak. Both employees and residents are among those infected. The municipal chief has decided to test all employees and all residents.

Vestråt kindergarten

A new case has been reported today at Vestråt kindergarten.
The person was already in quarantine. This does not lead to more people being quarantined, nor does it extend the quarantine period for those affected in the kindergarten.

Kolbotn School

A person associated with step 6 has been confirmed infected. The entire 6th step is quarantined, this corresponds to around 60 people. All affected are informed.

25. november kl. 10.30

One case of infection associated with Haugjordet ungdomsskole

One case of infection has been identified in connection with the 10th grade at Haugjordet ungdomsskole. 21 people at the school have been quarantined. All affected are informed and followed up by the municipality's infection detection team.

The teaching at the school otherwise goes as usual.

24. november kl. 15.30

New smittetilfelle affiliated in Ski school

It is currently reported that a further one smittetilfelle with ties to the Ski school. This was a person who was already defined as close contact, and did not lead to more of the school was put in quarantine.

- We are happy for the recent development in this outbreak where we have known smittevei for the latest cases. The decision on the closure of the school is extended to and with 27.11, and the school is preparing to start up on the red level on Monday 30.11, says konst. kommuneoverlege Monica Viksaas Biermann.

24. november kl. 15.15

Smitteutbrudd with Covid-19 at Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter

It is reported that several new infections yesterday and today at Solborg stay - and aktiviserinssenter. A total of 10 people confirmed infected with Covid-19. All of the new cases were among persons who were already in quarantine. The first case was reported 21. november and 18 people were put in quarantine.

The nursing home is closed until further notice, both for visitors and for dagpasienter.

- It is both residents and employees who are infected with Covid-19 at Solborg. We have a control on the smittekjeden, but it is always serious when we get the infection into the nursing home because there are vulnerable groups who are affected, " says konst. kommuneoverlege Monica Viksaas Biermann. She adds that she is very happy for all the negative testsvar.

All affected relatives are contacted. The acting company manager at Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter, Anne Misje, tells us that the most important thing now is to ensure operation and good information, at the same time as it is fully focused on sick patients. - We'll do our very best for this to go well. Also, employees who have tested positive are in our mind now, " says Misje.

It is not yet clarified how many people are being put in quarantine as a result of the new smittetilfellene.

23. november kl. 13.00

Two new infected by the Ski school

A further two people with ties to the Ski school are confirmed infected with Covid-19. It is known smittevei for both. Approx. 50 people are quarantined in connection with the new cases.

The Ski school is temporarily closed due to the local smitteutbruddet at the school. Together they have 10 people associated with 8. and 10. step at the school tested positive for Covid-19. Around 320 people are in quarantine at the school, which has 620 students and around 70 employees.

23. november kl. 10.45

One smittetilfelle associated with the Available nursery department Tårnåsen

It is proven one smittetilfelle associated with the Available nursery department Tårnåsen. 34 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

One smittetilfelle associated with Vestråt kindergarten

It is proven one smittetilfelle associated with Vestråt kindergarten. 16 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

22. november kl. 11.30

One case associated with Hebekk school

It is proven one smittetilfelle affiliated with the department for students with autism spectrum disorders on the Hebekk school. The department is closed until 27. november. A total of 29 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed.

One smittetilfelle associated with Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter

It is proven one smittetilfelle associated with Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter. 18 people are quarantined. All concerned are informed. It is temporarily closed for visits in both departments at the center. Next of kin have been informed.

20. november kl. 16.00

A new case of infection on Ingieråsen

There are now a total of 16 infected in the outbreak on the Ingieråsen school. A new smittetilfelle yesterday evening, resulted in a further 29 people are quarantined. The case is related to a known smittekjede.

19. november kl. 17.30

New smittevernregler for youth

The last time the municipality had a lot of infections among the youth. 17. november introduced the municipality therefore, the red level for smitteverntiltak in school children from. Today the presidency enacted the ban on indoor recreational activities for youth in ungdomsskolealder and up. The ban also applies to breddeidrett. The ban applies from 19. and with 30. november 2020.

Organized exercise outdoors is not prohibited, but kommuneoverlegen recommend to avoid this for the next two weeks.

Background to the measure
Even with the very strict restrictions in the last few weeks have the infection continued to rise in the municipality and the region. When the presidency introduced the social closure of the Nordre Follo Monday 9. november, were the children and young people in the mainly shielded. What we are trying to continue with and will do what we can to keep schools and daycare open.

Unfortunately, we see that the infection among the youth is increasing. They have a lot of social contact and a smittemønster similar to adults. The municipality now has infections by several schools and a significant number of students and teachers are in quarantine. We must therefore introduce measures specifically targeted at the youth. This is necessary to ensure the effect of the social nedstengingen, protect vulnerable groups and maintain the capacity in smittesporingsarbeidet. If we lose control of smittespredningen this will have even greater consequences for the youth and lead to long-term and more drastic measures. In order to ensure the supply to children and young people in the long term, there is now a need for short-term innstramminger to limit contagion.

19. november kl. 09.30

Yesterday had the municipality the largest number of infected with Covid-19 on a day throughout the pandemic, with the 21 infected.

By Ingieråsen school , it was announced 2 new infections 18.11. 14 infections linked to the outbreak. 8 of 14 is directly connected to 8. step. Around 171 people quarantined at the school. Despite many infected, it is known smittevei for all infected.

At Ski school , there are a total of 8 infections associated with the onset, all the 8 is directly connected to the school. It is not known smittevei, and the school is temporarily closed to the smittevernhensyn from 18.11 to 25.11. Approx. 270 people associated with the school is quarantined.

By Vassbonn schools are the two infections, both directly related to 6. step. One of these cases was reported 18.11, and this person was already in quarantine. 26 people quarantined in connection with the smittekjeden.

18. november kl. 16.40

Ski school will receive digital homeschool in a week

We have known an ongoing smittesituasjon with Covid-19 at the school with the 120 people quarantined. Today it reported three new cases linked to the outbreak. It is not known smittevei for all smittetilfellene. It means that the new cases will lead to a large amount of pupils and staff being put in quarantine.

Kommuneoverlegen consider, therefore, needs to close the school temporarily. This is to prevent further contamination and to get an overview of the situation. The school is closed for physical education immediately in a week, from 18.11.20 to Wednesday 25. november 2020.

Short-term closure of teststasjonen

Teststasjonen for Covid-19 was closed Wednesday afternoon due to technical problems with an oven. The drive is open again Thursday morning at. 10. Anyone who had the time for testing on Wednesday afternoon has been notified by phone. It is performed the service in the oven on Thursday morning.

New case of infection on Ingieråsen

A new person affiliated with 8. step by Ingieråsen school are confirmed infected with Covid-19. The person was among those who already put in quarantine. A total of 171 people quarantined at the school. Kommuneoverlegen defines this as a local smitteutbrudd with known smittevei.

17. november kl. 19.00

Two new infected in the check south

It is reported two new infections in relation to the check associated with the department Finstad and the department of Skiing. 7 people are quarantined in connection with one of the new cases. There are a total of three infected affiliated with the check to the south and a total of 20 people in quarantine.

17. november kl. 14.00

Three new infections associated with Ingieråsen school

It is reported three new infections associated with the local smitteutbruddet by Ingieråsen school. It is known smittevei for all these cases. Two of the three are directly related to 8. steps of the school and was among those who were already quarantined.

An other case is also linked to the outbreak. Three people were put in quarantine as a result of the new smittetilfellene. A total of 113 people at the school is in quarantine. The local smitteutbruddet associated with 8. step at the school is defined as a local smitteutbrudd with known smittevei. Kommuneoverlegen has previously stated that she expected more infected.

16. november kl. 19.30

Smittetilfelle in check to the south

A person affiliated with the check in region south avd. Finstad and avd. Skiing is the confirmed infected with Covid-19. All concerned are informed and a total of 13 people are quarantined.

16. november kl. 17.40

From yellow to red level for secondary schools

All upper secondary schools in Nordre Follo municipality go from yellow to red level for corona preparedness from and including Tuesday 17 November 2020.

This is done to limit the infection in society and to avoid that we have to close schools. Red level does not mean that schools are closed. It is about greater distance between students and staff, permanent cohorts, permanent classrooms and a combination of homeschooling and teaching at the school.

All secondary schools are now planning for how this can best be solved at their school. Information will be sent out from the individual school. The red level in upper secondary schools will initially last until 1 December.

Further measures aimed at young people are also being considered by the municipal superior in Nordre Follo municipality.

16. november kl. 14.00

New case of infection at Ski ungdomsskole

A new case of infection has been reported in connection with the 9th grade at Ski ungdomsskole. 63 people have been quarantined. Two cases of infection at the school associated with 8th grade have previously been reported. A total of 120 people have been quarantined at the school, which has 620 students. Quarantine students receive digital education.

One case of infection at Vassbonn school

A person associated with the 6th grade at Vassbonn school has been confirmed infected with Covid-19. 26 people have been quarantined by the infection control team. For other practical reasons, two other classes on the step will receive home tuition throughout the week. Teaching goes as usual for other students at the school.

Three new cases of infection at Ingieråsen school

Three new people associated with the 8th grade at the school have been confirmed tested positive for Covid-19. About 110 people have been quarantined at the school. Two people have previously tested positive at the school associated with the 8th grade.

The municipal superintendent defines this as a local outbreak with a known route of infection and says that the new cases were expected. Two other cases of infection in Nordre Follo are related to the outbreak.

15. november 2020 kl. 15.50

New case of infection at Ski ungdomsskole

A person associated with the 8th grade at Ski ungdomsskole has been confirmed infected with Covid-19.
30 people have been quarantined in connection with the case of infection. Those affected have been notified.

In connection with a case of infection reported on Saturday 14 November, 27 people were quarantined. A total of 57 people have now been quarantined at the school.

The school works closely with the infection control team. Teaching for quarantined students will be digital. Other students at the school have teaching as usual.

14. november 2020 kl. 17.00

A person affiliated with the Ski school are confirmed infected with Covid-19.

29 people associated with 8. steps are put in quarantine as a result of smittetilfellet. All concerned are informed. Tuition for other students go as normal. Students in the quarantine will receive digital teaching.

A new person affiliated with Ingieråsen middle school are confirmed infected with Covid-19.

The person was already among those who were placed in quarantine 13. november. When was 37 people associated with the school associated with 8. step quarantined. In the evening, 13.11, it was considered that a further six people were in quarantine, as 44 persons are quarantined in connection with the infection at the school in total. No new people are quarantined in connection with the last smittetilfellet.

Two other people who have tested positive for Covid-19 in Nordre Follo kommune can also be linked to the outbreak. Kommuneoverlegen therefore considers this to be a local smitteutbrudd with the currently known smittevei.

- We can at the same time does not exclude multiple infections linked to the outbreak, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

13. november 2020 kl. 20.30

A person affiliated with Ingieråsen school has tested positive for Covid-19.

37 people associated with 8. step at the school is quarantined. All concerned have been notified. The school works closely with the smittevernteamet in the municipality. The teaching goes on as normal for other students at the school.

11. november 2020

Fløysbonn school has today confirmed that a person has tested positive for the korona virus.

29 people are quarantined by smittevernteamet in the municipality. They are informed. The school has close cooperation with smittevernteamet in the municipality. Tuition for other students at the school go currently as normal.

