The media is encouraging mob violence with "disrespectful" coverage of the President

Kellyanne Conway: Media is 'inciting mob mentality if not mob violence' with their coverage

By Andrew Kaczynski, CNN
Updated 2006 GMT (0406 HKT) February 3, 2017

Conway says the media is encouraging mob violence with "disrespectful" coverage of the President and his top spokespeople. "The coverage never changed, it never progressed, it never matured," Conway said.

(CNN)Top Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said Thursday that the media is encouraging a mob mentality and mob violence with what she described as "disrespectful" coverage of the President and his top spokespeople.
"The coverage never changed, it never progressed, it never matured," Conway, who serves as counselor to the President, told radio host Sean Hannity. "It never took on the aura of respect that it deserved, and if you are not showing the President and his main spokespeople respect, then you're not showing the office respect, and you are inciting mob mentality if not mob violence. You are encouraging people to go out there and unpeacefully protest and block airport entrances for people who are going to visit a sick parent and can't make their flight, or are going for a bereavement call and can't make their flight."

"There's nothing peaceful and nothing Democratic about folks who are out there just trying to re-litigate the election and protesting things they know nothing about," Conway continued. "If you surveyed these protesters, I guarantee you, you'd have a very low level of literacy when it comes to 'why are you here, what does that executive order do and what does it not do?'"

Earlier, the President's top adviser said she didn't see a difference between coverage of Trump during the campaign and the coverage of him as president. "I only care, Sean, if people are being disrespectful to the President of the United States. That is unacceptable. I was raised to respect the Office of the President and its current occupant no matter who it's been, and I just think you can't really show a difference in the coverage of Donald Trump among some of these outlets and some of these reporters and tweeters, between when he was running for president, when he became the nominee for the Republicans, when he was the president-elect, and now when he's President."

WHO and WHAT is behind it all ? : >


Something that really bothers me is when people don't have respect for the Office of the President of the United States. It doesn't matter if you disagree with or hate the occupant of the Office, you still need to show respect toward it.

If you are an American citizen it is your duty to respect the Office of the President of the United States, much like a Sergeant shows respect to a Lieutenant's rank, despite the fact that he is usually older and wiser. Just as a Lieutenant may disagree with and even hate his Colonel, but still shows respect do to the rank.

Whether you respect the person residing in the Office of the President of the United States or not, you still need to respect the office itself. If you don't, you might as well leave America.

It doesn't matter how much disrespect they 'invite', they still hold the Office of the President of the United States. Criticizing the President is one thing, but attacking him because of reasons not related to his Presidency at all is ridiculous. You can say Trump made some poor decisions or Obama made stupid decisions, but insulting them personally is too far.

They are the President of the United States and that alone deserves your respect as a citizen of the country they lead.
