Big Tech grows even more aggressive

Tucker Carlson Tonight from Mel Q on Vimeo.

AmericanThinker - By Monica Showalter - July 29, 2020

Censors Don Trump, Jr. for widely shared HCQ video tweet

In a sign of Big Tech feeling no political pressure to play fair whatsoever, Twitter suspended its biggest account yet — that of President Trump’s son, Don Trump, Jr.

That’s a big one.  Trump Jr. is a lively, talented, tweeter with 5.3 million followers.  His "crime" was retweeting a commonly shared video of doctors describing their personal experiences helping early-stage COVID patients get well with hydroxychloroquine and its auxiliary zinc treatments, which was a video Big Tech, acting in unison, shut down.

I wrote about those doctors yesterday here.

Tucker Carlson had an excellent opener about the troublesome implications for free speech with this move, warning that Big Tech is getting more aggressive, more willing to do anything to get Joe Biden elected, and its decisions to ban and censor are moving forward.

He also argued here that many Republicans in the House had no idea this was going on, while some viewed the fact that since Big Tech is private, the companies can do what they like.

Besides ban Don Trump, Jr., Twitter also did something additionally disgusting nobody's reported yet, a little partisan twist of the knife.  Try to search for Don Trump, Jr.’s account on Twitter, and what comes up is this:

In a search, you can't get Don Trump, Jr., even though he’s supposedly out of Twitter jail with that 12-hour suspension.  Instead, you get a wall of negative and sarcastic accounts referring to him.  You don't get the high-traffic site, which makes business sense from Twitter's perspective; you get the bizarre, low-traffic fringe sites, favored by lefties.  Twitter did a number on him.

What we have here is an extended reach into censorship of conservatives, targeting those with large followings and high popularity, the kind that influences others, as Trump Jr. noted.  There was nothing wrong with those videos Trump Jr. tweeted, and in fact, Don Jr.’s dad tweeted those videos, and Trump Jr. cites Jake Tapper.  But Don Jr. was at just the right level Twitter wanted to get the Twitter jail, an account big enough to scare people yet not big enough to get Congress to go them.

It all shows that far from these bannings being done by "rules" and algorithms (in which case, thousands would be in Twitter jail), they are specific pick-offs.

The whole thing of course is a message to President Trump, a statement from Big Tech to say "we're not afraid of you," and "we can come for you any time we like, too.  Watch us do it this October.  You are completely a slave to our power."

Breitbart, which has been pulled from Google search results yet again, quotes tech expert Dr. Robert Epstein as saying Twitter’s big tech ally Google intends to swing about 10% of the electorate away from Donald Trump using its so-called algorithms.  That suggests that there's a plan here, that plan is multi-pronged, quite possibly colluded with its fellow tech giants, and now in action.

And if they can pick off the big boys like Don Jr., think what they can do to you.

WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >


The bottom line is for the people to regain their original, moral principles, which have intentionally been watered out over the past generations by our press, TV, and other media owned by the Illuminati/Bilderberger Group, corrupting our morals by making misbehavior acceptable to our society. Only in this way shall we conquer this oncoming wave of evil.




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