Sofiemyr school has today confirmed that a person has tested positive for the korona virus.

30 people are quarantined by smittevernteamet in the municipality. They are informed. The school has close cooperation with smittevernteamet in the municipality. Tuition for other students at the school go currently as normal.

Bøleråsen nursery has today confirmed that a person has tested positive for the korona virus.

The case is considered to be independent of the former local outbreak. 19 people are quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet.

9. november 2020

Norway is at the beginning of the second smittebølge and the virus is spreading rapidly. The government has introduced new national smitteverntiltak and has asked municipalities with large smittetrykk to consider further measures. On this basis, the presidency in Nordre Follo adopted a social shutdown in the municipality from Monday, 9. november kl. 24.00.

The government has introduced new national smitteverntiltak and has asked municipalities with large smittetrykk to consider further measures.

Should we stop smittespredningen, we need to keep us the most at home and have the least amount of social contact in the next few weeks. The adopted measures will contribute to this.

These measures would be introduced from Monday, 9th. november kl. 24.00

  • Stop in breddeidrett for adults. Prohibition to arrange or participate in organised training and other organized recreational activities for adults over 20 years.
  • Organized training and organized recreational activities for children and young people under 20 years of age may continue, but the fights, cups, tournaments and training camps shall not be carried out.
  • Sports facilities in the Nordre Follo should ONLY be used to organized training for children and young people under 20 years of age. For all other purposes is athletics facilities closed.
  • All businesses where there is cultural and leisure facilities will be closed, with the exception of the library. Toyland, gyms and swimming pools will be closed down. The exception for svømmeundervisning for children and young people.
  • Social gatherings in the private homes shall not exceed ten people. It must be possible to keep a meter distance.
  • It is not permitted to conduct private meetings in an indoor public place or in rented or borrowed premises.
  • Ban on all indoor events. The exception for bisettelser and funerals. Baptisms and marriages can be conducted without spectators present.
  • Prohibition against alcohol. Food and beverage outlets can stay open without serving alcohol.
  • Mandatory to wear a face mask on public transport where it is not possible to keep a meter distance.
  • Mandatory to wear a face mask in the taxi. This applies to both the driver and passengers.
  • Mandatory to wear a face mask and where it is not possible to keep a meters distance to the other, beyond the short-term passage. Examples are shops, any shared ownership in shopping centres and food outlets.
  • Stricter requirements for the smitteverntiltak in businesses where people meet in person, among other things, in shops and shopping malls. Here it must be possible to keep two meters distance to the other.
  • School children from planning for red level for the next few weeks.
  • The recommendation to avoid public transport and use the home office-continued.

Measures are being re-examined at least 30. november 2020.

8. november kl. 10: 30 am

Person affiliated with Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter infected

A person affiliated with Solborg stay - and aktiviseringssenter has been proven infection with Covid-19. A total of seven residents and employees are in quarantine and will be tested. All concerned are informed.

It is introduced temporarily besøksstans on a branch.

6. november kl. 12.00

Considering measures to restrict the infection of Covid-19

The government introduced a new national smitteverntiltak 5. november. In addition, municipalities in stay - and arbeidsregioner with large smittetrykk asked to consider a number of local measures to limit the spread of Covid-19. Appropriate measures include, among other things, limit or shut down the places where many people meet and cancel events.

On this background, the health and care services ms. Bent on High, had a meeting with the management in Oslo, and the municipalities around, where he asked the municipalities to coordinate local efforts the most.

The municipalities are now working to find measures that can help to bring down the infection in the metropolitan area and the presidency in Nordre Follo shall consider the matter at an extraordinary meeting on Monday 9. november.

Follow on the page Smitteverntitak in Nordre Follo

5. november kl. 19.00

Stay at home, have the least amount of social contact

This was the main idea when the government put forward a number of national measures to get back the control on smittespredningen of koronaviruset Thursday 5. november.

Monday 9. november will the presidency in Nordre Follo take a position to the new local smitteverntiltak.

Follow the on infection control measures in Nordre Follo .

4. november kl. 15.15

Rarely children infects in elementary school and kindergarten

We have had several infections in the last few days at schools and kindergartens in the municipality. Children in and under the barneskolealder infects rarely each other and infection in schools and kindergartens seldom rise to major outbreaks, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Myhrvold.
Read more

3. november kl. 16.05

New case affiliated in Sofiemyr school

7. step borrows premises by Fløysbonn middle school.
- The situation is under control. This is a known smittekjede. The background that we have divided the schools and kindergartens into cohorts, is precisely that we can put cohorts in quarantine individually, as we do now – to turn down the infection quickly, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

- There is no reason to not to send children or youth in the school if one is not even affected by the quarantine. The school can stay open as normal and common smittevernregler to be followed.

Rare to see a great smitteutbrudd in schools
- In total, it is common with infections in schools, but it is rare that we see a great smitteutbrudd in schools and kindergartens. It is rare to see more than three cases among children at the local outbreak. Children in elementary school infects rarely each other mutually, says kommuneoverlegen. The school reported a smittetilfelle Monday 2. november. 23 people in connection to the 1. step was then placed in quarantine. All of that is put into quarantine will be encouraged to test themselves.

3. november kl. 12.30

Smittetilfelle by Haugjordet school

It is reported a smittetilfelle at the middle school. 21 people are quarantined as a result of the case.

The smittesporingsteam have made smittesporing and had contact with all defined close contacts. Those affected are informed and followed up by the municipality's smittesporingsteam.

Teaching at the school for the rest goes as normal.

- The most important thing now is that employees or students who have symptoms of the disease do not come to school, and that smittevernregler followed as normal, " says assistant kommuneoverlege Monica Viksaas Biermann.

The school has close cooperation with kommuneoverlege, smittesporingsteam and head of division school.

2. november kl. 13.40

Infection with Covid-19 at the Sofiemyr school

Late Sunday night 1. november, it was reported that a smittetilfelle at the elementary school. 23 people are quarantined as a result of the case.
Those affected were told Sunday night. All of which is put in quarantine be contacted continuously smittevernteamet in the municipality. All in quarantine will be encouraged and be offered testing. Teaching at the school for the other and SFO goes as normal.

- The most important thing now is that not employees or students who have symptoms of the disease come to school, and that smittevernregler followed as normal, " says assistant kommuneoverlege Monica Viksaas Biermann.

The school has close cooperation with kommuneoverlegen, smittevernteamet in the municipality and head of division for school.

2. november 13.30

Infection by Sofiemyråsen kindergarten

A person is infected with Covid-19 by Sofiemyråsen kindergarten. 21 people are quarantined as a result of smittetilfellet.
All concerned have been given information and will be contacted by smittevernteamet in the municipality. All in quarantine will be encouraged and be offered testing.

Sofiemyråsen nursery is a private nursery located in Nordre Follo kommune.

2. november kl. 13.15

New case of infection by Bøleråsen kindergarten

A person that was already set in the quarantine has been proven infection with Covid-19. No more persons affiliated with the nursery has been quarantined because of the new smittetilfellet. Persons defined as close contacts have been told to be in quarantine and testing.

A total of 6 people are confirmed infected in conjunction with the local outbreak in the nursery.

28. October at 15.45

New case of infection in Bøleråsen kindergarten

Tuesday 27. October, it was reported a new smittetilfelle associated with Bøleråsen kindergarten. The person is among those who have already been put in quarantine.

Kommuneoverlegen reports that there is control on the local smitteutbruddet by nursery staff and parents / carers are informed.

No more people put into quarantine as a result of the new smittetilfellet.

A total of five people have been reported infected in connection with the outbreak.

26. October at. 20.20

New national measures

The government announced today that a new national measures which will take effect at midnight, on the night of Wednesday, 28. October:

  • In private homes, gardens or cabins, one should not have more than 5 guests in addition to household members. If all the guests are from the same household, you can be more. It means that the two families can meet, even if they have many children.
  • The restriction that it should not have more than 5 guests, does not apply to kindergarten or barneskolekohorter. Children and young people who are in the same cohort in kindergarten or in primary school, will be exempt from the avstandskravet at events.
  • We recommend that all is together with fewer people in social contexts, in a shorter time and not with too many different people in the course of a week.
  • Private meetings in a public place or in rented or borrowed premises shall have a limit of a maximum of 50 participants.
  • The current power to have 600 people present at the outdoor event will be limited to apply to events where everyone in the crowd sitting in the fixed seats.
  • The government proposes to strengthen the municipalities when it comes to control of compliance with the rules for events, food and beverage outlets and employees.

The government tightens the current karanteneregler for immigration and comes with a list of local measures that municipalities with high infection should consider to implement. Read more about the government's actions here.

Overview of local smitteverntiltak you will find here.

25. October at. 22.15

Increase in the number of infected

A total of four people had proven infection on Friday, 23. October, Saturday got an additional two people proven infection, and Sunday 25th. October is the number of infected currently in the top 11 people. Of these, one case on Friday, and three cases on Sunday related to Bøleråsen kindergarten.

- This is an increase that creates concern. Although the numbers cannot be assessed from day to day, we can now see a gradual increase week-to-week. It is worrying that we are seeing such infection rates that we have an outbreak that could explain it. We encourage all to follow the smittevernreglene to keep at least a metre distance to others and not to gather more than ten people at private gatherings, states kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

It is very important to reduce the number of close contacts. Don't be along with many others. Nordre Follo kommune has currently somewhat stricter rules than the national rules, after the local council approved the changes in local regulations last Wednesday. - We are looking particularly increased infection after people have been in the company or at a party, when in such contexts is difficult to keep a meters distance through the whole night, says Myhrvold.

Smittesporingsteamet is strengthened Sunday, and teststasjonen will extend our opening hours, if necessary.

23. October at. 20.55

One case of infection by Bøleråsen kindergarten

A person affiliated with Bøleråsen kindergarten is proven infected with Covid-19.

All concerned are informed. There is one department in the nursery that is affected, a total of 26 people are quarantined.

22. October at. 15.30

New smitteverntiltak

The municipal council adopted new local smitteverntiltak 21. October 2020. The measures will apply from 22. October at. 12: 00 noon and until further notice, no later than the 5. november. Then they will be considered again.

Private gatherings
Ban on private gatherings with more than ten participants. Although the number of participants is ten or less, are only permitted to arrange or attend private gatherings in venues that are dimensioned so that all participants can keep a meters distance. The ban applies to both inside and out.

With the number of participants refers to how many are present in total, that is to say including household members.

The ban does not apply to private gatherings where all are from the same household.

The exception for children and young people
There are exceptions for children and young people who belong to the same cohort in the kindergarten or at school. Here comes the national code of practice that up to 20 people can be together and that smittevernrådene followed.

  • For children in the same cohort in the kindergarten and at school 1.-7. step does not apply avstandsregelen of a meter.
  • For children in the same cohort of middle school and high school we recommend to comply with the national advice and stay at least one meter distance to the other.

Read more on the ministry of Health

For more participants than 20 persons, the applicable guidelines for the event.

When it is not possible to keep a meters distance to the other, travellers use a face mask on public transport. The obligation to wear a face mask does not apply to children under 12 years of age, or people who, for medical or other reasons can't use a face mask.

Prohibition against alcohol can be served alcohol after midnight. 24.00.

It is not permitted to carry out events with more than 50 participants at the same time when the event is indoors and the audience does not have a fixed seat.

21. October at. 20.55

New smitteverntiltak

The municipal council has adopted the new smitteverntiltak that comes from 22. October at. 12:

  • Mandatory to wear a face mask on public transport when it is not possible to keep a meters distance from other passengers.
  • Prohibition against private gatherings with more than 10 participants. It is also the prohibition against private gatherings with fewer than 10 participants where the distance of a meter cannot be observed. There are exceptions for children and young people who belong to the same cohort in kindergarten and school. Then, up to 20 participants gather. With the number of participants refers to how many are present in total.
  • Prohibition on drinking alcohol after 24.00.
  • It is not permitted to hold events with more than 50 spectators present at the same time when the event is indoors and there is no fixed seating.
  • It is not allowed to hold events outdoors with more than 200 spectators present at the same time.
  • For events indoors with a fixed seat location, the number limit in regulations of 27 March 2020 no. 470 on infection control measures etc. applies. at the corona outbreak (covid-19 regulation) § 13. Those who are present at events must be able to keep at least 1 meter distance to others who are not in the same household, even when there are fixed seats.

On Wednesday 21 October, the municipal council considered a case concerning local measures to prevent coronary heart disease in Nordre Follo municipality. The background is the infection situation in Oslo and that the Norwegian Directorate of Health has given a recommendation to the municipalities in the same work and drilling region to introduce the same infection control measures as Oslo.

An ongoing assessment is made of the necessity of the measures and a comprehensive assessment no later than 5 November.

It appears to the protocol from the meeting for the precise rendering of the decision and regulation. This will be Thursday 22.10.20.

19. October at. 12.30

It was reported one case of Covid - 19 associated with Hebekk school Sunday 18. October and one Monday morning 19. October. The two cases are in the category of "other persons affiliated with the onset". 52 people in the staff, students and other people associated with the onset is in quarantine.

There are a total of eight infections associated with the local outbreak at the school. No more is placed in quarantine as a result of the new smittetilfellene.

17. October at 11: 00 am

New smittetilfelle associated home care

Late Friday night 16. October, it was reported a new proven smittetilfelle in smittekjeden/outbreak in connection with the check to the north and Greverud daycare center.

Case in check is a person who already is defined as close contact and is in the category of "other persons affiliated with the onset".

A total of 12 people are infected in connection with the outbreak in check in the north of the municipality, who have had connections to Høyås stay and rehabilitation center and Greverud daycare center.

17. October at 10.45

New case associated with Hebekk school

Late Friday night 16. October, it was reported a new proven case in the event of Hebekk school. The infected are among the 52 people who have already been put in quarantine and was, therefore, an expected event. It will not put more people in quarantine as a result of the case.

There are a total of six infections associated with the local outbreak at the school. Both staff, students and other people associated with the onset is in quarantine.

To all that are put in quarantine tested, but it is accessible for everyone to test during the weekend.

Kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold says that we must therefore expect that we can see more infections among those who are in quarantine.
– This is the first local outbreak, we now have had at a school in Nordre Follo, but we define it as a controlled outbreak, where we have control on the smittekjeden and people in quarantine. We don't see the need to shut down the school, " says Myhrvold.

16. October at. 13.35

Two new infections by Hebekk school

It is proven infection with Covid-19 with a further two people at the school.

People were already among those who were placed in quarantine and no more is placed in quarantine at the school as a result of the positive test results. A total of five people proven infected by the school and 52 people are quarantined.

– The new smittetilfellene are among the people who are already placed in quarantine. This can be characterized as a local outbreaks with a known smittekjede. We work closely together with the school administration and control of the smitteoppsporingen. At the same time, we must expect that we can see more, among those who now sits in quarantine, says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

Read more.

15. October at. 16.30

The test station for covid-19 moves to Verkstedveien in Ski

Saturday 17. October move teststasjonen from the long house stay and service center to Verkstedveien 25C in the Ski.

Because of the move will teststasjonen be closed on Friday 16. October.

15. October at. 15.16

Two new infections – Hebekk school and the check

It is reported one new smittetilfelle with Covid-19 by Hebekk school and one new case linked to the check.

Smittetilfellet by Hebekk school was among the 52 people who are already in quarantine. No more people are being quarantined as a result of the case. Together is now 3 persons affiliated with Hebekk school proven infected with Covid-19.

The school management has close cooperation with smittevernteamet, kommuneoverlegen and head of division for youth. All procedures are followed, and the teaching goes on as normal, at school, or digital.

Smittetilfellet in the check is related to the well-known smittekjeden in check in the north of the municipality. It is also not here put in quarantine as a result of the new smittetilfellet, then the person was already in quarantine. There are 11 infected linked to the local outbreak in check.

14. October at. 11.00

New case of infection at Hebekk school

A person by Hebekk school was confirmed infected with Covid-19 on Tuesday night 13. October.

The infection is probably related to a previous case at the school. A total of 28 people affiliated with the school put in quarantine. All concerned have got information through the smittevernteamet.

Smittetilfellet at the school, which was reported Friday 9. October, led to that 24 people were put in quarantine. A total of 52 people associated with the school is now quarantined in connection with the smittetilfellene.

The school management has close cooperation with smittevernteamet, kommuneoverlegen and head of division for youth. All procedures are followed and teaching goes as normal, either at the school or digitally.

13. October at. 17.30

Three new infections with Covid-19 can be attached to the already well-known smittekjeden in home care in the north of the municipality. Two of the cases have relation to Greverud daycare center. The new smittetilfellene by Greverud daycare center can be traced back to the famous smittekjeden in home care in the north.

-We can say we have a known smittekjede as forgreiner to a smittetilfelle by Høyås living and rehabilitation center, and now the two infections by Greverud daycare center. It is not unnatural to see such connections, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

A total of nine people are infected in association with the local outbreak.

10. October at. 11.26

The infected people on the Høyås living and rehabilitation center and Hebekk school

A person on the Høyås living and rehabilitation center is infected with Covid-19. The case is related to the well-known smittekjeden in check in the north of the municipality. Two people are in quarantine. – Required smitteverntiltak is implemented, and the situation is under control. The concerned department is closed for visits until further notice, says company manager Kristine Lund.

A person on the Hebekk school is infected with Covid-19. A total of 24 students and staff are in quarantine. – All affected are contacted, and procedures infection is followed, " says the principal Ingunn Lind Bjørhei.

9. October at. 13.45

Two new infections in home care

It is proven infection with Covid-19 at two people in connection to the outbreak in check in the north of the municipality.

The two people were of smittesporingsteamet already defined as close contacts, and with the quarantine, so smittekjeden is known.

A total of six people are infected in association with the local outbreak. Both employees and users and other persons in relation to the infected are among those infected and those who are quarantined. Around 40 people are quarantined in connection with the smittekjeden.

7. October at. 15.30

New case of koronasmitte in check.

A total of four people associated with the check to the north of the municipality is infected with the korona.

The first case in check in the north of the municipality was reported 3. October. 4. October, it was reported a new case and the late 6. October, it was reported two cases. It was also reported a case associated with the check 30. september, but this case has not connected to this smittekjeden.

– Those infected are in the users tab, and employees, and smittekjeden is known, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Myhrvold. She will therefore describe this as a local outbreak, with known smittevei.

We know how the infection comes from, and the last two infected were already quarantined when they were proven infection, " says Myhrvold.

Around 40 people are quarantined in connection with the smittetilfellene. This is both the employees and the users. Read more.

6. October at 11: 30

Tracing the infection for smittetilfellet in the check reported 5. October is carried out. 14 people associated with the check is put in quarantine.

October 5 at 13.30

New case of infection in connection with home nursing.

The case of infection is connected with the case of infection reported on 3 October, where a person with a connection to home nursing in the northern part of the municipality and Greverud care homes was diagnosed with infection. This case is not related to Greverud care homes.

Infection detection is ongoing and it is not yet clear how many will be quarantined as a result of the case.

The use of face masks was introduced in home nursing in Nordre Follo municipality from 1 October 2020.

October 3 at 20.15

Cases of infection associated with home nursing and Greverud care homes

A person associated with home nursing in the northern part of the municipality and Greverud care homes is infected with coronary heart disease. This case is not related to the case of infection in home nursing, which the municipality informed about on Thursday 1 October.

A total of 13 employees and patients have been quarantined. Infection tracking has been completed and all affected have been informed.

October 2 at 12.00

A clarification about the events
– players and the crowd on sporting events?

According to the national regulations, it is until further not allowed to carry out events in a public place with more than 200 people present at the same time.

In Nordre Follo kommune is additionally introduced a temporary ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants where there is no fixed seating.

The fixed seating means, that the individual person is directed to a seat that will be used during the entire event. It is not a requirement that the seat is awarded to the in advance through the booking, numbered place e.l, and space allocation on the site is sufficient.

The ban applies from 1. October at. 12: 00 noon and will be reviewed again 15. October.

Utendørsarrangementer and events indoors with fixed seating can have up to 200 participants.

Along with the plot, we have concluded that the ban applies to those who attend the events, so guests. It will then be important to have your own guards who ensure that the allocation of place and distance is maintained during the whole event.

For athletes and coaches associated match refers to the rules that they have to allow their sport.

1. October at. 15.00

Proven koronasmitte in check

It is proven infection in a person affiliated with the check in area in the north of Nordre Follo kommune last night.

It confirms the ass. municipal consultant Monica Viksaas Biermann.

Smittevernteamet has mapped out the scope and a total of ten people associated with the check is put in quarantine. All affected are contacted.

1. October at. 09.25

New local measures apply from kl. 12.00 today

It was extraordinary municipal Wednesday 30.september 2020 unanimously adopted rådmannens setting.

Councillor's setting:

Regulation on the prevention of coronary heart disease in Nordre Follo kommune Adopted by the municipal council in Nordre Follo kommune 30.09.20 with the authority of the smittevernloven § 4-1.

§ 1 Kollektivreiser When it is not possible to keep a meters distance to the fellow travelers to travellers in the public wear a face mask. The obligation to wear a face mask does not apply to children under 12 years of age, or people who, for medical or other reasons can't use a face mask.

Section 2 of the Ban on events with more than 50 participants indoor without fixed seating. It is not permitted to carry out events with more than 50 participants present at the same time when the event is indoors and there is no fixed seating.

Incidentally, applies to the regulation of the 27.march 2020 no. 470 about smitteverntiltak etc. by koronautbruddet (covid-19 regulation) § 13.

2. The regulation enters into force 01. October 2020 kl. 12: 00 noon.

3. It made a new assessment of the regulation 15. October 2020.

To section 2, According to the national regulations, it is until further not allowed to carry out events in a public place with more than 200 people present at the same time.

In Nordre Follo kommune is additionally introduced a temporary ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants where there is no fixed seating. As long as the participants have fixed seats so join up to 200 people at events.

The fixed seating means, that the individual person is directed to a seat that will be used during the entire event. It is not a requirement that the seat is awarded to the in advance through the booking, numbered place e.l, and space allocation on the site is sufficient.

It appears to Covid-19-regulation and the supervisor from the ministry of Health about the events.

The measures apply in the first place until 15. October. They are then assessed again.

The background is increased infection in Oslo

The measures are a result of smittesituasjonen in the capital and helseministerens call to nearby municipalities to adopt the same measures as the Oslo to remedy the situation.

Adopted at an extraordinary municipal board meeting

On the basis of this, the municipal council, the new local smitteverntiltakene at an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 30. september 2020. They treated also questions about how to register guests on the food and beverage options and the use of surgical masks in the check. Here applies to the following until further notice:

  • Nordre Follo kommune introduces not obligatory to register guests on the food and beverage options, but conveys This recommendation for voluntary registration.
  • The municipality included the national council for the use of surgical masks in the check.

Remember smittevernrådene!

We remind you the most important tips to prevent infection: Keep a meters distance, wash hands, have good hostehygiene and stay home if you are sick.

30. september kl. 16.00

Soon you can order koronatest on the net.Due to computer technical problems, we must unfortunately postpone the start of digital in any other manner of koronatest.

Those who have already booked time via the solution may come as agreed. Others who want koronatest need to call testtelefonen 33 20 09 93 until further notice.

29. september kl. 15.35

The mayor has called for an extraordinary meeting of the municipal council on Wednesday 29. september to determine whether Nordre Follo to introduce new smitteverntiltak.

Here you will rådmannen in Nordre Follo suggest that the municipal council adopts:

  • Mandating the use of surgical masks on all public transport when it is not possible to keep a meter distance.
  • Ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants without fixed seats

It shall apply from 1. October at. 12: 00 noon and it made a new assessment of the measures 15. October 2020.

29. september kl. 10.15

Follo-municipalities discusses smitteverntiltakThe mayors and the mayor or lord-mayor in the Follo-municipalities meet today at. 12 to discuss the smitteverntiltak after a request by the health minister Bent High. Monday 28. september invited Lofty nineteen municipalities in and around Oslo for a meeting to consider measures to limit infection. Oslo municipality has the last few weeks had high infection rates. Oslo and municipalities around, the same stay and arbeidsregion. Oslo municipality has introduced stricter smitteverntiltak than in the country as a whole, and the municipalities surrounding Oslo are asked to consider to implement the same measures. These are the measures that Follo-municipalities shall consider in their meeting:

  • Mandating the use of surgical masks on public transport when it is not possible to keep a meter distance.
  • Mandatory registration of guests on the food and beverage outlets.
  • Temporary ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants without fixed seats.
  • Introduce the use of surgical masks in the check where it is not possible to keep the distance.

We will come with the updated information as soon as it is ready.

28. september kl. 13.30

Koronautbrudd by Follo LMS probably over

There are no reports of any new infected in connection with the outbreak by Follo Lokalmedisinske Center page 22. september.
Kommuneoverlegen therefore considers the local outbreak as good as over. She still takes some caveats. Some have a few days left of quarantine.
-The chance that the new infected now, I consider that low. After this week I want to treat the outbreak as over, " says Myhrvold.

It is reported two new infections in the Nordre Follo kommune in the weekend. These are individual cases with known smittevei.

24. september kl. 17.30

No new infected reported Thursday 24. september.

No positive cases have been reported neither in relation to the outbreak by Follo Lokalmedisinske Center or in Nordre Follo kommune otherwise. The department that is affected by koronasmitte experienced in the night of death among one of the patients who were admitted at the municipal acute døgntjenester and mottaksavdeling. The patient was among the patients who have tested positive on koronavirus, but the direct cause of death is not related to the koronavirus.

Read more

23. september kl. 19.15

No new infections by Follo LMS Wednesday 23. september.

None of the sample results that have come in today have been positive with Covid-19. Many of the previously tested in connection with the outbreak by Follo Lokalmedisinske center to be tested again after a few days.

- We have received many tests back today, but none of them were positive, says municipal chief physician Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold. On Tuesday, the municipal chief was on an inspection of the affected department, municipal emergency 24-hour services and the reception department.

- There is no reason not to use other services in the building, such as the emergency room. The department that is affected is closed and is located on the third floor of the building, says Myhrvold.

22. september kl. 15.00

New employee infected at Follo Local Medical Center

Mayor Hanne Opdan, municipal chief physician Kerstin Myhrvold and acting councilor Jane Aurlie met the press on Tuesday at 15.00

- One more case has been reported today related to this outbreak. The respondent is an employee. In total, there are then five employees and six patients / relatives, says Myhrvold.

She points out that apart from the situation at Follo LMS, the infection situation in Nordre Follo is stable.

The sea

21. september kl. 14.00

One of the smittetilfellene in Nordre Follo, in relation to an outbreak at a health facility in Oslo.

It confirms municipal consultant Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

- We belong to the same stay and arbeidsregion that several of the affected municipalities around the us, and it is natural that we see the infection across the municipalities, " says Myhrvold.

Smittesporingen is completed and close contacts are quarantined.

- It is not unnatural that there can be several cases associated with the outbreak at the helseinstitusjonen, " says kommuneoverlegen.

21. september kl. 12.40

Two new persons connected to the outbreak at the Follo Lokalmedisinske Center are confirmed infected with Covid-19.

The cases were reported Sunday night and Monday morning. Those infected are in the category of patient/relatives.

There are now a total of 10 people confirmed to be infected in connection with the outbreak by Follo Lokalmedisinske center, which is operated in cooperation between several municipalities in the Follo.

Four of those infected are in the category of employees and six in the category of patient/relatives.

20. september kl. 14.50

One new case of Covid-19 on the Follo local medical center

It is proven eight infected individuals affiliated with the department of municipal acute døgnenhet (KAD) and mottaksavdelingen by Follo LMS, which is located on the Ski hospitals.

Two people were confirmed infected on Thursday, Friday, five new people confirmed infected, no new cases reported Saturday, and one new case reported today, Sunday, 20. september.

- The new smittetilfellet was expected, and we are prepared that it may be more infected as a result of smittesporingsarbeidet that is in progress, the states kommuneoverlege in Nordre Follo Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

19.september kl. 15.00

No new infections of Covid-19 on the Follo Lokalmedisinske Center.

It is proven seven infected individuals affiliated with the department of municipal acute døgnenhet (KAD) and mottaksavdelingen by Follo LMS, which is located on the Ski hospitals.

Two people were confirmed infected on Thursday, Friday, five new people confirmed infected, and in the day Saturday, there are no new cases.

We are prepared that it may be more infected as a result of smittesporingsarbeidet that is in progress now, says kommuneoverlege in Nordre Follo Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

Smittesituasjonen on the Follo Lokalmedisinske Center is to be regarded as an outbreak. The outbreak is located, and smittesporingsarbeidet progress. I would like to commend them for very good handling and collaboration, " says kommuneoverlege in Nordre Follo, Kerstin Myhrvold.

Cooperation between municipalities

– Follo Lokalmedisinske Center is a service operated by several municipalities and I pronounce me on behalf of the mayors of these municipalities – which, in addition to Nordre Follo is: Hill, Enebakk, Frogn and Nesodden. It is important for me to convey that this is something we are together, " says the mayor Jody Opdan.
-Now we are committed to safeguarding the patients, relatives and staff. We have skilled professionals that are working with this and do their best, both by Follo Lokalmedisinske Center and across municipalities.

Vulnerable patients

A total of 67 persons defined as close contacts of infected patients, relatives and staff.
In the department, there are patients that are written out from the HOSPITAL, and that is not healthy enough to go home, or they are loaded from the emergency room.
- Patients on the ward are basically vulnerable patients. Therefore, we have chosen to put so many people in quarantine, based on a precautionary principle, " says kommuneoverlegen.

No indication that the emergency services are affected

There is currently no indication that the emergency room in 1 and 2. floor is affected.
- Patients who have been at the emergency room in the last week do not need to do anything out of the ordinary; keep your distance, wash hands often, stay home if you are sick and testing by suspicion on koronavirus, " says Myhrvold.

18. september kl. 18.00

Seven people infected by Covid-19 on the Follo Lokalmedisinske Center

It is proven seven infected individuals affiliated with the department of municipal acute døgnenhet (KAD) and mottaksavdelingen by Follo LMS, which is located on the Ski hospitals.

The department this applies is located on the third floor of the building.

Two people were confirmed infected on Thursday and Friday, it was clear that the five new people are confirmed infected.

- 36 people are currently tested. This is the staff, patients and their families, " says the manager of the døgnenhet and emergency care by Follo LMS, Marita Kolstrøm.

Read the full story here.

18. september kl. 12.30

Two infections at the department by Follo Lokalmedisinske Center (LMS)

It is proven two infections at the department of municipal acute døgnenhet (KAD) and mottaksavdelingen by Follo LMS, which is located on the Ski hospitals. The department this applies is located on the third floor of the building. The two smittetilfellene don't live in Nordre Follo kommune.

- 36 people are currently tested, this is both the employees and the patients, " says the manager of the døgnenhet and emergency care by Follo LMS, Marita Kolstrøm. Smittevernteamet in Nordre Follo kommune assists in smittesporing, smitteverntiltak and follow-up.

- They are now working to define the close contacts and who should be in quarantine from the lists and information they have received from us, " says Kolstrøm.

- We will get answers on tests throughout the day and tomorrow, and will quickly get a picture of the situation, " says Kolstrøm.

It is going to-date information for kl. 18 Friday night.

Read more

August 26 at 18.05

Infection in the troll canyon kindergarten, department Vassbonn

- A person in the troll canyon kindergarten, department Vassbonn has been shown koronavirus (Covid-19). A total of 23 people associated with the nursery is in quarantine. They are informed, " says head of division Anne Holsæter Nordbye.

August 23 at 21.40

Infection on the Flåtestad middle school

- A person on the Flåtestad middle school has been shown koronavirus (Covid-19). 15 people associated with the school is in quarantine. This question is informed, says the principal Reed, Ellen Heimdal Haaland.

August 22 at 22.11

Employee in kindergarten infected

An employee in Siggerud kindergarten has been shown koronavirus (Covid-19).

- The infected person have been at work in the nursery to Wednesday of this week. 14 employees and 14 children are in quarantine. All of these are informed. The nursery will be open in the coming week, says head of division Anne Holsæter Nordbye.

August 11 at 20.00

Only negative koronatester so far

- We have not received answers to all samples that are taken in connection with the two infections among workers at SFO and kindergarten, but we have received many and they are all negative, " says kommuneoverlegen.
In connection with the smittetilfelle with an employee at the SFO by Vevelstadåsen school and a faculty member at the Vestråt kindergarten are a total of 77 people put in quarantine until Saturday afternoon 15. august. 61 of these are children from two cohorts in kindergarten and 1. graders who have been at SFO from Wednesday last week. 16 of the 77 is tested.

- All prøvesvarene will be ready in the course of the next few days. They come a little bit different because not all tested in our community, and because they are tested at different time. But this looks currently very promising, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.
- Among those who are now in quarantine, it is only those who get symptoms who should be tested, she states.

A great interest in the testtelefonen
Testtelefonen in Nordre Follo kommune experiencing a great interest, both yesterday and today.
- We have had over four hundred phones daily for the last few days and had to extend our opening hours Sunday. We have also had extended opening hours at the teststasjonene our Sunday, Monday and Tuesday this week, says kommuneoverlegen.
The phone number to testtelefonen in Nordre Follo kommune is 33 20 09 93.

August 10 at 19.45

77 people in Nordre Follo in quarantine

As a result of an employee at SFO and an employee in kindergarten having tested positive for Covid-19, 77 people in the municipality have been quarantined.

It is Vestråt kindergarten and Vevelstadåsen school that have experienced that one of the employees has tested positive for corona. Both cases of infection are related to the outbreak in Indre Østfold municipality.

At Vevelstadåsen school, 36 children, five employees and a parent have been quarantined. At Vestråt kindergarten, 25 children, eight employees and two parents have been quarantined. This was stated by municipal chief physician Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold at the press conference held today.

Read the whole case here.

August 9 at 20.45

Employed at SFO korona infection

An employee of one of the municipality's after-school programs, SFO, has been diagnosed with coronavirus (Covid-19).

- The person has been at work at SFO on Wednesday this week. Adult close contacts who worked with the employee will be contacted directly and tested tomorrow, 10 August, says Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold, chief physician in Nordre Follo municipality.

The after-school care scheme this applies to will be closed for first grade on Monday 10 August. Parents and guardians who have children on the relevant after-school program are informed. The infected person does not live in Nordre Follo municipality. The case is related to the eruption in Indre Østfold.

August 9 at 15.00

Employed in kindergarten coronary heart disease

An employee in one of the municipality's kindergartens has been diagnosed with coronavirus (Covid-19).

- The person has been at work in the kindergarten on Wednesday this week, and two cohorts may be affected. All adults, and children who were in close contact with the employee, are contacted directly and tested during the day. When the answers to these tests are available on Monday, we will make a new assessment of whether more should be tested, says Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold, chief physician in Nordre Follo municipality.

The department with the two cohorts will be closed on Monday 10 August. The infected person does not live in Nordre Follo municipality. The case is related to the eruption in Indre Østfold.

August 9 at 11.30

Extended opening hours on test phone

The test phone has today extended its opening hours to 2.30 pm due to high demand. Unfortunately, there are callers today who have not received an answer. We ask for a little extra patience and hope that extended opening hours will remedy the situation.

Read more about how to be tested for coronavirus .

August 9 at 09.00

National prohibition against serving alcohol after midnight

The government has implemented a national ban on the serving of alcohol on the clock, 24: 00 hours from 8. august. Consumption of alcohol should also be terminated no later than 30 minutes after 24.00.

The ban applies to all food and beverage outlets and events that have skjenkebevilling.
See Health websites about what smitteverntiltak as required by the restaurants and nightlife venues stay open.

The Norwegian directorate of health - supervisor business

August 7 at 15.50

Brakes reopening

The government slows the reopening of the community to prevent another shutdown. From Saturday 8. august is it forbidden to serve alcohol after midnight in the entire country.

Other innstramninger from the government:

  • Container limit of 200 people at events.
  • Not open for events for 500 from 1. september.
  • Not open for battles and events in the destroy recreational sports for adults from 1. september.
  • Do not open for the requirement of a meter distance in movie theaters, and conference halls.

See more of the government's press conference 7. august.

29. July at. 15.30

The last few days have three people in Nordre Follo been proven infection of Covid-19. The total number of confirmed infected is now 110.

26. July at. 20.30

Three people koronasmittet

Friday 24. July got two people proven infection of Covid-19. In connection with tracing the infection through the weekend has further a person had proven infection. The process of smittesporing consists of finding, inform and any follow-up or testing the close contacts of the infected. You also try to identify where the infection could have occurred.

It has not been proven infection of Covid-19 in Nordre Follo kommune page 27. June. The total number of infections in the community is thus 106.

2. July 10: 00

Faster response to koronatesten

2. July you can even see the answer on the koronatesten on Helsenorge.en when the sample is ready. You will get the answer of the sample after one to two days. We will contact those who have positive prøvesvar as soon as possible. Do not call testtelefonen for prøvesvar.

Faster prøvesvar provides better however,
If you get a proven Covid-19, you should immediately isolate yourself, and household members and other close contacts should from then on be in quarantine.

29. June at 13.30

Smittevernveilederne for kindergartens and schools (udir.en) has today been updated with the following clarifications:

  • Children, students and employees must no longer be at home until they have had one symptom-free day for respiratory tract infection. It holds that the allmenntilstanden is good with children and students, and that employees no longer have symptoms.
  • Some children, especially those under the age of 10, may have restsymptomer after a reviewed respiratory tract infection such as a runny nose (regardless of the color of the nesesekret) or the occasional cough. These children can get in the kindergarten or at the school if allmenntilstanden is good and the child is back in his usual form.
  • All with nyoppståtte symptoms of respiratory infection will be sent home and be kept at home until the condition is cleared.
  • Children and employees shall even with mild respiratory symptoms and malaise not meet in the kindergarten or at school. Employees should remain at home until they are symptomfrie, while children should be kept home to allmenntilstanden is good.

26. June at. 13.30

We remind you smittevernreglene

It is a sun and summer, the holiday season accounts for the door and we can enjoy together. It is fortunately small infection, both in the North of Follo and the country as a whole, but we must not forget the shared responsibility we have to prevent the virus blusser up again and frameworks vulnerable groups.

We remind you that the most important smittevernrådene:

What should you do if you get sick?

  • Do you have symptoms of respiratory infection, you need to stay at home until you are symptom-free.
  • Suspect you have covid-19, it will say have a cough, fever, wheezing mm. you should test you. Stay home for the existence of a negative prøvesvarnegativt prøvesvar AND you are symptom-free.

See the typical symptoms of covid-19, colds and allergies.

You contact testtelefonen 33 20 09 93. Opening hours are Monday-Friday. 08.30-11.30 and 12.00-14.30. You will get the answer of the sample after one to two days. Is the sample taken just before the weekend, it may take a little longer.

11. June at. 14.30

The pandemic has not taken a holiday!

– The approaching holiday for many of us, but it is not a holiday for the pandemic, " said health minister Bent High in a press conference yesterday.
– The increase of the infection, domestic and international, are worrying and we need to be prepared to pounce on national or regional infection, said on High, and showed to a new emergency response plan.

Reminiscent of the smitteverntiltak
It is signed fine weather to come, and many people want to enjoy themselves together with friends and family in nightlife, beaches and in the forests and fields. However, we must not forget about the shared responsibility we have to stop infection and the memories, therefore, the most important smittevernrådene:

28. with and. 17.00

New rules for visiting a nursing home

2. June is the new rules for visits to nursing homes and in assisted living.

The requirements of the plot makes that businesses need time to establish the routines. The new procedures also places more responsibility on the kin when it comes to hygiene and infection control.

The new procedures are based on the new guide from the ministry of Health.

18. with and. 13.00

New criteriaAnyone with respiratory symptoms of moderate degree, can now be tested for a koronavirus. Do you want koronatest, should you call testtelefonen 33 20 09 93. Opening hours are Monday-Friday. 08.30–11.30 and 12.00–14.30. Test criteria

  • All persons with respiratory symptoms of moderate degree
  • People a physician believes to be tested for Covid-19.

Answer samples
If prøvesvaret is negative you will get the answer electronically when they are ready. You get proven koronavirus you will dial as soon as possible. Please do not call testtelefonen for prøvesvar.

14. may at. 10: 30 am

Nursing homes and assisted living opens gradually for a visit outdoor

Defer and omsorgsboligene is still closed to visitors, but it is now possible to arrange the visit outdoors. In the first place is that patients on long-term stays and residents in assisted living that can be visited.

The first possible besøksdag in a nursing home is 19. may
the Businesses need some time to plan your visit. Therefore, it will not be possible to accept visitors until 19. may.

All businesses will arrange for short-term visits outside of the buildings.

  • The visit will be agreed no later than the day before with the nursing home.
  • All visits will take place outside on the sykehjemmets area.
  • Besøkets duration is up to 30 minutes.
  • Every patient can get one visit a week with a maximum of two visitors present.
  • Visitors are met by a host.
  • Next of kin must sign on besøkslogg and with this confirm that they comply with besøksreglene. Visit history will also help to make it easier to drive smittesporing if it is applicable.

The measures will be reassessed on an ongoing basis.

Rules for visiting

  • Residents and their families need to be healthy. It will say that they do not have a fever, respiratory symptoms or other symptoms of infectious disease. They also can not be in quarantine/isolation because of koronavirus.
  • All must ensure good hand hygiene and touch the fewest number of terminals, door handles, door openers, tables, benches and chairs.
  • Visitors must comply with This code of practice about the distance of at least one metre from the resident and employee/besøksvert. It can max be two visitors per visit per inmate.
  • It is not possible to bring drinks or food to the visit.

8. with and. 16.00

The government conveyed the following changes at the press conference 7. may:

  • The recommended size of the groups in private contexts is increased from five to a maximum of 20 persons, provided that you can keep at least one metre distance.
  • It allowed large events with up to 50 participants in a public place, where the participants can keep at least one meter distance to each other and where there is a responsible organizer.

8. with and. 15.00

The schools will open again on Monday 11. may

Thursday 7. may let the government forward the plan for further handling of Covid-19 and a schedule for how we are going to build down the most restrictive measures. In the course of the next week, including all primary and secondary schools open for all steps.

All the students back in during the week
In Nordre Follo kommune open the school for 5.-10 step again from Monday the 11. may. All of the students we will be back at school during the week.

To ensure the smittvernreglene we need to adapt the programme to the individual school. The day will consist of teaching - and outdoor as well as some home schooling. The schools will offer you some different solutions, where they take into account including the size of the school, elevantallet, access to outdoor space and opportunity to organsiere so that kohortene keep distance from each other.

All students/parents / carers receive information directly from the school.

Adult education
We start with the special education and language instruction for some groups Monday 11. may. Tuition and education for all groups starting Monday, 18. may. Everyone gets something a reduction in supply that we will be able to keep sufficient distance. Participants will also start and stop at different times to reduce the number who use public transport, and for that we should have the fewest possible present at the same time. Everyone gets information from his teacher about when they should meet.

Gradually reopening
the Government's goal is to open as many as possible activities and businesses again before the summer. This assumes, however, that we still have a control on the smittesituasjonen. Health and omsorgsministeren stressed that we must continue with the simple smitteverntiltakene we know works: be careful with hand washing and hostehygiene, keep at least one meter distance and be at home when we are sick.

See more changes in the government.en

5. with and. 09.00

Today it is the national håndhygienedagen!In the occasion has FHI made five educational films for different types of jobs. Hand hygiene is one of the most important measures to prevent korona, so it is extra important to mark the day of the year!

30. april kl. 14.00

We reopens gradual and controlledIt is still very important to follow the smittevernrådene from national authorities. We all need to keep a good distance to each other, and have good hand hygiene and stay home when we are sick. The guidelines are determined nationally, and we follow it up locally. The ministry of health has opened for bands, choirs and other musikklag can practice together again. We must take into account the resources we have, and we prioritize what to open first. Cleanliness and hygiene are important
The reopening must be prudent, both with respect to the smittevernkravene and the employees. We must prioritize efforts and resources. Many employees who work with cleaning, is now moved to the most acute features, such as the emergency room, defer, schools and kindergartens. It means that we have fewer staff than usual to ensure the cleanliness of the other premises. In addition, there are stringent requirements for cleanliness because of the plot.

Choirs and brass bands
We have a great understanding of the how and the corps has a particularly needed now before 17. may and will, therefore, attempt to treat these separately. They will receive information via Nordre Follo musikkråd. Until further notice, we suggest that they practice on alternative place outdoors, like in parking lots, skolegårder after-school or other places where it is justifiable.

New situation for the whole community
We have not been through a similar situation before. After the shut down large parts of society, we will now gradually open up again. We must do it gently and controlled, and we have to prioritise the most important actions first. We want a dialogue with the associations and clubs, so that we can open deals again as soon as possible in a safe way.

30. april kl. 10.00

Reminiscent of the smitteverntiltakWe are once over in the month of may, which means that we are more out there. Police roses youth, which is good to follow the advice from FHI. We remind you that this is something we all need to continue with. It is important that both the youth and adults helps to reduce the infection of koronavirus so we can gradually re-open the community again. We remind you that the most important smittevernrådene:

  • Don't be more than five persons in a group
  • Keep a good distance - preferably two metres
  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly
  • Stay home if you are sick
  • Follow the recommendations from the health authorities
  • Folkeheseinstituttet
  • helsenorge.en

29. april kl. 09.00

Employed in the nursery tested positive

A barnehageansatt in the municipality have tested positive for the korona virus. The employee has not been in the nursery after the kindergartens opened again for all, but was on the job the week before kindergarten reopened. The person was not in the nursery with the symptoms, but was tested after experiencing symptoms and has been home since.

On this basis, two of the other employees, and two of barnehagebarna be at home in quarantine until Friday 1. may.

The criteria for who gets tested means that employees in kindergartens, in schools and children with symptoms are being tested.

Smittevernteamet in the municipality by kommuneoverlegen is responsible for smitteverntiltakene and smittevernoppfølgingen in the nursery. No other staff or children will be tested as a result of this incident.

25. april kl. 11.30

Employee in kindergarten koronasmittet

An employee in one of the municipality's nursery has been shown koronavirus (Covid-19).
– The person has not been in the nursery since it opened again for all and do not constitute smittefare for colleagues, children or guardians in the nursery, " says smittevernlege Monica Viksaas Biermann in Nordre Follo kommune.

Several tested
At the detected infection with employees, parents / carers or children in school or kindergarten, could be considered measures of smittevernteamet in the municipality, headed by kommuneoverlegen.
Staff in the school/nursery and children who get respiratory symptoms are being considered for testing. This is to have control of the virus and to make any necessary measures to reduce the infections as much as possible. All smitteverntiltak in schools and kindergartens is necessary, in the same way as elsewhere in the community, " says Biermann.

24. april kl. 14.00

We move the test center to the long house

From Monday 27. april will all testing of Covid-19 in Nordre Follo take place at the long house stay and service centre on the long house. It is signposted from the main road and up to the prøvetakingsteltet.

All tests are conducted by appointment
Procedures is that in the past. The patients are addressed first to the primary care doctor or the emergency room. Frequency happens then according to the current criteria and appointment with the doctor.

Suspect you infection?
Here you will find information about what to do if you suspect infection, who gets tested and how you can report the infection by self-report: Suspect you infection?

24. april kl. 11.00

Smittevernveileder for businesses with one-to-one contact

The government has decided that businesses with one-to-one contact, such as hairdressers, estheticians and tatovører can re-open from 27. april, provided that they operate on a smittevernfaglig properly.

The guide includes advice that is mainly related to three points:

  • Those who are sick to stay away from work
  • It must be added to facilitate good hygiene in the premises
  • Measures that maintain the distance between people

Overall, these measures help to reduce the risk of infection.

Here you can find the guide to businesses with one-to-one contact.

Infection control guide for health businesses with one-to-one contact

From the 20. april can helsevirksomheter that offers one-to-one contact (such as physiotherapists, chiropractors, opticians, podiatrists, speech therapists and psychologists) open up.

Here you can find the guide to helsevirksomheter with one-to-one contact.

21. april kl. 20.00

Allowed with alcohol

The local council in the Northern Follo has decided to revoke the ban on alcohol can be served alcohol in the food and beverage outlets in the municipality.

National government passed 12. march that all businesses in the hospitality industry remain closed, with the exception of food and beverage outlets where it takes place serving food, it will say canteens and eateries that can facilitate that visitors can stay at least a meter distance.

24. march adopted kommuneoverlegen to stop alcohol after midnight. 21.00. Yesterday, 20. april,, the municipal council to unblock the ban, and food and beverage outlets have thus again allowed to offer alcohol.

The municipality stresses that it is the national policy that applies, and clarifies that all of the eating places have the responsibility to inform the guests about the best practices for hand hygiene, and to provide disinfection of the hands. On site also need to make sure that visitors can stay at least a meter distance

Further encourages the municipality that all keeping at least two metres of distance to each other both indoors and outdoors, unless they are in the same household.

20. april kl. 18.45

Schools open for students at 1.-4. step and SFO on Monday 27. april

Norwegian institute of public health and Education have prepared smittevernveiledere for the schools.The tutors were published on Monday 20. april and should help to ensure that schools do the necessary measures for the plot so it is safe for children and adults to be at school.

Get the children are sick
Figures from the Uk and all other countries shows that children rarely get sick from Covid-19. In countries such as Sweden, Iceland, Singapore and Taiwan, which have had schools open during the koronautbruddet, it is also not observed outbreaks among children.

Smittevernet in the schools based on three main principles

  • the sick children and employees shall not meet on school
  • best practices for hand hygiene and cleaning
  • reduced contact between people

To reduce contact between people at the primary level, children are divided in fixed groups. Group size is based on the norm for lærertetthet, as for step 1.-4. 15 children per teacher. 5.-7. step there should be a maximum of 20 children per teacher.

Parents / carers receive information from the schools about the measures that are being put in place at each school, so that all are aware of these when the schools reopened.

Secondary schools and vocational programs VG2 and VG3
It is also prepared a smittevernveileder for secondary schools and secondary schools to help schools when they gradually reopened.

Expand testkriteriene
It is also easier to get examined whether children, students or employees are infected, since testkriteriene be extended to 20. april. Employees or students who have respiratory symptoms, contact your gp or hospital emergency department for assessment.

Here you will find the tutors:

Supervisors in the plot for the reopening of schools

More information:

17. april kl. 16.45

All municipal kindergartens open on Tuesday 21. april

The government has decided that the pre-schools in Norway are open gradually and controlled from Monday, 20. april, no later than 27. april. After a great effort from the staff within the nursery and cleaning, we are pleased to be able to reopen all municipal kindergartens in Nordre Follo kommune Tuesday 21. april.

Norwegian institute of public health and Education have made a guide for how to pre-schools can ensure that they make the necessary measures for the plot so it is safe for children and adults to be in the nursery.

Prepare to prevent infection
and the Tutor was published on Wednesday 15. april and the same day we sent out a kartleggingsskjema to all parents to get an overview of the need for the kindergarten places,. On the basis of this work we now persistently clarify the kindergartens. There are many measures and procedures that need to be in place so we are confident that it is safe and prudent to be in the nursery.

About barnehagetilbudet
We plan for the next three weeks and try to give a bid to anyone who wants it. Then we will consider and possibly. adjust the offer. Because we still are in an emergency situation where the life and health has priority, we must also take into account that there may be changes if the situation in society is changing.

Because the children will be in regular, small groups, and relate to the same adults may not employees work the way they usually do. With the current staffing need, we therefore offer a differentiated offer, based on the parents ' work situation. Parents where they are both criticism functions get, for example, offer a longer residence time than parents with the opportunity to share in the care, or where one parent is at home.

Children need to have packed lunches
With the new policy we can not, unfortunately, to serve food to your kids so we usually do. Children must, therefore, have packed lunch in the kindergarten. The scheme with warm food from the catering one day in the week continues.

The government has decided that parents who receive a kindergarten places, shall pay for this, starting with 14. april. This applies even if they do not take advantage of the offer. The price for the food is adjusted pursuant to the offer.

16. april kl. 10.15

Parents have to pay for daycare and SFO-quote again from 14. april.

The government has decided that the kindergartens will reopen from 20. april the Schools open for 1.-4. step 27. april. At the same time decided the government that parents who receive the offer in kindergarten and SFO to pay for this from and with 14. april.

Anyone who has the space must pay
It means that parents who have an offer in kindergarten and SFO to pay for this from and with 14. april, as they did before the schools and kindergartens were closed. This also applies to parents who choose to not take advantage of the kindergarten or SFO-space. Kindergarten fees will be waived only if you say up the space.

15. april kl. 18.40

The adviser to the opening of kindergartens is readyKindergartens in Norway will open gradually and controlled from Monday, 20. april.

Norwegian institute of public health and Education have made a guide for how to pre-schools can ensure that they make the appropriate measures for infection control. The measures shall ensure that it is safe and proper for children and adults to be in the kindergartens.

The most important issue is that the sick children and adults should not be in the nursery, the children will be divided in smaller groups and it is reinforced rules for good hygiene.

14. april kl. 19.45

Updated criteria

Nordre Follo has updated the criteria to test for the koronavirus, and are currently following the recommendations of the Norwegian institute of public health.

Now to people with acute respiratory tract infection with fever, cough or wheezing, or that is reviewed by a physician with suspected covid-19, tested. Testkriteriene below in order of priority:

  1. Patients with the need for hospitalization.
  2. Patients/residents of health care institutions.
  3. Employees in the health service with pasientnært work (also by milder acute respiratory symptoms that have lasted over 2 days).
  4. People over 65 years of age who have underlying chronic disease such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, cancer and high blood pressure.
  5. Person who has been in close contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19.

12. april kl. 18.00

Two new deaths in Nordre Follo

Two adult persons residing in Nordre Follo is confirmed dead as a result of Covid-19. The one person died 1. april. The rest of the dead 10. april. Both were admitted at Akershus university hospital.

7. april kl. 19.50

Kindergartens and schools are still closed for easter

Nordre Follo kommune planning a controlled reopening of kindergartens Monday 20. april and schools for the 1.-4. step 27. april. The authorities shall make the supervisor and provide training in infection control to ensure the safety of children and adults. More information will come after easter, and no later than Friday, 17. april.

Prime minister Erna Solberg announced in the afternoon what happens next with the many restrictions, smitteverntiltakene and the prohibitions that have been introduced as a result of koronaviruset.

Most of the restrictions are to prevent infection, continued. The authorities are seeing a flattening in the number of infections, but emphasizes that the fight against the virus is far from being won. The pandemic will go in waves, and it may be relevant to tighten back on the action if it becomes necessary.

Gradually reopening of kindergartens and schools
At today's press conference, the government for some changes to be done in the restrictions.

All of the country's kindergartens and schools is being kept closed in the first week after easter. Then want the government a gradual reinstatement, provided that the aim of the plot is well taken care of.

Kindergartens can open from Monday, 20. april. The assumption is that this can be carried out on a smittevernfaglig properly. Child care centers can use the time until 27. april to prepare for the inauguration if they need it.

Schools open for 1.-4. step and SFO from Monday, 27. april. The assumption is that this can be carried out on a smittevernfaglig properly.

The government put down professional boundaries that, in cooperation with the Norwegian institute of public health, Education and the organizations in kindergarten and school to create a concrete supervisor and provide training in how the plot can be taken into account. It applies among other things, how the classes can be organized, and pick up and delivery in the nursery. This should be in place before opening.

The government's aim is that all pupils should be back at school before summer.

7. april kl. 13.30

Help by violence and abuse

We are in a special situation, with closed schools and kindergartens, reduced dagtilbud and imposed restrictions such as quarantine and isolation. In addition, many anxious and have financial concerns. This is challenging and for some it can be very pain out of the home.

Remember that there is help to get, also at Easter!

  • Police: 02800
  • Emergency telephone number: 112
  • Crisis and incestsenteret in Follo: 64 97 23 00
  • The child welfare service in Nordre Follo municipality: 40 00 09 47
  • Child Welfare Guard: 91 71 96 15
  • VO-line, A helpline for you who are experiencing violence or abuse in intimate relationships: 116 006

1. april kl. 22.25

Infants tested positive on koronavirus

An infant under three months of Nordre Follo kommune has tested positive for the korona-virus (Covid-19). It confirms acting kommuneoverlege in Nordre Follo kommune, Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.
– Your child is at home together with your family. With respect to privacy we will not provide more information.

The same precautions against infection as the other
No one has immunity to Covid-19, nor does the infant. Families with infants and toddlers must take the same precautions as everyone else when it comes to preventing infection.

Infants with fever should have medical assistance
– An infant under three months who get a fever, should always be evaluated by a doctor. Usually also by the pediatrician at the hospital, regardless of the suspicion on koronavirus or not, " says Myhrvold.

General information about smittefare for infants
For general information about the smittefare for infants, we refer to the Norwegian institute of public health For media:

Relevant links
medical association: Guides and procedures for children and Covid-19
FHI: Advice for pregnant women and nursing mothers about Covid-19

1. april kl. 16.00

eiledning and recommendations about sports activities

The ministry of health has made guidance and recommendations on how we should and then the ban on sporting events and organized idrettsaktivitet.

See the tutorial

1. april kl. 11.00

Covid-19 in the municipal housing

An inmate in one of our council housing is tested positive for a koronavirus. Monday, 30. and on Tuesday, 31. in march, it is reported seven new cases of residents who have tested positive for the koronavirus.
– We have set in motion all of the appropriate smitteverntiltak around the resident, tells smittevernlege Monica Biermann.

Other residents are not close contacts
None of the other residents are defined as close contacts, then the residents have their own apartments. Employees who have been in close contact with the resident quarantined, says Biermann.

29. march kl. 21.30

The main entrance in Nordre Follo city hall closed from 30. march

From Monday, 30. march is the main entrance to the Northern Follo town hall in the Ski centre is closed due to remodeling. We ask that you contact us on the phone 02178 via

Do you need access to a PC, you can meet up in Rådhusteatret between kl. 10.00 and 14.00. Here are the two PC's available for residents. Innbyggerertorget in the Flask is still closed.

29. march kl. 20.00

Nordre Follo kommune on the podcast

In the first episode you can hear kommuneoverlege Kerstin Myhrvold tell about the work with the Covid - 19, tracing the infection and the open sports fields. The podcast is currently on Spotify and Soundcloud, but will also be available on the Google Play and Itunes.

If you select that you would like to subscribe, you will automatically receive the new episodes we publish.

29. march kl. 18.00

The employee at the omsorgsbolig tested positive for the korona

An employee at the Greverud omsorgsbolig have tested positive for korona. The housing is separated from the Greverud nursing home. All the procedures are followed. The employee is tested in accordance with the national guidelines for follow-up of healthcare professionals. It is done tracing the infection after Folkehelseinstituttets guidelines, and those affected have received the information. These people are now in quarantine. In respect of the privacy policy, we can not provide more specific information.

Residents and staff followed up the
Patients and the staff who have been in contact with the employee and who develop symptoms will be tested. All residents are followed systematically up too early to detect the symptoms of korona. It is the visitation of all nursing homes and residential homes in the municipality. According to the municipality's policy to limit the infection in nursing homes and assisted living to all employees who have acute respiratory symptoms stay at home.

Was prepared
– This, we have prepared on. We must expect that the number of infected is likely to rise in line with the spread in the population, even if the municipality has set in motion a series of smitteverntiltak, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin A. Johnsen Myhrvold.

– To prevent infection and save as many lives as possible, we must respect and implement the strict restrictive measures that are taken to prevent the spread. Everyone must take a responsibility, " says kommuneoverlegen.

29. march kl. 13.30

Keep you informed about current political issues

The political meetings in Nordre Follo kommune takes place until further digital of smittevernhensyn. See the overview of the upcoming meetings of the political møtekalender.
You can follow the meetings via web tv.

The next meeting is temamøte at the presidency on Tuesday, 31. march kl. 16.00 about the economic consequences of the korona, and næringspolitiske measures.

27. march kl. 20.30

New criteria

We are currently testing only people with acute luftveissymptom with fever, cough or wheezing and which belong to one of these groups:

  • Patients in the nursing home
  • Users of home care
  • Employees in the health service with pasientnært work
  • People over 65 years of age who have underlying chronic disease such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, cancer and high blood pressure.

Residents with acute onset of respiratory symptoms who need drug being tested at the Hospital.

Other people with acute respiratory tract infection are usually provided does not test, nor after the journey. They should stay at home to day after symptomfrihet. When the need for medical assistance they must contact your primary care doctor or emergency room.

27. march kl. 15.30

Opening reception for discharge-ready corona patients

Municipalities will now receive a new group utskrivningsklare patients. This is the citizens who come from the hospital after treatment for koronasykdom. Nordre Follo kommune open a mottaksavdeling for these patients at the long house stay - and service center. The department is ready to accept patients from Monday, 30. march. This is a part of the municipality's responsibility to alleviate the Akershus university hospital in a very difficult situation

We follow strict rules to prevent infection
, We have taken all necessary measures to refine this part from the rest of the building. Mottaksavdelingen has a private entrance and a private staircase. We have also set up new walls and the windows of heaven, which prevents infection.

26. march 16.00

Forbidden to sell alcohol on Sundays. 21.00

The new regulation adopted 23. march
The on - site dining and beverage in Nordre Follo kommune who have the opportunity to stay open in pursuance of This decision of 12. march 2020 will no longer sell alcohol after midnight. 21.00.

25. march kl. 16.00

All exams of 10. step is cancelled

Instead of spending time and resources on the written exam this spring, the government has decided that the schools should give priority to teaching and good assessment of overall achievement.

– Students will get a diploma even if it is not written examination in the year, says studies and integreringsminister Guri Melby (V).

25. march kl. 10: 30 am

Deductible in kindergarten and SFO

The municipality does not send out an invoice for april.

As one of several measures to prevent the infection has central authorities decided that the kindergartens and schools continue to be closed to the 13. april. It is previously determined that no one should pay for kindergarten and SFO offer in this period. The municipality sends, therefore, do not print the invoice for april. In addition, we will carry out the audit on later invoices so that no one pays more than they should.

24. march kl. 23.00

New from the kriseledelse

  • The municipality rods not sports facilities, and other meeting places of attention to the plot, but use different channels to encourage citizens to follow the guidelines from FHI. Employees in the youth centers, ungdomskafeer m.v. is out, and charting the activity. The municipality is also working with the police.
  • The municipality is working to ensure access smittevernutstyr.

24. march kl. 16.30

Measures against koronavirus be continued

The government continues all the measures taken to combat the outbreak of koronavirus in Norway until over easter, with 13. april.

24. march kl. 13.30

You will contribute in the health sector?

Nordre Follo kommune expect great need for additional personnel to key functions in the time to come because of koronapandemien. We seek you with medical expertise such as a doctor, legesekretær, nurse, helsefagarbeider or you are the physio - or occupational therapist. We are also interested in students in the health sciences, or you have experience of working in the health service.

23. march kl. 18.20

New from the kriseledelse

  • The municipality is included on the activity of sports facilities, playgrounds and other venues, and have dialogue with the police. There is no basis to shut down the facilities for the disorganized activity. The municipality makes a continuous assessment. Many that are good to follow the advice and measures given by the government to prevent contamination of koronavirus. It is important that parents and carers talk to their kids and our youth about this.

  • The municipality is included with and work with the police about skjenketider. Guests at the nightlife seems to follow the smittevernråd. The municipality makes a continuously assessment.

  • It is important that all the employees who have the opportunity still working from home office.

23. march kl. 13.30

New criteria

We are currently testing only people with acute luftveissymptom with fever, cough or wheezing and which belong to one of these groups:

  • Patients in the nursing home
  • Users of home care
  • Employees in the health service with pasientnært work

Residents with acute onset of respiratory symptoms who need drug being tested at the Hospital.

Other people with acute respiratory tract infection are usually provided does not test, nor after the journey. They should stay at home to day after symptomfrihet. When the need for medical assistance they must contact your primary care doctor or emergency room.

23. march kl. 10.45

A resident of Nordre Follo is the death of koronavirus

The dead was an elderly person in the risk group, as was admitted at Akershus university hospital. Next of kin is notified. To protect your privacy, we cannot provide more information about the deceased.

The mayor expresses his compassion
Mayor in Nordre Follo kommune Hanne Opdan expresses its deepest sympathy with the families and other dependents. She would like to take this opportunity to remind all residents in Nordre Follo about the responsibility we all have to limit infection.

– This emphasizes how serious this virus is. The seriousness is now even clearer. We have lost a citizen, and we have no one to lose, " says the mayor.

– The virus is most harmful for the most vulnerable in society. It is for them, and for healthcare professionals, we all must do what we can to limit the contagion as much as possible.

22. march kl. 15.25

Norwegian institute of public health wants people to notify them about the symptoms of koronavirus.

Norwegian institute of public health has today, together with the Norwegian health network published the solution Report any suspicion on koronavirus, which facilitates selvrapportering of symptoms from all the citizens. This is one of several measures in order to get an overview of the infection in Norway. The solution should be used by those who have symptoms that may be caused by the koronavirus.

You must log in as a user of the solution to report you have symptoms.

Note that you do not get in contact with the health service or the municipality through this solution. The purpose is to give authorities a better overview of the prevalence of the infection and thus also be able to help deal with the outbreak.

21. march kl. 17.00

Where are the boundaries for the children's social life?

Many parents are uncertain about how much the limitations they will put on the children's and youth social life now. Kommuneoverlegen is clear: Limit social interaction to one or two solid friends, in addition to the family. This is in line with the recommendations from the Norwegian institute of public health (FHI), who says we should limit social interaction as much as possible.

Parents should cooperate
Parents should set a good example, and to collaborate with others. It is easier for children and young people when all follow the same rules. Parents should also help to ensure that everyone has someone to be with.

Meeting places for disorderly activity
The past few days have more questions about sports, ballbinger, skateparker and other places where children and young people meet for the disorganized activity. Until further notice is the municipal uteanleggene open, but we have hung posters with the guidelines from the health authorities on how we can avoid spreading the infection.

Ungdomsarbeiderne included
Since recreational facilities, youth clubs and local cafes are closed, travel the employees here around to the well-known venues for to check young people to follow the advice from the FHI, and that they have it good. See the advice from the Norwegian institute of public health: Children and korona

21. march kl. 11.30

Stay tuned on the website of the Norwegian institute of public health

Since the Facts, advice and measures are continuously updated. Friday, 20. march updated FHI including three chapters in the guide:

  • Testing and diagnostics (test criteria)
  • Advice and information to pregnant women, children and young people
  • Advice and information to at-risk groups

20. march kl. 14.00

The reception for patients with symptoms of respiratory illness

The municipality has now established a private reception for patients with symptoms of respiratory illness.

Do you have respiratory illnesses, you should still call your family doctor, emergency room 116 117 or Koronatelefonen 33 20 09 93. The doctor will review your situation and refer you further to the new reception. You should therefore not meet up here without a referral from a doctor.

The reception is staffed with three municipal employees doctors. Staffing levels are adjusted as needed. The reception is located in the Ski hospitals and will accept patients from Nordre Follo and Enebakk municipalities. Opening hours are at. 08.00–16.00 on weekdays.

18. march kl. 18.30

Need you help / will you be a volunteer?

The municipality has adopted the use of the app Nyby to connect those who need help with those who want to help. You need a smartphone or tablet. Download Nyby on IOS and Android. The app is free. Register a user with first name, last name, and phone number. Select to add the desired services or to provide services.

Read more about Nyby

17. march kl. 19.00

The number of confirmed infections

We update now the number of confirmed infections in a separate overview. See the information box Status Nordre Follo.

17. march kl. 16.45

Updated criteria

We are now in a new phase of koronautbruddet, where any infection also takes place domestically. Therefore, we ask that no longer if you have been abroad. We are concerned about whether you have nyoppståtte respiratory symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath and/or cough. In addition, you must belong to one of the following categories:

  • older people (over 65 years)
  • older people with underlying chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, cancer and high blood pressure
  • people who smoke daily
  • health professionals, who must be in the job to take care of patients in the vulnerable groups (for example, primary care physicians, helsesekretærer on the offices and staff in a nursing home)

15. march 20: 30

A registered infected

A resident was registered infected on Sunday evening. In total, there are now 18 confirmed cases of koronasmitte in the municipality.

Offer to children with parents in the critical community features

All kindergartens and schools are closed from Friday 13. march. Schools and kindergartens will provide a offer to children with parents in the defined critical community features, and children with special needs. In addition to the 15 criteria that were defined 12. march is also multiple positions within the security of supply and child care.

Measures affecting helseaktører that do not have a criticism of society and the role of the

The government introduced the 12. march 2020 a number of measures to limit the spread of infection of the koronaviruset. See The Norwegian Directorate Of Health.
One of the measures is to shut down businesses that offer frisørtjenester, skin care, massage and body care, tattooing, cutting holes (piercing), and the like.

Also applies to smaller businesses
Kommuneoverlegen in Nordre Follo want to clarify that this measure also applies to smaller businesses, especially for helseaktører that do not have a criticism of society and role. Examples of this are businesses that offer fotterapi, chiropractic, physiotherapy, osteopathy, naprapati, massage and other therapies such as requiring physical attendance and contact between people. If the company can implement the patient/brukermøter electronically or by telephone to the action can be maintained.

15. march kl. 13.30

Stop visits to nursing homes and assisted living

The onset of Koronavirus in Norway is as expected now on their way over in a new phase. We are now experiencing infection between the people in Norway and the advice from the overall health change quickly. The elderly and people with underlying disease are the most at risk for severe disease and to protect these will be a priority going forward.

Test residents
For fresh national guidelines, all sykehjemsbeboere with nyoppståtte respiratory symptoms are tested for a Koronavirus. We start this work this weekend and must therefore impose a restraining order. This ban is temporary and we will come back with new information.

Being well taken care of
We can be done except for visits that are absolutely necessary. Any visit must be arranged in advance. Please contact with the management at the institution by phone so that they can assess whether besøknede can be a contamination risk to health of the residents in the consultation with the doctor.

We have a great understanding of that family members may experience this difficult and assure you t the residents are well taken care of by the staff. Daily life continues almost as normal, but with fewer activities and no visits from the outside. We will contact the nearest relatives of those being tested.

14. march kl. 20.00

Six new confirmed cases of koronasmitte

There are now a total of 17 confirmed cases of koronasmitte in the municipality.
– We work all the time with tracing the infection and measures to the affected, " says acting kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

Must give priority to the plot
We ask the press on the understanding that the kommuneoverlegen must prioritise work and information aimed at smitteverntiltak. Send question therefore to kommuneoverlegen to or call pressevakt.

13. march kl. 17.00

Need to prioritize in check

As a result of koronasituasjonen must check in Nordre Follo prioritize that life and health are taken care of. Healthcare professionals are affected also by the disease and is placed in quarantine and we need to make sure to have enough staff to attend to the citizens who need it the most. It means, among other things, that those who have hjemmesykepleie may experience fewer visits and activity level in nursing homes and assisted living will be reduced.

Fewer visits
We have today called to the users of the check in connection with that, we make an assessment of each user. Some have been given the appointment of fewer visits. Some users and relatives have even made contact with the check, to cancel or reduce the offer. In some, there is created a daily follow-up on the telephone.
– We have initiated a continuous review and this work will continue in the future, " says head of division for nursing care, Thorbjørn Engh.

Life and health has priority
– The most important thing now is to protect life and health and ensure that they are completely dependent on the necessary health care get it, " says Engh.
– We experience to have good control over the situation, but working continuously with the emergency preparedness and response. Among other things we see now on the possibility of using employees who are unattached as a result businesses are closed.

Ask relatives to assist if possible
– We ask for your understanding for the situation and encourage relatives to assist their near where it is possible. For example, there may be the oversight, nutrition, and simply be present, encourage Engh.
– In the time ahead, we must continue to adapt the offer, ends områdelederen.

13. march kl. 13.00

in the new cases of koronavirus in Nordre Follo

In the course of the evening 12. march, it was reported to the kommuneoverlegen that nine residents have tested positive on koronavirus. A total of eleven people confirmed infected by testing in Nordre Follo kommune.

One of those infected is a youth under 18 years of age. The person is in shape to be in isolation at home. The other cases are mainly related to travel.
– We are in the process with the necessary information and steps to the affected, " says acting kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

Must give priority to the plot
We ask the press on the understanding that the kommuneoverlegen must prioritise work and information aimed at smitteverntiltak. Send question therefore to kommuneoverlegen to so you get the answers in the course of the day.

13. march kl. 07.30

Restrictions on visits to nursing homes and assisted living

Older people are most vulnerable to get seriously sick from the new koronaviruset. We ask you therefore to think yourself well before you go to visit. To limit the contagion we only allow visits to residents ' rooms and in their apartments. We have also adopted the following guidelines:

It is very important that all visitors comply with the hygiene guidelines from the Norwegian institute of public health.

For visitors to our nursing home the following applies:

  • People who have stayed in a foreign country outside the Nordic countries are not allowed to visit our institutions until they have been in the country for 14 days and is symptomfrie.
  • Other persons with respiratory symptoms should not come to visit until they have been symptomfrie in 14 days.
  • Visits shall be limited to the closest relatives. It will say that the only one and the same person, per user can visit the institution in the period restrictions apply.
  • In severe disease, and terminal care be arranged visit special.

For visitors of our assisted living, the following applies:

  • People who have stayed in a foreign country outside the Nordic countries are not allowed to visit our assisted living until they have been in the country for 14 days and is symptomfrie.
  • Visits shall be limited as far as possible.
  • Other persons with respiratory symptoms should not come to visit until they have been symptomfrie in 14 days.

12. march kl. 15.00

Closes several municipal agencies

Nordre Follo kommune introduces several measures to contribute to the restriction of koronaviruset. The following offers rods from today:

  • Nursery
  • Schools
  • SFO offers
  • Adult education
  • Music schools
  • The libraries included BUA
  • Seniorsentre
  • Day centers
  • Youth centers
  • Organized sports
  • Swimming pools
  • Cafés on the institutions
  • OMA
  • There are NO public motives
  • Public reception on housing office
  • Publikumsmottak on byggesakskontorNew measures from the government
    Prime minister Erna Solberg presented the new measures at a press conference at. 14.00 in the afternoon. The government has decided that all of the country's nursery schools, schools, secondary schools, colleges, and universities shut from today at. 18.00 to 26. march.

See the press release on the

Children in kindergarten and smaller and older, who have parents who have criticism of work, to get a service provision in their kindergarten and school. The government simultaneously expands the scheme of sick days for children. It means that all nurseries and schools in Nordre Follo is now closed. The municipality conducts alternative teaching.Safeguard the health sector
The scope of the infected in Nordre Follo kommune is currently low, but we expect to increase.

– I'm happy that the government of the day has initiated important efforts to limit further infection of the koronaviruset. We find that we have a serious situation with the uncontrollable proliferation. For me, it is important that we live our lives, work and travel in Nordre Follo kommune do what we can to prevent infection, " says mayor Jody Opdan.

– It is extra important to maintain the operation of the health and care services in the municipality. We are working on plans to protect critical staffing, that is to say 40 per cent, the absence, in accordance with the guidelines from the Norwegian Directorate for civil protection.Political meetings, publikumsmottak and municipal buildings
All political meetings, except the Presidency is cancelled. The presidency is delegated authority to take the necessary measures.

Publikumsmottakene NAV, boligkontor and byggesakskontor rods, but will take requests on the telephone and via digital channels.

All municipal employees who have tasks they can do from home office, work from home from the Friday 13. march.

We also stop renting of all municipal buildings to limit infection. This means that there will not be any activity in the municipality sports facilities, kulturbygg and the like.

It is set krisestab and municipal management meet every day. As a result of the government's new rules for the quarantine after traveling outside the Nordic region, is the mayor and parts of the rådmannens management team is in quarantine.Here you can call
We have opened a separate koronatelefon in the municipality with the number 33 200 993. It is operated from kl. 8.00 to 15.30. Here you can call if you suspect that you are infected, but try to call your family doctor first. If it is urgent, call the emergency services on the 116 and 117.

If you have general questions, you should call informasjonstelefonen to the Norwegian institute of public health at 815 55 015.

11. march kl. 19.00

Forces mitteverntiltak against Coronavirus

Nordre Follo kommune forces smittebegrensende measures against koronavirus from in ettermidag. – The most important thing we do now is to reduce the infection rates, " says kommuneoverlege Kerstin Myhrvold.

11. march kl. 9.45

Two proven cases of koronavirus in Nordre Follo

Many residents in the municipality is tested for a koronavirus. Two of these are konstantert infected.

– We got in late last night, Tuesday, 10. in march, the information that two of our residents have tested positive on koronavirus. They have both been travelling abroad.

– We started immediately with tracing the infection and the necessary information and steps to the affected, " says acting kommuneoverlege Kerstin Anine Johnsen Myhrvold.

– Many are tested, and we also expect additional positive tests going forward. We'll put now in the time immediate measures to restrict further development.

Press enquiries
We ask the press on the understanding that the kommuneoverlegen must prioritise work and information aimed at smitteverntiltak. We ask why the media to send questions to the kommuneoverlegen on the e-mail to Your questions will be answered in the course of the afternoon/evening.

10. march kl. 16.00


The ministry of health and the Norwegian institute of public health is asking anyone who has been in areas with persistent proliferation of koronasmitte about to be in quarantine for 14 days after returning home, even if they do not have symptoms.

Good hand hygiene, both for the sick and the healthy, it is important to prevent disease transmission.

Information about koronavirus

Here you will find more information about the corona situation in Nordre Follo municipality.

The number of infected

Overview of the number of confirmed infected in Nordre Follo

Testing for coronavirus

What do I do if I want a koronatest?

For the media

Press contact

Press guard empty. 24. December 2021
Advisor Marit Fjestad Nilsen
Telephone: 93 01 92 28


Municipal superior
Contact municipal superior

Due to high demand, you must expect some waiting time before you get a response on the e-mail to smittevernteamet and kommuneoverlegen.

Last modified: 13.12.2021


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WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >

The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.




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